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54773387 No.54773387 [Reply] [Original]

One of the (defi markets) attacks that I've recently started to witness and see start happening is what I'm calling "the wolf in sheep's clothing attack".

So basically you have a few people who are making oracles now, and they're saying "I'm a nice reliable oracle, you can trust me", but really they are wholly owned by a trading firm or a hedge fund, a private trader themselves.

>(hi Jump/Pyth and acolytes like Wintermute, Jane Street, etc. and of course SBF was behind it, look up his leaked balance sheet; see also Jump's wormhole and how they bailed out a $320M bridge hack)

And they're saying "I'm a nice reliable oracle, please let me completely control your market, I'm nothing like the FTX Alameda scam, nothing like that here, I'm such a nice guy".

But then it turns out that the nice guy is a psychopath who only wants to steal money from the protocol.

This is actually how commodity traders do this in larger markets. They've done it in various commodity trading settings and various forex settings and they continue to do it today. And there's many many cases of it (front-running).

A recent examples are where traders, hedge funds, market makers... gathered around places like the Chicago mercantile exchange and basically manipulate commodity and forex prices, which actually affect all of us. Because commodity and forex prices determine what the goods we consume cost and what we pay for those goods. So the problem is essentially a market manipulation problem. That's really often a data manipulation problem because markets are driven by data.

What's important is that users understand the attacks and make sure that the protocols that they're using are actually conflict of interest free. Because the more money you put into a protocol that some psychopath hedge fund market maker trader can steal from, the harder that protocol might fail, which will be bad for all of us. Plus the more money you would lose, which, I don't know, it's your money.

>(hi SNX)

>> No.54773400
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We actually have to be educated about (how data is controlled) in order to demand that the (defi) systems that get built aren't these replicas of the traditional financial system that make a few people rich but make the rest of us have to explain why we replicated the FTX Alameda thing within our industry.

Everybody has to be informed about (architecture) and make sure that the systems they're putting their money into are actually running in a way where no third party can go trade against them and steal their money.

(At Chainlink), we have no plans, systems or ways to go and trade against anybody. (Unlikess Jump/Pyth, the MEV mafia and so on)

That'll actually make the whole ecosystem better, and if we do this we have this great outcome where (defi) would be able to be the alternative. So do we go from this world where you have one and a half to two trillion dollars in crypto value... just to replicate the existing financial system to shave the same sheep a different way? Is that really how we're going to get to an industry with hundreds of trillions of dollars in it? I don't think so. I don't actually want to do that.

The only way we're going to get to a world where there's hundreds of trillions of dollars in our industry is (if we are a conflict free alternative).

Do we replicate the existing financial system where people with certain advantages and certain predatory instincts are able to lie to us, and through our protocols steal from users, make money, get caught? Or do we create an alternative to conflicts of interest and really build something extremely useful and important for how the world changes? If you haven't guessed, that's what I'm trying to do.

So please be aware of the security guarantees of the protocols that you're using. Please be aware of how they're secured, of where the data is coming from and of how that system is working. Because your decisions about what systems to use will also inform how this industry evolves.

>> No.54773408

Incel cuckold manifesto

Didn’t read;never buying

>> No.54773409
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Educate yourself on the Jump menace:


>> No.54773441
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he gives me jessica khater vibes


>> No.54773497
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the 30 under 30 list is to inform the public of who will be scamming them in the upcoming year kek

>> No.54773523
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>> No.54773629
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>satoj names the jew

>> No.54773650
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>> No.54773672

Versetti from the ambrosus scam was also 30 under 30

>> No.54773702
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>tfw we're in a platypus market

>> No.54773707
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>> No.54773727

Fucking kek

>> No.54773756

jessica who? What has she done in her career?

>> No.54773782

I still have no clu what an oracle actually is

>> No.54773820

>still holding link
nobody cares about anything link does or will do anymore, the hype is never returning, speculators have new toys to play with next cycle

>> No.54773841
File: 713 KB, 1170x1870, 6A8A58EC-8D37-41F0-9C4A-26848F07448A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This faggot owes me 10k. He better hope we don’t end up playing on the same Minecraft server


>> No.54774152

It is known.

>> No.54774201

He is just a fall guy I'm sure. Who's behind Jump?

>> No.54774225

gigachads flexing on sissy cucks

>> No.54774286


>> No.54774412

imagine giving your money to a gypsy. very low situational awareness

>> No.54774544

I learned a valuable lesson anon. My link stack would be much bigger, but then I would not have learned what I did

I still wanna square up with versetti in the ring for a few min

>> No.54776209

been holding link since 2017 and I still have no idea

>> No.54776415
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>2023 30 30
stay out of uniswap boys!!

>> No.54776424

based thread.

yeah this is real important. chainlink as just a price medianizer ah no its about separating out the people who want to execute trades from the people producing the data and aligning incentives so that middleware protects all users of the future financial system. A necessary and beneficial price must be paid or the hacks will continue
Pay up

>> No.54776557
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as if this wasn't enough of a warning

>> No.54776830
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have sex you incel freak lmao

>> No.54778983
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>> No.54779262

>sam bankman fried
>the other ugly alameda fags

Jesus christ it is literally a screaming signal of collapse/scam for anyone in crypto to appear on that

>> No.54779276

Hayden is a beautiful dance maximist

>> No.54779315

It’s fairly uncanny.

>> No.54780456

>a market manipulation problem. That's really often a data manipulation problem because markets are driven by data.


>> No.54780477

now there's a name i haven't seen for a while
what's he doing now?
would have thought he would have hung around for a second go after ambrosus failed
napgener on twitter understands the jump menance but i guess he's making too much money off snx to care
has link bags too

>> No.54780481
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back in the good old days when you could give presentations with no shoes on and still be top 100.