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54750867 No.54750867 [Reply] [Original]

WTFF I literally sold at a loss at $28k thinking it was going lower.... please tell me this is a fucking deadcat bounce

>> No.54750877

no one here knows what is going on right now
anyone saying otherwise is a brainlet

>> No.54750886


>> No.54750934

>dead cat bounce
It literally is eating the last bart. Get double barted, bitch

>> No.54750947

You're the brainlet. We're going to be starting the bull market soon. Anyone who sells now doesn't deserve shit

>> No.54750954

I know exactly what is going on.
Op, buy back in. You have at most 8 hours.

>> No.54750957
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>he sold btc when we're less than 1 year from the halving

>> No.54750967

Post leveraged long

>> No.54750969

I'm not longing yet and even if I did, I don't spoonfeed.

>> No.54750987

Lol pussy, we’re going to 32k tonight

>> No.54750997

If you had even a 60% win rate with knowing what the market does next, you'd be a multimillionaire within 1 month starting with $100. Unless of course you don't actually understand what the market is doing next and are in fact larping

>> No.54751004

haha, just 3x long now, you'll make it all back in no time

>> No.54751017

You're a degen and that's why you'll die poor too
I trade based on monthly movements i.e. when I enter a long, I'm leaving it open for a year. I'm not a down syndrome degenerate like you larpers that pretend you make 4 figs per day

>> No.54751021

Emotional traders like you never make it

>> No.54751025

Day traders deserve the rope. Buy and hold.

>> No.54751031

Based fucking retard lel

>> No.54751036

I know what's going on. Accumulate.

>> No.54751047

The bullrun didn't happen overnight last time. This is exactly like 2018. It starts to have little pump and dumps like what we've just witnessed. Money starts dropping in slowly but surely, with regular consistency. Before you know it, alts are now expensive but not "I'm rich levels of money" yet. Another couple months, and you're priced out. It's begun. It just takes fucking months and months. The bullrun is not an overnight green dildo, its months of grueling gains and losses, with higher highs and higher lows.

>> No.54751059

>Claims to have clairvoyance of market movement
>Can't back it up with an open trade

A tale as old as markets themselves.

>> No.54751073

Again, nigger, I barely trade at all. You on the other hand day trade and lose all your money

>> No.54751080

>he sold
when will (you) learn? btc literally will only go up from here

>> No.54751097

Then stop making price calls if you don't trade you mega faggot

>> No.54751104

Nigger, what I'm looking at is close to signaling and it takes months to actually set up for so yes, you're a fucking retard if you sold or are shorting rn. Again, nigger. I'll be longing, but not until I get my confirmations

>> No.54751107

Anyone who says they know where the market is going is a retard that will lose money. Successful traders know they can't predict the market, but they take basically calculated risks where they think they have an expected value, but they know they could be wrong and have a plan to get out if that is the case.

>> No.54751155

>Claims to know where the price is going next with such certainty, that anyone who disagrees is a brainlet
>Isn't willing to back it up with a posted position
Lel bears naturally get called out with "post shorts", but for some reason you giga faggots think being bullish absolves you of this duty to post open positions.

>> No.54751180

Yep. All we ever have in the markets is an edge. A likeliness that price moves one direction over the other. I don't mind people making educated guesses, but anyone claiming to be certain of things with shit like today's volatile as fuck price action is a larping beta fag

>> No.54751185

Ju sold de pico bottum men

>> No.54751187

Nigger. Learn to read. Macro is getting close to flipping but I don't enter prematurely. The reason you niggers lose money is because you want to catch every fucking candle

>> No.54751195

Bitch, you're a scalper. 99% of those lose money. You don't know how to make money. Stop talking like you have any idea how to trade

>> No.54751282

I'm not making price calls and I don't trade during periods of extreme volatility like we're in right now, especially outside of NYSE hours. If you believed anyone who thought price is going down is a "brainlet", you'd at least open a low risk 2x swing with a loose stop to back it up. It's like someone claiming to be a female on the internet. Post tits or fuck off

>> No.54751338

>If you believed anyone who thought price is going down is a "brainlet", you'd at least open a low risk 2x swing with a loose stop to back it up. It's like someone claiming to be a female on the internet.
Like I explained above, btc is becoming macro bullish. Ya, I can enter a 2x long with a random ass shit entry rn and the chances of getting liqd are basically 0, but that's not how I trade. I'd rather enter with say a 6x when I'm comfortable

>> No.54751649

Anything up to 10x is a comfy long, people just get too greedy and leave no wiggle room for the inevitable. If you want the true redpil this is just a game of who can control their emotions best and think logically while doing so, there is nothing more to this. Anything else is just a tool to achieve that goal

>> No.54751687

itt seething bears

>> No.54751696
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If these trades could just get easier to predict, that'd be great. Thanks.

>> No.54751710

Ok what price range are you looking for as an entry?

>> No.54751734

It's not the price. It's when what I look at gives the go ahead

>> No.54751735
File: 8 KB, 247x204, xucati.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in the robot Shinji. Don't break your brittle hands on the controls.

>> No.54751767

Arkham alert platform made false alerts on the U.S government BTC wallet and db had automatic alerts on for Twitter which he than proceeded to Tweet and caused a massive panic sell. If you people don't follow markets closely enough to know you're all ngmi. Also don't sell this close to halving you're just asking to lose your entries you fucking dummies

>> No.54753450

You should have DCAd instead bizfag, I could see bitcoin was closing in for a retracement sell on an AI analysis tool so I shorted knowing it was a scalp for gains, while bagging more sats for my portfolio.

>> No.54753465
File: 15 KB, 584x522, 1619301387766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold my XOR when it was $2 three months ago... It reached $4 in a matter of WEEKS
Worst decision of my life ngl...

>> No.54754952

Kek, I guess hodling the right assets matter a whole lot anon. I only go in on alts with long term potential like RIDE for it's in-car metaverse experience and MEX for powering the Xexchange.

>> No.54754958

>sell low
>buy high

>> No.54754985

>selling at 28k was a loss


>> No.54755783

We're about to tank something silly, dw. I have a dca on btc, eth, arb, and mni. Not selling, but I don't fault your decision.

>> No.54755799

I'm literally looking to buy soon and you sold. LMAO thanks for ur contribution op