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54730152 No.54730152 [Reply] [Original]

This coin wont die, it can't die and it will buy me a house no mortgage.

>> No.54730477
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>> No.54730754

This coin might.

>> No.54731755

I believe in dogbat because dogbat believes in me

>> No.54731791

None of these people are from the English speaking world

>> No.54731832

Is Dogbat the only bsc dogshit still around? Everyone is making bank off eth shitcoins while the smart chain is a ghost town.

>> No.54732052

Fuck off, ghostbro

>> No.54732155

Ghostberg derangement syndrome, y'all gotta go touch grass, not everyone is your "core dev" boogieman

>> No.54732575

>None of these people are from the English speaking world

Lmao. Why would that matter in any way? XD

No one gives a shit, Ghostbro.

>> No.54732919

no u

>> No.54732945
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Post hand

>> No.54733005

I think so. Bullish af for many reasons. Worst case scenario we 10x with bnb. Realistic lower end target is 500m in my eyes. 1b might be the actual limit unless we get super bullish news (such as a binance listing) in which case I can see it go well into the billies

>> No.54733018

Your coin has gained two zeroes over the past year, and unfortunately for you it's a decimal.

>> No.54733036
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Pic makes fudders seethe

>> No.54733038

Esl chain dead coin

>> No.54733055

Esl tier fud

>> No.54733074

Daily volume: 8k. It is quite odd how you can have 1.9 mil liquidity and 8k volume, but dead shitcoins are dead shitcoins.

>> No.54733295

That's not an argument. It's normal for alts to hibernate outside the bull
>odd how you can have 1.9 mil
Doesn't matter how "odd" it is to you. It's a reality

>> No.54733382
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You should buy coins that havent been pumped yet on a chain that normies havent heard of yet.

>> No.54733493

No, best coins are those with solid fundamentals. Funny to use the word "fundamental" for a meme coin, but it's simply a fact.
1. Market cap to liquidity ratio is rare
2. The chunky liquidity given the market cap is lightning in a bottle
3. The diverse allocation of the coin per wallet is also lightning in a bottle
4. Worst case scenario this is basically a stable coin pegged to BNB aka will basically 10x at a MINIMUM (no guarantees, but it has a strong possibility as a MINIMUM).
5. Has an actual community in telegram/twitter/reddit

>> No.54733530
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>> No.54733576

It's true though. Why would I want to go heavy on a shitcoin starting from scratch with none of which I listed? I have 5 figs in dogbat. I'd throw a couple hundred at most on random ass shitcoins since most of those will simply die and not be anywhere near as sturdy as dogbat

>> No.54733634

Lurker here.. who's ghostbro? is he an scammer or what?
in any case..i've seen him in 2 or 3 token telegrams i'm part

>> No.54733732

He's a former core dev that lead the pump to 250m market cap. He got frustrated that the team lost its way and left. He went to develop better coins

>> No.54733755
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Fuck off, Ghostbro

>> No.54733760

Long story short:
He was a mod for dogbat. He was pretty normal. Shilling and whatever. Bear market hit and after a few months went batshit insane. Started fudding dogbat and shilling meme coins he bought. Started stealing memes from dogbat too and shilling copycats. Fucking jw. Also claimed to be some "core dev" of dogbat when he has never coded anything in his life, kek. He was a jannie, not some coder. Plus dogbat doesn't actually have a "dev". He also lost $100k of the marketing wallet to a jeety company.
Basically he's a shizo now, but idk. Maybe he calmed down a bit since the last I heard of him. He doesn't seem to be a fudding faggot anymore. I think.

>> No.54733801

>He's a former core dev that lead the pump to 250m market cap.

So much bullshit in one sentence. Ghostbro was just some discord mod.

>> No.54733810

Oh, forgot to mention he had beef with a guy named Justin (the actual "dev" but since the contract is renounced, he's just another guy at this point. In charge of memetools). Ghostberg's meltdown sparked from how Justin didn't want to give ghostberg the twitter keys and honestly if he had the keys, he'd have went full retard on that account, kek.

>> No.54733883

until you realise thats not usd liquidity lmfao

>> No.54733915

It's 50% dogbat and 50% bnb, tard

>> No.54733962

How the hell do you think we were able to remain so stable during the entirety of the bear market? It's not that complicated to understand. Like all pairs, we're also linked with BNB so the higher BNB goes, the higher dogb 0 n k goes

>> No.54734069

Got it thanks...

>> No.54734358

my most promising hold

>> No.54734753

i mean, there is not a lot of room below he current price level. have you looked at the chart?

>> No.54734789

>there is not a lot of room below he current price level.
What are you even trying to communicate? I legit don't even know wtf you're saying lol

>> No.54734976
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>> No.54735093

it's a simple concept, i'm surprised you are struggling with it. if you see an asset crabbing just above $0 with low volume for a long period of time, that means it's stable in a way that death is stable

>> No.54735305
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>it's a simple concept, i'm surprised you are struggling with it. if you see an asset crabbing just above $0 with low volume for a long period of time, that means it's stable in a way that death is stable

Bear market is pretty simple concept, maybe you have missed that one. D0b0 has large locked liq, its far from dead.

>> No.54735362

>it's a simple concept, i'm surprised you are struggling with it.
The problem is your shit english
>if you see an asset crabbing just above $0 with low volume for a long period of time, that means it's stable in a way that death is stable
No, it's called hibernation. Go look at dogecoin's chart as an example, newfag. Fee free to stay as dumb money though. Like I said above, even IF we stayed at low volume forever (lol), we'd STILL multiply just from being pegged to BNB. Why do I have to repeat this?

>> No.54735367

thank you for defending your buddy, his poor comprehension must have prevented him from answering himself

>> No.54735372

The retard doesn't accumulate in bears. He'd rather fomo when the big gains are gone, lol.

>> No.54735381

>it's called hibernation

>> No.54735425

Again, look at dogecoin
Again, look at how all alts performed
Again, try to understand even if volume remained low forever, we'd still have multipliers just from BNB alone

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.54735444

You're a clown that got btfod. Your "fud" is "da volume is low :(((". Like bitch, we 5xd earlier on during a BEAR market. You're a fool if you don't think it will do more in a full on bull market

>> No.54735445

>dogbaggie admits he’s an ESL

>> No.54736076
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are we gonna be alright bros

>> No.54736101

>>dogbaggie admits he’s an ESL

This is very important.

>> No.54737071

it's going to 10x the day you sell your bag

>> No.54737336


>> No.54738080

If this shit doesn't pump at the current narrative it never will

>> No.54738106

Hard to pump with such liquidity. Needs millions of $ to burn some 0’s

>> No.54738175

this piece of trash won't even buy you a grave.

>> No.54738242

We literally pumped to 11.x mil market cap earlier on, niggers and that was during the bear. Again, jeets, even if our volume remained low forever, which is cope, it will still multiply along side BNB

>> No.54738249
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Imagine having your panties in a twist over a dog holding a baseball bat

>> No.54738541

>earlier on
are you talking about over a year ago? where is that market cap now?

>> No.54738627

for anal bonking, go here:
>>54733036 (ouch. Fudders btfo like always)

Ik Ik. You're dumb money and can't even process half the shit I say

>> No.54738855

Where in the hell do I buy this carpet at??!??!?!??

>> No.54739015

>Hard to pump with such liquidity. Needs millions of $ to burn some 0’s

Pretty retarded logic, moron. I wonder how any other coin pumped from same situation.

>> No.54739768
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Here maybe?

>> No.54739790
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>> No.54739841
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blessed coin

>> No.54740086
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>> No.54740176

>6k mcap

>> No.54740284

I have more dogbat than their entire mcap

>> No.54740432

kek, based

>> No.54740574
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>> No.54740642

More than yours too, can't you liquidity beggars all drop $50 into your garbage coins?

>> No.54740718

it doesnt pump either, enjoy missing the memecoin season. You could've bought pepe, you couldve bought doomer, but you're stuck holding a retarded bsc contract from last bullrun. Stuck in 2021 forever lmao

>> No.54742936

>it doesnt pump either, enjoy missing the memecoin season.
Why do you newfags not understand anything about crypto? Even if dog with a bat had ZERO volume, it will still pump with btc as a WORST case scenario

>> No.54742956

>with btc
*with BNB

>> No.54743581

i will believe even when on my deathbed that this is the next shib.

>> No.54743616

Agree anon, I'd rather add more RIDE to my staking than try my luck on that list. duh

>> No.54743633

I got both..the zhao one and dog one

>> No.54743709

That's because you're genuinely retarded

>> No.54743822

> It's normal for alts to hibernate outside the bull
We are in a memecoin season you retarded bagholder, wasn't this the first memecoin with memes? Keep coping

>> No.54743862

fuck off retard

>> No.54743905

>We are in a memecoin season you retarded bagholder,
No we're not, nigger. We're literally barely in the beginning stages of the bullrun. Not the parabolic stage. A real memecoin season has every other shitcoin pull retarded parabolic gains. Not one out of every 100

>> No.54743913

It's been almost 2 years. Let it go and move on.

>> No.54743917

Yep. The faggot keeps changing his ID

>> No.54743920

Sell all the shitcoins and buy radix.

This is financial advice. I want the best for you anons.

>> No.54743949

>another 1pbtid
Retard, we literally have stronger fundamentals hence why it even survived the bear market in the first place

Also stop changing your ID, pussy

>> No.54743967

Post hand and I'll consider buying a bag of your rug :)

>> No.54743976

It is a completely white hand. But I'm ashamed to post it because it's a really small mans hand.

>> No.54743994

No buy from me then

>> No.54744822

>You could've bought pepe, you couldve bought doomer,
Both are dumping and won't make it to the real cycle

>> No.54745619

i have so much sunk into this, if it doesn't 10x minimum i'm going to be sad for the rest of my life.

>> No.54745642

Survived? It's dead lol

>> No.54745815

>le 1pbtid
Jesus Christ you desperate nigger coping so hard when full schizo

>> No.54746561

It either 10x nearly immediately or almost never does.
On coinmarketcap alone TATE and PEEPO have roughly 4x from when they put onto the site. I pussied out on both around the 2-3x mark
Shitcoins are literally eyeing them up until they go onto an exchange, check to make sure it doesnt have rugpull literally built into it (like FLEX also on coinmarketcap) and then its just gambling on how much you think it can make and pulling out if it starts to die.

Holding onto memecoins in the hopes dogecoin happens again is absolutely fucking braindead.

>> No.54747448

Nope. Dead would be no liquidity. Instead it has 2 MILLION liquidity while also having a low market cap of 4.3M. Newfag spotted
Uh nigger. 1pbtid is all over the thread. And funny. You changed ID again. Fucking hell LOL.
No, BNB alone can 10x easily. Meme coins connected to BNB will far surpass that