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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54811098 No.54811098 [Reply] [Original]

Why won’t this shit pump?

I was right about SHIB in early January 2021. But I was wrong about this? Fucking pump already

>> No.54811127

Because it’s a meme of a meme

>> No.54811173

you mean you were lucky about SHIB in Jan 2021. Guess your luck ran out.

>> No.54811231

PATIENCE! Young grass hopper. We are going to 10x from bnb ath, alone. Once bnb raises the price then people will invest. We could moon before that. Ingest this copium and stop scaring potential investors with whiny fud threads, who will.invest if you cry that its not moving?

>> No.54811239

You probably have to wait. This meme coin rush right now is partly artificial in a sense that there's big actors looking to induce mania back into the shitcoin market pre maturely. Mania that has been gone due to the natural cycle of crypto. I suggest just holding out for another year and some change d0b0 has been stable along with plenty of other dog and memecoins just waiting for that mania phase but it has to come back more naturally.

>> No.54811278

Maybe if BNB pumps it will, but probably doesn't have a chance before that. And with the US going after Binance so hard, I'm starting to have doubts about BNB and the shitcoin casino ever starting back up again.

>> No.54811303

why would anyone buy this instead of just buying doge

>> No.54811349

Eh all the current moons are clearly fake and gay. It's all just vc interest pumping and dumping to try and resurrect memeseason before its really time. D0B0 will rise naturally with the true bullrun. Not this astroturfed bullshit.

>> No.54811362

This shitcoin has 4-figure volume most days, some being just a hair over 3 figure volume. It's over, retard dobaggies.

>> No.54811407

it's a tf2 meme of a memecoin. Literally zero value

>> No.54811412

I turned $15 into $25,000 with SHIB. I can get over 13B D0b0 for only $100. So worst case I lose $100, best case I cash out huge. I see no downsides

>> No.54811437
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>SHIB in early January 2021
You didn't even know about shib in 2021. not fooling anyone, pathetic subhuman

>> No.54811442

>And with the US going after Binance so hard, I'm starting to have doubts about BNB and the shitcoin casino ever starting back up again.

When you read details about that case you realize its pretty much made up case, and they have nothing solid.

>> No.54811455

>imagine not buying SHIB in early January

It was literally one of my first times when going on /biz/ too. That’s how retardedly easy of a pick it was. It was clear that Elon was going to shill Doge and people were going to look for a competitor to have a rivalry with.

>> No.54811462


Something what fudders dont get.

>> No.54811594

It’s such an easy concept. Like don’t be a fucking retard and bet your whole life savings on shitcoins, but $100 here and there won’t kill you as long as you’re not a poorfag

>> No.54811686


I find it extremely amusing when fudders rant about dead coin or "baggies trying to save their money" :D

Most of the people have invested literally pocket money, something they waste every weekend for beer, pot and cigarrettes.

Then again there has been few big buys during past weeks, so there is lot bubbling under.