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File: 384 KB, 1170x899, D4AECD9A-16E8-4C4D-8D48-2373785C91F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54752323 No.54752323 [Reply] [Original]

Is either goinng to make it financially? Is gen z going to do better?

>> No.54752353

>gen z vs millennials
>no boomers, the cause of all this shit
why are the boomers pitting us against each other with these psyops??

>> No.54752429

if both would wise up and start murdering boomers, there'd be enough left for several generations

>> No.54752448

Both generations are doomed. When boomers die, all their wealth will go to Mr. Shekelberg, who will import more taconiggers to work

>> No.54752454

Wtf is this graphic? Both sides look like millennials. Zoomers don't dress like the right. They dress like niggers, with the girls wearing high-waisted mom pants sometimes

>> No.54752475

Boomers would take them out in a day

>> No.54752511

As a gen xer, it's weird. Would you believe that most everyone in the late 90's thought racism was dead or at least on its way out? There was a brief moment before 9/11 where people mostly respected each other as Americans and thought the future would only be better. We got too close to a homogeneous country I guess.

>> No.54752521
File: 9 KB, 223x226, Boom Boom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These. Millennials and zoomers are natural allies against the boomer kike. Notice how millennials don't backstab zoomers in the same way Gen-x faggots always side with the boomers?

Faggy D&C thread

>> No.54752524

Millennials are just a younger version of boomers: selfish, individualistic, leftist, entitled. Zoomers are lobotomized by social media and mentally unstable, so they are easy to manipulate by propaganda. They just believe what the psychopaths in power tell them to believe. These 2 are the worst generations humanity has produced and they both deserve the rope.

>> No.54752534


>> No.54752618

And here's the whiney, always complaining gen x bitch walking in.
>Millennials are just a younger version of boomers

Yeah, I guess without the buying a home with 2 years of GED salary part. Dumbass.

>> No.54752633
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The late 90s really were the comfiest times

>> No.54752687
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Because they are jews.

But I find that 18yo kids are pretty stupid and constantly seething about people over 25 so there's that too.

>> No.54752742
File: 127 KB, 1235x673, zoomer women this is what you look like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Funniest thing is that in 2016 Gen Xers were still 'cool', but after that point they started siding with boomers whenever possible. I don't know what their fucking problem is.

>> No.54752755
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>you're lazy and entitled because you ask for fair compensation for your time and refuse to take jobs that pay below that rate
No, you just became an actual boomer the older you got. Most likely in 2011 you were one of the gen xers talking about boomers rejecting your resume for not having enough experience, but a little more than a decade later you're a 45yo 'small business owner' pulling a million in profits a year seething that employees 10-20 years younger don't want to work for money that will literally impoverish them.

>> No.54752777

> muh homes are expensive
yes, because the only places you can survive in are Manhattan, LA or SF so you all pile up there and drive the prices up. I bet you can't even drive, or file your own taxes, or cook your own food, or talk to a woman. Even if the government gave you a house for free, you wouldn't have a clue how to maintain it. Your problems are not monetary, they're psychological, and spiritual.

>> No.54752882
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>> No.54752910

Yeah, there was this weird switch how gen Xers went from edgy and jamming to grunge rock, to full boomer mode of always complaining and bitching about the youth. They're just drunk off of the stagflation of the same financial policy that boomers loved. Now it's Gen X's turn to watch their assets balloon into the stratosphere while they don't have to lift a finger to work.
>le you young whippersnappers have no skills xD
This fag thinks he rolled his sleeves up and built his mcMansion with his bare hands. No, you worked 3 years at a factory out of highschool putting bottlecaps on coke bottles and bought your bungalow, shut the fuck up. Yes goy. Attack the generation with zero wealth, zero political capital, zero presence in banking and corporate power, zero seats or positioning in judiciary, senate, or congressional chambers. Absolutely DO NOT go after the (((money changing in the temple))) boomers in charge .

I suggest we purge "gen x" as a classification, and simply just name all of them boomers. Literally the same whiney bunch. All in favor say aye

>> No.54752971

they've spent their lives throwing their money into shekelberg managed 401ks and IRAs etc, thats how they got so rich in the first place. when they retire that money will be flowing OUT to cover their expenses.
whoever the next shekelberg is that absorbs this wealth is up to the whim of rich boomers, god help us all

>> No.54752982

recently read this article that says millennials being poorfags who got dealt a bad hand by the recession is over stated, it also wonders if millennials will mellow out politically with age


>> No.54752984

I just want them to grow up faster, get jobs and start buying crypto so I can sell mine and retire finally!

>> No.54753024
File: 417 KB, 1045x1447, 1496159501666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. That guy's first emotional reflex was also to get upset that I said housing is expensive. They don't actually give a quarter of a fuck about the job market, they're just upset that you won't dish out $500k on his $70k house he bought.

>> No.54753113

>businesses telling you that your college degree was worthless for years is just something you imagined, now that you've wasted your peak years struggling while getting fucked by back to back economic downturns you should just get over it and donate to israel

>> No.54753552

>you worked 3 years at a factory out of highschool putting bottlecaps on coke bottles and bought your bungalow
I finished college right before the dot com crash you fucking retard, worked menial jobs for years, ate cold dry pizza and washed my underwear in the sink, my best childhood friend joined the army, came back fucked in the head and jumped in front of a train. So you really believe you're the only generation who had it rough? LMAO, I could write for hours, you have NO idea.
> Absolutely DO NOT go after the (((money changing in the temple))) boomers in charge .
And what are YOU doing about that faggot? Are you gonna post a tiktok video about those evil boomers and Xers and j00z who stole your inheritance? Lmao you won't do shit faggot. Always blaming someone else for your failure and always waiting for someone else to do the work for you.

>> No.54753982
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Gen Z here, trying to make it with a new project called Hamachi Finance
Shit's going well so far and Sushiswap works like a charm, but these are my first steps omw to become a whale

>> No.54755145

The late 90s plan, as far as anybody seems to have had one, was that the economy was going to be so face melting green that we'd get everyone on an even field of wealth and also white boomers would still get their 6% a year. And when the economy didn't grow that fast and push came to shove boomers' 6% turned out to be the real priority

>> No.54755160

I've worked at a college almost since I graduated, and honestly I think part of being in that age range is just kind of being dumb

>> No.54755193

>Would you believe that most everyone in the late 90's thought racism was dead or at least on its way out?
People not realizing their govt. poisoned that one a full decade ago sounds right for the time period.

>> No.54755196

2016 is about when boomers exiting made millennials the majority of people with jobs, so x went from seething at the people above them (they've got a weird 'we are a minority of ages' mentality) to the people below them.

>> No.54755224

The problem with generational politics is wealth transfers. No matter who your parents are a 24 year old has no power, it's just their parents' money they can't control it.
But by the time your 30 or 40 the rich people's children start getting the house sales or the trust funds as their own money, they start coming back inside from their "independent" phase

>> No.54755245

My buddy's grandma died, he inherited 300k & bought a house.

>> No.54755278

And everyone else has their parents go womp womp and say they accidentally spent all their money so you have to take care of them. Based.

>> No.54755599

This is what the Jew wants.
Consoom fake dichotomies!