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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54745825 No.54745825 [Reply] [Original]

is it happening, tonight? between 5:15pm and 6:15pm? speech starts 2 hours 15 mins from this post

>> No.54745891


I want to watch this but really don't want to make an account someone should stream it here.

Do the needful please

>> No.54745898
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retweet from a few minutes ago by the parent company Smart Contract twitter account.

>> No.54745927

Is he actually there or just talking over zoom?

>> No.54745936
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Sergeys latest tweet, from April 18

>> No.54745942

I made one hours ago but whatever will use this if it fills up. Anyone got a chat stream?

>> No.54746144

You'll get screenshots and you'll LIKE IT.

>> No.54746331

>announcing the release of ccip v0.01
>in order to sustainably grow the ecosystem and pay for my first class flight here, we're announcing another 50m dump starting last month.

>> No.54746379
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>> No.54746420

he is actually there

>> No.54746844
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>hate SN

>> No.54746991

hate satan?

>> No.54747016
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very nice

>> No.54747369

Are you supposed to hate satan, rather than pity him or whatever?

>> No.54748371

It's begun

>> No.54748504
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Oh shit I forgot about this.

>> No.54748516
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The future of our global financial system.

>> No.54748527

he actually said it

>> No.54748553

ooooo he's talking shit about other oracle projects

>> No.54748566

He is pretty much slamming the audience over the head with it

>> No.54748652
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The push for BUILD and SCALE seems like Chainlink's way of filtering or whitelisting protocols to avoid another FTX where they're actively curating teams to make sure they're not being malicious as they build them up.

>> No.54748689
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He's now talking about a lot of banks are approaching Chainlink to build Proof of Concepts beyond stable coins.

>> No.54748723

Wow he just whipped his cock out and said suck > blow what a weird faggot

>> No.54748756

Nothing will come of this except LINK staying true to the 'pumps the least, dumps the most' meme.
This is a literal nothing burger. At what point will LINKbaggies realize they are the hedgebaggies (GME, AMC, BBBY) of the cryptosphere?

>> No.54748762

And the second part already is going on.

>> No.54748783


>> No.54748795


you could X out the video and see the next presentation on your current page now before clicking on this.

>> No.54748807

this talk sucks

>> No.54748875

>makes sense

>> No.54748889

Like every talk im so fucking sick of it. Its all that fat faggot can do. How many fucking cons did i get my hopes up now that they actually Release a product but noooo they just talk and announce new projects.

>> No.54748903

That makes sense

>> No.54748916


>talks shit about FTX
>raises billions by dumping on his followers while releasing nothing

>> No.54748958

Just sell your stack moron. Move on to something you believe in

>> No.54748990

we are going to be so fucking FILTHY RICH my fellow niggers

i will be laughing my head off for YEARS

>> No.54749081

The problem is I do believe in LINK, but fucking Sergey is not delivering

>> No.54749213

>same slides
>same talks
Why is he attending all these conferences if he has nothing to talk about?

>> No.54749217

Because people still don't get it

>> No.54749225

He has to keep us thinking something is coming to prolong the scam.

>> No.54749241

It’s been 6 years. People get it. They don’t give a shit.

>> No.54749246

What a fucking letdown that was. I've been watching every single appearance SN has made since 2017 and this was the worst. He has so much to go off on now but he spent the whole time talking about "muh FTX" and nothing about the core tech of chainlink. Real fucking letdown, Serg. Wasn't even expecting announcements but what we got was pathetic.

>> No.54749315

Ding ding ding

>> No.54749412

If you didn't take the hint at the end, shit is ready.
Banks are stalling due to their faggotry and regulations.

>> No.54749594

No talk about functions, fss, deco or anything related to more staking pools. He’s a do nothing talking chimp

>> No.54750626

Nah not true. That whole angle is a work. Banks dont give a rats ass about this vaporware that doesnt even exist

>> No.54750648

cope cuckold

>> No.54750665
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Like ADA.

>> No.54750683

I don't know why you guys constantly hold onto hopeium. Just forget about the fat fuck until Link is $1000.
Forget about him and your Link and your life will be 100x better

>> No.54751199 [DELETED] 
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>> No.54751242

You really just doxxed your wallet for no reason?

>> No.54751303
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>There's actually quite a bit at stake here, where if we replicate the existing financial system, where people with certain advantages and certain predatory instincts are able to lie to us and trick us and, through our work and through our protocols, steal from users, make money, get caught, and then we have to explain to everybody why "No, no, no, it was just one thing, it wasn't us" Right? "We're not FTX, they're FTX".
>Or, be smarter, we could avoid that, we could build an alternative that actually creates an alternative to conflicts of interest, and actually build something really useful, and really important for how the world changes

Absolutely immense speech, and at Consensus no less. Talking directly to all the hedge funds, market makers, MEV searchers, and all the other fuckwits who are just replicating the tradfi grift on the crypto platform. Sergey's vision and purity of purpose is unparalleled. I honestly don't think it's an exaggeration to say that crypto would be completely fucked without Chainlink. It would just be a new playground for the same old grifters and, as Sergey rightly points out, if that's what it was it would never be adopted at scale. Literally saving the industry from itself.

>> No.54751331
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>The final thing that we're doing, in addition to providing the technology and creating proper incentive alignment without conflicts of interest, without conflicts of interest, is we're generating an interface for capital markets and banks to properly interact with blockchains very efficiently
Enterprise Abstraction Layer is back on the menu, boys.

>> No.54751336

Shut up

>> No.54751536


>> No.54751664

I can’t really get doxxed

>> No.54751800

Who fucking cares dude
Go chase a carrot

>> No.54751838

>incel fantasy

None of those words mean anything though, sorry man. At least Gamestop has actual stores. Also, there is no significance of a Consensus presentation. There were hundreds of buzzword presentations by every grifter in crypto. Its hilarious you think big time hedge funds and institutions are hanging onto every word hahaha. They dont give a fuck about your nerd convention. Some of the riveting consensus topics:

Latinos in crypto
Like 8 different women in web 3 events
Yoga class
NFT this, NFT that

Bahahahahahahahahahaha, muh future of finance

>> No.54751840

I care, which is why I watch Sergey talks. He's my favourite speaker in the space.

>> No.54751870
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why did you delete your post?

>> No.54752188

there is no room in the righteous heart for hatred

>> No.54752589

never buyed this shitcoin
>t. deluded arkie

>> No.54752776

Deluded pothead

>> No.54752820

Ummm… so this was a nothingburger?

>> No.54752865

It was his best talk in a long time. Coming out in the open and asking all the devs at Consensus "Are you here just to be extractive middlemen and keep the space as a niche curiosity, or do you want to help build an entirely new global financial system that is fundamentally fair in a way that no economic system has ever been in human history?"
Honestly inspirational. Nobody is on his level.

>> No.54752883

Congrats on the marriage, anon. Have you made love to your bags yet?

>> No.54752896

>It was his best talk in a long time

Shit, it’s over then :(

>> No.54752911

I honestly have nothing but immense gratitude for the opportunity to exist at this crucial nexus in time and to have funds to deploy to make the most of it.
Most of /biz/ has no idea how lucky they are just to be here and paying attention to these issues. When Web3 has it's "ChatGPT moment" they will call us lucky, and we'll resent that, but we WILL be lucky. Lucky to be here at all.

>> No.54752983

So it was another shit empty talk? No surprise, no point watching them anymore. Didn't even bother trying to catch this one.

>> No.54753205

I did skip a few sergey talks but I listened to this one and I agree. Fuck their griftbox you are either with the scammers as a scammer or a dumbshit gambler or you want a better future for all market participants

>> No.54753226

Thanks anon. Wagmi.

>> No.54753333

>Why is he attending all these conferences if he has nothing to talk about?

And why does he hold all those hackathons when there's never anything actually new to play with?

>> No.54753472

Checked. Idk, I think all the work they do courting devs is good. They have functions to play with this time.

>> No.54753516

I find it funny how Sergey complains about the things in crypto and the slow rate of adoption. Well for adoption to happen he needs to hurry up releasing new features. Sergey likes to talk a lot of air as we know by now with not much substance. The network is pretty much the same as in 2019/2020. The increase in value he likes to boast about should be credited more to the dapp developers not to link oracles.

>> No.54753546

>The increase in value he likes to boast about should be credited more to the dapp developers not to link
To be fair, the Chainlink oracles are what allowed dapp devs to expand the way they did. Without Chainlink they had huge exploits every other day.

But I also don't understand why he's waiting for adoption before he releases something. It's the other fucking way around.

Functions is kinda something I guess, but for instance there was a hackathon right after Smartcon 2020 even though absolutely nothing new whatsoever was released.
It's utterly bizarre.

>> No.54753547

>extractive middlemen
i.e. chainlink

how many other projects are this desperate for exit liquidity? no alt that's spend this much time on media has a nice looking chart, ever.

>> No.54753561

and yet how many of the largest dex platforms still use chainlink today?

>> No.54753571

>>extractive middlemen
>i.e. chainlink
Oracles are always middlemen, might as well complain that tires are middlemen for cars. What are you even talking about.

>no alt that's spend this much time on media
Are you saying Chainlink spends much time on media?
What media, twitter?

DEXes are inherently on-chain. They don't necessarily need oracles, which are primarily about bringing in off or cross-chain data.

>> No.54753583

Sure but he likes to claim he created defi all by himself, in fact many linkies do. It's like saying people who built the roads also built the cars that drive on it

>> No.54753646

>he likes to claim he created defi all by himself, in fact many linkies do
Literally nobody ever claimed he created defi.
What a bizarre strawman to bring up amidst actually legitimate complaints.

>> No.54753671

Look at these stomach-turning, cumbrained, erectile dysfunction-riddled, discord losers

Let me guess, you are going to post this in some of your sockpuppet accounts with 4 followers and 150 bot accounts that arent even high quality bots lmao

>> No.54753722

>insert le epic linkycuckold4.png

>> No.54753811

how fucking stupid are you....

>> No.54753873

Same. Beyond bored. Bored doesnt even cut it. Despondent.
He’s released exactly one feature, maybe two. Mainnet, and staking. Staking took 4 years. Mainnet barely counts.
Every other feature was essentially announced out of nowhere then launched a month later. The ones people actually care about like DECO, CCIP and FSS?
Deco was announced in 2020 iirc.
CCIP and FSS in 2021.
So what have we got? Nothing. Fuck all. A 3 year development cycle for CCIP(maybe. What the fuck is “very imminent”? Apparently 6 months to Chainlink), and with no signs of DECO or FSS, they’ll probably be another 2 years at least. So a 5 and 4 year development cycle respectively. Fucking ridiculous.
How about not announcing shit if its not going to materialise any time soon? They managed that with Functions, KEEPERS, VRF. So why the fuck not for anything else?
Now he’s banging on about tue Enterprise Abstraction Layer. Just shut the fuck up you fat piece of shit. Stop fucking talking about shit that wont be delivered for half a decade. Its causing more damage than anything else he could do at this point. Give a fucking release date and delay it if you have to. Nobody cares. Thats what ETH does. Its what every other competent business does. They also do not announce “products” in fucking brainchild phase. Fucking lunacy.

>> No.54753930

>Staking took 4 years. Mainnet barely counts.
Mainnet absolutely counts.
Staking doesn't really count yet.

>> No.54753969

Mainnet is a fucking minimum standard but i’ll give you that.
Also fucking lol at how people say they have a habit for announcing shit at consensus. Mainnet. That was literally it. 1 time in 6 years. Retards. Does “enterprise abstraction layer” count here? Literally nobody gives a fuck anymore. The market reaction from Functions was limp because everyone is absolutely jaded and tired by Chainlinks strategy of announcing endless products and never ever delivering on their key products after 3+ years of announcing them. Till they start delivering on CCIP, FSS and DECO, with 2 out of three at least nobody will give a fuck about any other endless stuff they announce or suddenly deliver out of nowhere(like low latency oracles, functions, build, scale) no matter how good it is.

>> No.54753981
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>The market reaction from Functions was limp
The reaction was pretty damn vigorous, actually.

>> No.54754006

BTC is a shitcoin it exists to dump the timing is kosher as fuck though bro fr
those jew whales be susin no cap

>> No.54754053

At around 18:00 minutes Serg himself says that CBDC’s will lead to more governmental control. Reminds me of that one interview where Ari indirectly agreed that smart contracts will lead to a more dystopic world.
Interesting stuff, though most of us knew this back in 2018 when she discussed Schwab’s 4th industrial revolution.

>> No.54754070
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Is this really him?

>> No.54754157

yes its obviously him

>> No.54754782

come the fuck on bro, save the meatriding for when they actually deliver.

>> No.54755011

I can do whatever I want.