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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54761734 No.54761734 [Reply] [Original]

>people are losing their jobs and houses
>small and medium businesses are failing
>a recession that's been brewing for 12 years is about to hit full force

>> No.54761742

>recession thats been brewing for 12 years is about to hit full force

By all technical terms we're currently in a recession. Do you mean a depression?

>> No.54761764

but aren't we going to be saved by our internet monies? oops, the global government is about to make them all irrelevant because of CBDC's


>> No.54761784


CBDCs are bullish for crypto. No one likes being monitored by globalists, especially their private transactions

>> No.54761839

CBDC is a marketing term for a centrally-controlled digital currency. It will be even more restrictive than your regular bank account. Talked to the wrong person online? Your account is now frozen. Sorry, you don't qualify for the new Playstation either. You can afford this new car easily, but it doesn't isn't hybrid, so you can't get it. It's social credit by another name.

>> No.54761847


>> No.54761851
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>12 more years

>> No.54761891
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Bank accounts are literally frozen all the time right now

>> No.54761903
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2 more weeks

>> No.54761907

yea sure, but what's the utility of all other cryptos aside from that?

>> No.54761914

oh you think it's funny then you don't know how it will affect you yet I guess.

>> No.54761942

Nothing. Bitcoin is the only "real" crypto

>> No.54761972

no one cares about "cryptos", only BTC matters

>> No.54762062

also, can someone post the pepe in that pic?

>> No.54762084
File: 27 KB, 396x385, 1680562219600720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i already made it, i will safely enjoy the show

>> No.54762181

By all technical terms except the actual definition of a recession, you mean. Because definitions exist and they're more important than your feelings.

>> No.54762332

>he believes the news cycle

>> No.54762352

If you were a real person I would punch you in the nose

>> No.54762371

>i already made it
the you have more to lose than anyone else when it all comes crashing down.

>> No.54762436
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how so?

>> No.54762461

I just wish I had the chance to see pond making it before the absolute Sundown of Humanity that's currently coming upon us

>> No.54762482

>I wanted my shitcoin to make me falsely rich so I can enjoy my hedonism before they force me to get into their systems once again
Cope nigger faggot

>> No.54762487

Kek, I don't think that you even had a chance

>> No.54762498

He doesn't if he did the right things you idiot

>> No.54762509

Kek it's not over for us, we're gonna find a way to fuck them up again

>> No.54762636

how do you think? You've have and many have not, you're nothing but a treasure chest waiting to be looted.

>> No.54762672

We are in a recession by the exact definition you fucking freak.

>> No.54762708
File: 67 KB, 800x649, pepe-cig-disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you schizos always think that the recession will be a madmax movie?
you faggots will work for peanuts, will rent for life and will eat less and less good food, and won't do shit about it
it's already happening btw

>> No.54762778

>he thinks it's business as usual
It's about to get ugly, will make "Mad Max" look like Teletubbies.

>> No.54762874
File: 499 KB, 749x914, 54-542834_post-pepe-as-buddha-clipart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not a garden variety recession, it's a once in a century Great Depression.

I hope you've been investing, spiritually speaking, you're gonna need it.

>> No.54762921

Q1 and Q2 of 2022 were both negative in terms of GDP growth so technically we are in a recession.

>> No.54763105
File: 308 KB, 537x577, 40kuho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show me the economic indicators. Sports betting is more of an economic indicator than crypto is.

Stock market is doing okay. S&P 500 is doing good, never even came close to March 2020 in the last 3 years.

Employment is up, shitty jobs but still up. Tech is a bloated sector that needs to be rinsed and this is a long time coming.

Housing market. Depends where, but we haven't even dropped to 2021 levels and the momentum is gone. Definitely in a bubble, landlords gonna get rinsed and I can't wait, but that's only gonna benefit good people.

Interest rates are wacky because of money printer going BRRRR but 81 was worse.

What looks like a recession is just the realization of a world that's become globalized. USA was miles ahead for a long time and our parents got to enjoy its last party but now everything is averaging out. The 3rd worlders are moving up and the 1st worlders are moving down towards an average. You have already accepted this. You've been conditioned from day one. People bitch and moan but they still pay their taxes because they're comfortable. If you're allowed to openly complain, you've got it good, and that's why this shit is never gonna end.

I accepted this at 29 years old. I read the Seth Godin books, studied the attention economy, and landed a comfy gig doing what I like. There's no recession. It's all doomer propaganda to keep you in fear and apathy. Once you realize that there's a winning strategy to the game, all you gotta do is deploy it.

>> No.54763684

Negative growth. That's it. A recession is a fact, all the Other things you point to don't have to happen for a recession.

>> No.54763834
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And while all this bullshit goes on inside your head, I'm buying DOGE and Nilo nfts. Disconnect once in a while, OP.

>> No.54763862

boy u just buying memes lol

>> No.54764119
File: 122 KB, 683x1024, 1F5DF6B6-522F-43C8-9C3B-51B9FDE0A23A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The greatest depression

>> No.54764141

Smart money is richer than ever and has plenty of cash on hand after 2021. Ready to pounce if and when repo rate continues to climb.

>> No.54764213

How much worse do things have to get before the Second Great Depression is officially declared?