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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54759941 No.54759941 [Reply] [Original]

ticker: LINK

>> No.54760002

At least the fucking TV isn't over the fireplace.

>> No.54760051

Why does this matter?

>> No.54760100

Disregarding TV viewing angle is the sign of a moron.

>> No.54760122
File: 336 KB, 1600x1143, LINKETH chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ticker: LINKETH

>> No.54760220

kek i dont stack ETH keep a few for gas in various wallets
I only stack LINK because im not retarded but this made me laugh

>> No.54760251


>> No.54762012


>> No.54762048
File: 488 KB, 426x754, LINK-ETH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54762177

I still don't see the problem. Mos wall mounts can be angled, so if it were mounted slightly higher it could just tilt down slightly.

>> No.54762232

>looking up at a TV screen instead of slightly below a level sight-line.
You're literally an HGTV karen. Try it yourself right, trying looking up at something vs. looking slightly down and see what feels better.

>> No.54762363

Look at the distance from the tv to the seating though. At that distance and height, you don't have to crane your neck at all to comfortably see the screen. Just look up with your eyes. Maybe if the furniture was clustered directly around the tv it would be a problem, but i dount it in a room like this.

>> No.54762407

>gray, white and more gray

Why is modern so soulless? Medieval era had more color than this

>> No.54762560

>Just look up with your eyes
That's exactly what I told you to do, I never once mentioned "craning your neck". I even said "sight-line". It has to do with your eyelids more than anything. Google it, I can't be bothered to keep this up with you anymore.

>> No.54762661

I'm still not seeing the problem. I've sat in a theater front row for the full duration of a movie, where the upward viewing angle is far more extreme than anything you would come across in a residence, and had no comfort issues. If you can't lift your eyelids slightly for a couple hours at a time then get seating you can lean back into so your head angle matches that of the screen.

>> No.54764111

>manlets insecure that someone mounted the TV too high
>"no mom, not so high!"
Fucking kek. Same as it ever was.

>> No.54764156

I'll be happy when luxury is no longer synonymous with the unholy lovechild of a mall and an airport lounge.

>> No.54764173

let the nouveau riche pajeets live in their departure lounges. less competition for actual talent.

>> No.54764206

imagine watch tv like some manchild

>> No.54764215

Not enough poured concrete for India, this is Silk Road chic.

>> No.54764237

imagine being such a pleb that you don't understand basic postminimalism aesthetics

>> No.54764265
File: 355 KB, 1200x1200, 1655577665541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

linkies will have to live in hotel lobbies?

>> No.54764384
File: 17 KB, 256x256, E6EDCA55-0C99-453E-B6C1-7CD727574845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54764393
File: 208 KB, 713x713, 1681702173741598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post-minimalism aesthetic
that soulless room is less comfy than pic related

>> No.54764423

Is this where sergay lives?

>> No.54764896

I realized that it's more entertaining to buy a fucking radio than a TV, if you want games you just use your PC, or if not you can use a console and connect it to the monitor, TVs are for boomers and retards who watch Bluey, the only thing that entertains me is watching people arguing over stupid coins, my HAMI bags, and watching cats sleeping

>> No.54765792

ugly semetic design.

>> No.54765838

have sex incel

>> No.54766026

That has to be a hotel lobby. I refuse to believe anyone would plan a room in a house this terribly

>> No.54766262

You had 3 years.

>> No.54766272

>and watching cats sleeping

>> No.54766779

Hideous Epstein orgy room.

>> No.54766788

>ticker: KEK