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File: 1.14 MB, 2048x1560, Himmler tent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54806086 No.54806086 [Reply] [Original]

Just live in a tent. They're super cheap and super easy to set up. You have zero valid excuse for not living in a tent.

>> No.54806692
File: 657 KB, 849x557, D7CF8FC7-3BFA-4AB7-AD85-95A79DF885E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what the smart ones in Canada do. They don't have to pay a cent for rent.

>> No.54806717

my great grandma died of dysentery living in a tent by the river during the great depression. white privilege lol

>> No.54806829

A "Bidenville" does have a nice ring to it.

Great Depression 2.0. The Silicon Dustbowl. Bidenvilles.

Can't wait to see how the history books characterize this one.

>> No.54806882

Not Victoria. This ends now!

>> No.54807029
File: 137 KB, 885x887, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great idea OP. Do the world a favor. Go live in tent.

>> No.54807064

its negative temperatures here for 6 months of the year

>> No.54807066
File: 511 KB, 607x609, 1669062728031964.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't have a house, those are for boomers and rich pedophiles to speculate on and we also need to make room for all the extra diversity. Many keks can be had when watching the West rapidly become Third World.

>> No.54807349

They'll spin it all as the fault of Trump unless the 1488 side wins.

>> No.54807452

>what are camping stoves
>what is wood
>what is fire
>what is heat
>what is a ferrocerium rod
>what is a knife

>> No.54807518

>he thinks a tent next to a fire in the winter is sustainable

>> No.54807661
File: 142 KB, 1280x720, tent stove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks it isn't
>next to
You put the stove inside the tent.

>> No.54807708

looks like the kind of tent that wouldn't last more than a day in a snow storm or a windy day, wind would cut right through it

>> No.54807709

Living in a tent is illegal. There are laws against not being part of the system.

>> No.54807711

It was sustainable for the soldiers in the German and Soviet armies during minus 30 celsius and even lower temps, for months, during extreme conditions. And it was sustainable for your ancestors for tens of thousands of years.

>> No.54807774

armies dug trenches to shield them from the worst of the wind, you can't do that in a public park. and my ancestors built wood cabins during the warm months before winter came.
plopping a tent outside and thinking it'll be fine, even with a fire going, has never been sustainable for long periods of time in adverse weather

>> No.54808123
File: 107 KB, 675x669, German winter tent WW2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>digging trenches in rock-hard frozen soil
Nope, didn't happen. They used tents. inb4 "they made the trenches before the ground froze" -- they usually didn't and usually couldn't as they had to advance, move around, even in winter time; they couldn't magically dig trenches in locations before they arrived at those locations, they had to actually be in the location first in order to dig there. And you're not digging into rock-hard frozen soil.

>wood cabins
That came much later. Before that we Native Europeans simply lived in the forests (which covered nearly all of Europe) and used the materials made readily available (no cutting down trees) to us by the forest to construct the equivalent of tents of the time, using branches and moss and such; nothing more complicated than that. Constructions similar to this one (incomplete in this video): https://youtu.be/jf-l24Ot-vg?t=1394

>> No.54808184

It's illegal you faggot

>> No.54808200

Just live in a tent bitch boy. Man up.

>> No.54808246

yeah and the people that lived like that became more sickly, many died from exposure
imagine wanting to live like that to be "cheap" kek

>> No.54808617

It's triple-digit temperatures here for 8 months.

>> No.54808662

here's a much better idea: squat in an empty home. Put the utilities in your name and pay the town taxes. All of these will give you legal precedent for occupancy. Talk to a lawyer about it, there are legal ways to steal property.

>> No.54808763

>all this anti-tent FUD

>> No.54809425
File: 113 KB, 1258x527, tent250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly fucking faggots are pampered little retards, you think your ancestors lived in a house with air conditioning and heating, for your little faggot ass, no

>> No.54809799

The only reason you exist is because of them. They made it. You are the proof. Will you make it? Doubtful.

>> No.54810039

have fun and go larp living in a tent, I don't give a shit, no skin off my ass
i'd put into the effort to build a log cabin by hand before i'd resign myself to living with 1mm of plastic between my home and the elements

>> No.54810102

>retarded negrees sets up her tent on the sidewalk of a busy road.
>gets run over by booze cruiser.

Just set up your tent in a park or forest.

>> No.54810130

I live on a military base for free

>> No.54810137
File: 1.29 MB, 2937x1607, Retirement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put a canvas tarp over it A Frame Style and tie the ends

Also the Hoboken has arrived in designated janny immunity thread. AMA

>> No.54810156
File: 510 KB, 1271x1581, TFW Fats Try to Shame Me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's illegal
Wrong lmao

>> No.54810202
File: 891 KB, 1170x1104, 9C27CEB7-7A59-4019-9D66-7FC4361F7F14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bidenvilles are a very real thing

>> No.54810226
File: 2.83 MB, 3083x2485, biz financial advisor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My tent is a 2 person traveler and still looks bigger than that kek

>> No.54810267

>wartime conditions of 1940s are now normie living conditions of 2020s
The good guys lost.

>> No.54810301

Is that the outhouse?

>> No.54810322

What? If anything, glowies would want people to live in a tent

>> No.54810351
File: 1.08 MB, 1612x2208, Cost zero dollars to be here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks normies live innawoods

>> No.54810399

glowies need you to prop up the system of gibs to niggas, and make it less obvious that society is crumbling and hyperinflation is afoot, if every white man decided to stop paying taxes the entire system would collapse

>> No.54810424
File: 142 KB, 1024x761, 1677872010786851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>refusing to participate in the system
oy vey antisemitic!

>> No.54810450
File: 946 KB, 1148x746, wanted2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YWN live in comfy climate wagoneering across unfamiliar lands encountering many friends foes and hoes along the way, with 0 manmade law in sight.

>> No.54810485

oy vey da goyim isn't paying 10 percent of his yearly wage in property tax

>> No.54810608
File: 76 KB, 720x712, 33542146-7506-4617-8DE5-E467CEAB41C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they thought the “pods” were a schizo meme

>> No.54810871

boomers who live off rent are seething about tents
>"it's illegal !!!"

>> No.54810893
File: 2.67 MB, 4134x2799, Shalom goyim, panhandle because pride is dumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I approve niggercattle spewing out "its illegal". Last thing I want is pro faggot/trannys/niggers being in my vicinity.
I totally don't have burner reddit accounts that warn (half baked) homesteading threads about the frequency of bear attacks and how 6 gorillion people die every year from spider bites

>> No.54810999

is that actually you in pic related?

>> No.54811026
File: 42 KB, 512x512, klein bottle moment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's illegal to live in a tent and i can't stay in the cold for extended periods of time because i have reynauds, asthma and cold urticaria so i would die of various bacterial infections within a month or so

>> No.54811027

Yes, 3 years ago during my 9 month doomsday adventure on BLM owned land at the start of covid lockdown

>> No.54811038

>I would literally die without society so this is proof you can't do it
Lol. Lmfao even

>> No.54811040

>live in tent
>get mauled to death by bear
No thank you.

>> No.54811056

nice, that's pretty cool. i would love to do something like this one day but i probably never will. was it a good experience?

>> No.54811149

I didn't say it's proof you can't do it, I said I can't reasonably do it because I can only live in a warm environment.

If I were pushed I could figure something out (rig a fireplace and use a draft to divert the smoke laterally), but the risk and expense isn't worth it.

>> No.54811175
File: 1.99 MB, 2944x2208, For fucks sake READ MEIN KAMPF FATS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was pretty fun, saw deer daily, elk occasionally, only sounds of society were cessna planes and occasionally a lumber company. Unfortunately i wasn't too deep in so I had to leapfrog spots fairly frequently. Found out drones sound like a lawn mower in the sky if you are in an area with very little noise. Found out rivers can push water through trenches if it rains hard for over a week. Found out that cows getting loose from a nearby farm look like a bear.

Entire time I only saw 3 people. A kid and his dad that were fishing (probably spooked them just as bad as they spooked me), 2 questionable guys that appeared to be gold panning (they has waders and sifting pans but it seemed unlikely they were going to find much), and finally crept too far onto a farmers land while trying to find new solar panel setup area. He just seemed annoyed more than anything after telling him what I was doing. Escorted me back towards where I came from and pointed out "this cut down area is where my property line starts" and never heard from him again

Youll want some sort of crypto balance beforehand as a buffer just in case shit goes bad but it really isn't as hard as (((certain))) people try to tell you. Uncle Ted is right though about nearly every wooded area being either owned by governments or turned into tourist attraction. Won't stop me from trying though

>> No.54811216

>Just live in a tent
Nah I would rather take what I can and fuck off to the deep woods and build a log cabin.

>> No.54811237
File: 16 KB, 414x282, 1681155788060599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are legal ways to steal property.
Do tell? I would assume to watch out for homes that have been sabotaged and I can assume that if I take a home that is abandon which we all know means the dark ones are near by and if I dispose of the demons that haunt the land I can attempt to claim land?

>> No.54811259

pretty cool life

>> No.54812191

I live in a house with my wife

>> No.54812370


>> No.54812504

Funny thing is I came back to the city after covid lockdowns ended because I heard slacker jobs were basically min wage + $2 an hour. Got hit by a truck a month later. Woah based lmao

>> No.54812722

>person occupying a sidewalk is killed by a car
>its the person's fault anon says
brainless idiot

>> No.54814316

A shame the truck didn’t finish the job.