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54781606 No.54781606 [Reply] [Original]

The average first divorce is at age 25, meanwhile I'm 28 and don't even have a girlfriend.
I know I'm missing out on a full life and I fucked up.
How do I reconcile with this realization that I fucked up?
Does anybody have advice financially speaking? Are prostitutes worth it to feel some kind of warmth in my lonely life?

>> No.54781613

Mod if you close this thread your mom will die painfully tonight

>> No.54781628

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.54781631

if you aren't divorced at least 4 times at 19 you're ngmi

>> No.54781636

lol no pretty much everyone regrets their relationships, only a lucky few find someone that actually is a match

>> No.54781639

>missing out on divorce

>> No.54781650

I feel like this is a cope though, when I look in my family everyone is married without problems, no one divorces. I must no longer cope and admit I have failed. I must either install a dating app and go through excruciating cringe attempts at finding a mate, or kill myself

>> No.54781687 [DELETED] 

if it was worthwhile then it would be easy. i don't know if your 'folks' are older or closer to your age but modern women in your age group are absolute rancid shit
if it was worthwhile then it would be easy, almost effortless. that's why normoids don't have any advice other than b urself, they never gave any critical thought to their life's outcomes and just went along with whatever happened

>> No.54781693

I found my first gf at 28, she was 24. I'm way happier now and more secure with myself but I still feel off and inadequate from that time. Never told her I was a 28 year virgin and just faked it till I made it. Been together 5 years now and are engaged but you never escape the r9k mindset.

Get a job. In your situation your best bet is meeting someone at work. If you already have a good job and there aren't any available girls pick up a shitty part time minimum wage job. You'll be like the QB in highschool if you're older and have money to those girls even if you're a loser and they'll all hit on you.

>> No.54781699

Literal 30 yo hugless and kissless virgin here. The only thing close to sexual act with a woman I had was getting a handjob from a hooker last year. I didn't feel the "warmth" that I expected so after I cum, I paid her and left before she could give me the full services (blowjob and penetrative sex). I said go for it and see for yourself. It's over for me but maybe you could've gotten a better experience.

Regarding financial advice, buy this token called $IC. Some whales I know will pump it to 50 mil marketcap in the next two months.

>> No.54781701

>if it was worthwhile then it would be easy
What do you mean? Attracting a mate should be easier? I'm a fucking 5'5" manlet, I have a house, a job, a car, im in good shape but I just spend my weekends inside so I never meet new people. Something's gotta change but I honestly don't know where to begin to find new friends/people/mate

>> No.54781702


>> No.54781712

Are you serious how do you know the whale group?

>> No.54781713

Trying to find someone that match is crooked. You work on relationship, nothing is just given

>> No.54781715
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I'm 36 and never had a gf. After about 32 I stopped giving a shit in any way.
Every marriage I've seen around me has collapsed.
Every couple who seem perfect for each other turns to shit and they split up.
The women just find someone else.
The men are left ruined and either cope or rope.
I want no part in any of that.

>> No.54781719

>You work on relationship
Women don't, so why should men?

>> No.54781720

There it is, you’re only option is to get a third world girl I’m sorry

>> No.54781731
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32, gingerino and never had a gf
Doing my masters now
What to do?

>> No.54781732
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Her hairline is shit. Corporate cunt styled and insanely overpriced professional photography.
Despite all the makeup, the best lighting, airbrushing and filters, her skin looks awful.
But look at Chad, his face says it all.
She is a fucking freak in sack. She definitely brings other girls in for him. She is a desperate clingy codependent who would actually unironically kill herself if he left. She worships him like a good. She hates niggers and poors and constantly reinforces the idea that he better than all other men in every way.
Chad is satisfied.

>> No.54781733
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kek this slide is so true, women have it so easy and are oblivious to it

>> No.54781753

Literal alpha chad here. Have had sex with so many bitches across all races and countries I’ve lost count. Over a thousand for sure. Yes, I’m black, and ultra it’s true what they say. Women crave the bbc. I’ve never worked a day in my life other than fucking bitches and asking for money. Protip: ask for money after you’ve fucked them. Chad mode: bitches will pay you money to visit your own kids. Gigolo mode: rich bitches are even crazier in bed, but also crazier irl. They have an image to maintain. Anyway, I literally can’t fathom op or any of you incels. I wake up and there are bitches calling me begging me to spend time with them.

>> No.54781780


>> No.54781840

Tell me about IC anon please

>> No.54781861

i can't even find one woman who is willing to speak to me, nevermind be my gf, so I have no advice there. But I can tell you that making money doesnt help at all. No women get to know me so they have no idea of my wealth. They just care about looks.

>> No.54781908

My wife made chocolate chip pancakes and my 13 month old son is eating them and laughing :)

>> No.54781937

>my wife's son


>> No.54781942

Enjoy while it lasts, won't be long till ur 13 month old son identifies as a woman then gets the BBC

>> No.54781961

I could understand this pathetic outcome ten years ago or something but how can anyone fail to get a gf when everyone is on dating apps these days? It's so easy and you are still fucking up?

>> No.54781964

A whale group controls at least 15% of it's supply and keeps buying. Once they have 20% supply, they will let it run. I don't even know what the token is about but it has good liquidity.

>> No.54781965

i'm jelly

>> No.54781975

i will never forget what they took from me

>> No.54781986

I know what the token is I’ve been in it since inception, which is why I’m asking I haven’t seen this board talk about IC at all. Are you in this whale groups telegram?

>> No.54781988

I bet your wife loves chocolate

>> No.54782023

>tfw missed by most divorce years
how do I cope bros?

>> No.54782055

retard "everyone" is on dating apps because dating is fundamentally broken and they're just stopgaps to japan-style permanent celibacy

>> No.54782091

I've 37 and have been divorced twice. Trust me, you're not missing anything. Fortunately no kids or alimony so I escaped unscathed for the most part.

>> No.54782097

but what about the human need for conversation, touch and sex, I haven't had sex for 2 years i'm fucking steaming

>> No.54782121

I am 6'4, 29, lift weights consistently, have a good job, interedting hobbies, and have never had a gf. no I'm not joking or demoralizing

>> No.54782135


Just accept that you aren't the kind of guy that women go after and seek a fulfilling life. Don't waste all your time being salty that you aren't a male model that women throw themselves at. it's a waste of time.

If you get lonely make some fucking friends. If you get horny jerk off or get a hooker. Do ANYTHING except be a sad sack crying about some storybook relationship that you never got.

>> No.54782160

>the human need for conversation, touch and sex
you wouldn't want this from someone you don't like and respect. find a broader sense of belonging in the clown world and you'll be happier overall in spite of nogf

>> No.54782175

Nothing wrong with venting my nigger, there's nothing wrong with complaining once in a while. You don't know the rest of my life so why do you feel the need to project so hard jfc. Just don't post next time or something you're not helpful in the slightest

>> No.54782383
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In a few years, advances in FDVR and robotics will be so great, you'll be glad you didn't marry.
>AKA: how to be banned from a board 101

>> No.54782548


No I fully acknowledge that things are fucked up. But wallowing in it only hurts you and is a waste of time.

>> No.54782568

the atheist marriage is bastardization of the theist marriage
atheist marriage= the public servants say you are bound to another person defining a household and they give you tax cuts out of it

atheist marriage only makes sens is you take the democratic republic seriously, ie the bourgeois revolutionists public servants.

And the fact that they allow divorce without cause shows how much of a joke their marriage is.
The atheist marriage is just the hedonistic version of the theist one, people get married because they feel like it, then they get divorced because at least one of the person feels like it. There that's the atheist marriage for you.

The atheist marriage is nihilistic, like anything created by the atheists.

>> No.54784312

Anon come back I need to know more

>> No.54784352

25 and I've never held hands with a girl. Is it over?

>> No.54784381

I just turned 29 and life is pretty good.
I was a virgin until I was 27. One day I decided to lose a ton of weight and start to take dating seriously. I make about 250K and WFH (I'm an eng fag).
The first thing I did aside from losing weight was look into which cities are the easiest to date in and have the most single women, that turned out to be NYC. I moved there and have an apartment in Manhattan.
In this city I can literally get dates most days of the week just by using hinge and bumble. I average about 4 a week. There are SO many single educated women in this city it's crazy, many of which are 30+. Obviously, they are hyper liberal though.
Right now I'm dating this 25 year old ivy league graduate. I banged her but I'm not convinced she sees a future with me.

Don't give up, I remember turning 27 and thinking it's over but I made a comeback.

>> No.54784451

Christians still get divorced faggot.

>> No.54784551

this is untrue

>> No.54785818

That’s horseshit and you know it
I was a NEET for years and depressed I couldn’t think clear anymore
Worked a sales job for a year and talked with 5000 people

I found myself in one extreme position and only could think of going the other
I wouldn’t be the person I am today, and I had to check of that box. I wouldn’t be here (where I am )
There are things in your mind that linger and we can’t possibly turn them off. That’s the human brain.

>> No.54786248

Anon hello

>> No.54786416

Was she a virgin, or at least not a whore?
Pretty based I guess, I'd prefer to go younger even when I breach 30 tho. I'm paranoid about the hair pill tho, do you still have all of yours?

>> No.54786499
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>> No.54786574 [DELETED] 

I'm 31 and get the eye and tease from 16-18 year old hostesses at upscale restaurants, although I'm not trying to pick them up. That said, I am 6 ft tall chad and go solo for a drink. I think we have time anon, you more than me, but presumably it's over by age 35.

>> No.54786910

you got married 2 times and didn't impregnated the bitches?

what a massive cuck

>> No.54787177
File: 86 KB, 1048x809, 1670694911074328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The average first divorce is at age 25
The median marriage age is 29 though, and you're younger than that.

>> No.54787400

Are you guys talking about Icy or Ignition?

>> No.54787455


>> No.54787493

>niggy run id

>> No.54787501

>28 year virgin
>was a virgin until I was 27
Is it worth using an escort at that age to lose yours?

>> No.54787568

How can the average first divorce be age 25 when the average first marriage is later than that? People don't get married in their teens any more.

>> No.54788077

This. These faggots need to touch grass.

>> No.54788287

Wizard is 30+ but its inevitable so might as well be

>> No.54788856

Well shit anon you make me worried because I'm 34 and I don't know if I will be able to get divorce raped before I die.