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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54796142 No.54796142 [Reply] [Original]

how do i make money from this?

>> No.54796162

How can you short a whole hemisphere (West)?

>> No.54796163

Internet connected prostate simulators that can be controlled by your boyfriend..

>> No.54796203

God damn faggot Zoomers. They are putting avocado on everything and fucking each other in the ass instead of working.

>> No.54796211

invest in ck one

>> No.54796217

Lily Simpson is a man.

>> No.54796243

launch a gay version of current memecoins.. gay Elon, gay Pepe, gay Grimes, you get the drift

>> No.54796250

This is great, this means we can continue to stack gold/silver/bitcoin and short everything west until we hid the grave.

>> No.54796291

You don't because it's not true. Every time they audit those surveys they discover that nearly 3/4ths of those students reporting as queer put down joke answers. It's like how at the University of Alabama they surveyed their fraternity system and roughly 4/5ths of the fraternity guys jokingly put down things like "trigendered fox kin" or "apache helicopter" for sexual/gender identity. Don't fall for doomer bait anon.

>> No.54796304

Legit answer.

>> No.54796335 [DELETED] 

So in 2 generations 75% of America is going to be gays and trannies, what happens to the other 15% of normal people? We're all going to be dead by that time right?

>> No.54796353

Jesus christ, 20%? This has to be bullshit.

>> No.54796374

You are living in a cave.
I used to be a high school teacher, quit a few years ago because of this fucking nonsense.
So many kids identify as LGTBQZXICYSU2+ now because its seen as the current trendy thing to do.
Its so fucked up man.

>> No.54796392

Most of it is girls claiming to be bisexual to be different.

>> No.54796482

GTFO, and then buy cheapies after everything goes to hell.

>> No.54796484

Short western civilization.

>> No.54796492

reminder all polls are fake

>> No.54796887
File: 31 KB, 277x182, B47ECC9E-99E5-4034-BCE8-D5B68A108DD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its actually very hard to find a girl who is not “bisexual” in college

>> No.54796894

It's a bubble

>> No.54797500

I'm surprised it isn't higher honestly

>> No.54797551

You don't make money on fags, look at budlight.

>> No.54797668

>all have the same haircut
>all are gay/trannies
>all are far-leftist
>all are culturally woke
>all are addicted to tiktok
Are they the most socially conformist generation ever? Where are the rebels? Where are the people who go against the grain?

>> No.54797677

Gen Z is the most gullible consumerist gimp generation that has ever came into fruition. Like goldfish. Pretty easy to farm the gimps for their minimum wage.

>> No.54797939

according to political scientist Eric Kaufman , polling shows that even though 20% zoomers identify as lgbstds, the % of zoomers responding to having done same-sex sexual behaviour has barely increased, so most of the increase in zoomers identifying as lgbstds is because of white girls identifying as bisexual, pansexual , asexual,demisexual sapiosexual, etc. other made up bullshit.
The reason they do this is because belonging to an "oppressed" minority group confers virtue on you while white teens are as a default told that they belong to an evil group and they need to feel ashamed and sorry and guilty for who they are.

>> No.54797977
File: 437 KB, 828x837, 73299F89-F407-45B6-A39C-15693A966CF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate them. They’re faggots. They’re unbelievably retarded and hive minded. Incapable of doing anything useful.
They are the worst generation that’s ever existed. I heard Gen Alpha is incredibly racist and hateful though. Maybe there’s still hope for this world.

>> No.54798004

Hey grandpa, 2016 called. They want you back.

>> No.54798027

It's mostly girls that get piercings and go by they/them.

>> No.54798046


>> No.54798070

>muh le traditional based and redpilled generation zyklon
/pol/ was wrong again

>> No.54798106

Holy fuck. This is best idea I’ve ever read here. I’m going to win pride month.