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54820040 No.54820040 [Reply] [Original]

If you could only invest in one, which one would you invest in, AI or crypto?

Does the time horizon matter?

Within the next year, AI or Crypto?

For retirement, AI, or Crypto?

>> No.54820072

astroturf. after the jab astroturf the most recent that failed rather spectaculary, because the jab model was blindly applied

>> No.54820080

BTC halving is next year. Maybe crypto.
To go with ops topic. If you could work in tech, what field would it be?
Goals are, remote work (location independent), very high salary and recession proof.

>> No.54820151

there are far less zoomers than there were Millenials and GenX. Alphas are even less. Good luck trying to find any suckers for narrative shit in a world of griefers and predators

>> No.54820220
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#1 AI, because all fields benefit from automation.
#2 security because security breaches are a death sentence for organizations
#3 payments because money is always important but I'm not sure what innovation can come from here, atm.
#4 Blockchain, because it's still new.

>> No.54820303

>he expects GenZ that are tech illiterate to build it
>he expects millenials or GenX to build and work with it
double lol

>> No.54820338

cryptocurrency will be an input to use AI

>> No.54820357

Thanks anon.
I already work in tech, B2B SAAS for aerospace. It's not remote friendly though and salaries are shit.

>> No.54820451

They stop you investing in AI by mixing the AI companies with a bunch of other garbage. You have to invest in a company that has 7 faulty products and 1 good one.

>> No.54820473

Crypto. Both are critical for the future, but crypto is largely based on interoperability, and its value derived from network effects and observable utility, making the long-term winners a lot more obvious. AI as a sector, I believe, will come to be a lot more fragmented, making its long-term winners a lot less obvious. The fact that AI products/services aren't inherently interdependent with other AI products/services a major consideration here as well. Sure you've got big players right now, but you missed the train on investing in them early and you really couldn't anyway.

>> No.54820476

Bladerunner was right, I want to fuck a robot. Shes perfect.

>> No.54820486

There really isn't a way to invest in AI but if I could I would invest in AI

>> No.54820490

>I work at mcdonalds

>> No.54820560

Take the white pill anon, stop being a doomcel.

>> No.54820586

I wish I were a doomcel. The decline is going to be deterministic and slow. Imagine, Millenials and GenX are the demographic bulge in about 5 to 10 years

>> No.54821897

Crypto simply because AI has its roots in Github repositories and other free/open source circles. Crypto also tackles a lot of industries not just AI.
>Marlin Protocol: Secure, fully decentralized and private computing
>Monero: Private money transactions

Etc etc etc.

>> No.54821964

How do you actually achieve fully decentralization?

>> No.54822580

decentralization doesnt exist. broad bullshit term. The best one can go for is distribution in such a way that cooperation among validators in whatever form becomes irrational for the validators and ensuring competition being more profitable than cooperation
as soon as validators start to collude the dlt failed

>> No.54822655

Crypto has produced only scams and other fraud, AI has surpassed medical professionals, lawyers and programmers. I know what I'm betting on.

>> No.54822710

the wef fucked up with the meme flu bullshit. With young zoomers and alpha being too little and old zoomers, like millenials and genx demanding the boomers heads on a pike, quit the astro turf and prepare for a mass grave, your ponzi run out of suckers, while dlt has the support of the next demographic bulge

>> No.54822766

I'm not sleeping on AI, DiD and Privacy tokens.

>> No.54822807

Smart money know that now is when to move their assets into profitable Yearn v2 StableCoin LP tokens, & buying YLA gives them exposure into 4 of those LP tokens

>> No.54822843

if you think they're competing technologies you are a midwit

>> No.54823877

there are projects that are both crypto and AI

>> No.54823936

We are going to die just before 10/10 sex bots become a thing.

>> No.54824088
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Or you can have both
protip: WaifuAI

>> No.54824106

Well... modern powerful AI has been around for a year or so and already has thousands of actual applications and ChatGPT is the fastest growing app ever.

Crypto has been around for a decade and still has no use cases besides buying drugs and speculation.

Really difficult decision here.

>> No.54824129

Yes, there is. Invest in companies selling AI hardware and accelerators like Nvidia.

>> No.54824369
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You could become an AI prompt engineer. Supposedly, you could get paid as high as $3.5k US and wouldn't need an engineering or tech background.

Although, I doubt that you get paid the max amount if you seriously don't have any technical background, and the positions where they don't require any background are likely jobs awarded through nepotism.


>> No.54824573
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Further justification for investing in AI and robotics companies.

Someone from Boston Dynamics needs to team up with a sex doll maker and look into making realistic sex dolls that don't creep you out, and give you uncanny valley vibes.

>> No.54824584

what is that

>> No.54824780

that is your new best friend the digital UWU aka waifuai... actually kinda lulzy.... i dnt need a gf anymore now i fuck my computer instead

>> No.54824868
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>What are some good stocks or ETFs that involve AI and Machine Learning technology?

>There are several stocks and ETFs that involve AI and Machine Learning technology. Here are a few examples:

>NVIDIA (NVDA) - This company is a leading producer of GPUs, which are used for a variety of applications, including AI and machine learning.

>Alphabet (GOOGL) - Google's parent company is one of the pioneers of AI and machine learning and is constantly investing in these technologies.

>Amazon (AMZN) - Amazon's AI-powered virtual assistant, Alexa, is a popular example of the company's use of AI and machine learning.

>iShares Robotics and Artificial Intelligence ETF (IRBO) - This ETF tracks the performance of companies involved in the development and production of robots and AI technology.

>Global X Robotics & Artificial Intelligence ETF (BOTZ) - This ETF invests in companies involved in the development and production of robotics and AI technology.

>It's important to note that investing in stocks and ETFs involves risks and potential losses, so it's always important to do your own research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

You can also go with BOTZ and ROBO.

>> No.54824904
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He was asking about AI software companies, though.

>> No.54824942

Who cares about AI software? It is not possible to tell which one will win. In a gold rush you want to be investing in the company selling the shovels aka Nvidia.

>> No.54824946

How to start investing in AI?

>> No.54824951

>t. desperate gook