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54795954 No.54795954 [Reply] [Original]

Yeah, I know exactly which video you watched where the moron who did literally no research on the protocol itself told you that the "tokenomics are bad". To me, it's extremely suspicious that he created that video when he did, considering the price has gone up 100% since the two largest token unlocks occurred, and only dumped in the short-term after he released his video. He probably has huge bags and dumped the price intentionally to try to buy low, since the price was starting to rise again from a local bottom at the time. It has also been found out that the unlocked tokens had been delegated to the network this entire time, so they aren't even liquid.

Did you know that Solana also had similar "token unlock FUD", for the date "January 7th"? Solana was suppressed to below $2.50 because of this FUD, and once January 7th actually came, it pumped and hasn't come down since.

In my opinion, there aren't enough GRT tokens for the service they are providing when you consider how many tokens are/will be locked in delegation and curation and how many tokens will be hoarded by dapp teams and developers to front the query fees for their dapps, and there will be a serious supply shock that results in an enormous spike in token price once dapps are forced to pay fees for their dapps to function. This will likely occur within hours/days/weeks following their inevitable announcement that the hosted network is being shut down and dapps will have to migrate to the decentralized mainnet (where they will thus need GRT to pay for their hundreds of millions of daily queries).

>> No.54795958

You may say, "well, what if they don't want to pay? won't they just do it themselves?" Nope. Let's take a quick look at PancakeSwap's horrific experience with trying to steal from The Graph as our prime example.

A while ago, Pancakeswap created a fork of The Graph's PancakeSwap subgraph, but their fork didn't work properly and the DEX/website stopped working. So Pancakeswap begged The Graph for help, but The Graph obviously ignored them since they tried to steal their product. So out of desperation, Pancakeswap hosted a bounty program to try to find a service that can help them to fix their indexing problem. StreamingFast, an up-and-coming private software development/indexing company, wins the competition.

So what does The Graph do? They buy StreamingFast for $60 million and bring them onboard as core developers.

People simply do not understand. The Graph has complete control over the indexing of Web 3.0, the new internet. There will never be any legitimate competitors. It's already too late for anyone else to take a significant market share from The Graph.

10 billion tokens is not enough and people who do not own The Graph's GRT right now will likely get "priced out" in the relatively near future, similar to Ethereum or Chainlink.

>> No.54795998

That same guy made an updated video a few months ago saying he thinks The Graph is gonna pump now

>> No.54796192

Which means it won't. I hate youtube fags.

>> No.54796199

Sir, you need to stop creating these threads and just limit yourself to replying with "it's over".
Further shilling will not be tolerated.
Consider yourself warned.
By the way
this is going back to 1c

>> No.54797619
File: 88 KB, 956x628, it's over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54797803

That's some solid hopium. Do you think GRT can hit $5 in 2025 my nigga?

>> No.54797853

not reading but KEK BAGGIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.54798045


Its over.

>> No.54798254

>Do you think GRT can hit $5 in 2025 my nigga?
$0.03 is probably where its going.

>> No.54798850

I acknowledge data's going to be a thing.
But muh graph? Really, Sirs?

>> No.54800246

It's almost guaranteed to hit $2, I can tell you that much. $5 top is what everyone is hoping. Remember it has 10X the supply of chainlink so just look at the chainlink chart and it should do something similar.

>> No.54800534
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, twowolves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To stop fudposting for a moment, I'm not at the liberty of discussing the details at this time, but I accidentally stumbled on some serious fucking alpha a few minutes ago while working.

We are so back.

>> No.54800542

It's over

>> No.54800567 [DELETED] 

It hasn't even begun..

>> No.54800576

It hasn't even begun.

>> No.54800634

no hints then? can you just tell me if 500K GRT is enough to make it?

>> No.54800689

yeah dude, 500k grt is stacks. last run it got to like 2.44 USD. it it reaches ATH again you're sitting on 1.2 million. Not a bad start. If it reaches new ATH's as crypto market grows and stays relevant (who the fuck knows) then it could go a lot higher. i dunno though. i just keep a stacklet of 1250 GRT validating as a small "maybe one day" stack. it's just a small diversity stack in case LINK gets BTFO somehow

>> No.54800892

Will 150,000 grt make it?

>> No.54800953

>no hints then?
I felt more comfortable dropping detailed alpha when my paycheck wasn't on the line. Long story short: major integration. When it's public I'll go into more detail here about the implications, but it's difficult to beat around the bush. I wonder if Brandon's already aware of it.

>can you just tell me if 500K GRT is enough to make it?
If GRT pulls off (a) a 300x earnings multiple and mainnet query volume is 10% of the hosted service, or (b) a 30x earnings multiple and query volume is 100% of the hosted service, then you should at least be able to live comfortably off the yield in a decent third world country, and that's at current usage.

The former query volume is far more likely, but the earnings multiple is what's up in the air. All near term yield bets are off if indexing rewards are somehow phased out prematurely, but thankfully that probably won't be the case anytime soon.

>> No.54801035

Nice, I look forward to your post about this integration