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54838778 No.54838778 [Reply] [Original]

Is grad school a good investment?

>> No.54838802

No, grad school is for midwits. Most vaxxed demographic too.

>> No.54838869

yea, money's worthless anyway now. Might as well do something you enjoy.

Btw, grad student here I'll tell you the unspoken perks but you do have to be social and probably go to a big state college in one of those flyover states like iowa, tennesee, arkansas, etc.

Free gym, cheap housing, lots of places give free transportation. If you do computation basically wfh. If youre social basically free pussy as long as you dont look like quasimoto. These girls here do not care about money. They really don't. Meet random chicks from class.

Oh yea even better free conference trips where if you make friends to go with you is basically paid drinking and networking.

Now it is a good amount of work and you reallly should find a good advisor as well. But as a student who is in grad school now, it seems people telling you not to do grad school literally didnt do it so they spew a bunch of bs.

Btw, this is for stem... I also noticed the whole dont go to college meme as you don't get paid enough is to filter midwits that would have been scientist. Statistics are heaviily skewed against college because of all the bs degrees. Stem pay, opportunities, etc are genuinely amazing in college and its insane that people dont realize this.

>> No.54838883
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good afternoon, retard.

>> No.54839042

What's a professional degree?

>> No.54839074

Now adjust for loans. Doctors spend their entire career paying off their debt.

>> No.54839076

shit like CFA and other finance/accounting qualifications

>> No.54839165

>Professional degree beyond bachelor’s degree (for example: MD, DDS, DVM, LLB, JD)

>> No.54839182
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>tfw about to turn 29 and finishing up a masters

I really want to do a PhD, but I feel the opportunity cost at this point in my life would make it a retarded decision. I'd be forestalling the chance to build wealth, meet a woman and start a family, and buy a home. I don't want to be 35 and starting from scratch. Maybe I can do another masters or something.

>> No.54839185


>> No.54839232

All I have to say is academia is a fucking joke and the only people that get ahead are the fart smelling cunts whose family members are already well off and have plenty of connections in whatever field they're going into and breed their children for academic success - their entire life has been leading up to grad school, medical school etc. and worst of all, the extra curricular bullshit that they do like HECKIN VOLUNTEERING so they can come off as having a big heart (even tho they're the most patrick bateman-esque, cold hearted scum) is the most pathetic thing of it all. Imagine volunteering HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of hours for ZERO PAY. TOP KEK. Anyways to keep a long story short, if you fit into the mold mentioned previously, then sure do it. Odds are if you're here, you don't fit that mold and you should just get a bachelor's in something that isn't retarded and build your skills on the side and get a job instead of being a fag

>> No.54839979

One of the worst
If you could make it with a physics PhD from Harvard, you would make it as a physics BS from your state school.

>> No.54840579

It's 6+ years of putting off adulthood and not making money.

>> No.54840667

I spent the last 12 years in college and didn't have sex once.

>> No.54840777
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>academia is a fucking joke
By and large, yes
>the only people that get ahead are the fart smelling cunts
>whose family members are already well off
I grew up slightly below median
>and have plenty of connections in whatever field they're going into
No familial connections whatsoever to my field
>and breed their children for academic success
I guess I got good genes but my mom and dad are both retarded and basically didn’t care how I did in school as long as I wasn’t getting into trouble
>their entire life has been leading up to grad school, medical school etc.
I really didn’t want to go to grad school but it was my best option unless I wanted to take the cooding-pill, which I honestly still think I should have
>and worst of all, the extra curricular bullshit that they do like HECKIN VOLUNTEERING so they can come off as having a big heart
I did some volunteer work in high school but that’s it
>(even tho they're the most patrick bateman-esque, cold hearted scum)
I met many wonderful people in grad school

Do I fit the mold?

>> No.54840822

This, gradfag here. I knew what a huge mistake I made when I started grad school. It was literally a scam I borrowed money for.

>> No.54840911

I don't believe CFA is included. Professional degree is typically stuff like MD, JD, sometimes MBA.

>> No.54842091
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Depends on the field, depends on the focus of the group you join within that discipline, depends on what you want to do with your B.S that you think you can't do without more schooling. Give details, anon.

Generally, if you're really cut out for it and your degree isn't worthless, you should be getting paid (poorly) to pursue your PhD. Taking on debt to get a masters in dance theory instead of a BA in it is retarded. You are giving up between 4-6 years of earning potential by going for more school. If you already have a decently paying job and family to take care of, quitting to go back to school is exponentially harder.

You don't even know what graduate students do,do you? No one here talked about going into academia. The vast majority of PhD holders are in non-university jobs, if you can believe it.

>> No.54842383

Please stop embarrassing yourself, Caltech is really small and you will embarrass the rest of the school by association.

>> No.54842892

So, is it worth it?

>> No.54842906

Generally, if you need the fifth year for some state license like a CPA license, it's worth it and your future earnings will reflect it.

Obviously not worth going for something like a masters in feminist studies.

>> No.54842912

they embarrass themselves enough just by having all those nerds in public around old town

>> No.54843048

1. Tuition is free + stipend.
2. Earn many hundreds of thousands of dollars more over lifetime.
3. Extra college pussy or wife up a smart colleague and the two of you make insane household income
It was good for me OP, I'd look into it depending on your field.