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54810263 No.54810263 [Reply] [Original]

Is the NEET-masterrace thing just a cope? Basically every NEET is depressed, lonely, mentally ill, and going absolutely nowhere in life.

>> No.54810284

I'm kind of psychotic thinking the us government is going to extradite me over wrong think maybe
But they're putting people in jail over nothing
See sheriff peckerwood

>> No.54810294
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>depressed, lonely, mentally ill, and going absolutely nowhere in life.

Okay and that’s different wagies how? Difference is at least the NEET isn’t a slave

>> No.54810323

neet is top tier comfy if you have actual money (retired or rich parents).
rich neet > career that you are passionate about > poor neet > low level wagie

>> No.54810342

>basedboy literally shaking and bewildered by the concept of working a full week
this is the consequence of giving kids participation trophies

>> No.54810383

The time I've spent as a NEET have been the worst times in my life. An aimless, purposeless life is hell for me. Work gives my day structure, forces me to have a routine and helps me to tolerate myself. Time spent as a NEET makes me want to kill myself for being a useless parasite.

>> No.54810446

Neet is boring but so is waging.

>> No.54810469

>Time spent as a NEET makes me want to kill myself for being a useless parasite.
Literal slave mentality right here lmao.
You can't create your own structure? Your own routine? You can't just "tolerate yourself" on your own? Create a purpose outside of wagecucking? Fucking lmao

>> No.54810481

how is NEET boring? There's so much porn out there that you can pretty much fap to something new twice everyday. Been gooning my brains out for the last 3 years and I'll continue to NEET and fap for as long as I can

>> No.54810512

The porn sucks bros
I never really got into videogames either

>> No.54810519

I don't see the appeal of being a NEET at all

However, I do see the appeal of retiring early - based on your own independence, and not suckling from your parents' teat for life
I can live with myself if I'm a self-made man; I couldn't look at myself in the mirror if I did nothing to secure my own future

If your parents allow you to sit at home all day and everything you need is provided, I can see why someone would do it, but I wouldn't be able to bear being so emasculated

>> No.54810544
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Yes, the NEET suicide rate is pretty high. The problem is they're so fat, it's hard to remove the bodies sometimes :(

>> No.54810546

You are literally programmed to be a slave.
Stop falling for the MUH LIFE HAS TO BE MEANINGFUL MEME, time will forget you. You are another spectator in the population of trillions that will have lived a life on this planet

>> No.54810549

gooning and playing visual novels is my life. Have 6 figures in crypto and hopefully will crack 7 so I can focus on jerking it as much as I can through my late 20s.

>> No.54810560

Same here bro

>> No.54810566

Do you really spend hours jerking off?

>> No.54810579

based, sounds comfy, god speed anon

>> No.54810583

NEETing is the life Anon

Why the fuck would I want to go into an office, put on a stupid smile, sit at my desk for 9 hours while idiots keep pestering me with small talk? literally about to KMS

>t. Left a 190k TC job to NEET

>> No.54810584

Usually around 2 hours of slow edging, once I coom I can relax and watch anime throughout the day.

>> No.54810598
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Because you're going to miss those idiots

>> No.54810613

I never thought about my coworkers again after leaving my office job of 5 years

>> No.54810616

Having alternated between NEET and wagie for years

Wagie life is hell
NEET life is comfy hell

>> No.54810621

WFH you dumb NEET lmao

>> No.54810627

If you have free time and tons of money but no direction in life, you'll most likely feel empty and suicidal. Learn to live, stop aiming for goals, stop inventing excuses to motivate yourself. That's no way of living. It's depressing as fuck. The true enlightened NEET just focus on living but it'll take you decades to get there. But once you get there you'll have the smile of the enlightened one
t. 42 yo. neet fag neeting since his 20's

>> No.54810637

No, I struggle with intrinsic motivation. A job gives me extrinsic motivation to get out of bed and do something with the day. Without it I fall into a pit of nihilism and depression. Maybe it's a distraction from the meaninglessness I feel, I don't know. Ultimately it allows me to pay my bills and gives me a reason to get out of bed in the morning. Without it I crumble into cooming all day and barely leaving my room. It's not great, but the alternative for me is much worse.

I am working on a purpose without "wagecucking" but the idea that this is an easy thing to obtain is a meme.

>> No.54810641

same, except I watch anime instead. I have been in 6 figures for half a decade, but I dont mind. I have so much freedom its just great every day.

>> No.54810642

I was a NEET for a few years after finishing university; my daily routine was scouring the internet for new music and other cool shit, watching movies, and playing retro video games. It all changed when I got my first serious girlfriend during that time and she asked me to move in with her, then I eventually had to get a job in order to maintain access to her pussy.

>> No.54810653

So you're a nihilist. Wonder how well that's working out for you. You may be right, but I guarantee you I wouldn't want to swap lives with you.

>> No.54810663

>then I eventually had to get a job in order to maintain access to her pussy.
Just buy a fleshlight and don't fall for the pussy scam, bro.

>> No.54810665

is working 8 hours a day really worth le hecking pussy !! You still have to spend time with a woman.

>> No.54810681

Kek and I sure as hell wouldn't trade lives with you. I NEED TO PUT MY 8 HOURS IN FOR MR.GOLDBERG OR MY LIFE IS MEANINGLESS.

>> No.54810685

That's pretty damn pathetic. Start lifting weights for starters

>> No.54810687

Imagine your ancestors looking down on the existence you live. You're a disgrace to humanity. Self awareness would be too painful to you so you will defend this existence and dig your heels in. If you were to assess your life honestly you would hang yourself. I feel second hand shame from reading your posts.

>> No.54810689

I'm a neet that reproduced though.
If the goal of animals is to reproduce and you feel compelled to do so by nature why wouldn't that be your purpose?
People have to brainwash themselves into believing otherwise with cope

>> No.54810710

I am gonna marry a traditional third world woman. enjoy your western woman who's had 100 different dicks inside her by her 30's

>> No.54810716

What do you do all day?

>> No.54810726

our ancestors hunted 2 hours and just chilled for the rest of the day, they would look down on YOU for falling for the jewish system of muh life has no meaning unless im wageslaving

>> No.54810732
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But I did marry an eastern woman
Btw they're acting up now you might be a little late

>> No.54810742
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by Thor’s hammer..

>> No.54810747

Just live in misery, goy. Don't try to self-actualize.

>> No.54810750
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When i have months off I need to create things. You need an outlet for energy.

>> No.54810751

You're brainwashed and completely retarded. These are the kinds of distorted beliefs needed to justify a truly pathetic existence.

>> No.54810766

>Basically every NEET is depressed, lonely, mentally ill, and going absolutely nowhere in life.
So no different from wages then but far less tired?

>> No.54810772

Depends on the day. What is consistent though is exercising, cooking and making music, not a single day goes by without any of those three. Maybe sunday as rest day so not much exercise then, but there's still at the very least some form of light cardio there.

>> No.54810775

Misery is waking up to an alarm clock.
Misery is being told what to do by some boomer if you want to survive

Says the guy who has no hobbies or skills outside of wageslaving. You literally jerk off all day if you don't have Mr.Rubenstein telling you what to do.

>> No.54810801

hello slave bot

>> No.54810804

Based, I also feel compelled to do music and art when I have huge amounts of free time, it's great for the soul

>> No.54810819

You're too useless and pathetic to forge your own existence without someone else ordering you around like a slave. NEETs are a higher form of life, lower your tone when you're talking to us, we're better than you.

>> No.54810848

>Misery is waking up to an alarm clock.
>Misery is being told what to do by some boomer if you want to survive
Living a meaningful life means you are not fazed by life's little annoyances. To take an extreme example, consider the soldier willing to give his life for his country. That's how powerful meaning can be in ameliorating the adversities of life, even to the point of taming death itself.

>> No.54810858

You desperately try to see yourself as enlightened and above others because you know deep down you are unable to cope with real life and real responsibility. You can't even manage the very basics of being a functional adult. You live in a cocooned shell, isolated from reality, browsing echo chambers that convince you that your existence is somehow ok. Deep down you know you were meant for more than rotting away at home but fear and cowardice have taken over completely and you are too far gone to come back. The reality is that you simply aren't cut out for a competitive environment, you are too weak and fragile. Self-delusion is necessary for you to continue to exist, reality is too painful.

>> No.54810869

bro you don't work and instead spend your whole day jacking off lmao come on bro at least do something interesting might as well be a junkie

>> No.54810899

okay buddy, I was smarter than everyone I went to school with, got straight A's and could have gone to any university I wanted to, probably still could. When I was enlightened to how meaningless and anti-human the modern workplace environment is I decided to opt out because I'm above serfing for someone else. I REFUSE to participate in an environment that spits on white men, that favours stacies and tyrones in the workplace over the intellectual genius of men like me who built civilisations. I will NOT work for the jewish financial industry or legal system that actively works against the interests of white men. I will NOT work for the healthcare industry which forces poisons on the population. I WILL be NEET and I WILL be comfy while desperate poors like you slander me on the internet. I guarantee you I am more intelligent and wealthy than you so once again I ask you to lower your tone.

>> No.54810903

>lifting weights

>> No.54810924

God I wish this was me

>> No.54810934

That's all just a narrative you tell yourself to soothe your feelings of failure.

>> No.54810937
File: 471 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2023-05-02-02-26-07-013_com.android.chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's people like you that make me want to do it bros. I will make your wish come true. Because 1 I'm bored and 2 there's too much walking trash out there.
It needs to be done.

>> No.54811016


>> No.54811028

We're all going the same place in life, to the grave.

>> No.54811078
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By the way I consider your kind walking trash.
Believe there's no shortage of people willing to kill for money.

>> No.54811080

But some people live like they're already in the coffin.

>> No.54811154

Further desperate attempts to assert yourself as superior to others in your own mind while simultaneously revealing how you have been unable to function in a normal environment. Your bitterness about your social rejection has poisoned your world view. The longer you live in your bubble, the longer you stagnate and refuse to engage with reality, the worse you become. If you're telling the truth about being the smartest person in school, it must make it even more painful to have been rendered completely ineffectual and useless. I can understand your desperate need to justify. Maybe a dose of reality will jolt you out of your pathetic existence but unfortunately I don't think that's likely.

>> No.54811163

wow, I seem to have riled up a particularly angry wagie with my bait, as was always the intention. I've told you enough about myself, I'm interested to know more about you, tell me about your line of employment and how much you earn. I am interested in plumbing the depths of your misery and despair, pathetic creature.

>> No.54811314

I don't say this often, but cope. Massive cope. Lift weights you fucking loser.

>> No.54811347

>gooning and playing visual novels is my life
Jesus Christ, man. That's embarrassing.

>> No.54811351

The fact that you gave only negative reasons as justification for your lifestyle choice is the tell. You are not living the way you do in order to better align with your values. You are doing it out of fear.

>> No.54811509

>walls not high enough to hide your face from your neighbor.
To ensure maximum tattling.

>> No.54811561

I lift, learn languages, practice my instruments, perfect my 3d modelling skills, etc all day, and I've never felt better. If you think it's somehow a bad thing to have absolute agency over your own personal freedom and precious time, the only resource you can never get back, then you're truly a fucking slave.

>> No.54811669

wagies are never going to be able to own a home or save enough money to live off of. they are quite literally working to meet their living costs. what is the point? seriously.

>> No.54811724

>rich neet
This. I was a neet all my life and, while being a not so rich neet is ok, I just recently a few years ago became a rich neet from nonstop crypto flipping/investing (though this might be considered working, I did it at home as a neet). I spend it on video games, streaming services, movies etc. High end phones, computer, electronics. Order food deliveries and food groceries to stock up on. Designer shoes, cloths etc. Need some more ideas though

>> No.54811848

Do you even need to fucking ask?

>> No.54811940

I know an obscenely rich NEET who lives in Beverly Hills and despite his money he's fucking miserable. Guy has no purpose in life, and acts like he'll keel over and die from an airborne disease the moment he steps out. His parents are also psycho and uber controlling boomers who wouldn't even let him perform jury duty properly because of their shit.

Being a NEET with money is only worth if you're doing shit and then at that point you're just an "entrepreneur looking for his niche"

>> No.54811961

>The time I've spent as a NEET have been the worst times in my life. An aimless, purposeless life is hell for me. Work gives my day structure, forces me to have a routine and helps me to tolerate myself. Time spent as a NEET makes me want to kill myself for being a useless parasite.

Being a NEET while you're poor absolutely sucks. You can't do that much because you have to save money, or you're even living at your parents long term as an adult. Neither situation is ideal. A poor NEET is undesirable to women, and being a neet doesn't inspire confidence so you'll likely be awkward and weird cause you're a neet with no life.

But, if you made-it and had like 30 million in the bank and decided to be a neet, what's the problem? Perhaps you made it but your real desire is to be an artist and make paintings or whatever and ideally sell them. Why not quit your job and do your art? Or would you argue that if you were making paintings then you wouldn't be a NEET because that constitutes work?

I think most people if they were wealthy NEETs would develop some desires not solely based in consumption, and most people who are smart or decent people want to contribute to society and give back somehow

>> No.54811977

I think you're all missing the point which is that I really just don't wanna go to work man

>> No.54812027

>cubicles returning
Fuck yes. Unfortunately my company is about 20 years behind and just got the open office meme. 32 desks in a space only 13 people sit.

>> No.54812043

I don't want to have to work for another man to put food on the table, there's nothing more cucked than that

>> No.54812223

You're always working for someone else. You trade your labor for someone else's money.

>> No.54812414

>your labor
If my labor has been clicking a few buttons since 2014 then I'll take it lmao