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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 247 KB, 1244x1600, big ass retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54803155 No.54803155 [Reply] [Original]

Side hustles, main hustles, if you can think of it as a hustle, bring it here.

I've noticed that in my own line of work(online book sales), that there is pretty much an entire ecosystem of people interacting with each other and supporting each others business by creating services specific to online sellers. They just cater to each other, and sell each other software and mentoring and things like this. They also make business deals together, like someone will offer a service to processing inventory quickly or someone will offer a service for sourcing inventory. It's a whole ecosystem where everyone is getting a piece of the pie. It's a real interesting system where you literally just keep getting juice the more you squeeze the oranges. You must simply be there to squeeze those oranges.

I like this concept of creating an ecosystem where many parties in the same type of sector do things for everyone's mutual benefit. Of course these people are your competitors, but it seems that you gain much more by way of playing fair than you do anything else. Consistency, and fair play. People like that. Most things will work if you offer that.

>> No.54803250


For me, it's selling my blood plasma to big pharma.

>> No.54803325

I also like to do people's gutters. Makes $50 on the low end, $100 an hour is more common.

A little scoop for leaves, and a ladder is all you need. A basic house is $100. A 2 story house is $200. Crazy houses can be $300 or $400. Jobs all take between 30 minutes and 4 hours. Usually 1-2 hours that is what most jobs take.

I will do 2-5 houses per day. Do the math.

>> No.54803370

In Europe donating blood more than once every two months is considered dangerous in the medium to long run

>> No.54803387

In America our poverty stricken, particularly inner city drug addicts, sell their blood plasma to european pharma companies. Your grandma's cancer drugs used Dequan's crack cocaine and pcp filled blood in order to be made.

>> No.54803468

>For me it is hedges.
>Most people are too scared to climb ladders and too weak to hold the hedger to do the tops whilst on a ladder.
>for a /fit/ chad it is easy pz.
>Super satisfying work

I love hedging

>> No.54803598

>Basement waterproofing
>Jackhammer perimeter of basement
>dig a ditch
>add gravel and pipes leading to a sump pump, on a slope
>lay some new concrete
>takes 1 or 2 days
>that will be $15,000 please
>requires 10 IQ points
>can be drunk the entire time

>> No.54803636

>Sorry ma'am I have to condemn this system you will need to get a new one
>Unit costs $2000 from manufacturer
>Requires 4 hours to fully install
>Charge customer $12000
>they desperately pay because it is 100 degrees in their house

>> No.54803640

I’m a WFH chad still living with my parents (rent is expensive here) while saving money, but I pet and house sit for people in my suburban area where there’s a lot of money, vacation time and pets. I can just go over to other peoples house and work from there. People are finalizing their Memorial Day plans now.

>> No.54803667

I was an electrical contractor for sump pumps, can confirm it’s ez stuff. Although there are always a few houses where running the circuit was a bitch and you lose money on those.

>> No.54803672
File: 75 KB, 920x424, FloridaPythonBounty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Florida snake hunter
>pic related
>a few snakes and you've made thousands

>> No.54803682

That's 2% of the job for basement waterproofing, we would never contract that out because that's just preposterous. Of course you would lose money on such a minor part of the job. My state has almost no rules, we can get away with it.

>> No.54803841

>tree work
>chainsaw and a truck, maybe some rope
>wood chipper is like $200 a day to rent
>can knock out a $5000 tree job in a day solo
>just hit rich neighborhoods with older trees with mass pamphlets the day after a big storm
>you will be able to work fully from word of mouth after literally 3 or 4 jobs thats how boomers work

>> No.54803935

>mutant animal breeder
>use basic knowledge of genetics to produce novel offspring, best done with species that are quite colorful and have a high divergence in potential appearances, such as ball pythons
>use excel spreadsheets to forecast values of potential mutants based off current market data
>snakes sell by weight, at a minimum
>be at the scale that operation costs do not out pace the basic gram value of a non-rare snake
>sell almost all snakes while they are still babies, for hundreds perhaps thousands of dollars
>all you did was some data analysis on market trends of a high dollar collectors item that you can create out of nowhere
>literally no risk because snakes always have a base value that is derived by their weight

>> No.54803979

Underrated thread

>amazon fba prep center
>charge 1-2 dollars per item processed
>if you're good every employee you have can generate hundreds of dollars per hour for you

>> No.54804020

>dozens of completely useless threads
>this thread has dozens of ways to make as much per year as a fucking doctor or lawyer


>> No.54804239

>be me
>got a moving job
>just sitting in a truck collecting $20/hour drive time while the other guy drives
>also get a set rate per truck on top of hourly
>shitposting on here
>looking for shitcoins to 100x

>> No.54804319

Thoughts on going to highschools to recruit cheap labor like the military does to get soldiers?

>> No.54804344

This one is actually based. All you need is a plinker.

>> No.54804379

Thats based, ill do this after I retire

>> No.54804385

It's a good way to get part-time workers, but even better is to employ young relatives, as long as the work isn't dangerous.
If you've got some cousins or nieces you can talk to them & their parents and convince them to work for you. It'll always be better than having them play videogames, do drugs, or be lazy pieces of shit in general.

That doesn't mean they'll work for free, but they'll do it for cheap since they've got no obligations and plenty of free time. Make it worth their time.

>> No.54804462

None of these are good. Most of these aren't even side hustles but full time jobs.

>> No.54804583

Good thread.
Is Youtube considered a side hustle?
I was thinking of making an educational/tutorial channel about new technologies/AI stuff since I’m spending too much time on that stuff anyway. I got a decent voice and could show my faces if needed.

>> No.54804653

Literal retard, go leave, you are weak.

>> No.54804674

Youtube is great as an advertising channel, but a terrible source of income in itself.
Most people that earn money from it is because they use it to advertise their website, product or whatever else, not from whatever scraps YT pays you from the ads you make people watch.

>> No.54804676

It seems these days literally all things can be monetized with social media/youtube.

>> No.54804879

I was thinking about making basic courses for normies and selling them on my website.
I would use Youtube to promote it.

>> No.54804892

I would do this shit in a second if I lived in florida

>> No.54805000

It's a core leg to any business at this point

>> No.54805166

This seems neat. What are the startup costs like for this and how much time do you need to care for reptiles?

>> No.54805172
File: 96 KB, 525x700, Japanese Maples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Backyard nursery.

Not my image but nursing Japanese Maples seems to have potential. They run for hundreds to over a thousand dollars at plant nurseries despite every adult maple tree scattering countless baby saplings around itself in early spring. You can find the saplings growing out of suburban sidewalk like weeds. Just dig them out, transplant them, then raise them passively for 2 - 3 years in cheap appropriate sized potting containers you can get from any nursery for free by asking.

Even if only 20% of the saplings you plant survive that long you could easily sell them to landscapers or local small nurseries for $50 - $100 each depending on how big they got. That's an easy $1k - 2k a year if you only raise them for two years and sell twenty of them. By year three you could sell them for double the year two price. Just print some super cheap stickers or tags to make them seem legit. Landscapers will absolutely pay you for them so they can charge their client store price.

>> No.54805422

Solar Panel Sales Door-to-door Lead Generation

You don't have to actually sell anything to get paid for this. The solar industry is still thriving in some states and will be for most of this decade. Some solar companies have organized their business structure to have entry level guys only find leads and knock on doors to set up appointments for their designated sales team. Any one can do it. They give you an easy script to memorize and you knock on suburban homes until some nice or interested person agrees to an appointment to learn more about solar. I got paid $300 per qualified sit down appointment I set up, and an additional $400-500 if the person got solar. Knocking hours are from 1pm to 6/7pm and you can pick whatever neighborhood you want within your huge territory. You are essentially your own boss who can decide whenever you want to work. Making it an easy second job that can make you $2K - $4k a week by only going door-to-door for 20 hrs a week. Which is the equivalent of knocking on about fifty doors a day.

>> No.54805534

Just starting to do this, work as a roofer by day and want to do cleanings afterwards. Do you use Google my business ads / Facebook / nextdoor / in person to generate business or what else? I'm not sure which avenue to spend any bucks on to capture market but I live in a semi-rural area with older folks.

>> No.54805721

Just breed snakes. Basically no cost. Not more than $500. If you are disciplined, you could take care of 100-200 snakes in tupperware in afternoons when you get off work. Would probably net around 50k revenue annually at this scale depending on your prowess with snake genetics.

>> No.54805753

You'll have a backlog of work a month long after a few good referrals so it's not really important, you simply must do it. Give free quotes to places like golf courses after big storms, these places will get you hooked up with boomers and work for all of eternity. Go to church. BIG businesses opportunities at your local church.

>> No.54805792

Bump great thread.
Actually something useful on /biz/.
Another possible hustle is buying a giant bear costume on Alibaba and then doing appearances for birthdays,holidays,etc.
One appearance is like 30 minutes and I’ve seen these bears get paid over $100 per appearance.

>> No.54805796

This reminds me, LOTS of construction/remodel jobs are paid for by insurance companies. This means basically, multiple times more money than it actually costs so you will make a fuck ton of money, and home owners aren't constantly tripping balls because it isn't even their money. If you do construction, get insurance jobs. Roofs for example are almost always insurance.

>> No.54805814

I have strongly considered making those terrariums with bonsai trees in them, thoughts?

>> No.54805836

Glass terrariums are a bitch to manage unless you know what you are doing. I also heard bonsai is a skilled art. I wouldn't recommend doing either as a side hustle unless you start them as a hobby first.

>> No.54805843

Speaking from roof industry yes. Educate yourself on xactimate and being able to tell the homeowner about the insurance process. If you are trusted then it's a sure thing.
I sure hope so. Thank you for the tips, I'll have to start putting myself out there. Do you really go in person with a card and offer the estimate or do you call/inquire online in any way to get business?

>> No.54805945

In person bro

>> No.54805986

Well yes, of course. I would just have like 20 of them or so in a room. Have to make them worth thousands though, cheap ones definitely arent worth it.

>> No.54806050

some of the blood probably gets given to car crash victims via iv.

>> No.54806074
File: 2.08 MB, 2656x1494, 20160807_194858_resized_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For past 15 years I would buy power sports (ATV, Boats, Dirt Bikes, Chainsaws etc)
That would be broken, and then fix them up/restore and then flip for profit.

Also being up North the weather had such swings. Thus Prices for a dirtbike at -20 with 2 ft of snow around Christmas, usually meant the guy was out of a job and looking to sell fast and cheap. Buy repair, and sell in 4 months when spring hit for 3-4X

Now truth be told last 3 years of COVID has dried up a lot of the inventory. Also got married with kids now, so my time in the garage tinkering to flip a project for a few bucks is meaning I have fewer and fewer minutes to spend on those projects.

In the prime I would have 6 or more toys in the garage, and I never lost money. Yes there was a few I would look and just sell as cores for same price to get my cost back. But that is less than 5%

BEST... Kids size, and anything 2 stroke
Worst... Chinese cheapo crap

Stick to name brand Honda, Yamaha, KTM, Suzuki etc.

>> No.54806127

Go for it. However, I strongly urge you not to use found wild plants or debris in your terrariums. That's a great way to introduce gnats, disease, or fungus to everything. That's how I lost all my indoor plant collection some years ago. Some blight wiped out everything after I brought an outdoor terrarium inside for the cold months :(

>> No.54806199

Hedgies get the rope

>> No.54806221

retardly dangerous job, if you do it without insurance you're a fucking moron
>fall out of tree
>crack pelvis
>bed ridden for months

>> No.54806233

>>Go to church. BIG businesses opportunities at your local church

The eternal protestant strikes again

>> No.54806297

That sounds fun, working on baikus is so much better than performing gymnastics to reach some shitty bolt buried in the back of an engine bay

>> No.54806390

I too have considered exotic plant nursing. Have you taken into account that they might be taking clones of certain trees because of their growth structure and such? I know growing apple trees from seed is almost useless and they're propagated almost 100% vegetatively

>> No.54806881

Bump before relegated to the dark pages

>> No.54806908

coward I know people that have done it 40 years
bro christians do business together all im gonna say

>> No.54806960

>write kind and encouraging words for $5 per 100 words, with tips accepted
>advertise on craigslist, newspaper, etc
>spends 12 hours per day being a positive person uplifting spirits
>make $$$

>> No.54806976

>just have ChatGPT do all the work


>> No.54807012

We need to make this illegal

>> No.54807044

Yes, as a decorative oriental tree I considered that Japanese Maples may be tightly bred or grafted to produce desired types in nurseries. I recognize that the seeds and saplings I find might be too crossbred to mirror the ideal nursery varieties. But I can assure you that unlike with certain grafted/cloned fruit trees the maples are 100% capable of producing fertile offspring on their own. That's part of the issue, they can breed with other oriental types which can create less desirable looking maple designs. But I also know that a single generation of dilution shouldn't hurt some of the designs all that much. Most would still be worth $50 - $100 to landscapers in my opinion.

>> No.54807077

I know how to build business intelligence dashboards but am struggling how to translate this into a business idea, people don't just buy slide decks or analytics services on their own, do they?

>> No.54807081

>landscape lighting
>20 or 30 lights in a persons front and backyard
>low voltage electric so no big deal
>dig 6 inch channel to hide wire between lights
>a single day of digging and laying wire and installing lights
>you win $1500-$3000 congrats

>> No.54807119

They do, but you've got to really sell yourself. It's a position where you are really building up people's confidence.

>> No.54807166

Companies that understand this have their own in house analytics teams. Ones that don't are sitting on data they don't know how to use. With a little marketing and free demonstrations, you can probably contract your services out to them.

>> No.54807449

>gutter cleaning
Actually, this plus power washing + window cleaning sounds like a fantastic combo. People just give away money these days to get easy jobs done that could take less than an hour.

>> No.54808108

Writing kind things, or using a chatbot?

>> No.54808224

>Do the math
>$50 on the low end, $100 an hour is more common
Let's go $85/hr
>Usually 1-2 hours that is what most jobs take
let's go 1.5h average
>I will do 2-5 houses per day
3 hours - 7.5 hrs at $85.00/hr, so about $255 - $640 per day. Averaging that to $440/day. You can make $114,400 a year working 5 days a week. Ever thought about getting a truck, hiring a worker hourly+commission?

>> No.54809299

People don't need their gutters cleaned year round. It's primarily needed only in the fall season, and many people aren't willing to pay that much. It's almost cheaper to install gutter guards just once.

>> No.54809659

It's literally the standard rate. If you don't pay this much, you get a teenager to do it or you do it yourself.

Lots of people pay for this.

>> No.54809735

i thought about trying to sell my art but what turned me off is the inevitable pity buyers. where i am not good enough to actually compete wit real artists but a family member or friend would probably give me $100 and a pat on the head, and i just dont want that. but i realized all business is like this. you buy from people you like. only recently is it normal to buy whatever is cheapest at walmart. in the modern consumerism system everyone loses, people cant compete with slave labor and people buy inferior products.
I have also noticed circular economys form around hobbyists that sell to each other, but i have always wondered where the money comes from in the first place. if everyone is knitting mittens and giving them to each other, which person with the real job has the seed money that gets passed back and forth?

>> No.54810169

Can one expect a 10% return per annum on the S&P 500 for the next 10 years?

>> No.54810318

no. the gold standard for an investment is to double every 10 years on average. market has been doing double that so we are due for a decade of the opposite

>> No.54810387
File: 524 KB, 1011x1238, Iheartnuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sell screaming nut vids on onlyfans and make about $125 a month. Which here in Lithuania is enough for my rent with utilities included.

>> No.54811854
File: 17 KB, 380x266, Me on my first day of work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't it be funny to be able to say I have this kind of work and I'm still unscathed?
I like to have some achievement in the things I work on, plus if it's true that you can get that kind of money I might even start investing so many things, even in my body, in things like 0x0 for the popularity of IAs, and of course a nice house, a man must take his chances

>> No.54812503

write kind and encouraging words where???

>> No.54812687

>he doesn't work a full-time job as a side hussle on top of his other full-time job

>> No.54812829

...are..... are you literally retarded?