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54840685 No.54840685 [Reply] [Original]

What's your retirement plan?

>> No.54840701

Bitcoin's BTC

>> No.54840710

shotgun to my head kek

>> No.54840786

dog bat mooning within the next 30 years would be nice

>> No.54840813

Arms too long, elbows reach the hip bone. I'd still hit it, though

>> No.54840873

Good question, lemme talk with my mom real quick

>> No.54841003
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At some point I'll start liquidating my crypto and metals, and if I run out of money and can't make any more I'll just neck myself.

>> No.54841059

i contribute $2800 to my retirement accounts every month

>> No.54841335

This is how much I buy monthly. I actually invest weekly so I just multiplied by 4. I'm currently at $1.3 million in assets (not including house or car).

$2000 BTC
$1000 ETH
$200 ADA
$1200 AMZN
$200 ROKU
$400 GOOGL
$400 MSFT
$200 AAPL
$1875 401k

>> No.54841362
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I will inherit 3-5$ million in total assets from my family. I’m chillin frfr

>> No.54841386

Die early.

>> No.54842142


>> No.54843672
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Selling all the NEZUKO I bought when they pump EOY and buy a house and start my own business, then retire

>> No.54844753

retirement is a scam, its so fucking boring and psychologically devastating. i retired for a few years and got so bored i got a wagie job again and am way happier having something to do

>> No.54844968

Link staking. Its the best retirement plan in this whole wide world.

>> No.54844975

>people trying to have a discussion
>retarded shitcoiner pajeet shilling his shitcoin which does nothing and will go to zero

>> No.54846618

just brownoid things, they can't help it

>> No.54846924
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After I exit my startup, I'm going to run for an Alderman position here in Chicago
>6 figure salary for life
>huge pension and great benefits
>easy startup cost (most campaigns raise under 100k)
>insane power for such a local position
In your given ward, you control
>building permits
>city services
>transit routing
>city and state funds
You're basically the lord of your little fief. It's insane and really not hard to stand up a campaign with 1-2 wealthy donors.

>> No.54846967

My mom retired a few years ago and would not stop calling me throughout the day. She didn't know what to do with herself so she's back at work as a paralegal even though she has arthritis and bursitis

>> No.54849590
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All in hbar

>> No.54849619

Either making it with crypto, or a 12 gauge.

>> No.54849672

decent hit rate otherwise

>> No.54850016 [DELETED] 

>28 years old
>345k saved for retirement currently
>goal is to retire at 45 with 3mm

Who else /gonna make it/?

>> No.54850022


>> No.54850042
File: 44 KB, 769x439, Screenshot 2023-05-04 140608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>28 years old
>345k saved for retirement currently
>goal is to retire at 45 with 3mm

Who else /gonna make it/?

>> No.54850064

suicide at 25

>> No.54850162

Move to mexico or panama and live off my social security check

>> No.54850187
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high divvie vanguard etfs

>> No.54850345

10% risk free is unrealistic

>> No.54850413
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Living off the passive income that AVAX generates for me

>> No.54850464
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Who said anything about risk free?

>> No.54850515

Utrust is my retirement plan anon

>> No.54850567
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Retire to El Salvador where I'll be spending my crypto freely

>> No.54850614

>Alderman position here in Chicago
Post hand

>> No.54850628

My Mom worked through years of battling cancer until her final birthday. Not sure if she regretted it or not in the end but she said it was to keep her mind off everything and stay busy. Her coworkers loved her and Im sure I'd worry about her wasting away thinking about dying all day.

>> No.54851109
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The onchain staking of Utrust beats all of them hands down

>> No.54851750

Crashing this economy. With no survivors.

>> No.54851763


>> No.54851769

I did

>> No.54851864

Combine it with UTK passive earning and you are made for life

>> No.54852059

not planning on living that long.

>> No.54852068
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you will just be another poorfag soon KEK

>> No.54852170
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Holding 2k AVAX

>> No.54852290

I'm moving to Portugal as it offered a virtual asset provider license to xMoney. It is crypto friendly

>> No.54852296

Spend all my money before I reach 60, then kill myself

>> No.54852328


>> No.54852369

Move to California, change race to be black. Get reparation's. Win.

>> No.54852442

A bullet, probably not my own.

>> No.54852624

It is going to aid mainstream adoption with its current rebranding

>> No.54852734

Sleeping pretty much all the time.

>> No.54852741


>> No.54852774
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>become a validator
>earn passive incomes
>make a plan for retirement in a couple of years

>> No.54852789
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It's kinda pathetic but holding a bunch of shitcoins, bluechips and altcoins and waiting for the best. Im putting to the test the whole "crypto helps build generational wealth". My folio is completely made up of ETH, BTC, LINK, PEEPO, AVAX, LINK and XMR
Lets see if this is it

>> No.54852790

Where the fuck are you getting 10% from?

>> No.54852842

See >>54850464

>> No.54852875

can't wait to see some goldbug biztard run for alderman. You will probably place behind willie wilson in votes

>> No.54852972

10% is for congressional members, goy.

>> No.54854978

.44 mag retirement plan

>> No.54855539
File: 275 KB, 850x1060, FA9F7895-88F3-4FD8-A078-4D32CEF6AC31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retiring early once my AVAX stake has paid off. I plan to invest 500K before it moon hard.

>> No.54855576
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is it back to 80 yet ? how much did you loose ? will not hold your bag. now back to work

>> No.54855597

Make millions on alts, and stake the profit as stables on SpoolFi for passive income

>> No.54856204

how much hbar for (her)

>> No.54856219

based plan

>> No.54856245

Retirement isn't a scam when you have people around you and also you chase your dreams

>> No.54856246
File: 44 KB, 518x528, 1633399310902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hurry up https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-05-03/rising-europe-home-prices-put-golden-visa-programs-at-risk#xj4y7vzkg FI the local are really mad. don t be surprise to get your crypto taken from you after few finger broken

>> No.54856259

Cash out at 59, transition into part time auditing for industry to keep me busy, move to the middle of nowhere Michigan (or Belieze if America is too far gone) and be the hermit I've always dreamed of. Maybe keep my summer house in Florida, pass it on to grandkids if/when they come around.

>> No.54856280

going postal and then self destructing. i have my affairs in order.

>> No.54856311
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die while i prepare your order

>> No.54856354

Don't do it, my dude
That's real young still

>> No.54856362

You don't have to wait for millions before putting your stables to work on that platform.
It has an autocompounding feature, so the little you put there will eventually turn into something big over the years

>> No.54856531

ADA is hot garbage compared to ETH right now but I think it'll eventually have its moment. Easy 5x. Same with ROKU

>> No.54856613
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Get a braphog to sit on my face 24/7

>> No.54856765

>when the world is going to end in 20 years
You guys don't get it, do you? Enjoy your life while you can.

>> No.54857307

vtsex and chill

>> No.54859837

Everyone who says 'suicide' will never do it and die in the most undignified way possible.



>> No.54860247

My lifestyle is a form of suicide
I have no desire to live long enough to become a hollow shell of my former self
I will enjoy my youth and probably die of a heart attack or cancer before I'm 50
Quality not quantity, yolo cunts