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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 302 KB, 1218x545, explain cityfag wv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54783500 No.54783500 [Reply] [Original]

explain in less than 1 word

>> No.54783523

Hour drive on your John Deere to the nearest Dollar General

>> No.54783532


>> No.54783577


>> No.54783593


>> No.54783639


>> No.54783645

the american negro is scared of nature

>> No.54783652


>> No.54783657


>> No.54783663

You said less than one word. It was supposed to be “Nice house, great price, peaceful environment, shitty dwellers cope and rope”

>> No.54783664
File: 606 KB, 1439x788, Screenshot_20230428-161851_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54783691

I'm from WV and I'm on biz every other day at least. Why are you obsessed with posting WV house listings? You do this multiple times per week. Are you a bot? What the fuck is the point of you spending hours shit posting about cheap WV properties? It's weird. Seek help.

Also, this property is a white mans paradise when the niggers go 100% feral. We're almost there. Niggers and faggots stay out of WV.

>> No.54783729

explain what

>> No.54783740


>> No.54783769


>> No.54783781
File: 15 KB, 730x228, dual wield shotguns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does biz only discuss stupidly overpriced city and suburb fag properties, and not extremely cheap properties in a white ethnostate

that is the proper question to ask, and that is why I post, I will be gentrifying your state

captcha jgswv

>> No.54783881

Yeah it's weird these clowns whine about wanting white ethnostate by refuse to move to all white areas. What they probably mean is "Rich" white ethnostates

>> No.54783888


>> No.54783895

>goy-I MEAN dude just abandon your civilization to the browns and live in the heckin woods surely that will save western civilization goyim!

>> No.54783904


>> No.54783931

>Complain about not being around enough white people

>> No.54783937

the quicker the "browns" are the majority the quicker it can be recolonized properly

>> No.54784434
File: 545 KB, 766x862, 1682791759960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude just buy a house in an undead necropolis lmao
Even if I homeschool my children, I would still want them to play outside without fearing methheads. I would prefer rural areas in northern Europe.

>> No.54784446

you are a fucking midwit, you realize because some place is 99% white it could have like 1000 white people, whereas there are millions of white people in new york... you are so fucking stupid it is unreal. go back to pol and talk to your chink/russhit bot ai psyop programmers lmao

>> No.54784458

Not gonna lie it actually looks pretty cozy

>> No.54784459


>> No.54784466

are you blindly missing the river which will overflow every time it rains right next to the house and nearly sweep it down stream?

>> No.54784471

>if your enemies win and subjugate you in your own land you win goyim!

>> No.54784474

Flooded basement and mold

>> No.54784541


>> No.54784563

oh no, a few abandoned homes in a 99.9 percent white town, danger must be afoot

>> No.54784575

how could they ever win, the more liberal the city gets the faster it turns into cannibalism, with no rule of law, which means I can kill as many as I want

you aren't american I can tell, you have eurocuck written all over you

>> No.54784583

wow, you mean the entire house will be under water

>> No.54784588

Super spreader event

>> No.54784594

post proof

>> No.54784598
File: 94 KB, 707x445, 1663462670363132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54784608

>just a few
Touch grass.

>> No.54784612

>6.5% state income tax
cheers from Texas

>> No.54784654
File: 180 KB, 597x480, wetwet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54784672

they did just sign a huge tax cut this year, it's going down a lot, but that's still high. at least property tax won't be as bad as texas.
Texas is full of H-1B's that are pushing house values up to 500k+ with a 3% property tax rate.

>> No.54784676

>zoom in on the house
>looks almost abandoned

>> No.54784689

>14.5 acres
>hur West Virginia
Nigger work for glownigger central and make your Dachau in the unukeable hills

>> No.54784720

>having reportable income

shiggy diggy

that tax rate was only if you made over 50k or something