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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54784435 No.54784435 [Reply] [Original]

>Even if you're poor in the US, you're rich by global standards.

>> No.54784452

Try to live somewhere else, do it.

i dare you

>> No.54784453

>dude you are richer than all the starving peasant subhumans in the rest of the world just be happy dude, don't complain

>> No.54784457

its true
ever seen how actual 3rd worlders actually live you fat amerilard?

>> No.54784484

>Nominal value
>Quality of life
Since OP is a fag at least someone else can get the difference

>> No.54784490

Its funny because in Non Jew controlled nations like Thailand you can buy a house making $3 an hour

>> No.54784529
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>dude an house on the moon costs you only 5 pennies
>what do you mean there are no jobs on the moon, what are you, lazy?
why the general IQ on this board crashed so hard in the last few years...

>> No.54784530

Something like $35k a year puts you in the 1% globally. But let's me real. $35 in the US is poverty

>> No.54784556

That's true because the USD is the global reserve currency. We shall see if that will remain true in 10 years.

>> No.54784571

>no jobs in thailand
Retard. You can open a business there in a day and exploit tourists. All without 40k overhead for licenses and insurance. Kike cocksucking faggot go off yourself

>> No.54784614

Then why you're not rich doing that.

>> No.54784618
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Doesn't McDonald's pay like 15$/h nowadays?
That's still 3x-5x times than what college educated Latinos, Africans and SEA people get paid for their work.
So yes, crying about being trapped in a shitty 12$/h dead-end job in Murica is really stupid. You're going to sound like entitled little princesses to the rest of the world, specially to people that have to work 12–16 hours a day to barely feed their families.
>t. Colombian

>> No.54784622

>be me, amerilard fr fr no cap
>go to work, pay bidens son for fuel
>pay taxes to biden to support globo homo
>after taxes to support rapugees i get half of what i earn
>pay tip to biden because american

guys, we getting fleeced.

>> No.54784632

Im moving out there in 18 months. I accept your concession you ignorant, untraveled kike loving niggerboy

>> No.54784697

There's no social safety net that I'm aware of here in Thailand and people manage to live with like $15 a day somehow. The rent is like $90 for a room a month in nearby areas of the big cities, Pattaya and Bangkok. though and they have free healthcare and college is cheap.
Overall I'd say no you're not better off in burgerstan. But I might be bias cause I just hate burgerhole.

>> No.54784717

No youre better off in Thailand. Better food, cheaper everything, healthier on average, less blacks and jews. Dont take your country for granted b

>> No.54784734
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>i'm moving out in 18 months
>therefore i accept your concession and proclaim myself as the winner of the debate
Have a nice trip, see you never again.

>> No.54784737

I'm an immigrant from the us

>> No.54784758

You didnt even debate, you made a completely retarded metaphor about living on the moon which showed you have never even stepped foot in the country. Stupid nigger you will never make it.

See you next Songkran then buddy

>> No.54784770

yeah, because higher wages mean higher cost of living. it's all tied together. what matters is the amount you keep and the life it gets you.

yes, the one thing we do have for now is really cheap food compared to wages, versus other countries. if the poor people are mostly fat then it means that absolutely isn't an issue.
however, keep in mind that american society and pop culture propaganda ensures these people making that $15/hr still always have $0 left over before every payday.
the american lower and middle classes are the ultimate debt slaves to the system

>> No.54784790

I didn't anything for songkran I'm a boring fag.
You can join this forum
My username is peteblank
I doubt you'll be able to manage the visa here, even if you get married you need to keep $10,000 in your bank account and it's a pain in the ass. But that reassures me niggers and their pet coal burners won't be staying here for long though.

>> No.54784820

Im getting the gold visa. Much easier than all that noise and it works out to about 3k a year. Ive got the help of a few locals too and they know how to rent/eat on the cheap.

>> No.54784839

i made a methaphor with a place without jobs or services because apparently if you can afford an home for 3 dollars an hour there must be a reason. Also thank you for telling everyone the secret of being rich in thailand, have a nice day fucking bugmen eating bugs, i already know what subtype of /pol/faggot you are.

Have a nice trip and see you never again.

>> No.54784860
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Well now you know my username message me whenever
I'm ready to move closer down town. Need to get out of the house more.

>> No.54784898

You made a retarded non point formed from ognorance because for some reason knowing other countries can make a $3 wage work makes you seethe uncontrollably.

>no jobs or services

You stupid nigger you cant walk 5 fucking feet without finding a random business. Car shops, sewing shops, restaurants - literally everywhere. They are the more capitalist than the US. By a fucking mile.

You are just outing yourself as a retard talking about shit he has no idea of. Step foot in Thailand before opening your fat fucking mouth you nigger. You will always be a goy slave

Right on B ill make an acct and add ya. Im going to be staying around KK.

>> No.54784931

Wow. I'm not currently being torn apart by a pack of piranhas. #blessed

>> No.54784969

They're a bit protectionist. I haven't come up with a business idea in Thailand desu. I tried being an English teacher but it's not for me.
My mom told me they have a diamond exchange near where I'm moving to. Idk might check that out...
All the stuff I'd come up with while being a neet is jew stuff lol
What's kk?

>> No.54784987


Its the typical libtard/africa donation scam, oh no those people only live with $10 per month and you are poor with $1k how can you

>> No.54785049

Ill give you a hint, its a college town.

Good luck on the business front. I have a few ideas im mulling over. Im trying to save up about 20 years worth of funds. Im sure ill figure something out in that time.

Shame you didnt indulge in Songkran. Some of the most fun ive ever had. You best get out there next year b

>> No.54786020

Apples and plantains
Not a useful comparison
America carries the burden of the world
Try to be grateful

>> No.54786044

Lol carrying the burden of the world pff

>> No.54786052

don't care about turd world standard of life

>> No.54786067

shut up nigger

>> No.54786089

firsties really think that?

3rd world and 2nd world is rising fast

there are more supercars in bangkok or moscow than in paris or berlin

>> No.54786113

Complainong about capitalism and wanting to get money from the 1% when you're in the 10% and won't give shit to anyone is pretty hypocritical

>> No.54786117

that's not a measure of prosperity for the everyman. that's a measure of how hard your tax regulators cuck themselves for rootless cosmopolitan jew billionaires. typical turd world mindset, i suppose.

>> No.54786141

>if the poor people are mostly fat then it means that absolutely isn't an issue
Yes it is, people in the third world eat mostly carbs with very little protein and some seed pil, that's enough to survive and even to get fat but not to be in good health or even to be properly satiated.

>> No.54786186

Would be a haiku without the third sentence.

>> No.54786198

The virgin first third world vs the Chad third first world