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File: 56 KB, 850x421, Real-estate-index-in-Japan-1978-2006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54840554 No.54840554 [Reply] [Original]

This is the future of western housing markets now that the west is headed towards a japanese tier demographic implosion

It's over hoomersisters...

>> No.54840566

troll thread.
do you feel smart knowing that japan has another housing culture than the west
go back an huff farts on twitter faggot

>> No.54840573

cuckwagedcels on suiwatch

>> No.54840595

well, ours has a slightly different looking graph but yeah this is accurate. there's going to be a slow decline over the next 5-15 years as we revert to the mean

>> No.54840606

Housing will go back to being a depreciating asset as it was prior to 1950 and from 2008-2012.

>> No.54840609

In japan you're not crammed next to mexicans and nighers who want you dead, they have actually community and nationalism so living close to people is bearable.

>> No.54840636

How can our population implode I thought we had the power of big black cock on our side?

>> No.54840824

>seething because you bought a house in Q4 2022

At least you can live in the bag you hold

>> No.54840855

so you don't know. Let me help you, in japanese culture the commodification of real estate is frowned upon.

>> No.54840858

every normie believes the idea that house prices can fall is some doomer conspiracy theory and that house prices will go up forever. they are not prepared for this

>> No.54840870

actually he has a point
japanese don't like old houses, they only buy new houses because they're scared of ghosts or something i dunno.
so your house loses value over time because now its used, its like trying to sell an old couch

>> No.54840872
File: 122 KB, 980x551, 0746D980-DF82-4A77-B79E-0189B2961930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now that the west is headed towards a japanese tier demographic implosion

>> No.54840885

I tell you what, you kick out all the niggers and spics and make America as racially homogeneous as Japan, and I'll gladly give up home price appreciation

>> No.54840893

ghosts wtf? Japs don't use their homes as collaterals and other degen plays that are common in the west since the 1980s

>> No.54840894

We got to cocky black cock zisters!

>> No.54840954

There is some Jap law where they are required to tell you if someone has ever died in the house. Lol.

>> No.54840963

>> they have actually community and nationalism so living close to people is bearable.

>>working 14 hours a day.
>>to be successful any ounce of individuality has to be beaten to coformity.
>>monotonous work and strict adherance to tradition
(western faggots haven't lived through how oppressive traditional culture is, all they see is glamourised version of it. They are always visitors to traditional cultures, never lived and breathed in one. If any you 4chan losers, had the misfortune in being the same failures that you currently are, now in culture like japan you will kys at 17, because you are that fucking weak.
>>Respect your elders, even if is a total fucking retard.
>>Unending gossip, and communal control over every minute decison and action you make in life.

You know why kids jump out of their high school failing placement exams in weebland, because there is no other path to a good life.
Stick to jacking off to loli

>> No.54840974

naw pretty sure its ghosts
your theory that the masses are behaving rationally and with integrity is just beyond the scope of my imagination. i know the japs are built different but they're still only human.
so it's probably ghosts they're worried about, only thing that makes sense.

you know how the japs wear face masks when they get sick? i thought it was to reduce spread of illness. turns out its because its rude to wipe your nose in japan (lol what) so they wear the masks so the snot can just drip down their faces into their mouths. because they're so worried about "face" or something primitives like that. such fucking conformists they don't even dare blow their noses.
its definitely ghosts

>> No.54840983

that is funny but not the reason why, despite japan having been in a crab for 40 years, real estate not being treated like in the west as a stable coin for gambling

>> No.54841012

I know the bad part of the culture, but have never been to Japan despite getting all my entertainment from it.
Will I get the Paris syndrome if I go there as a tourist for a longer stay of a few months?

>> No.54841034

You forgot that the West is filled with pedophile bankers and sociopathic boomers. The West will just give everything to Blackrock and import another billion Third Worlders as permanent renters.

>> No.54841048

It doesn't explain the entire housing market but it's part of the reason they prefer new builds. If someone died in your house it lowers the price significantly and makes it much more difficult to sell.
If the cause of death was not natural (murder, suicide, accident) then the house is basically unsellable and you might as well tear it down. Ghosts are a big problem in Japan.

>> No.54841066

lol. the boomers have imported half of the literal unironic scum of the third world not to rent, but to use as collateral for their ponzis. in the 1980s boomers used to collaterize houses, now they collaterize humans, again

>> No.54841074

you may be onto something
in japan, they'll buy a 20 year old house, knock it down, and build a new one on the same land
current u.s. homes are made out of sawdust, cardboard, and plastic, very unlikely to last more than 20-30 years
by the time someone pays off their 30 year mortgage, the home will need to be rebuilt
better luck next life, goy

>> No.54841079

>he thinks your family having standards for your behavior is bad
>he wants to live with niggers and castrati in a dystopian hell with zero social trust or cohesion where every individual sees their neighbor or coworker as prey

talk about ignorant privilege

>> No.54841087

And they'll do that again, 100x. There's more people in India alone than there are whites in the whole world. The Third World pool that they can draw from is effectively infinite.

>> No.54841090

Except Japan has strict rules for immigration, while US is for more lenient.

>> No.54841127

canadas entire economy would collapse if housing prices fell. so we're importing immigrants as fast as we possibly can and the government says its not enough and we need more. indians can pack several generations of family into a single 2 bedroom house with several working adults to pay the mortgage. but when the housing gets so expensive that multiple generations under one roof combined can't pay the rent, thats when canada will finally collapse

>> No.54841129

The thing with the wetern ponzi is that the boomers and older GenX that didn't wanted to end as suckers have overdone it since 2008. You could import the entire Indian sub continent and the modeled future productivity and faked modeled potential birth rate of those monkeys wouldn't be enough to keep the excesses since 2008 not from collapsing the ponzi

>> No.54841175

It will collapse eventually, but by that point everything will be cheap enough for Blackrock to own it all, whites will be a minority and pods will have been normalized. The West will have to make room for all those (((climate refugees))) as well. A one-bedroom apartment will be upper middle class, having your own pod will be middle class. Poors will have to share their pod in timeshares with Rajesh, Juan, Li, Jamal and Abdul.

>> No.54841201

What a beautiful future.

>> No.54841229
File: 387 KB, 1494x1308, Screenshot 2023-03-08 214333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me guess....a rentoid thread....2 more weeks before collapse ?

>> No.54841233

The future modelled productivity of millenials and the assumed reproduction rate was wrong, and that was on what boomers and genx bet in 2008. Its over. Blackrock is a meme that is going to be irrelevant and no alpha will know there name, and those after wards even less. The faustian spirit makes it hard to not be a narcissist, but every narcissist will eventually find his devil and lose

>> No.54841304

Fuck off banana boy. Go watch some more MTV and let the adults talk.

>> No.54841315

they still believe in overpopulation even though all of their population prediction models failed and we're now below replacement birth rate the dumbfuck boomers are still in a panic about an overpopulation crisis that will never happen. now who is going to take care of them when they're old? fucking retards, this is what happens to a generation that had the television but not the internet. all they know is what the man on the tv told them.

>> No.54841345

nobody. If they get lucky its going to be a fast and painless gerondozid, dumped in mass graves by their own children who they have tried to sell into slavery for a golden coffin and keep sitting on the pocket expecting care.
If they get unlucky there will be a reversed migration, exporting boomers to third countries for care wher they get slowly tortured to dead by shitskins who hate their white devil asses more than their own children hate them

>> No.54841445

If there's something strange in your real estate market who you gonna call?

>> No.54841471


USA and Japan are not the same. Also Western housing market especially the USA housing market goes up forever.

>> No.54841501

>you know how the japs wear face masks when they get sick? i thought it was to reduce spread of illness. turns out its because its rude to wipe your nose in japan (lol what) so they wear the masks so the snot can just drip down their faces into their mouths.
That's not true. Loudly blowing your nose in public is considered rude because it's gross and sprays snot everywhere, but that has nothing to do with anything else you said

>> No.54841566

>> STFU WHITOIDS, you faggots start revolting against your simp PARENTS when you BALLS DROP.
Endless whining
Don't even start about the females.
Only the softest of faggots complain about HOMOEGENIETY and NATIONALISM. no wonder literal 75 iq muslim niggers, just wreck and shit up your easy life.


>> No.54841752

yeah come to think of it i don't even remember where i got that information. so the japanese will wipe the snot off their noses, thats not taboo? because if it is taboo then they're wearing those masks just for that social reason to hide the snot dripping down their faces. ive never been to japan so i don't know you tell me

>> No.54841763

like in canada if you have a runny nose pulling a tissue out to give it a little dab is totally normal. especially in colder whether when snot tends to run the only alternative would be to let snot drip down your face and cover it with a mask.

>> No.54841770

have you ever been in a Japanese city, or another asian metropolis. Particular matter is really bad, without the mask you will literally cough black ooze in a matter of a few hours being outside

>> No.54841784

i had no idea, i figured only china, india, and some third world shitholes had that problem. just automatically assumed better of japan but thats terrible. but yeah i guess not their fault, small island that needs to squeeze in a lot of industry.

>> No.54841811

The mask is so that they don't spread as many germs by coughing and sneezing, and I think it's just seen as a common courtesy that you're doing what you can to limit the spread of your sickness to others. Honestly I wish more people would do that in the west, I always hated being in the same space as people who would cough out into the open when there are dozens of other people around

>> No.54841836

thing is whites could make it work. whites could combine traditional culture and their individualistic attitudes to get the best of both. have community and nationalism while at the same time if someone tries to force you to conform it wont work because to be nonconformist is conforming for white people. a community of individuals. this isn't a fantasy idea its how whites used to be.

>> No.54841847

this post is pretty exaggerated i must admit but i stand by the general idea all hyperbole aside

>> No.54841854

It also makes all the gook whores look way hotter.
I still remember being on the metro in Taipei and there was this hot girl with a mask and belly shirt. She looked like a sexy ninja. Still jack off to her memory.

>> No.54841870

i assumed thats why they were doing it. then years ago i saw a youtube video i think, i don't remember, that explained that it was actually because they're too shy to wipe their noses or something. it was probably anti-jap propaganda or something put out by china for all i know. it worked in that i was convinced the japs were such pussies they couldnt even wipe their noses in front of strangers and thats why their culture was so oppresive because they care too much what strangers think.

>> No.54841886

Maybe, but not until after a near extinction event. either a real pestilence event, a 30 year war or famine that kills the majority

>> No.54841899

The Japanese care about their kids instead of themselves, rejecting mass immigration.

>> No.54841909

The cost is in the land.
Why does a detached home cost more in Manhattan than Ohio?

>> No.54841931

nice doom porn go jack off to it by yourself in the corner

>> No.54841952

There is no trust between the generations, there is hate and competition. There is no common culture but bubbles, there is no common political vision or goal, just cleavages deeper than in Weimar Germany. There is no wealth, just underwater collateral

>> No.54841959

its not as bad in the united states as in canada so that colours my perspective but it seems to me the cost is in the ponzi scheme built around the cost of the land. of course a place with more jobs and more high pay jobs concentrated in a smaller area will have more expensive land prices. but thats not even the issue anymore.

yes and?
so now we all have to die? fuck off

>> No.54841975

>so now we all have to die?
That's generally the price of letting your society fail throughout history.

>> No.54841988

all? Near extinction means those that survive will come out stronger, when has it ever been different with european ethnies since our ancestors snatched the land from the Neanderthalian

>> No.54842014

well not all of is are so eager for mass extinction so pardon me if i try not to go full doomer.

not to mention this failure of civilization wouldn't effect those at the top, they'd be insulated from all that in well stocked compounds. and they will have been the ones to have caused the problem in the first place, and they'll be the ones to buy the dip. when the rest of humanity is shattered and broken they will be able to reorganize and mold us into their true vision of utopia. humanity as a primitive slave race to a technological elite who will force us to worship them as gods. that's really what you're cheerleading for here buddy don't try to doomer me ill show you doomposting

>> No.54842017

>their culture was so oppresive because they care too much what strangers think.
to some extent that is actually true, their culture of conformism is much stronger than that of the west and everyone there is aware of it, for better or worse

>> No.54842060

that is what Marie Antoinette thought, before she had to flee from Versaille and was caught trying to flee to Prussia in a farmers horse carriage and beheaded a week later

>> No.54842065

marie antoinette didn't have access to manmade horrors beyond her comprehension as todays elite do

>> No.54842106

The tech might change, human nature doesn't.
You aren't falling for the fear porn with which rent-seekers try to keep you from revolting.
I cant count the times I could have just put a knife into some politicians or ceos chest while their security was distracted on conferences or during lectures. They are just humans, and in our time they are nothing special, assumed to be replaceable, interested in their own survival and ready to betray the hand that fed them

>> No.54842152

Yes please. After 5 years of working and saving most of my paycheck I can barely afford 1-room flat in worst cities with cash. That would be fine if I was in my early to mid 20s, but I'm 30 and I want to have family.

>> No.54842161

you're the one falling for the fear porn that mass extinction is the only solution, guess what the elite want, same thing as you. golly gee you think they might have planned for this? meanwhile they're so easy to kill but guess what we never kill them because we're generally good people and are naturally averse to murder, they take advantage of that. if they expected the masses to turn on them, what masses even remain after the mass extinction you lust over, they would drive around in armored cars with robot machine guns on the roof escorted by kamikaze drones or some shit who knows, good luck. better idea is dealing with them now and fixing the mess they made before trying your mass extinction scheme that the elite may also be looking forward to.

>> No.54842271

You obviously are not familiar with those circles the peasants call elite. They are nothing and the only reason that nobody is doing something against "them" is not because some dark conspiracy is keeping people divided, people keep themselves divided because they are humans with their own idiosyncratic views acting individually rational taking advantage of each other, whites are especially notorious when it comes to this trait. Laughing you in the face while having the knife ready to bury into your chest, among peasants as among leets.
>dealing with them now
who is going to unite the peasantry, every uprising was the history of some leets strive for power, and nothing that followed united anybody, the french revolution got rid of the Monarchie for some moment but gave birth to other horrors

If your goal is some kind of unity and common culture, a spring of civilization, whites need to be forced by necessity to cooperate, and that is only if they have just survived the biggest horror that could be imagined at the time, and most wont survive such horrors

>> No.54842306

>Ghosts are a big problem in Japan.
how do I profit from this? looking for a side gig

>> No.54842327

Based reality instigator. Keep crushing them fantasies king

>> No.54842445

>failure of civilization wouldn't effect those at the top
Most all of human history would suggest otherwise. Those at the top (i.e. wealthiest) are, generally speaking, hurt the worst in a civilizational collapse, because their power is directly tied to the protections of the state. Once the state fails, they have nothing to project power through, and anarchy scatters them to the wind.

When Persia fell to the Greeks, did the Persian elite continue to rule? No, Greek puppets were installed in their place.

Or Egypt? Nope, another Greek puppet was installed.

What about when the league of Corinth fell to the Romans? A Roman puppet was installed.

Rome to the Vandals? Gaul to the Franks? Britain to the Normans? Spain to the Moors?

I'm starting to see a pattern here. The nobility are always the first to go.

>> No.54842541

>there is no dark conspiracy keeping people divided so lets have a mass extinction goy
no thanks
>don't worry about it, history always repeats itself exactly, and the exponential rise in technologies beyond comprehension won't even be a factor this time so lets hurry up and mass extinct already goy
i'll pass

>> No.54842584
File: 5 KB, 257x196, 1598132376455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this time is different

>> No.54842590

tell me you've never been to japan without saying it you dumb nigger

>> No.54842619

You think some random peasant understood how a musket worked, or the physics behind a guillotine?

>> No.54842651

>billions must die
have sex

>> No.54842669

If you want Spenglers spring of civilizations, yes, if you just want some quick change of power, no.

>> No.54842685
File: 979 KB, 720x1311, anti-OP weapon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the future
>posts picture of the past

>> No.54842716

It's not like that at all here lmfao
Air is cleaner in Tokyo than in burger forest fire land.

>> No.54842765

we can always mass extinct as a plan b bro don't worry you might still get your mass extinction where almost everyone including you dies in some horrific way while you masturbate to the destruction in ecstasy. but its not ideal as a first choice, its not plan a material so shut the fuck up about it. it'll happen on its own if it happens you don't need to cheerlead for it. and just because several ancient civilizations loosely followed some pattern doesn't mean billions must die, recorded human history is actually a pretty short period of time to be making broad sweeping conclusions that completely fail to take into account how computers for example have changed everything.

>> No.54842857

Until 3000 b.c the sources are great, before that it becomes fuzzy but autists over the millenias have put in good work into it and homo sapiens has a fairly good collective understanding about where it comes from and what happened during its journey. Sure correlation are not causations but no matter the tech there are very distinct patterns.l in human organisation independent on tech
>My silicium boards changed everything
So did fire and hairless apes riding on horse backs.

>> No.54842926

Of course it will in your shitstain town. But Chad's live in areas that are highly sought after and never go down in price. Hopefully you didn't dilate too much that you prolapsed.

>> No.54843347

Rice paper walls and tsunamis

>> No.54843728

Morning in Tel Aviv truely
Back to the oven

>> No.54843765

>>Unending gossip, and communal control over every minute decison and action you make in life.

been living in tokyo for the last year, can confirm it infects every single part of life. the girls won't fuck if there's any of their friends somewhere around, people won't let themselves be personal or private ever if there's something to lose on the social side (shit you not admitting something is almost seen as a leverage and a threat), no contact whatsoever in workplaces/uni since >>>>image
it's some social metaphysic, and I swear to god I hate it

>> No.54843955

People that have access to infinite money have made it clear they intend to purchase the entire world and then rent it back to us. House prices will never go down.

>> No.54843960

Your an idiot but then again it's morning in Tel Aviv

>> No.54845481

Blackrock is constantly talking about tokenization of RWA. And projects like mnicorp are already working on it. Is it a good idea to invest in projects like these?