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54819727 No.54819727 [Reply] [Original]

How do you financially recover from being kicked out at 18 yr old with no tangible skill for employment?

>> No.54819749

firm handshake by the bootstraps of your eye contact

>> No.54819783

Start a shoe shine business

>> No.54819786

Try being not goymerican. Is that an option?

>> No.54819811

>Why is my son covered in tattoos and doesn't visit his family on Christmas?

>> No.54819820

Take this period from 18 to 21 as a full on high risk high reward period. Allow yourself to fail as much times as possible in every way possible, financially socially economically whatever and learn from that.
Not saying you should enter the casino and put everything on 0, but to be aware that even if you end up with zero money at 21 it really isn't that much of a big deal as long as you learned from the process and get some experience behind you. The time to "play it safe" comes later, now go approach that girl and get rejected, start a small business with your friend and fail miserably, just allow yourself to fail as long as you learn something from the failures.

>> No.54819824

>Not leaving on your own at 17 when your bitch stepmom tried to charge you for rent and electric just because you finally had a job and steady income and she wants to keep being a housewife
Suck my dick faggot. Go buy a shitbox car and live in it for a few months then come crying to me you faggot-ass cuck.

>> No.54819829

Should've paid attention in high school so you can go to college. Or you should already have a job you can be an apprentice for.

I'd kick my lazy kids out of all they did was rot their brain on tiktok all day.

>> No.54819833

You are 18...youth is on your side. Find a job, find a place to rent (cheap), save some money. Try to get a gf or bf (if gay) and set out a plan. I didn't buy a house until i was 27.

>> No.54819853

Trial by fire, once you've gained stability you might look back and secretly thank your parents

>> No.54819920

If your kids rot their brains on tiktok all day then you should kick yourself out for failing as a parent.

>> No.54819975

They're not your kids, they're the state's kids and the state sponsored education system is designed to make your kids leftist retards. Only way out is homeschooling them.

>> No.54820031

>They're not your kids
Yes they are.
>the state sponsored education system
Again, they are your kids and you can decide if you want to put them there.

>> No.54820130

You don't that's the point, your master's don't need your kind anymore.

>> No.54820137
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You dont, women are so fucking stupid.Father dies, mother has a home. Puts me in a rental place that costs almost as much as my entire welfare check. She could have taken rent payments, instead she puts both of us into a financially non-viable position by giving me money - to not live with her. I have like 100 dollars for food after gas and everything else, and even her bank account is running dry.
Like again, she could be up the entire welfare payment, keep her own money and I could buy my own food, and have spending money if she just let me use her basement. Is a boomer, wants a peaceful retirement. Purely selfish bullshit, and shes sabotaging her own retirement by wasting money. This is what happens when women are in charge, ha ha cuck memes female lead relationships - this is what they actually look like.
Im disabled but cant get disability because White tldr, so Im on basic welfare. I can get a job and be fired after Im unable to do the job every day and have to spend hours shitting blood.

>> No.54820376
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Start investing, at least that's how i do it. I joined the OG oldfag telegram group of biz where people give signals. Then there's twitter where you can get mad alphas from coins that haven't even launched yet. I got 10k on PEEPO before all of biz started talking about it and now that it did a x4 im basically all set for a year. Just start reading, start learning. If you have an internet connection then that's good enough to start

>> No.54820609

The military. You’re 18, will be out by 22, free school. Don’t be a typical retard (self included) and get married while you’re in; never works. You’ll have the gi Bill and I’d rul you’re smart you’ll have around 50k but I see the big bonuses they’re tossing around too. Score high on the Asvab and take the highest intelligence score you can so it’s Cush. Or learn a trade right now. Way less school cost and in a decade you’ll own a house

>> No.54820660

How does anyone get into an oldfag group? Post hand?

>> No.54820726

Do americans really?
the juice really have done a number on you haven't they

>> No.54820892

>Ask grandma
>Grandma when you were younger was it normal for people to live with their parents
>huurr something something my dad was a deadbeat piece of shit so everyone should be deadbeat pieces of shit
Grandma didnt have a family either.

>> No.54821003

Steal all your parents money then disappear and also try to be not an memerican

>> No.54821141

I've lived by myself since I was 16. I lived on gibs mostly, which I got from the government because I was an orphan, but I wasn't in full control of my finances until I was 18.

My living expenses were relatively low because although I didn't get much inheritance it was enough to buy most of a small flat (which cost 80k and left me with some debt). Utilities etc. were like 200/month and I had around 5€/day left for food. That got me through high school, which also had free meals once a day which helped.

After high school I worked a shit job for a year to build up any savings. I then went to uni in the UK and ended up net positive financially because being an orphan and a valedictorian made for efficient money grabbing for which I sent applications to various government, university and private sources. My own government's non-repayable student support really helped also, and they pay it abroad.

I'm now a postdoc at Harvard and still poor but it's better than it used to be.

TL;DR be born in socialist heaven

>> No.54821266

move somewhere like Midland, TX. Get entry level OilField job. Make 60k/yr and learn something.

>> No.54822259

In a decade he'll be dead. There is a war going on in eastern Europe; imagine enlisting now just to die overseas protecting "democracy" kek

>> No.54822417

How do you find a place to rent without paystubs? It genuinely pisses me off, just rent me the room or apartment and be at peace. You'll get your fucking money, kike.

>> No.54822466

More like capitalism. It’s all about money, and well - you are nothing in the US without it. And every bum thinks he can still hit it big.

>> No.54822498

>Don't have shit family to abuse you
>focus on studying and making your own way in the world
>government pays for college
living the dream...

>> No.54822605

It's not a bad idea to enlist bro. You'll benefit far more than you think. Try and get into counter intel. Then thank me later

>> No.54823521

im sure you've never been to midland. it is one of the worst places on this earth