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54736981 No.54736981 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make it if I'm not a woman?

>> No.54737008


>> No.54737016

Trannycel thread

>> No.54737073

MTF is the superior gender because men are better then women at everything, including being women.

>> No.54737329

be a man

>> No.54737839

Gwen sexo

>> No.54738240

Eunuchs were a useful tool for society for centuries and they'll only be better eunuchs with chemical aid
Captcha 0GDMG

>> No.54738386

This, and it's not even a joke. Women absolutely suck at being men. I know a couple FTM tranzoids and there is absolutely nothing about them that is remotely, convincingly masculine. You could literally tell they're women from the very first sentences they'd utter, and that's without seeing them in person (they literally just look like girls and have made no offer to look like men whatsoever). Meanwhile, MTF tranzoids actually try to act and look feminine. Whether they're successful or not is a whole 'nother matter, but at least there's an effort, if not in looks, then in mannerisms, and they honestly typically nail it, it's the ugly looks that kill them (literally lol).

>> No.54738677


>> No.54738681

Short haired Gwen is a miracle.

>> No.54738759

Source on the artist?

>> No.54738765

you dont buddy. you save your pennies to save roastie stacey/becky and fund her lifestyle and her kids. and when you've worked hard enough she might let you put your virgin cock in her blown out snatch and you will be happy.
society will say that you made it because you did the noble thing and saved stacey after chad and tyrone stretched her out and her looks faded but you will know in your heart that you failed. you became a meme.

you'll call me a demoralization incel shill but you know its true. its what you strive for and if you're lucky you'll achieve your goal of becoming a meme. I'll be here shagging hookers and not having kids. I want you to remember me when you think you've made it. when your kids and roastie wife only want your money.

Best of luck anons.

>> No.54738782

Jerk off and porn

>> No.54739140
File: 38 KB, 421x427, 1618709099580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By staking XOR, installing the Sora Wallet on your phone and ordering a Sora Card, not only you will get some money, but you'll be able to use it anywhere

>> No.54739609

sauce ?