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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54840024 No.54840024 [Reply] [Original]

People hate debt, I love debt. The fact that I can just manifest money in my hands whenever I want because I have a good relationship with the bank to me is a wonderful thing. A few months ago I needed a car for a new job, MONEY APPEARED, I went on vacation a few weeks ago, MONEY APPEARED. Debt, if used correctly, is a wonderful tool.

Debt is how wealth is built!.

>> No.54840128
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>A few months ago I needed a car for a new job so I went into debt
>I wanted to go on vacation

How about instead, you don't get a car or a job and go on permanent vacation? Hell the fact that you want a vacation at all tells me all I need to know: you dislike your day to day and can't escape.
Try again faggot, debt is for suckers

>> No.54840144

>Try again faggot, debt is for suckers

No, debt is for winners. Elon and Gates are both in debt and buy stuff on credit.

Only suckers avoid debt.

>> No.54840159

its not that im against debt in a perfect model, but our lending practices are harmful to the average debtor, and in the current year embracing debt gives an unsavory image

>> No.54840242

Debt is for suckers who want to play the game.

You could've minimized debt and worked towards retiring early at the very least.
Instead you're stuck negatives while I have financial freedom to pursue my individual happiness.
Now you're about to be stuck paying off loans during the highest interest rate period since 1982.

You know what's really smart? Not comparing yourself to Elon and Gates. If you have a billion dollar business idea, and care enough to run it for the next 35 years then go right ahead and gobble as much debt as you want.
But that's not you, or me, or anyone here.

>> No.54840343

>You could've minimized debt and worked towards retiring early at the very least.

Retirement is a massive scam, talk about a trick. Working is a basic human right, and there's no greater hell than having money but no work to get you through the day.

>nstead you're stuck negatives while I have financial freedom to pursue my individual happiness.

You don't, you'll never be rich. You only get rich using DEBT.

>Now you're about to be stuck paying off loans during the highest interest rate period since 1982.

Ok, but because i didn't pay down debt, and instead invested in META and APPL, I now have more wealth than I can ever know what to do with,. I could sell a fraction of my META and APPL and pay down every debt, but I choose not to.

>> No.54841252

I have a lot of debts, it's cool, I'm just not gonna pay em lol. Not worried about my credit score (social score) or whatever. When I buy or rent things, I just have a gf put that shit in her name and it doesn't even matter. The US gov keeps a substantial record of people's addresses and properties, but it's got massive gaps in my record. Those gaps were when I had girls lol

>> No.54841288
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I hate usury.

>> No.54841792

Debt is good as long as it is used to better yourself financially. Not going into debt severely restricts your potential.

>Take out a mortgage to lower housing costs
>Car loan so that you have access to higher paying jobs
>Pay for cheap college (CC + state school) to get a high paying job on graduation
>Finance household improvements that lower utility costs (solar)
>Tools so that you are fixing things yourself instead of paying someone else like a woman

Most people who say "don't go into debt" are people with spending problems. These are people who take out a monster car loan for a new truck instead of a used one, or an expensive private college instead of community college.

>> No.54841809

>no work to get you through the day
Other way around. I have to get through work so I can enjoy my day.

>> No.54842235

Jew hands typed this. Abysmal advice.

>> No.54842286

Poor people use debt to finance reckless spending and purchase liabilities
Middle class people avoid using debt whenever possible
Rich people use debt to fund profitable ventures and buy real assets

Debt is based but you have to use it correctly and control your debt burden, your income must be higher than the interest on all your debts

>> No.54843642
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I literally paid my debts buying NEZUKO's initial dip and sold when they 4x'd
Never been so happy with memecoins before

>> No.54843705

only niggers love debt. only debt i would get is for a house which I don't need since I own my house 100%

>> No.54843770

I was unexpectedly laid off and unemployment took forever to kick in so I just took out a small loan. Because my credit is pretty high 720-750ish I got one instantly and kept living life as normal. It’s nice to have the debt safety net that I can deploy at any moment, as well as knowing I can get a pretty sizable personal loan and just nope outta here

>> No.54845540

Warren Buffet bought a Yacht on Credit.

>> No.54845550

Only morons

1) avoid debt

2) own houses

Houses are the worst investment possible, the only good thing about houses is you cacn go in a lot of debt for thing.