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54810236 No.54810236 [Reply] [Original]

>be relatively young
>own a nice house due to getting lucky in crypto
>hire some contractors to do landscaping work
>have some small talk, one the guys asks you live here by yourself?
>"uh yeah"
>he asks what I do for a living.
>don't wanna mention crypto, just say I work from home
>he starts making some offhand remark how it's nice to have rich parents
>later overhear him talking shit to the other workers, how I have no life or some shit and have everything handed to me

Why are wageslaves so fucking bitter? Like I barely know the dude and he already starts talking shit cause I don't have work for another man on a weekday.

It's same shit how when you mention how you made a lot of money on crypto, you can just see the envy in their eyes and them basically rooting for your downfall.

>> No.54810259

Should've told him it's none of his fucking business.

>> No.54810282

>caring about what some wagie thinks
also nice blog fag

>> No.54810296

probably brain damage from inhaling gasoline fumes from lawn equipment for 12 hours a day to avoid starving to death

>> No.54810337

Hahaha wow I loved this episode of things that never happened and don't exist. Thanks for the entertainment anon! I'll see you again in the next 6-12 hours.

>> No.54810340
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I for some reason yearn for wagies approval like I shouldn't care at all but he did genuinely hurt my feelings.

>> No.54810341

That's probably because you're a cunt and look like an incel

>> No.54810353

Shitcoins are gay and retarded but neets are epic and based. Good job dumping on your fellow plebs.

>> No.54810355

How am I the cunt when the guy starts talking shit cause I don't live in a dump like him and have to do grunt work to make a living?

>> No.54810388

you're probably an autistic incel with no personality or social skills

>> No.54810389

kek you got dunked on by jose and juan

>> No.54810402

Well then why are they jealous? If im a autistic no personality and social skills, then why are they butthurt enough to talk shit to a person they don't know anything about?

>> No.54810447

You need to start questioning these people about why they didnt work hard enough or say the right thing to fit in
Throw in a couple of just bee yourself bro throughout
Laugh at whatever answer they give you and say no that's not what I do
This challenges their perception of the world and encourages rebellion against the system that used to support them

>> No.54810452

dude said he got lucky on cryptos to an ex cartel member while in his own garden

you are a low iq

when a man asks me how i bought my car or my apartment i say it's only credit, you guys on this board truly are autists

>> No.54810464

Bitter because some kid has a nice house while the 95 wagie has to bow down before him.

That's it end of story move on, men will try to piss in your territory every chance the got thats just simple male behavior.
Move on.

>> No.54810467

seething wagecuck detected

>> No.54810480

I didn't mention crypto, that's why they assumed that my parents bought me everything. If I mentioned crypto, he would probably get even more butthurt

>> No.54810563

How is this even remotely implausible?

Op u r kinda gay though like is this really worth a thread? I hate u cuz I was legit too busy being a wagecuck to get in on easy shit like I heard about the AMC thing and was gonna make some money but I was fucking busy. When I'm at work I'm at work bc my coworkers aren't always. Even when they are at work. Even my gm, when he was at work he was busy looking at his fucking stocks.

So, bc other twats are too busy not working, I ended up working so much that I'm still fucking working. Why the fuck wouldn't I be talking shit lol. I'm jk I don't even know u how could I talk shit lol

Working sucks. That dude you spoke to is too stupid or too busy to even know what crypto is. But also, even though you did invest yourself, everyone gets a starting point. Some people got enough just in allowance as a kid they could've invested in crypto while some people have simply had to actually work for every dollar they've made so far, they haven't lucked into a cushy job and don't make enough yet to put anything toward crypto

Some people also are disappointed in your ambition. If I made some money I would reinvest, keep working toward even more. The one thing people do respect is being busy and successful. If you spend all your time running a business even if it's just phone calls you've earned it

>> No.54810569

dude... you gotta hide this stuff from the wagies. I never tell any normies about my true wealth and just pretend like I work really hard. Normgroids/wagies are hypocrites who tell themselves that their meaningless work gives their life purpose who would also immediately trade places with a crypto NEET in a heartbeat given the opportunity. I view 99% of people in regular employment as subhuman. I am more enlightened and intelligent than these rats.

>> No.54810643

even if I am put in a better position to invest cause of my parents, why is that generally a bad thing? Your whole life your told that you are suppose to provide the best possible life for your kid, am I suppose to feel bad cause my parent's weren't losers like your parents? Life isn't fair, but why the jealousy ? I understand being jealous of a billionare kid but I'm not even that wealthy.

>> No.54810659


Wagies are the worst, They know their spending habits and financial decisions keep them on the treadmill going nowhere but somehow they can't improve because their entire existence is connected to waging and their job. They get so bitter when somebody actually takes advantage of a position that they have had for years and does better and moves on as if they should just waste their life away.

>> No.54810674

I deal with this a lot, Really does the head in sometimes. Gotta make peace with it though. Nobody would feel bad for you if it was the other way around just try to keep it to yourself and admit your success is due to a good bit of luck to avoid massive seething.

>> No.54810850

I'm still young, reaching my 20's and you realize how even as adults, a lot of people still have super fragile egos. I need to learn to not care what people think but it's hard, I still subconsciously yearn for approval.

>> No.54810901

Well you could at least say *you're and *supposed. You're confused I'm not taking poorfuck's side I'm just answering your question. But even now think about it you're such a privileged nazi, you want to control what poor people think. Hur it's not right for them to dur... who cares bro you won. I've considered dealing or stealing. You may look at it like a normal person. For me, I get what I deserve. If you aren't willing to steal or cheat to get out of the ghetto, ironically that's what you have to do. I want to stay clean because some day I might actually get to be a lawyer or something and I don't want to actually exclude myself from consideration, even if there's already a one percent chance. Idk... clearly I am stuck haha

Yeah, a more put together person can come to the same position. If it sucks he can quit, if he doesn't wanna do something, he just won't. He'll stay in a better mood, find ways to socialize etc. Chum up to the boss. While a more desperate person can't say no. Yes I'll pick up those hours etc. Your value goes down the less you demand. You get stressed because money (duh) and people so shitty they remind you of op do things like start rumors you're on drugs.

If you really want to destroy someone, go for a poor person like someone who is totally on their own. Normal poor people don't complain all that much they stick together. People you hear bitch here are stuck in the country surrounded by cretans and finding three jobs that work together is the only way out

>> No.54810918

A few years older and I want to suggest really letting what you said 'marinate' in regards to the fragility of people's ego and their lack of control over their emotions, decisions...etc.

>Realize that other people want approval because they sub-consciously reject themselves because they know they aren't the best they could be.
>Look inward for approval/ acceptance of yourself.
>If you're doing what it takes to be the best person you can be even behind closed doors this should be self-evident to you and if it is not don't try to lie to yourself because you know you are lying to yourself. look objectively at what you can do to improve.
>This creates a level of self-worth and value that one can derive approval of oneself internally without feminine urges to be 'liked'

>> No.54810942



>The same way we can create misery is the same way we can create heavenly temples of joy.

>Life isn't easy but acting like a victim who isn't accountable or responsible for his success is only going to make it worse.

>> No.54810951

>Why do wageslaves hate us cryp(...)
No one hates cryptoneets. They just hate you because you’re gross. Stop saying “us” as if you belong to a group. You’re delusional, not part of an “us” or “we”, and you’re gross.
Please cease from making threads generalizing cryptoneets.

>> No.54811261

>have some small talk, one the guys asks you live here by yourself?
tonight he's gonna break into your house and rape you.

>> No.54812108

Panera Wagie here. I am proud of you Anon. You got out of the ratrace. You should be happy without anyones approval. I hope to make it like you did.

>> No.54812166
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we are the same anon, when they say "must be nice to have rich parents" I just smile and say "sure is :)"

>> No.54812298

>Why are wageslaves so fucking bitter? Like I barely know the dude and he already starts talking shit cause I don't have work for another man on a weekday.

NPCs are insanely judgmental, some 80 percent of people are
ESFJ... which stands for
Extroverted--huge ego
Senses--no connection to god
Feeling--dumb emotion driven

redditors in a nutshell. soulless asshole narcissists.

>> No.54812354
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I just tell em, I translate software in a different language, because im a linguistics guy. and i work from home. nobody asks questions.
>I speak 5 languages. learnig an additional 2 more now.
>Eth saved my life

>> No.54812355
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We kinda deserve it when we have coins like Nezuko on DexTools even being part of the Hot Pairs section, doing our best to pump it hard (open attached file, can't believe this is having a 39%)

>> No.54812421

Whenever I meet someone who is doing quite well in life I start to grill them questions in hopes that I'll learn something. Might get a bit envious but seeing other people succeed gives me hope in life.

You will definitely strike envy in people having a house at such a young age. You will have some people who will want to be a part of your life who will stab you in the back when you're not looking. Have some trouble knowing who your friend or enemy is.

I am nowhere near your financial situation but unfortunately have had to cut some people out of my life because they'd be friendly to my face then talk shit behind my back. Some losers are toxic and just want to drag others down with them.

Take care.

>> No.54812448

How much did you spend on a house? I was thinking of putting $500k on the side

>> No.54812532
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Well first of all, he is an idiot for saying that within earshot of you, you should make that wageslave grovel before you by telling the company that hired him you wont be doing business with them if the employees are going to insult you.

Wageslaves are dumb, impulsive, and lack self control in long term goals or they would not be wage slaves. They are not able to measure their abilities accurately so as a result they believe they are better than most people and it is only luck why they are not wealthy or have a good job. Their toxicity also feeds the other wageslaves and misery loves miserable company.

It is the same reason small rural towns of less than 1000 people are not based. I made the mistake of saying how well I did in crypto and how I was going to fund a non accredited Christian University and was badgered about how I should spend the money for the town differently and was fought by city hall on anything I proposed. The townspeople had just been knocked down a rung on the ladder so they wanted to get rid of me so they could feel better about themselves. The town was having trouble with basic utilities and such, but they would rather live in squalor without me so they feel better about themselves. I kicked the dust from my shoes and walked away.

It made me see that the plebs should not have control over anything and why I unironically support our Uniparty government system.

>> No.54812648


>> No.54812664

they're seething and also will murder you if you let them

>> No.54814103

The simple truth is that you are easy pickings OP. Learn to pipe down, pipsqueek.