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54752594 No.54752594 [Reply] [Original]

>want to move out
>1 bedroom apartments cost $2,500/m

>> No.54752602
File: 202 KB, 760x662, 170508-pepe-frog-mn-1015-1991976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of living with my mom. I'm 28

>> No.54752605

I'm 32 and cant move out dont have enough money

>> No.54752657
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>Get accepted into leaf university
>"Nice I'll finally move out"
>Literally zero studio shoe boxes for less than $2k/mo available
>Properties all get slurped by jeets who get 15 of their buddies to split rent by throwing mattresses on the floor and sharing 1 bathroom (imagine the smell)
>Just taking distanced E courses from the uni because I literally cannot physically access the university

>> No.54752673

I'm renting a 60 sqm 1br1ba for $200/m
... of course I'm living in a poor South American area where minimum wage is about $250.
I never leave the house anyway, I WFH, get groceries delivered, and waste my time on the internet all day.

Why does it matter where I am, as long as I have fast internet, uninterrupted power and clean water to my home, and have a bunch of options for delivery.

>> No.54752688

Do people still get made fun of for living with their parents?

t. 35 year old NEET never moved out

>> No.54752823

I would never move out myself as long as you're single if your parents are the type to leave you alone and not meddle in your affairs.
But if they're the type to tell you to get a job, stop sitting on the computer all day, fine a girlfriend because they want to be grandparents, or just meddling in general, or have some other kind of personality problems... I would understand wanting to move out

>> No.54752833

reminder you don't have to live in a city
reminder you should own a car

>> No.54752876

did you move there form the US?
How did you get a WFH to support you?
I want to move to south america too but I need money to support myself

>> No.54752906

I moved out because I bought a place I wanted to live. I would not have been able to do that in my wildest fantasies if I was getting paid anything less than I was at the time and if my parents didn't let me live at home without paying rent. For the vast majority of people this will not be an option. I can't imagine many people can make fun of someone for living with their parents.

>> No.54752923

By some people maybe, but anyone with a financial brain will see it as a privilege. I moved out at 25 with no regrets. Of course I'm way more comfy living alone though. My mom let me live with her without paying for food or rent so I could save up money to afford moving out. If not for this I would be renting today (if not still living with her), but no, I own a place instead and can actually afford to save money each month as well without worrying. I can't even imagine how much this lack of stress will help in the long run compared to being paycheck to paycheck renting and regularly getting into credit card debt or similar.

>> No.54752975
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Dang, good job with the timing bro. You must have got into your mortgage right before the housing bull run?

My mindset now is that I might as well just study and build skills, since I'm priced the fuck out of everything anyways

>> No.54753088

>Dang, good job with the timing bro. You must have got into your mortgage right before the housing bull run?
I haven't had it for that long. I'm not a burger and I don't live in the city so it wasn't too bad, our rates are around 3-4% at the moment. The mortgage is also really small since I had saved up and made money from crypto. I don't really care if the rates go up double or quadruple, at worst I would just decide to pay it off faster, but if they stay relatively low as they are now I will prefer to save up cash so I can invest in things and just pay the mortgage off slowly.
>My mindset now is that I might as well just study and build skills, since I'm priced the fuck out of everything anyways
Probably the best thing you can do, if you get a decent wage you can price yourself into the market pretty quickly, especially if you can freeload (or at least pay very little) while working for a couple years. If you really want to be frugal you could always illegally park an RV somewhere and steal electricity lmao, fucked if you get caught though.

>> No.54753103

it's not shamed as much anymore, but i just dont like doing it, lack of privacy and i feel like a loser dependent teenager at 28

>> No.54753109

You have a sweet all caps letters ID though, moving up in the world.

>> No.54754076
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Where I live, rent for a 1 bedroom apartment costs around $100 a month, $200 if you count services and shit like that, so I'm literally paying rent from HAMI rewards, I'm not shitting you OP, just move off your country and live with shitcoin rewards kek

>> No.54754538

im 31 and live with mom. its not bad because there are good brothels nearby.

>> No.54754559

not usually by successful people.

youll get made fun of by young couples that are at each other throats, paying off 2 new cars, up to their neck in debt, with kids, etc, etc.

>> No.54754671

In my cuntry it is cheaper to take a loan to buy and apartment and pay back every month.
And once you have enough money to move to better place, rent it and get paid more than you pay bank.

>> No.54754693

I want to fucking kill myself
Its so demoralizing living with my mother
Literally dog shit everywhere
No dishes are clean, ever
My sister pretty much just throws her trash wherever she wants other than the garbage can
I go to wash my clothes, it smells like cat shit
I go to take a shower it smells like cat piss and dog shit
I go to cook some food and there's dog shit in the middle of the floor
I go to eat at the table and it smells like cat shit because there's a litterbox that hasn't been emptied in 3 months nor cleaned in 4 years
If i fall asleep on the couch, i get bitten up by fleas and bed bugs
It takes 6 hours to dry my half-clean clothes because the washing mashine is shit and the dryer filter never gets cleared of lint.
I basically stopped giving a fuck about cleaning anything because as soon as i clean something, there's already pizza boxes, empty ramen pouches, and other random trash littered on it within a week
I just want to fucking kill myself
I have a mauser rifle. Im thinking maybe i'll go into my trailer and do it in there. I cant even get my own apartment because every apartment around me costs $1000/mo and requires 4,000/mo in income just to apply

>> No.54754703
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Actually insane how things have gone from "hahaha you live with your mom at 21? LOSER!" to it being completely normal to live with your parents well into your 20s in the space of just 30 years. Cost of housing is unbelievable.

>> No.54754706

I just want to fucking die
>I just want to fucking die
I just want to fucking die
>I just want to fucking die
I just want to fucking die
>I just want to fucking die
I just want to fucking die
>I just want to fucking die
I just want to fucking die
>I just want to fucking die
I just want to fucking die
>I just want to fucking die

>> No.54754717

Time to move, dummy.

>> No.54754726


>> No.54754730


>> No.54754738

Post location

>> No.54754740


>> No.54754746

Where does the money go? Do you even pay rent? How much do you make that it's all getting squandered away so badly that you'd rather live in filth?

>> No.54754749

Post location.

>> No.54754752

Muskegon, Michigan

>> No.54754760

I said that every apartment i look at requires 2x my income just to apply

>> No.54754792
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Won't a minimum wage job give you like 2k a month?

>> No.54754800

Consider moving if it's so bad. Right now you've got a shitty job, a shitty home, and shit in your future unless you break free of your family's bad habits.

buy your own, $2 per plate at Goodwill or thrift shops, now you have "your" dishes which you can store in your room away from filthmongers
>sister trashthrower
pick up after her and make a big deal about it, let her know she's a pain in your ass, prove you're better than her, make her seethe so bad she considers changing her behavior
>clotheswashing smell
open some windows dumbass, get a fan running, clean the washer with Affresh or something, this is child's play
>these retards in my family won't clean up after themselves
then do it for them, TAKE the responsibility from them and give YOURSELF control over it, what are they gonna do? Nothing.
>couch sleep
it's called a bed bro
>dryer filter
clean the lint filter then you dumbass, you can do it big boy, go on
>I quit cleaning because it got dirty again...
yeah you and every third world country out there

I'm out, this is the best advice you'll get, good luck, it's all up to you now. Remember, with great responsibility comes great power.

>> No.54754802

Yeah. Now go to apply. They require you to have the same weekly income as their monthly rent. Aka 4,000/mo. My weekly is 600, they require 1,000

>> No.54754814

Isn't this monthly rent? You're joking, right?

>> No.54754821

In order to have a lease with them, your weekly income must be the same as their monthly lease amount. No i'm not joking.

>> No.54754831

Aka, i need to make $4000/mo just to apply for a lease.

>> No.54754843

A couple years ago it was only around $600 for an apartment, and they had the same rule. Now i make $600 and it's $1000 for an apartment. Like i said, I can never fucking catch up. It's never enough.

>> No.54754852

Is your sister hot? Can you fuck her?

>> No.54754855

It seems pretty cut and dry, you need a roommate for a 2-bed is all.

Not every business is going to mandate that you pants pisser. Quit being a wuss and make a change already.

>> No.54754858

My sister is a whale.

>> No.54754867

Yeah I figured. Ask her for a handjob or something.

>> No.54754880

Fuck no greasy fuck

>> No.54754885

>you need a roomate
Who of my 0 friends would roomate with me? Oh that's right. 0

>> No.54754893

Tell her to fuck off then and stop making messes you have to clean. Stop being a vegetable if you have to live there a long time. Force her fat ass to lose weight.

>> No.54754897

>I basically stopped giving a fuck about cleaning anything because as soon as i clean something, there's already pizza boxes, empty ramen pouches, and other random trash littered on it within a week
I have a very similar sort of demoralization with my family. I like to keep things clean and organized but you can literally wake up the next day and see all your work cleaning ruined.

>> No.54754899

There are all kinds of sites to seek roommates. Get off your ass and do it. Good luck.

>> No.54754904

>yeah, just tell her!
Lmao, already tried that
My mom already tried that
My dad already tried that
She co-owns the house with my mother, so theres literally nothing anybody can do

>> No.54754912

Im not going to live with some greasy fuck i dont know or some homosexual. Fuck that. I'd rather fucking kill myself.

>> No.54754915

Yeah single women are some of the worst people to live with.
It's like living with retards - dumb decisions, aversion to improvement, ignore problems, blah

Move in with someone else bru

>> No.54754918

>She co-owns the house with my mother
How the fuck did you, the man in the household, become a fucking bitch? Do you have no power whatsoever?

>> No.54754929

>just live with a complete stranger who might stab you while you sleep or get high and set the apartment on fire by mistake
kys pleb

>> No.54754935

I moved out because I got married but I can't imagine living at home with my parents retired several years later.... they're just home too often and way too annoying with their constant bickering.

>> No.54754942

She's 7 years older than me you dolt
They got the house before i was even 18
You dont know fucking shit retard

>> No.54754950

That too. Im not living with some pothead fuck.

>> No.54754951

You sound like a bitch, bitch
Man up and handle your shit
Or just kill yourself you pathetic beta male

>> No.54754984

I've worked my fucking ass off for 5 years
Going up the ladder, getting paid more and more, and it still isnt enough. Even if i get a second job it still wont be enough. Nothing i do in this shitfuck called America will ever be enough.

>> No.54755006

I know, I'm not talking about jobs you tard. Damn Islam is right about everything imagine being a pathetic "man" that can't even control his whore sister. You're the bitches bitch.
Grow some balls fag and get some respect in your household.

>> No.54755016

Control? Lmfao
If i say a fucking word, i'll get canned and i'll be fucking homeless
You're a fucking idiot

>> No.54755018

Smells like losers itt
>wfh Chad still living with mummy at 28
>home gym master race
>70inch TV in my bedroom
>64TB NAS filled to the brim with movies, TV and anime
>2 project cars and a daily in the driveway
>5k gross /month
>2k into linkies, 2k into saving
>1k into rent, food and misc
>mummy cooks me dindins 3 times a week
>I cook the rest and she always says I'm a good shef
>Also says I'm a catch and any lady would be lucky to have me

>> No.54755032

You will live in the pod, goy

>> No.54755054

anon please be a hero and kill some politicians & journalists if you do decide to pack it in. why don't you try and sign up for wagner PMC ?

>> No.54755061

What a fucking bitch ahahahahahahahaha fucking lmao at you manchild. Stop living in a feminist shithole and start living in a country where men are respected in their families.
Fucking loser lmao. You the bitch's bitch

>> No.54755076

How? I have no money. My childhood has been ripped away from me. I have no means of moving up either. I cant just drive my car to fucking russia and i dont speak their language anyway. I have nothing. There's no move I can make without being fucked.

>> No.54755086

Sounds like someone has a loose handshake and bootstraps around his ankles.

>> No.54755096

>Do people still get made fun of for living with their parents?
People who were delusional enough to take out a 3% mortgage on an 800,000 dollar 30 year loan, yes. But anyone who isn't retarded (which is probably only 10% of americans) or delusional about living conditions in the world right now realizes that the dream of "live with roommates in the big city until you get married and move to the suburbs, bro" is pretty fuckin dead.

>> No.54755104

i charge $2500 for my 2 br townhome, zoomie

>> No.54755108

Basically the old "you need to get married and saddle yourself with stuff you can't afford because we did it and we need to feel like we made the right choice". Right up there with "bro don't be so picky and date the fat single mom with a 3 digit bodycount", because other people fucked up their lives so they would love to see you suffer too.

>> No.54755122

brother, I want you to live. I know you face a mountain, but you can get to a better place by taking the first step, then another, and another. I'd start with setting up a "clean zone" that no one can dirty up, and work on expanding that little by little.

I believe in you bro, you got this. One step at a time, and maybe look into trailer parks. you can easily sus out the sketch ones from the good ones where all your neighbors are working class homies.

>> No.54755161

Holy fuck man tell your bitch sister to clean her shit or you will sock her in the mouth.
The humiliation of taking orders from a hole is way bigger than being homeless.
It's bigger than living with a roommate too. Just get a twink roommate and intimidate him to respect you to save face Jesus.

>> No.54755166
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>go to abadoned building
>set up shop

>> No.54755170

I've done that already. It's just pointless. Shit gets piled up faster than i can clean it. I clean the counter, and there's already a spill and 4 pieces of trash the next day, along with shit people leave out. I clean the dishes and the sink is full the next day. I clean the floor and there's dog shit, dog hair, dog food, trash, dirt, literally anything. Always comes back the next day.

>> No.54755171


damn u lazy. 30k loan should be ez, from then on only 200/mo payments.

>> No.54755205

>get arrested for violating private propriety
>sent to jail
>fucked in the arse by your cellmates

>> No.54755206

>a literal cube
>no interior pictures
>outside looks like fucking shit
I guarantee that it's not up to code. 0 bathrooms too. That shit will get condemned upon sale almost guaranteed. I'll look into it but i guarantee that shit will get torn down.

>> No.54755211

You are literally their bitch. Like men in patriarchal societies make their wives clean up after them you clean up after some holes, you are their literal bitch.
Your problem is not the housing market it's your lack of testosterone.

>> No.54755223

Yes, thanks to the American propaganda; it has creeped out even in remote and traditional societies and brainwashed young adults. Of course, this only affects half the population due to gender dynamics.

>> No.54755258

>Aka, i need to make $4000/mo just to apply for a lease.

That's like $25/hr with no overtime. It's really not that much money. Just look for better jobs.

>> No.54755259

Yeah, if i start taking TRT i'll magically be able to control them and not get immediately shitcanned
You are a fucking idiot
This is how men in this country are forced to live.

>> No.54755266

Why do you tolerate this shit? They are women. Put them in their place with fear and violence. Good lord you sound like a pussy.

>> No.54755310

My dad already tried that shit. Guess what happened?
Why do you think im forced to live with my mom?

>> No.54755345
File: 118 KB, 640x796, tumblr_c1622a751e163a8c00159f3981ad6005_22295b32_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn dude, go to r9k, you'll be in good company with all the other excuses dorks. I literally found a cheap place, and you find a way to shit on it. There were a few more if ya sort by cheapest on zillow.

Like bro, still love ya, but you gotta be a smidge grateful when someone helps you out. otherwise you'll end up just like your mom and sister.

best of luck out there my brother, gotta sleep now, big day ahead of both of us.

>> No.54755363

I lived with my girlfriend and moved in with my parents at 39 because of this. She's a cat hoarder and alcoholic. Had almost a million in crypto, now have 30k which used to be enough for at least a down payment. I will probably kill myself pretty soon here. At least you're not alone.

I never talk about it to anyone because it seems the world is so eager to scream laughter in your face when youve ruined your life and know it.

Tried to stop drinking and the rage was too real. I hate myself. I hate this conditioned "oh well" helplessness that has infected my soul. At least before id fight, plan and struggle. Now I simple deserve death and know it.

If any part of you can try, then try. If you're truly done the just kill yourself out in the woods. Txt someone your coordinates and tell them it was suicide.

>> No.54755381

I get it. We lived in a gynocentric cuck society. I would laser focus on getting the fuck out of there asap.

>> No.54755383

>You are a fucking idiot
You are the one living in that castrated country.
>hurr durr there's nothing I can do about it
You are as retarded as DSP. Become a digital nomad and leave fagget.

>> No.54755385

I've seen homes like that get condemned. Like i said, I'll check it out, but i can almost guarantee it'll be condemned by the city. Happened to my sister before.

>> No.54755421

>"live with roommates in the big city until you get married and move to the suburbs, bro"
This was my generation and exactly what I did

>> No.54755440

I decided to live with my parents until I put a down-payment on a house.
After I get the house I'll probably get 1-2 roommates & make them pay half my mortgage kek, then kick them out when I find a rich wife

>> No.54755553

This is me but I'm also having a son with my 21yo gf (marriage in '23 lol)
My parents love us all :')

>> No.54755592

>waste life consuming the internet

This isn't a brag, anon.

>> No.54755607

>waste life consuming the internet
What life? Are you implying the wagecuck rat has a life? If you waste 9-10 hours per day with work related stuff and then 3-4 on the internet before you fall asleep you can't blame the internet for your misery.
Being a wagecuck is your problem see?

>> No.54755637
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median US salary is 100k
if you cant survive on this you're just bad at managing money and should unironically call dave ramsey kek

I hate zoomers so fucking much

>> No.54755639

Work sets you free
Your attitude will never make it

>> No.54755662

>what are weekends

You're right. Best just to acquiesce and give up.

>> No.54755673

This is average household income, retard
If you're single, you're making half that or less.

>> No.54755709
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I had a friend who lived like this
He wanted to kill himself so bad but weed and videogames kept him sane. Abusive parents and a whore sister, house an absolute disgusting mess except for his room.
Eventually the stress got to him and he developed prostate cancer. Went undiagnosed for a while so it progressed quite a bit (stage 4). Let me tell you he did everything in his power to cling on to dear life. I've never spoken with somebody and seen them so utterly terrified.
You'd better learn to start doing something about your family's stupid habits before your wish of death is granted. If the litterbox hasn't been cleaned in years then clean it you dumb idiot. Clear the lint filter everytime you dry clothes (I do this anyway). Become the family dishwasher and embrace it. Pick up after your sister and be uncompromising about it. Spray diatomaceous earth on the couch. It's a blessing you get to live anywhere rent free, but the fact is anything in life has a cost and that is no exception. Do something about your family's retarded habits or the stress WILL destroy you.

>> No.54755770

>I've never spoken with somebody and seen them so utterly terrified.
Lel what a pathetic bitch. His life was utterly miserable and fucking God Himself gave him a way out, who even gets prostate cancer so young anyway?
Must be divine intervention so why so scared? I'd give anything to find out I have cancer.

>> No.54755795

I don't think you understand.
This is literally a full time job.
Dishes would take 2 hours a day. Three dogs and 2 cats means sweeping/cleaning the floor for an hour minimum, and thats if they dont shit and piss on it. 6 cats and 2 litterboxes, that shit takes half an hour to clean. Literally every day it has to be cleaned. Nobody cleans fucking anything and i don't get anything for doing it. Not even a thank you. I already work 9 hours, i get home and i have to do 6 hours of cleaning and pretty much nothing else? Why the fuck would i want to do that?

>> No.54755805

3 dogs and 6 cats***

>> No.54755875

According to inflation calculator, the efficiency I had decades ago in a city of under 100,000 would be $1200. Did they stop making efficiencies? I know mine went section 8, and my church got a lesbian pastor. Maybe zoomer expects too much from housing, and church.
>I’m sorta amazed they haven’t been converting apartments to condos. I’ve seen tough housing availability due to condo craze too.

>> No.54755884

>1pbitd 99 replies
bot thread

>> No.54755891

And that's not even all of it. The trash never gets emptied, the toilet is never cleaned, hair left in clumps in the shower as well. The sink is pretty much permaclogged. My family just leaves random shit, paper, mail, etc. On the table, and on the floor. They make ramen and cant even bother to wipe off the cancer juice that boils over, so the microwave just has this layer of black sludge on the bottom, same with the refridgerator. They leave food in there to rot and it's juices just flow to the bottom and collect. Oil and random bits of food are spilled onto the stove and nobody ever wipes it off or cleans it, so it just gets cooked to the stove. Pots and pans that are used are left there, never rinsed. The food dries on and it takes fucking 20 minutes just to clean one pan. They leave the bathroom door open and cats go in there and literally just shit in the fucking shower.

>> No.54755941

You're vastly overestimating the problem. It does not take an hour to clean a litterbox, you scoop the shit and piss out and top it off with new litter. It certainly does not take an hour to clean a floor either. I don't care if a bum breaks in to your house and bleeds and vomits and shits all over it, a (recently) cleaned floor will take 10 minutes to clean tops.
You already got your "thank you" by living there for free you ingrate.
You blame your family for everything being a mess and here you are with the exact same attitude. Hope you find it in you to help yourself because otherwise you're ngmi

>> No.54755957

same my mom is incompetent hysterical and hates hygiene

i started daytrading to go away from this cunt

>> No.54755991

>You'd better learn to start doing something about your family's stupid habits before your wish of death is granted. If the litterbox hasn't been cleaned in years then clean it you dumb idiot. Clear the lint filter everytime you dry clothes (I do this anyway). Become the family dishwasher and embrace it. Pick up after your sister and be uncompromising about it. Spray diatomaceous earth on the couch. It's a blessing you get to live anywhere rent free, but the fact is anything in life has a cost and that is no exception. Do something about your family's retarded habits or the stress WILL destroy you.
that's not how it works. Those dirty people will do as usual the next morning.
Dirty people are not dirty because they can't clean, they are dirty because they refuse to clean. They have other priorities and they just dont give a fuck about hygiene.

>> No.54756068

Living with parents costed a lot of my dignity. I was 27 when I left. Any longer and I would have KMS.

>> No.54756069

I pay $400 a month and no, cleaning a floor with 3 dogs and 6 cats along with family throwing trash on the floor takes an hour minimum. I tried doing this shit before and got burned out and almost lost my job because of it. Cleaning 2 litter boxes takes 20 minutes a day. Cleaning dishes every day actually does take 2 hours because they fill it to the brim and more, every single day.

>> No.54756136

A day’s worth of dishes takes me 30-60 minutes for two people. That’s with cooking at home. The people you’re dealing with sound like microwave cooks though.

>> No.54756168

2-3 ramen packages on the counter every day
If i clean the dishes, they'll use a fresh clean bowl and fork for each packet, and they dont rinse it out afterward

>> No.54756220

An entire plate for a hot pocket or burrito
A pot, 2-4 bowls for mac n cheese. They'll make a giant fucking pot and eat it over 3 days using fresh bowls and forks every time. They never rinse the bowls or forks afterward. A lot of the time they just take it to their rooms and i would have to play dish finding simulator. Then they'll get pissed at me for going in their room.

>> No.54756269

I know how some people live. Sometimes there’s a disputed or unclear responsibility. Like my friend with two kids. They’re supposed to be responsible for the litter box. But it ends up that a guest, me, ends up dealing with it. Or, I visited my cousin, and there was half inch to full inch of dog hair everywhere. (Thank goodness they did have the dog go outdoors.) Everyone is sneezing up a storm, so I vacuumed. It is how some people are. And if you end up with a roommate, it’s hit or miss.

>> No.54756271

here's what you're going to do. trade crypto. two things are gonna happen. you could make enough to become free with tokens like pepe or shib, or you become totally bankrupt. or you could be somewhere in-between with tokens like ftm, bnb, or mni.

>> No.54756363

>breeding irl

>> No.54756383

Take the money you’re saving living at home and hire a team of Mexicans to deep clean your white trash abode my friend

>> No.54756418

That's called life you genius. We're all fucked inevitably.

>> No.54756498

It’s one thing to be living with your parents in your early 20s. If you’re still living at home at 28 you are in fact a loser

>> No.54756499

don't you all have relatives or something?

My grandmother gave me her house when I was 25 after she moved in to a nursing home, that was my first house and I'm 32 now with three houses and renting out two of them, I could retire now and live off the rents if I wanted to haha.

>> No.54756534

You can:
1) Stop giving a fuck about living with your dirty family and let shit go. You are living there for free and it's the price you pay.
2) get a job or even day trade / bet CSGO skins
3) save up your money for a lease or downpayment
4) get the fuck out of there and consider a sublet / roommates / tenants your first year until you get a grip on how much money it really costs to live
You live in the age of the internet and live better than kings pre 1900s did. You have no one but yourself to blame.

>> No.54756556
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>> No.54756562

Now that's privilege. Imagine being born to homeowners. So out of touch you faggot

>> No.54756570

Ok my dude I actually read most of your posts and I am here as a 35yo who was you at one point with some advice youre not going to like and dont have to follow, but I hope that you add it to your mindset. Im going to use spacing to make this easier to read fuck off.

You need to do some math. There are a couple ways around income limits for apartments.

The first is that you can agree to pay a few months of the lease in advance, usually 3 but some are dicks and ask for six, but you will have to stay calm and negotiate.

Next you absolutely must set aside as much of your income as you can stand in the short term and make up whatever story you have to to not tell anyone around you about it or theyll try and weasel it out of you. I did this, its not fun, but being a man isnt fun, its about winning. Winning is fun.

Third, once you get to the three to six month rent amount in your savings, thats when you go back to your top three or four choices and negotiate, this will probably work but remember, if it doesnt, you have a backup plan.

Backup plan: If the 3 month window fails, save for six. If the six month window fails, to have just about enough now for a good down payment on a small house in your area. 600 a week is about 32k a year which is enough for a small house. Do not go big, and dont get ahead of yourself. Youre looking for 2 bedrooms max, and the reason is that 1 and 2 bedroom houses are far cheaper even for the same square footage because everyone wants 3 bedroom houses. I just did a search in your area, and found three possibles listed below. An FHA loan will get you a downpayment of less than 4k plus closings so maybe 7-8k max out the door with a payment of around 800 a month. If that sounds doable in a few months its because it is.



>> No.54756601

1. I do pay
2. Already have a job and trading crypto, all losses
3. Money is lost to crypto trading, i literally cant get an apartment near me either

>> No.54756641

As an additional side note. I did this whole thing a few years ago and now im sitting pretty, have a wife, a son, and no one short of a judge can force me off my fucking slice. Lots of people are going to complain or say this or that is hard and theyre right. But the only shit worth wasting energy on is hard shit. And future you in a few years will thank present you for doing this. And remember one thing. If you go the house route, youre paying yourself, and can upgrade in a few years with a huge amount of equity built up. Just make sure to get it inspected, including the roof, foundation, electrical, and plumbing. God speed man.

>> No.54756748

Well said anon.
>t. 32 yr old millennial boomer who got his shit together at 27. Was on the way to eternal NEETDOM. Have career, shitty 75K house with automatic garage, gf, sports car and daily along with no kids.

>> No.54756820

It feels different when you own something doesn't it man? Its like having that 18 year old fire inside ignited again.

>> No.54756914

No, these days it's understandable to live with parents into your 30s

>> No.54756995

stop seeing your family as people and just treat them like automatons. clean up after them like the other anons are saying and dont see it as humiliating. theyre not concious

>> No.54757021

poison the cats

>> No.54757032

>"""own'"" something
>have to pay yearly ren- I mean taxes or it can get taken from you by force
You don't own shit lmaoooooo

>> No.54757111

hey look everyone, its the defeatist absolutism.
Dont let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

>> No.54757168

I can't do that because psychopathy isn't a trait I have nor one I wish to acquire.

>> No.54757224

Holy cope

>> No.54757235

Dear Bitches,
I'm 36 and live with my parents, I just might have enough for a deposit when I'm 45 (maybe).
World is fucked.
Simple as.
Fuck kikes.
Fuck niggers.
Fuck jannies.

>> No.54757264

I think most are just hoping their relatives don’t come calling asking to be supported in their old age.

>> No.54757369

Live somewhere cheaper
>but no jobs!!!!!!!
work remote

>> No.54757377

just live in the dorms lol

>> No.54757497

Only person here who actually gave good advice.

>> No.54760287

i heckin love cars bros
i love it when the car go like FAST like VROooOM i go coomy woomy in my pants when that burgetti go like NYEEEOOOMM it's heckin basedrino and poggers

>> No.54760713

lower your standards or make more money--those are your options. i live in north brooklyn in a 1-bedroom for $1600/mo

>> No.54760729

go somewhere cheaper

>> No.54762228

I'm in the same situation, and hoping to change that with my NXRA, AZERO, and the other promising alts which I've invested in

>> No.54762812
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>2br apartment

Heh, good thing I make $120k a year! Being forced to live in a HCOL area isn't so bad at all!

>> No.54762851

you're affirming to yourself the wrong thing by saying you "want" things. your mind says "oh, you have want of this? sure thing" and then subconsciously reflects and projects that reality in your external world. the world is a mirror of your innermost thoughts.

a rich man has no want of money. a homeless man wants $20, so he has less than that. a rich man has no want of a home. even if he were homeless, or living in a shanty, he would be okay with that knowing that he's rich it's fine he can always buy a home tomorrow.

do you see how this works or am i casting pearls before swine?

>> No.54762912

For he that hath, to him shall be given: and he that hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he hath.

stop affirming to yourself that you want things and start having them in your mind. your mind is like a radio that only picks up the frequency it's tuned to resonate with. your "I am" is extremely powerful, whatever you affirm to your unconscious self that "I am" will be reflected in time. In a lucid dream, the results are instant but in waking reality there is a delay due to the laws of physics. that is why the bible talks about "faith". whatever you intend is your reality but you must intend it day in day out until it is materially realized. nothing exists in this world that was not first thought up mentally and then later physically realized. everything is mental.

>> No.54762919

>25 years
>got my first house, 1930s house deep in the woods of Finland
>zero kike loans
>comfy as fuck
>work from home anyway so fuck the city, office and niggers
Yea i'm alright

>> No.54762925

I don't know about AZERO, but NXRA is a good token.

>> No.54762939

Why go to a brothel if you have your mom

>> No.54762962

dishes do not take 2 hours a day. at most 5 minutes. also what kind of psychopath leaves a sink full of dishes. I wash all my dishes immediately after using them.

>> No.54762969

God I hate pet hoarders, fucking disgusting

>> No.54763010
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>> No.54763184

We get it you read reality transurfing

>> No.54763248

I learned it partly from reading Plato and The Bible among other works more esoteric like The Kybalion or stuff by Neville Goddard. But also if you try it you will confirm it yourself. It can't actually be learned solely from a book but is learned through internal revelations.

>> No.54763357

Move to west virginia

>> No.54763369

lol all the zoomers girls tell me they do in this really shy, embarrassed way and I think it's cute.

>> No.54763498

When they use 10+ dishes and 3+ pans minimum every day and let them sit out in the open air to harden and crust, yes it takes 2 hours a day.

>> No.54763528

I’m 30

>> No.54763542
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youll own nothing and be happy

>> No.54763546

20s? Perfectly normal. 30s? Pushing it. 40s? Still frowned upon.

>> No.54763582

My grandparents spent every dime to fund their retirements and whatever was left got pilfered by their kids.

>> No.54763596

Not if you scrub harder. I worked as a dish washer years ago and got very good at it.

But really you need to stop acting out the life of a servant for these evil bitches. You should get confrontational if needed. Don't do what is expected of a servant, let them deal with their own mistakes until they can't stand it anymore. Then, like frogs boiling in the pot they will either jump out or die.

>> No.54763598

Best advice in the thread desu, just change your current suffering into a different form but one you can manage and eventually not suffer in

>> No.54763603

I make $3k per month and have $30k put aside. I can probably afford to move out but I honestly don’t have any clue where to go. I have no particular reason to be anywhere and everywhere sucks. At one point I wanted to move to the city to meet people, but then I realized it’s not worth the 2x premium or the insane crime rates.

>> No.54763616

They're going to be very, very mad at you at first when you stop picking them up because they aren't used to having their legs on the ground. Just let them be miserable for a while until they get used to their true place in the world they have never had to deal with before.

>> No.54763848

If you're 18-29 living with parents it's just university and gathering resources.
Anything between 30-35 is just fucking kek bro just fucking buy your own place man or become independent in any other way are you fucking kidding me.
Unless your parents own a big house you are just funny at this point.

>> No.54764290

dude, buy a round-trip plane ticket to Miami or Tampa. Roundtrip because if you end up not getting a job you at least have a ride home to try again. When you arrive, immediately rent a UHAUL pickup truck for the day, you have wheels to get whatever you need for like $50. Get a 20x20 storage unit indoors. Get something for sleeping like a milsurp cot, airmattress, etc. Most storage places let you rent your first 4 weeks 100% free (some even provide a free van) and you can live in the city center, worst case they kick you out and you go to next one over, big deal. Scam ubereats for food. Get a gym membership or use the beach showers if you're really hard up. Chill in hotel lobbies or cafes with a laptop and hunt for jobs. Ideally you try and setup some interviews before you get there but you should get out of that hell ASAP.

Jobs you can get in 1 week by lying a little bit on your application:
- Hotel Room Attendant
- Bartender
- Warehousing
- Boat Cleaning
- Linecook

Once you've got a job start looking for roommates or even better, finance a boat and live on it.

If you start now, you'll be in a much better space mentally and physically by June. If it doesn't work out, you're just back where you started with an awesome story.

ALSO depending on the locks they have at the units, make sure to lock the latch in the open position while you're in it so you don't get locked in.

This is a basic bugout strategy and I can go into more detail if there's interest.

>> No.54764417
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what if i buy the house from them? then they live with me, not as bad! found a cheat code. right bros...?
man im happy for you and all but fuck you bro.
captcha: kttyx

>> No.54764432

My first job after college paid me $70k gross but ever since 2019 I’ve made anywhere from $40k to $50k and I just turned 30. Apartments in my area go for 1800-2000 per month in a safe neighborhood and they want 3-4x rent for your income so I don’t know what I’m supposed to do here.

I’m suicidal so I don’t know why I care, but still. If you have fucking rich parents with a big house nobody cares, but you have middle class parents and all of the sudden you’re a Fucking loser for not being able to afford rent.

>> No.54764597

>i live in north brooklyn in a 1-bedroom for $1600/mo

cant be greenpoint that place is becoming neu-williamsburg. so either ridgewood or bushwick. i'm in a 3BR with 2 room mates currently at $1050/month.

>> No.54765327

>not if you scrub harder
I used to be a dishwasher as well, anon. Problem is that the tools i have at home are much worse. The giant sink, sprayer, and endless supply of fresh scrub pads that aren't cheap shit actually help a LOT. Even the stuck on cheese from the fucking microwaved lasagna is easier to take off than this shit. You have a giant ass sink to soak the dishes in, a giant ass grate to rinse them over, and a dishwashing machine. It makes a massive ass difference.

>> No.54765348

meant for >>54763596

>> No.54765360

>go to the city
im not going to the city so i can have my car jacked by niggers, but thanks

>> No.54765375

>new Aircon blocks your path
>new roof kicks you in the balls
>new carpet comes up behind you and cuts your throat
>black mold shits down your throat
>busted pipes takes a shit on your grave

>> No.54765380

what happens if you get locked in

>> No.54765381

How do zoomer girls can't move out? Money is literally handed to them on a silver platter. Earning tens of thousands of dollars from OF simps they should be able to move out of their parent's home by 19.

>> No.54765485

>atomized white gets outcompeted in his own homeland by jeets who pool resources and work together based on race
based. get fucked, libtard faggot

>> No.54765525

My issues are the result of rampant liberal policy. What a bizarre thing to accuse me of, kek
>pool resources and work together based on race
Subsidized by the government to work at Tim Hortons***

>> No.54765635

Are the niggers in the room with us right now? Keep making excuses bro, have fun being poor forever.

>> No.54765661

28 as well

>> No.54765806

>enabling shitty behavior
That’s what they’re looking for. They’re too lazy to do the work themselves so they push it to someone who doesn’t want to live in a shithole like anon.

>> No.54765994
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70% of Americans are feeling financially stressed. Up 20% since 2019. We live in interesting times, but those times are never fun or care free. Minimum wagies are losing the will live and it seems to be getting worse and worse. Not sure how much longer people can take it. If it gets bad enough they’ll probably just send us all to die in a trench in Eastern Europe or Taiwan.