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54738689 No.54738689 [Reply] [Original]

What do i say when a new employer asks "why are you leaving your current job for this one"?

Better pay? Better company?

>> No.54738705

money. everything else is bullshit. it’s all about the money. set their expectations from the start. don’t fuck about

>> No.54738713

Tell them the commute doesn’t work, I was getting paid $50k and now I’m getting paid $85k

>> No.54738714

"I feel like I needed to evolve and practise my skills on another challenging mission, having spent x years on my previous mission with great resuts such as ...."

It's all an act and you need to the best actor to get the job.

>> No.54738716
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"We sold crack pipes"

>> No.54738722

Say you didn't agree where the company was going

>> No.54738735

That's the problem i suck at acting. I have my current job because I knew someone inside but they're are long gone.

There are better opportunities out i just know it but I'm hesitant/scared to job hop

>> No.54738749

Just say that you were looking for a new challenge.

>> No.54738753

fewer troons and chinks is what I say

>> No.54738756

>I was simply sick of having niggers as coworkers

>> No.54738831

>my old job wasn't challenging enough. I gave it my all but I felt like I was being underutilized

this is of course bullshit. when you start your job do the absolute minimum and always ride the line where you might be fired because if you get notices about being fired but don't actually get fired that's proof that you are doing the work. tell others what to do because it shows leadership.

>> No.54738839

working at a head shop or similar is the easiest work on the planet.

>> No.54738872

"I'm evolving"

>> No.54738890

i mean yes but dont tell them that. they want you to say: it is my lifes dream to slave away for this company until I die, being as beneficial to the company as possible and never taking days off. But be less blunt about it

>> No.54738920

>But anon, here we are about more than just the money.
>We are a family. A community of professionals looking out for the best interest of [GLOBOHOMO CORP.]
>If all you care about is the "money", then you are not aligned with our vision and company mission.
>I also noticed that you did not provide your preferred pronouns in wither your email or resume.
>Therefore, we are moving forward with other candidates.
>Marian, send the next one in. I'm ready to interview this "Rajesh".

>> No.54738935


>> No.54738955

Of course it is. When half of American jobs are minimum wage you take the easiest ones

>> No.54738968

To clarify I had the option of working at a shop that sold crack pipe, or work at a different shop that doesn't sell crack pipe. Both have same hours and pay. Id be fucking retarded to stay

>> No.54739057

Yeah, but phrase it a little differently. Something like "better carrer prospects" or "I want to develop my skills and better pursue my passion for x" gets that point across AND makes you look good at the same time.

>> No.54739108

Just say, that you didn't feel comfortable at your old company anymore, and that you think, that you will better be able to live up to your potential in the new company. Especially if they're big on company philosophy bs, this comes of as very well. The secret is to phrase all your real priorities and feelings in such a way, that it sounds good to the new employer. Also, don't trash talk your old employer, because that makes it look like you don't respect management and are not likely to be a loyal employee to them either.

>> No.54739131

>just cuck out and say you love growing
We. Sold. Crack Pipes.

>> No.54739213

>We. Sold. Crack Pipes.
Never said that that couldn't be a legitimate complaint about your old job

>> No.54739374

Listen you sperg it is the very basic litmus test for a grifter. If you freeze up then they know you don't really want to work there and are wasting time. Memorize this line:

"I'm not running away from my current employment, I am curiously walking towards this new opportunity."

It sounds good, tells them absolutely nothing, makes them feel you are intelligent and lets them understand you have options without coming off as an asshole in one sentence.

>> No.54739400

Don’t start off by lying like these dudes are saying. Be brutally honest. If you don’t get hired you probably dodged a bullet. Find a job that meets YOUR needs, not the other way around. You owe them nothing, they need to show why you should work there. Unless you are some shit worker then by all means lie…

>> No.54739758

This. Just tell them the truth.

>> No.54739794

Just say this "because of the MOTHERFUCKIN COCKSUCKING money" and light a cigar

>> No.54739905

People leave for non-money reasons all the time, what are you talking about?
Last few anecdotes I can remember:
>Saw someone leave because he was shit and another employee leaving (his crutch) meant he couldn’t cope
>Saw someone leave because he thought he might get pussy in a different city
>Saw someone leave because he was passed over for promotion
>I left a job during covid because they wanted me to mask and pcr
>Saw someone leave for a change of career (to a lower paying career)

>> No.54739944

You want to find something different about the new work that the old job doesn’t have (X). Then emphasise how much you liked the old job, but you really want to do X. It’s important to talk positively about the old place so they know you’re a good goy.