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54803064 No.54803064 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize you were a natural go-getter? Did any of you major in go-getterology?

>> No.54803078

>it says here you didn't push a hoop down the road with a stick when you were a kid... Sorry but we can't hire someone like you.
Day of the Pillow when?

>> No.54803092

>Thomas Incel
Checks out, lol

>> No.54803100

What a fucking faggot way of thinking, I didn't get my license until I was 19 because I had to pay for someone to teach me, the test and the license myself with my McDonald's job back when I worked there

>> No.54803167

Imagine having to work for a poofta like this

>> No.54803189

>all these carlets itt
Lmao better luck next time chuddy!

>> No.54803197

Wtf is an internal locus of control

>> No.54803211

>have wife, child, own home
>decently well-paid career
>no driver’s license

>> No.54803214

a pre-packed series of words that a dipshit picked up from somewhere.

>> No.54803230

I got my license at 13, I drive.

>> No.54803319

This is like the some total of what they consider hard work, that they've come to that realise one evening and figured
>fuck.... I just keep getting better and better, this is the shit they pay the extra for

Other possible interpretation of that question, people that passed at 16 are from wealthier families and so are LESS likely to have "grit".

Absolute bollocks hr/pr junk as usual.

>> No.54803330

I go my license when I was like 28 yrs old. Mostly because I just didn't need one. Should I have gotten one earlier? Sure, I guess so. I am also 32 year old virgin.

And yet I made 100's of Gs off of crypto and I am the only one of my friends who ever did anything out of the box. Maybe I am just an oddball. High independence but also easily complacent. It's like this volatile tension in my life and I swing between the extremes of relying on others and going my own way.

>> No.54803350

Dude it was like 600 bucks how poor are you?

>> No.54803351

Just another word for a fag who bends over to others ecpectations

>> No.54803357

Everyone I knew was jumping on a license the moment they were legal. How on Earth are there so many of you nolicense faggots on here? For once the twitterfag is right, I'd be highly suspicious of anyone who didn't feel that basic motivation to live life independently and fully.

>> No.54803397

I got mine at 15 does that mean I get his job then?

>> No.54803425

Psych speak for taking responsibility.

Chads have high internal locus of control when things go right (they went right cos they are chad after all) and low when they go wrong (chad was right, the world is wrong).

Come to think of it, bankers are chads. The gamble goes well and they win, the gamble goes wrong, you lose.

>> No.54803433

>How on Earth are there so many of you nolicense faggots on here?
Zoomers don’t want to drive
>A 2023 report conducted by automotive market research imprint Hedges & Company, found that just 34.8% of 16- to 19-year-olds in the US have their driver’s licenses, the lowest percentage by far of any eligible age group.
>A paltry 25% of 16-year-olds obtained their licenses in 2021, compared to the 46% of people the same age in 1983, per statistics collected by the Federal Highway Administration.

>> No.54803457

>3 kids
im winning

>> No.54803463


We really are devolving into sludge as a society

>> No.54803482

lol, in eu it costs 2000+ euros

>> No.54803530

Lol if you drive a car for someone else you are someone elses bitch

>> No.54803541

Must be a Euro
In the US you just get someone to drive you to the nearest small town where they don't give a fuck and you auto pass

>> No.54803553


That wasn't the question you literal human turd

>> No.54803565
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what if you live in a place with public transport that works?

>> No.54803586

i fucking hate boomers so much its unreal

>> No.54803588

Less people are getting licenses because these people don't need to drive since they have other people driving for them. These drivers exist to chauffeur these people around

>> No.54803605

I just like cars, I’m not a go getter. Dude might as well ask when you got laid.

>> No.54803627

I got my drivers license before I learned how to drive.

>> No.54803649

I ask when they first jacked off.
>12, no hire
<9, I like to hear this *flex* that person is an innovator

>> No.54803679


Oh right 50% of penniless young people have chauffeuers. Kys

>> No.54803689

There are way better indicators

dont hire

>> No.54803743

>I go my license when I was like 28 yrs old.
>I am also 32 year old virgin.

>> No.54803888

This. They should be called "reach arounders" instead.

>> No.54803890

What does high internal locus of control mean? Locus is like a position or place. So it means your point of internal control is located high up in the body? Is he just talking nonsense or do you guys understand this?

>> No.54803907

I had to take private driving school myself which I did when I was 15 and paid the $600 from the thousands of dollars I had saved from working. No larp.

>> No.54803909

People genuinely go through life bragging about being the most dedicated corpo-servant, and then act like they can't understand how servants love their masters

>> No.54803951

>Can only go where my nanny state says it's OK, on their schedule
Your internal locus of control isn't very high is it

>> No.54803992

>you should’ve gotten your license before you were old enough to work enough hours to even afford a car, goy
It’s not even mathematically possible to get your license before the age of 16.5 in my state. There’s a class you must take if you’re under 17, as well as a mandatory waiting period between the written and final test.

>> No.54804062

Less young people are driving because they’re penniless. It’ll take you a full year or more of full time minimum wage work to afford an absolute beater piece of shit. That’s assuming you never spend a dime and that’s before you consider the cost of insurance for young people and gas are both astronomical. It’s simply not possible for many kids.

>> No.54804087

Bitchmade nigga

>> No.54804134

I got my first drivers license at 45, lol.

>> No.54804146

I didn't get my licenses till a few months ago, I'm 21. I just walked to were I needed to go. If you can't walk at least 5 miles with a 60 pound load you aren't human.

>> No.54804166

kek people actual didn't get it at 16? Like lmao what a failure

>> No.54804408

>work in HR
>a hiring manager asks me to print all the candidate CVs for an open position
>takes a random half of the pile, puts it in the trash
>"I don't work with unlucky people."

>> No.54804467
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>and paid the $600 from the thousands of dollars I had saved from working

MOOM I need a ride to chik fil a my shift starts in 10 mins hurry!!!

>> No.54804500

>HR manager shirks responsibility to the detriment of the company and coworkers just to flaunt power
Checks out

>> No.54804585

I got my license 11 days after my birthday. I would have done sooner but my mother was being a bitch. I bought my first car a year later, as soon as I was permitted to do so (graduated licensing program)
kek someone is butt hurt the internet told them they are not a go-getter
I would have factored in test and lesson costs, I had to pay tests
I also worked at mcdonalds at the time so sftu faggot

>> No.54804613

Grats. I want at least three, but it’ll take a few more years to get there

>> No.54804630

>low internal locus of control, no grit

>> No.54804654
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I mean I hate HR but as a joke that is pretty funny.


I'll never have what you have but I'm going to go out and drive for a while, tailgate Maryland tags while thinking about how much bigger my locus of control is than yours.

>> No.54804716

Topkek, godspeed anon

>> No.54804786

This guy is just a goon running a no-name, no money VC firm that invests in fucking hvacs companies: https://www.lpfirstcapital.com/
He's literally too stupid to even do the 10x flips on app companies that jews do
The only thing this guy goes and gets is cumshots from the people actually funding the firm

>> No.54804798

That's not a boomer. That's just a dick head psycho path boss/CEO who feels immense power and controlling people because his life sucks.

>> No.54804804

>MOOOOOOOM is my uniform ready yet? My shift manager yelled at me when it came in stained

>> No.54804820
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That’s deep

>> No.54804821

He's not even a boss or CEO, he runs a no-money VC firm that doesn't even fucking invest in software and pretends to be Daddy Warbucks on twitter >>54804786

>> No.54804828
File: 1 KB, 299x29, conviction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If someone makes dumb posts on social media under their real names, do not hire if that role requires not being fucking retarded

>> No.54804878

I'm in my late 30s.
Still can't drive.
Net worth 8 digits, I've always just rented a car with a driver whenever I needed to go someplace far, Uber for nearby locations.

>> No.54804889

I just got back from an interview. Someone please explain this one to me.
>final question, it's just for fun!
>would you rather eat a week old apple or a fresh one?
>there are no wrong answers
What the fuck kind of question is this? I said fresh of course.

>> No.54804922

t. low internal locus of control

>> No.54804962

Checking for robots

>> No.54804999

Man I hear about places where getting a license takes a day or a few weeks and it blows me away with how much better that is.
In my area (ontario) when we turn 16 we can only do a written test where after passing we can only drive if there's another licensed driver in the front seat and can't go on highways.
Then after 12 months we can take a driver tests where if you pass you can drive on your own, but it expires after 3 years and can't be renewed.
Then after another 12 months (or 8 months if you take a driver education course) take another drive test, where if we pass we get the full driver's license.
It's not even possible to get the full license until you're 17, and most won't get it until they're 18, and it's such a complicated hassle where the testers yell at you and fail you for random bullshit like going through an intersection that turned yellow 0.1 seconds before you're about to enter, and bullshit rules like driving on the right lane on city streets where everyone is going 50km/hr, that no one actually does when they're driving and that they only know because they paid a driving instructor $200 to "teach them". Complete scam system.

I passed my written test immediately but slacked on passing the driver tests because I couldn't afford a car, I was poor and I lived on a farm and getting paid work wasn't possible because my parents didn't want to drive into town to drop me off or pick me up for shifts. Can't get a job, and can't afford a car without a job, so what's the point of getting a license when you can't drive anywhere anyway?
Didn't get my license until after I graduated college at 23 and got a decent paying job where I could afford a car.

>> No.54805015


>> No.54805041

would happily not work for someone who thinks this is clever

>> No.54805086

don't call us, we'll call you.

>> No.54805161

I guess that's fair.

>> No.54805187

>would you rather eat a week old apple or a fresh one?
week old because it needs time to ripen.
all the apples in a grocery store are a week old.
yes, there is a right and wrong answer and you gave the wrong answer.

>> No.54805196

no thanks

>> No.54805258

"I'd rather eat one, fresh off the tree, covered in morning dew glistening in the light of the rising sun. You see, that was my grandfather Yentsil's favorite snack. It was apple season in the old country just before he was shipped off to the holocaust. Before he passed away he always told me that if I had a chance to try a fresh apple that I should try one."

>> No.54805301

I got my license the day I turned 16 and I'm still a fuckin bum

>> No.54805354

Got my permit at 15 1/2, license at 16. But im not a go getter at all.
t. 29 year old lazy neet

>> No.54805356

there are basically no fresh apples, 99% chance the apples you get at the supermarket are from last year, they arent necessarily bad, but have slightly less vitamins and more sugar, they made a test around here and people preferred a year old apple to the fresh one just because they are used to it (and like more sugary ones)

>> No.54805429
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> internal locus of control with a dash of grit

>> No.54805545

What if you were born in a super poor family but were in school doing well?
Complete morons

>> No.54805556


>> No.54805603

>sorry boss, that position is still open because none of the candidates knew the fun fact about apples

>> No.54805605

only if you are married and they live with you.

>> No.54805616

The guy is a tool but unfortunately right. While the youth today are dealt a poor hand many lack simple tenacity when dealing with adversity in work. My brother would simplify this further in often calling gen z mechanics and other new hires in his and other fields, dumb pussies who can't figure anything out for themselves.

>> No.54805621

Was for

>> No.54805650

18 here and i would've gotten it at 16 if i wasn't shipped off to boarding school

>> No.54805655

What you’re describing is what every generation says about the following generations. You and people your age were little retards when you started working as well. You just conveniently forget.

>> No.54806807

Not only this, but boomers in particular were overcompensated for their shitty efforts and it gives them massive entitlement
They think they got raises and promotions because they were actual hard workers, not because they bombed every other factory in the world and millions of working age men had been killed and they weren't yet competing with Juan from Honduras or Rangesh from Bangalore
Meanwhile millennials are creating billions of dollars from thin air with the power of our minds but we're "lazy and spoiled"

>> No.54807203

they were checking the altitude of your internal locus of control

>> No.54807355

I didn't get my license until I was 19 because my mom was an irresponsible piece of garbage and I had to learn how to drive by literally finding a girlfriend who had a car, getting on her good side, and getting her to feel sorry for me so that she would let me practice by driving her car and take her car to the DMV so that I could use it for the test. Lol

>> No.54807380

Kek, this

>> No.54807418

My brother hated driving so I drove everywhere around with him at 15. terrifying to think of a 15 year old on the road today.

>> No.54807567

Some of us grew up super poor. Started working when i was 13 as a constructionlaborer for the summer. I moved out when i was 16. Got a studio apartment in 20 year old girlfriends name. Worked at mcdonalds and sold acid to stretch cash. Wasn't a druggie. License didnt come until i was 19 and had saved enough to buy a decent 5 year old car with low miles in cash. That doesn't mean i haven't been ambitious. Im 40 years old now, pretty successful.