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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54811035 No.54811035 [Reply] [Original]

Should I kill myself?

>> No.54811054

Unironically, no.

If you have the brains and fingers to be able to type this post and figure out a capcha, you have the ability to change your life.

>> No.54811058

Financially? No.

>> No.54811069

only if you want to jews to win

>> No.54811082

I got cancer and i'm not gonna kms quit being a puss puss
oh and I have no money and I post on a finance board

>> No.54811092

might as well gamble all-in on the next bullrun first

>> No.54811108


>> No.54811257

whatever you do, do NOT buy PEPE.

>> No.54811286

Death is the end of all possible opportunities.

>> No.54811306

if this is a larp, no don't do it
if this is a real post, no don't do it
Reference all of the above. you may hate yourself, but I love you.

>> No.54811537

why are so many of us so fucking broken bros. is it just us autists on this board or is the whole world miserable these days now.

>> No.54811554

>Should I kill myself?

No. You are loved. Embrace Jesus.

>> No.54811565

What if you’re a dissociated husk of being
You may won’t be even register or feel love

>> No.54811634

Others are broken but had a youth and can get their fix with weed for some time

I can not get dopamine or enjoyment from drugs. Imagine how does must feel

>> No.54811865

No, me first.

>> No.54811878

/biz/ is anything but finance
don't flatter yourself

>> No.54811898

only if you've thought it through for some time and the logic is sound

>> No.54811927

I think the real redpill in life is that everyone in life is secretly miserable.

>> No.54812025

I will flatter myself thank you very much.

>> No.54812038

mental illness is in price discovery mode

>> No.54812067

nah, we may say kys for being a fagoot retard, but if you are willing to actually kys then do something epic with your life.

also this, dont let them win

>> No.54812091

its the whole world but we are the most honest. other people are fake af. We also dont get our kicks out of normie shit

>> No.54812096

No bro. Just ape into some $150k mcap like sminem’s OGSM. Easiest 10x on biz right now. At least try DMT before suicide. I guarantee you’ll love life and won’t contemplate ending it

>> No.54812172

>I got cancer

>> No.54812178

in my opinion it has been this way since the beginning of mankind, some people are too melancholic and lucid for their own good. add in the social anxiety and you have people facing dread every day that cannot see a way out of all this emotional pain and economic system built to enslave and fail people.

even at the face of it all I just want to say that one of few good parts of this world is that other misfits and losers, I am glad you assholes exist, really.

>> No.54813610

ive also been exra sui lately. its all so fleeting that ive almost come to dislike happiness even. ur just going to end up back at square 1 alone with urself and yr thoughts, even after fcking the girl of ur dreams. even achieving things seems lame, cuz what then? the devil is always waiting in the details. i just seek comfort and peace, long days sunbathing on a hill. what else can i do

>> No.54813884
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>> No.54813910

I figure you've left this thread by now, but no you shouldn't

>> No.54814092

The pot is beginning to get quite warm.

>> No.54814112

>fingers to be able to type this post and figure out a capcha, you have the ability to change your life.
holy shit really?
How can I change my life?

>> No.54814521
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No OP, dying wont solve anything, you're the only one who can change your life, plus dying is fucking cringe dude...
C'mon, drink some cola, watch some porn, get into a wacky ass anime (Asobi Asobase is a good one) and cheer up, move your ass outta your house, find some hoes and enjoy the rest of your days man, you're better than this

>> No.54814543
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Op is a prime example of a person who runs naked blindfolded into a highway

>> No.54814573


Dr. Morse can heal you of this for less than $2000. Godspeed.