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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54812506 No.54812506 [Reply] [Original]

This is just bullshit, and if its not please explain me why.
Currecies are backed by the states who control them and trust in them.
How the fuck is for example the swiss franken backed by the dollar

>> No.54813010


>> No.54813948

that's antisemitic to even discuss such a thing.
have you been reading the merchant bankers?

>> No.54814354
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Most international trade is done with dollars and most sovereign debt is denominated in dollars. It's so powerful that it can cuck basically whoever it wants and to see lots of countries flee to the yuan (proxy dollar) in a desperate attempt to protect themselves just shows how deep it really goes. because the dollar is in such high demand, it is naturally one of the most valuable currencies in the world, which is great for a consumer import based economy like the US. But for export focused economies like China it would be a deathtrap. If the dollar collapses and the Yuan free floats then the Chinese economy loses it's competitiveness and collapses overnight aswell

>> No.54814616

I see how the yuan is partially "backed by the dollar", even tho the rates arent fixed anymore. So the yuan isnt a proxi dollar anyway.
For other currencies i saw no argument.
The chinese economy wouldnt collapse, the usa eeconomy would as its based on dollar finance.
If the dollar collapses dollar denominated debt would be a nothingburger so no argument.

>> No.54816534

bump lol so slow