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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 222 KB, 1523x761, mumu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54822706 No.54822706 [Reply] [Original]

Predictions? I feel like almost any shitcoin is pumping right now. I

Why wouldnt I throw a few 100 bucks into it?

>> No.54822748

looks bullish, heheh, get it?

>> No.54822825

I picked up a stack about 30 minutes ago just because I see its meme money potential. And indians worship cows as some guy in another thread mentioned and that could factor in. So I snatched up $100 worth.

>> No.54822840

Welcome to the table fellow shitcoin gambler.

Any other investments you could recommend for a fellow sophisticated memecoin enjoyer?

>> No.54822906

safe bet. undumpable
check the fucking chart
also buy from any cex
uniswap sucks

>> No.54822921

second a stack of wojak. I also grabbed mumu and bobo $100 each of both. and cuz im a glutton for punishment snatched up $50 in bog and 4chan.

>> No.54822932

How are we feeling about missor or NPC?

>> No.54822967

mumu feels like it has more room for a run, but NPC is looking tempting as it's still under $5MM MC

>> No.54822987

tried it transaction failed fuck this shit

>> No.54823024

you guys ae literally me. WAGMI
give me the rundown on bobo

>> No.54823030
File: 30 KB, 360x415, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably have to increase slippage, liquidity is a bit low atm

>> No.54823050


It was in 5%

>> No.54823102

Thank you friends. I have eth on metamask. Should I go uniswap or 1inch?

>> No.54823332
File: 37 KB, 733x619, 1679100338570589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AIDOGE is IMO the safest bet for memecoin going into next bull run. Still risky, but less risky than some others. What they are doing with AICODE and AIFI is pretty interesting and I think it stands to gain a lot long term as far as meme coins go.

Other than that bought some REKT, DROP and HOLD but thats it. New to memecoin degeneracy.

>> No.54823359
File: 38 KB, 371x596, 🅱️🅾️🅱️🅾️.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I own bobo.eth in emoji format, maybe we can create a meme coin and raffle it off to someone somehow

>> No.54825248


>> No.54825285

kek you guys got rugged, L

>> No.54825304

nuh uh, check again

>> No.54825352

Why hasn't anyone made a CZ coin yet?

>> No.54825439

because it's erc20 szn right now, arbitrum is surpassing bsc anyway.

>> No.54826370

this will easily hit 10m in this meme market. a 10x for free

>> No.54826404

where can I buy and sell these shitcoins

>> No.54826682

You need the contract address and buy it on uniswap. Here is the MUMU contract address
