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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54784795 No.54784795 [Reply] [Original]

Why are people treating this like a bad thing? Of course they would deny everyone it just makes good business sense when they have no other option.

>> No.54784986

>Oy Vey muh shekels

>> No.54785419

So why would anyone buy insurance? I feel that this is the Achilles heel of this strategy.

>> No.54785488

Only boomers buy insurance

>> No.54785505

Gaslighting. Jewish fees if you don't buy, just look at auto insurance and the former ACA mandate where you get penalized for not buying.

>> No.54785511

Right? Just don't get sick and never need medication. Problem solved.

>> No.54785517

The article is about how they intend to not pay out even if you do get sick and need medication.

>> No.54785531

health insurers are massive kikes. i work in corporate for a leading insurer/PBM and the health insurance benefits they give us, even as employees of the company, is shit. my boss has a daughter who needed major surgery for her kidneys and apparently they did everything to deny procedures on the grounds of it "not being a medical necessity."

i hope i live to see universal healthcare or medicare for all, even if it means losing my job.

>> No.54785532

Yeah, its just good sense to automatically deny people. You get their monthy payments and you don't need to pay them out unless they fight it and if you're a big enough company you can really waste their time and save your profits.

>> No.54785536

lower credit rating

>> No.54785543

Ok, but why would anyone buy such a product?

>> No.54785554

a minor, short term hospitalization without insurance is low to mid 5 figures. you buy shitty insurance because you're terrified of the alternative.

>> No.54785565

Hey man somebody needs to do claim work and we both know it's not your boss doing it.
That's the best part, they don't get a choice. They're either locked in through work or through a contract. They literally have no other option.

>> No.54785569

>That's the best part, they don't get a choice. They're either locked in through work or through a contract. They literally have no other option.
Well, that at least clears it up.

>> No.54785582

I'm long CI so fuck poor >people

>> No.54785775

Comments like these are grounds for class action. Just wait for the commercials and ads:
>“were you denied claims from Cigna??? Call 1800-OPISAFAGGOT”

>> No.54786239

I hope you go bankrupt after a medical emergency.

>> No.54786677

Medical care is free when you give a fake name at the ER. Seethe more

>> No.54786691

that's fraud and they will prosecute you

>> No.54786702

They won't do shit seethe more

>> No.54786724

When my wife was pregnant there was a lot of stuff going to insurance. They were really good about paying for stuff but the few things they denied I appealed. If they denied the appeal, I appealed again. One item has been in limbo for years now and I doubt I'll ever hear about it again at this point.

>> No.54788044

>it's totally okay to defraud honest people as long as I make money

>> No.54788090

It's called Medicaid for all bitch. Alternatively make healthcare affordable for normal people who don't make 100k a year like it was once upon a time before extreme greed ruined it. Until then expect people to get seen however they can. You literal fucking piece of shit. Denying people healthcare because they can't afford it when the system does everything it can to jack up prices should be punishable by death. Unironically. Seriously fuck you

>> No.54789812

Just don't pay medical bills lmao

>> No.54789840

this >>54789812
what are they gonna do lel

>> No.54789900

>the shitty health insurance you're forced to pay for through your 9-5 denies your claim
>meanwhile Medicaid "pays" for/covers some 12 year old getting sterilization sex change pills

this post isn't intended to be humorous. It's real and it's already happening in various states across the country, and it's only going to get worse

>> No.54789970

You are legally required to have insurance.
Thanks for playing :)

>> No.54790004

They won't.
AI will diagnose everything. People are going to stop trusting doctors unless there's reform on their end.
And if they won't let AI diagnose then a voucher of 20 year olds will release the program and medical teaching files it needs for free.
Just like how you can get a torrent with every single fantasy book. Same for medical.

>> No.54790921
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it's for paranoid people who think they are going to die from absolutely everything, my friend's mom keeps talking about how there are many diseases in very stupid things, maybe it's because old people are more likely to get sick or get cancer, I guess that's why the insurance, but even so I still prefer to bet my money on things like HAMI, the small chance that I get hit by a car vs the 2 months left to be able to buy a car and be the one to hit someone is worth it

>> No.54791729

this is why you should have no insurance at all, only go to the emergency room where they have to treat you by law, and then never send them a single penny and/or send them $1/month depending on your states consumer protection laws and whether they can put it on your credit.

this is how to beat health insurance companies by acting as reprehensibly as they do. if more people did this they would already be gone. they only continue to exist on the backs of simps who get conned into actually paying

>> No.54791745

1) A lot of people get insurance from their workplace. It’s a recruiting lever for companies. So the people have the insurance. This is just a way for the insurance companies to milk more.

2) I didn’t check when this article was from but up until 2019 you were legally obligated in the US to carry health insurance. They finally did away with that insanity, but some states still will impose a state tax if you don’t carry.