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54751380 No.54751380 [Reply] [Original]

Is debtmaxing a legit move pre-default?

The US government will almost certainly default, why shouldn't you debt max?

>> No.54751398

A Jewish glownigger made this post.

>> No.54751595

If you actually thought the USD was imminently going to collapse then yes you should take on as much USD in debt as possible

But even if the gov defaulted it wouldn't lead to an outright collapse of the dollar so that's dumb

>> No.54751963
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I've been struggling with this question for the past week or so. I have a decent credit score [~750] but just got laid off and recognize the path that the US and the rest of the globe are deciding to go in.

It seems like a legitimate move is to max out my debt and wait for two things.

1) Collapse of issuing financial institutions
2) Collapse of US economic system

The debt cieling crisis is going to absolutely wreck the treasury market, stocks, etc. And shake up the economy & labor market quite a bit. Although it may only be a step on to the road to financial collapse, and this may take a couple years.

I foresee the fed then trying to issue new CBDCs in exchange for dollars, even freely & monthly as UBI. The regular dollar will be hyperinflated as the rest of the world switches to BRICS.

This means the fed pivots, even issuing a negative interest rate to try to save institutions while the bread lines form.

As far as the debtmaxxing goes, I really don't see why not at this point. Anybody with two eyes can see this crisis unfolding and the pieces slowly tumbling into place. So I might as well leave the game with a consolation prize.

The downsides? I won't be able to find a new lender in the dying system. No problem. I'll need to dodge suit servers for, what, a few months? Easy. I don't have wages to garnish or assets to seize. So really, all it boils down to is the societal pressure to 'be responsible' and help prop up the system that seems to be fucking most of us even in its dying breaths.

I think I'd rather buy gold and silver and nice things until the economy collapses.

I am the one that exploits the capitalism now. Sorry, faceless institutions.