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54759601 No.54759601 [Reply] [Original]

So nobody's gonna talk about how this guy admitted to two more rate hikes and a recession to a couple of vatnik pranksters live on camera?

>> No.54759624

wait I thought that was lagarde?

>> No.54759632

It was OP is being a shyster little faggot. Clearly a euromutt. https://rumble.com/v2ddlps-prank-with-the-president-of-the-european-central-bank-christine-lagarde.html

>> No.54759634

no i choose to ignore that

>> No.54759680

There's video nigger, do an ounce of research

>> No.54759731

He didn't say anything new. He just spoke more directly than usual. Powell is a spineless bootlicker of the powerful, that's why he was chosen by the banks as their figurehead.

>> No.54759755

He admitted a soft landing is impossible after saying that it was possible for about a year. Just like how inflation was transitory.

>> No.54759778

>spout the most absolute basic economic orthodoxy
>high inflation will be combatted with increased rates
>this will cool off the economy and reduce demand to the point of slow growth or small recession
This is somehow news? You are really dumb my friend

>> No.54759806

wow that's great news. market should pump another 3% back to all time highs. seems about right

>> No.54759855

Where does he say that?

>> No.54759889

Dumb faggots. Powell played politics to avoid getting ousted by Biden and replaced with a literal MMT proponent who would’ve turned the printers and maximum and dropped rates to 0% throwing the US into Venezuela tier hyperinflation

>> No.54759907

>a literal MMT proponent who would’ve turned the printers and maximum and dropped rates to 0% throwing the US into Venezuela tier hyperinflation
>t. literal retard with no clue what he's talking about

>> No.54759982

>dumb faggot has no response
Yeah I’m not surprised. Go ahead and explain to me how a literal MMT goon as fed chairman would’ve been better than Powell you literal gorilla retard

>> No.54760053

Post full video I can’t find it

>> No.54760075

There also why Trump nominated and Biden approved him for a 2nd term. Powell takes his orders from Dimon and Buffett. All of this interest rate hikes happened when the JP Morgan/Epstein investigations started heating up and issuing subpoenas.

>> No.54760089

You have no idea what MMT is, smoothbrain. You're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.54760105

So the FED is privately owned, the shareholders own it, but the fed chair isn't a shareholder and he can be replaced by the POTUS? I'm seriously asking. It seems odd to me pedo biden would have any say, especially when his short term 'need nigger votes' plan is probably not in the best interests of the bankers who own the FED.

>> No.54760124

Holy shit lmfao I’ve read like 6 books on mmt and some literal basement dwelling incel is telling me idk what it is. Classic biz, never change faggot. I appreciate the free entertainment

>> No.54760169

You haven't read a book since high school. MMT would abolish the Fed and banking and base monetary policy on preventing inflation rather than paying debt service payments to the jews. There is zero percent chance the Fed will ever be run by someone who wants to end it. Take a hike, lampshade.

>> No.54760190

“Pranksters”. They’re definitely taking orders and getting people’s phone numbers from the KGB.

>> No.54760200
File: 129 KB, 620x629, 5810315C-39FB-4C53-B54E-36514FA8745D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading books

>> No.54760218

Did he admit the sky was blue too?

>> No.54760234

That’s literally what they’re doing though…

>> No.54760246

You fucking retards dont see the timestamp is from january. Meaning feb and march rate hike. Its pivot season "sell in may and go away" is the last dump orchestrated by whales before the rate hike pause then up only rest of year.

>> No.54760271
File: 1.26 MB, 1169x768, C569EB15-4DEE-4B06-9810-C1C96B034CFA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re so fucking stupid. Higher interest rates while the reserve requirement remain at 0% just means we pay more to banks who make higher profit margins. Inflation through fractional reserve banking is over 90% of the m2 money supply. Government printing is how the Chinese have bought tons of real estate in the US, ports in Africa, and politicians all around the world.
The problem with the US isn’t how much $ the government created, which is less than 10% of the money supply. The problem is the private banks who the fed gives 0% reserve requirements to while bankrupting banks outside of the federal reserve system of private banks. Notice how SVB and Silvergate didn’t access to 0% debt like JP Morgan does.
America is being demolished on purpose that’s why rates are going up. Because now banks have even more $ incentives to write loans and they’re buying the dip in major asset classes.

It’s a literal scam to transfer money from the workers to the banks. Everyone here with a brain already knows everything I wrote because it’s been said here all the time, every fucking day

>> No.54760300

almost everyone knew that without having to prank call him

>> No.54760311

HAHAHAHA literal communist faggot MMT shills in this thread. You unironically support the same monetary policy as AOC lmfao “why don’t we just print more money??? :0”

>> No.54760341

Like it fucking matters. They're all in constant communication and on the exact same page about this stuff. Lagarde might not be hosting the party, but he knows there is a party, he's invited, and he knows where it is. Expect consequences for this.

>> No.54760358

This guy gets it.

>Higher interest rates while the reserve requirement remain at 0% just means we pay more to banks who make higher profit margins.
Exactly. If the Fed's only goal was tightening credit (money supply growth), they would be tightening bank lending regulations instead of fucking over everyone with rate hikes.

>> No.54760364

The treasury needs to step in and pay off the national debt. They want to push a debt default to cause a crash. It can be avoided or at least minimized if the treasury mints a $10 trillion coin and places it in their federal reserve account

I would love to see the Fed abolished but I don’t think those vipers and thieves would give up their control on the money supply. Paying off the debt by the Treasury is a step in the right direction

>> No.54760373
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^ oh shit, get a load of this 60 IQ windowlicker.

>> No.54760420

MMT advocates don’t know what MMT is. You couldn’t argue your way out of a wet paper sack.

>> No.54760422

it's literally not real. not one single reputable source. Wallstmemes...wow.

>> No.54760430

Weak attempt, Shlomo.

>> No.54760587
File: 298 KB, 863x533, Screenshot (4871).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol. How do these dudes do it?

>> No.54760588

MMT is more of a description of how most modern economies are run. Especially in when things go badly and we need to pump markets. Hard money has its benefits but the facts are we don’t have any hard money economies. Even as the Fed raises rates they’re not raising the cost of capital for member banks.

The bigger issue is that we’re willing to give a national debt to future generations. That’s immoral. Imagine if parents did this shit to you. If we’re going to be any kind of successful economy we need to pay our bills off every so often. Perpetual debt is a form of slavery

>> No.54761029

>Not spotting that deepfake ripple creating a 3rd chin