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54802715 No.54802715 [Reply] [Original]

I avoided interacting with people for a couple years due to covid/college, but now that I've decided to try and get my shit together women are proving all my sexist beliefs abut them to be true. I work in real estate and women are by far the most toxic, intolerable, annoying people to work with. It's not even close. My female coworkers are toxically competitive, and always have opinion, even when unnecessary. When I say toxically competitive I mean they aren't just their to make money, so even if they are doing well, they have to do better than everyone. It's not enough for them to win, others must lose. Secondly, they ask questions because I have been around a bit and then get annoyed at the answers/try to argue their way is better when they asked me for help.
Then you get to the the female clients who are always asking for everything and anything. If the unit is perfect in their primitive dog-like minds, they kill deals. They essentially have to be manipulated to close a deal, because talking to them rationally DOES NOT WORK.
It's funny because I was wondering if I was excessively sexist but now I feel completely vindicated.

Blogpost over

>> No.54802790

Cool story. Now brush up on your spelling, prepositions, commas, tenses and sentence structure and you are golden.

>> No.54802823

Here you go poindexter. Fresh from Chatgpt

For a couple of years, I avoided interacting with people due to COVID/college. However, now that I have decided to try and get my life together, I have found that women are proving all my sexist beliefs about them to be true. As someone who works in real estate, I have found women to be the most toxic, intolerable, and annoying people to work with, by far. My female coworkers are toxically competitive and always have opinions, even when unnecessary. When I say toxically competitive, I mean that they are not just there to make money. Even if they are doing well, they feel the need to do better than everyone else. Winning is not enough for them; others must lose. Additionally, they ask me for help because I have been around for a bit, but then get annoyed with my answers and try to argue their way is better.

Then there are the female clients who are always asking for everything and anything. In their primitive dog-like minds, even if the unit is perfect, they can kill deals. Essentially, they need to be manipulated to close a deal, because talking to them rationally does not work.

It's interesting because I used to wonder if I was excessively sexist, but now I feel completely vindicated.

>> No.54802829

working with women is trash

>> No.54802851

>reddit spacing

>> No.54803731
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>paragraphs are now reddit spacing

>> No.54803781

that is reddit spacing you stupid faggot.

>> No.54803799

Fight fire with fire. Expose them. Ask in front of team meetings why should would do x, which seems UNLOGICALLY and Inefficient. Your team lead will be triggered.

>> No.54803804

That's to admit that redditors are smarter than you, dingus.
>learn what a fucking paragraph is, or I'll find you and rape you

>> No.54803836

100% this. The only way to put suburban women in their place is to embarass them in front of their peers. They care so much about their social standing, that being made a fool of would be devastating to them

>> No.54803856

do you even know what a paragraph is?
you reek of curry.

>> No.54803867

The tone is important. You should look to others like a caring cuck, but she will know that you are flaying her alive and enjoying it.
She will then die internally, te all her friends and then start with flirty behaviour towards you.

>> No.54803928

So you're telling me that it's reddit spacing for NOT just creating some fucking wall of text?

Fuck right off with that bullshit

>> No.54804285

The day I accepted that 90% of what women say and think is just noise was a turning point in my life. Every time one of them opens her mouth just imagine a radio scanning through a hundred stations every minute and that's more or less the equivalent level of sentient thought you're getting.

You have to understand that everything they do in the workplace is essentially role-playing. All these women are just future and former housewives who are temporarily working. The minute their company folds or their career becomes unviable they can immediately transition to cushy housewife roles and not experience a moment of discomfort. So they go to the office to act like men. And the way they think men act is what? Highly toxic, competitive to a fault, "boys club" assholes.

>> No.54804335

The only reasonable approach

>> No.54805081

>When I say toxically competitive I mean they aren't just their to make money, so even if they are doing well, they have to do better than everyone. It's not enough for them to win, others must lose.
Part of me is like, "Well, you put them in that position by downplaying their skill and results; they have to be cutthroat because they won't get recognition otherwise, and instead get treated like airheaded little girls," but the other part of me understands who deleterious such personalities are to a healthy work environment. But this goes for everyone with a chip on their shoulder, it's not a sex thing.
The answer is to go after the people who fuck the other people up to the point that they act that way.

>> No.54805144

Yuppie women are the absolute worst

>> No.54805224

>I avoided interacting with people for a couple years due to covid

Retarded incel and a faggot.

>> No.54805336

I supposedly in my head know all of this but when you put it that way it makes a whole lot of sense

>> No.54805339
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It's just a property of "high performance" people. It's really fucking annoying.

>> No.54805438

>When I say toxically competitive I mean they aren't just their to make money, so even if they are doing well, they have to do better than everyone. It's not enough for them to win, others must lose
idk if it's just selection bias for women that become career focused but in my industry with 90% men and 10% women, about half the women I see are this cut throat, while with guys it's closer to 5%. Most guys just want to do good work and help each other and the company do well.

>> No.54805460

Women secretly resent their jobs. They're only doing them so they can socialize and party on the weekends. They hate working and they gate you for working as well.

>> No.54806228

Any woman with power, really.

>> No.54806243

Wymmnym are obedient enough not to attack the hand that feeds them.

>> No.54806254


>> No.54806328


>> No.54806491


>> No.54806726

Yeah this. Just ignore them. And when they get angry show them how unreasonable and hysterical they are being. Prove them right by driving them to the edge and allowing them to trip over themselves so that you aren't culpable.