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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54749801 No.54749801 [Reply] [Original]

How bad are things going to get?
I'm scared, bros

>> No.54749823

They will ditch the dollar, the economy will fail and then all will accept payments in xrp.

>> No.54749824

countries don't pay for imports, companies do, so it doesnt matter what argentina announces, its unlikely any company is going to reserve a significant amount of a currency that doesn't float. i do think the dollar is btfo but its gonna take a while

>> No.54749831

These usd fuds are quite organic these days, i am not surprised about brics, but from jewnited state politicians all of the fucking yters and even from eu, what we know is usas lil bitch. They are probably slurping the dollar with a ten feet long slurper!

>> No.54749834

the us has "never" been the aggressor in a conflict so expect 9/11 2.0 so we can defend our freedom from terrorists who also coincidently side with china

>> No.54750068

Exactly this, companies decide what currency they like, government can do whatever but this is the same cycle that has been happening since the first Peso was created: sell debt to any country that is willing to invest in our ponzi, wait a decade or so and run our currency into the ground trying to print more that it is actually allowed. Rinse, repeat.

>> No.54750228

What the fuck do you expect?
Powell is bankrupting the entire world economy with the hikes.
For these countries it's either stay on the dollar and die or suck the sinorussian teat.
You can't just antagonize and starve the entire fucking globe all at once.

>> No.54750247

Rock and a hard place.
People don't understand how bad this is going to be. The concept of property is going to be challenged in a lot of places because of the rampant socialism everywhere.

>> No.54751922

>How bad are things going to get?
badder in jewsa

>> No.54751992

As a result, the dollar's share in global reserves fell from 73% in 2001 to 55% in 2021 and 47% in 2022.

>> No.54752004

correct answer

>> No.54752008

gonna be like 25-33% by the end of 2023 especially if there's some kind of sovereign debt crisis or cyberpandemic-driven sell off of T-bills

do you wonder why everyone's paying so much attention to statements by the governor of the bank of japan?

>> No.54752020

implying niggertina has any relevance whatsoever
>t. argie

>> No.54752027

Not a surprise. The US wants the usd to be w global currency but they arent using a money policy that way. Its entierly a domestic policy now, which is absolutely screwing over the rest of the world. Why would they continue to use the USD after 2 years of this? Other economies are getting gigga raped by it.
Last time this was close to happening was in the 1980s, and the plaza accord was made to prevent it. This time the US is just letting it happen. Why? Probably because they have no choice this time. They cant stop it would fuck over their own economy hard

>> No.54752039

I've got a very stable job that I'm increasingly unsatisfied with. I really don't know what my path forward is. Is it just a slow grind to me dying a bitter old man with no assets? I see that coming from 30 years out and I don't know how to stop it

>> No.54752048

The yuan is pegged to the USD you tard. China can’t handle being the reserve currency because it would crater their export economy.

>> No.54752077

who said china wanted yuan to be resverve currency? they clearly want the world to use multiple currencies. Doing so would fuck over the US since they won't be able to delay the debt and print freely. And sanctions strength would weaken etc.

>> No.54752143

It called BRICs and it dead in the water because every other country sucks compared to the USA.

>> No.54752187

>source: I made it up

>> No.54752205
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>every other country sucks compared to the USA

>> No.54752215

So Argentina buys Yuans with Argentinian Peso, then China converts those Pesos to dollars because who the fuck wants Argentinian Pesos? This is a nothingburger and part of China’s desperate PR campaign to stay relevant while its population and economy are collapsing.

>> No.54752289

how is it dead when USD usage is going lower?

>> No.54753883

>delusional retard post