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54729578 No.54729578 [Reply] [Original]

how do u cure it? does amphetamines really help you?

>> No.54729605
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coffee works better for ADHD than any prescription drug

>> No.54729639

it really fucking doesnt

>> No.54729677

>how do u cure it
You genetically have absolutely plummeted levels of natural levels of dopamine within your prefrontal cortex. You don't cure this, you learn to live with this through behavioral training
Help, but are misused and overdosed in 98% of instances people use them in

You treat ADHD by combining very low dose stimulants with dopamine detoxes. Starve your dopamine receptors of any enjoyment whatsoever (music, vidya, porn, etc...) and then only strategically spike dopamine during moments of work and focus. Again doctors are retards and none of them will give you this advice

>> No.54729721


Nope. Caffeine is basically just shitty amphetamine.

>> No.54729746

stare at the sky until the urges go away

>> No.54729795

destroy all your electronics

>> No.54729820

I think fish oil is supposed to treat it like omega fatty acids but I don't know if that works

>> No.54729838

does nothing, fucks up your sleep and dehydrates you

>> No.54729862


Maybe ADHD isn't your problem them? It turns me into a focused productive God, even low doses. Caffeine kind of does that, shortly and shittily and also introduces anxiety which is unnecessary.

>> No.54729869

lol forever at living in a city

>> No.54729877

rewire your brain first with a week of psilocybin microdosing, then microdose modafinil (you can buy it online) as needed. take more if you really need to do shit. it's not addictive and almost no side effects like literal metheral

coffee makes people who actually have ADHD tired.

t. someone who's been struggling with this for years and finally fixed my brain

>> No.54729880


Man it is treatable through substances that will kill you. This is my expert opinion in my 40s. At a certain point, you will have to decide between death from substance use and making all your dreams come true, or continuing to live but completely unable to accomplish anything in life. It’s a tough choice. I went with making my dream come true til I turned 40 and then stopping all substance use and now I can’t function. It’s just a situation where some of us lost the genetic lottery and as a result people just SCREAMED at us our whole lives telling us we were worthless everyday with no concept of how terribly sick we actually were. Sucks but that’s just life!!!

>> No.54729881

Yes, amphetamine based drugs are very helpful for ADHD. And please remember, all you have to do is try it. You don't have to commit to it for the rest of your life. I have very severe ADHD and the meds have helped me significantly.

>> No.54729885

you cure it by not believing or following politicized psychology

psychology is the identity politics of yesterday. now you know

>> No.54729905

don’t know it it is adhd i have but did anphetamine when younger. in small dose found i was able to do essays and shit that i otherwise could not be fucked with. on the other hand i could not eat for days before having to force feed. kinda chill vibe whilst high then feeling like junkie from not eating. reckon that people with adhd would rather be on adhd on speed than just adhd

>> No.54729934
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I take 5HTP and Ashwaganda, you just gotta unfortunately learn to live it desu

>> No.54729955

Massive retard faggots, ignore this "advice"
Unique actual attempt at giving advice. Much appreciated.
OP, look into Chlonidine or possible guanfacine as well. The stimulants did nothing for me.

>> No.54729972

good luck wasting your time buying all that amazon snake oil, retard.

>> No.54730018

It's pretty bad. Phones are basically bricks that are labeled "Stare at me all day."

>> No.54730044

imagine how many evolutionarily novel particulates are swirling around in that shithole. its like a dirty overpopulated fishtank

>> No.54730065

you just describe how i feel, im not 40 yet but getting there. at this point i feel like life or death at this point, i want to achieve my goals and dreams (which arent even unrealistic or big), but i still cant do it and work manual labour dead end jobs

>> No.54730073

>legitimate pharmaceutical treatments for ADHD are "amazon snake oil"
Thanks you just proved you haven't treated your ADHD with modafinil and psilocybin today

>> No.54730415

bump for more adhd bros

>> No.54730446

>takes medicine intended for fat fucks who ate too many hot dogs and says it works for ADHD
got it

>> No.54730463

smoke weed and shut off your brain

>> No.54730489

this unironically

>> No.54730495

Can definitely try psylocibin (micro dosing).
Other than that. Meditation.

>> No.54730588


Shit man I’ll just tell you then. Stop what you are doing, go to your nearest gas station. Buy a can of long cut wintergreen Copenhagen. That’s it. That’s the whole secret. Literally a fog will lift from your brain and you will make a million dollars by the end of the year. Unfortunately it will also kill you so bear that in mind. Takes one can per day to make every single dream you’ve ever had come true and it’ll only cost you $5.

>> No.54730715

Look at Dr William Walsh book Nutrient Power.
Also look into The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy.
Good luck.

>> No.54730738
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>how do u cure it? does amphetamines really help you?

You tell us.

>> No.54730753

this unironically

>> No.54730817

There is no cure for ADHD.

Amphetamines help, but they have diminishing returns with use. They helped me for about a month and a half at which point my brain adapted and they did nothing but cost money.

>> No.54730898

Get a prescription for Adderall, yes it helps a lot, yes the come down kinda sucks but everything in moderation. If you're smart about your dosage regimen, then you won't have any risk of addiction or potential unwanted long term side effects. Remember that it's merely a tool and not something you should see as becoming codependent on to live your life. Also, just being at your peak physical and mental fitness will help you out quite a bit as a baseline.

>> No.54730918
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Anytime fren. Checked.
Joseph Murphy is extremely based. Didn't expect to see that book recommendation here, noice.
This is ADHD treatment in a nutshell. You need to get extended periods of time without stimulation from any quick-hit dopamine source. I did a lot wrong when I first got an adulthood diagnosis, and a vyvanse prescription didn't really help me at all (just made me shitpost online at 100x speed). The vid I linked in >>54729677 genuinely fucking saved my ass. Amphetamines are just a tool and you need to use them correctly as an assistant to help you with behavioral therapy. In my opinion, the medical community is putting the cart in front of the horse by focusing on dopamine levels rather than the dopamine RECEPTORS, which are downregulated in 99% of ADHD patients. The trick isn't to just surge dopamine via stimulants and go down the never ending downregulation spiral of drug tolerance as doctors need to continuously pump your dosages up.
You need to instead absolutely starve yourself of any cheap dopamine source whatsoever.
>No vidya
>No 5 chinz
>No cooming
>No porn
>No social media
>No youtube binging
>No surfing
Your first 3 weeks will be hell on earth. The good news is that the terrible depressive feeling you have inside means that your dopamine receptors are actually fucking HEALING. Then, when you've fasted from stimulation for a while, you take a low does amphetamine and get to whatever schoolwork or endeavor you're actually engaging in.

Amphetamines are an extremely misunderstood drug. They're demonized (mostly rightfully in my opinion) because because ADHD is over diagnosed in children and stimulants are overprescribed at way too high of a dose. But if used correctly, they can drastically enhance your neuroplasticity and have the capacity to make you an extremely efficient motherfucker.

>> No.54731085

oh and read books

>> No.54731170

high effort correct post
I recommend adhdanons who use the internet too much to install the program cold turkey, can be cracked easily with a python script (though I don't remember where it is)

>> No.54731261

pharma addicts ngmi

>> No.54731387

I was prescribed Amphetaminesulfate + Guanfacine. When it works perfectly and quietens all the impulses, it shows me a glimpse of my true self for a few hours. But that's rare. Still worth it though.

>> No.54732350

neurofeedback course? look into it

>> No.54733314

Dopamine detox. Nicotine during tasks. Worked for me.

>> No.54733614

>thinking dip will make your legitimate psychiatric disorder go away
Another retard shitting up the thread kek.

>> No.54735389

Motivation: find something you care about; don't fake this with stims, that's bugman shit. And attention is a muscle that can be trained - and atrophy. This is what meditation essentially is.
t. former stim user

>> No.54736969

Bump, lots of good advice

>> No.54736991

Crypto madness and opening 50 tabs of different 4chan threads

>> No.54737179

only do things you find interesting and never second guess anything youre doing

>> No.54737312
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No retard
You will become adhd + meth dependant
Then when you don't have your meth, you will be even worse off

What does actually help:
Not eating any SUGAR
No porn
Not drinking alcohol
(or if you think you MUST drink, keep it below the guidelines which are no more than no more than 14 drinks per week, no more than 4 drinks in one day, and always have at least 3 days a week of no drinking ... get over it fags, I don't make the rules, you'll feel great not filling yourself with poison)

In that order

>> No.54737388

> spends 18 hours a day scrooolling on a smartphone
> "how do i cure my LE ATTENTION DISORDER??!?"
zoomers arent human

>> No.54737586

Lion's mane mushroom and bacopa

>> No.54737679

ADHD isn’t real you retard. Every man out there isn’t programmed to sit at a desk or a computer all day. No shit it’s hard to focus you dipshit dumbass. Every single man deals with that.

The difference is some people understand discipline and short term suffering for the long term and others are mentally weak chimp brains.

But yes, drugs will make you feel way better at the cost of your health and sanity in the long run. Be better.

>> No.54737682

Nothing to add, but you nailed it.

>> No.54737708


Have you watched this?
Necessary to understand the disorder
I won't lie though, don't take drugs you faggots
You CAN learn to live with it and that life CAN be amazing

t. Adhd haver, diagnosed at 25

>> No.54737730
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I have it. I have it pretty bad. It's a pretty big learning disability. I got diagnosed in school, but my parents didn't want to medicate me. It led me to being pretty fucking unsuccessful at school. I studyied for hours and hours and I only really retained enough for 60s and 70s. No computers, no friends, no internets, just textbooks. Same with community college. I wasn't aware I had ADHD so I never got medicated and thought I was just retarded. Honestly unmedicated there's nothing I can do, but struggle bus. Which is fine for me I guess. I just want to achieve an average life and an average job. I dunno maybe if you need more than that it's worth it, but for me I'm used to being shitty at everything including jobs and taking twice as long and working after hours to complete what normal people do and learn in half or a third of the time.

>> No.54737739

Cardio (specifically, long-distance running) alleviates nearly all ADHD-like symptoms for me.

>> No.54737744

Every addiction is critically similar - an overexpression of delta fos B and reduced levels of D2 dopamine receptors. This is what is happening in your brain that makes you go back and refresh the catalog and keep scrolling, instead of working on your homework.

There are two ways to reverse the neutoplasticity that occurs during addiction. The first way is by abstaining from the addiction. Slowly over time you will heal. This is arguably a passive approach - you let time pass.

There is currently only one scientifically proven way to actively reverse the neuroplasticity of addiction. It's by engaging in aerobic exercise.

So if you want to reduce the pull of all your addictions, and thereby increase your ability to concentrate on important things, you should do aerobic exercise as often as possible.

>> No.54738460

Ur a fucking moron lmao, adhd is one of the first mental disorder of mental disorders history

>> No.54738526

You don't cure it, you just deal with it, I know many have trouble reading well what some project does (about crypto) it took me a bit to understand what the fuck CHEDQ does, just like so many things, after 26 years of sentience I can say that you just learn to deal with it

>> No.54739547

Highly recommend vyvanse for anyone considering it. You have to really be in the right mindset and equally ambitious before you take it though. I basically cut out all the bullshit in my life after taking vyvanse and now i dont even need to take it at all since I would hyperfocus on productive shit. Theres been some really good advice on dopamine fasting in this thread, its fucken really good advice.

>> No.54739610

Whats the proper way to dopamine fast?

>> No.54739673

>treating behavioral diseases with behavioral modification instead of irresponsible mind altering drug use
You monster. Reported to the Pfizer board of directors.

>> No.54740685

ya its super real, you can tell because its diagnosed using a 3 minute multiple choice questionnaire by a 'doctor' in a strip mall. SCIENCE

dont look at any screens for 60 days, exercise a bit and get back to us, retard

>> No.54740768

I quit smoking pot and drinking heavily and my focus is 1000x better, and I'm only 2 months clean from weed after being a faggot pothead for 20+ years.

>> No.54740800

This is probably true. I used to be a cross country runner and never was addicted to anything. The only times I ever got addicted to shit was when I was not running. Unfortunately I haven't really run seriously for 20 years.

>> No.54740809
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you do sound like a faggot, ya

>> No.54740835

found the weed junkie, there is nothing more pathetic.

>> No.54740853

Heads up to all posters here - this is a samefag bot post that is currently literally on every single board on 4chan. Go look for yourselves.

>> No.54740865

checked for reasonable advice
I would add exercise

>> No.54740930

you are so retarded you think smoking weed was the cause of your physiological and psychological issues, and not heavy drinking for 20 years. you are a midwit, at best, who is incapable of thinking for himself.

>> No.54741008

Stims alone will not cure it. If you can't make yourself focus on what you need to do they will make you focus really good... at fapping 20 times in a row.
I try to cope by keeping a todo list and a journal of things I did.

To elaborate:
- A schedule (a todo list sorted by due date)
- A backlog (a todo list sorted by priority)
- A keeping track list (to take notes on stuff actively being done)
- An internal jounal of stuff I did or directly affect me.
- An external journal of stuff happening in the world I might want to remember or reference to later.

I don't use an app. I use the filesystem to store these as folders and sync with Syncthing. That's good because I'm not tied to any proprietary or otherwise special snowflake app or platform. To sort dates properly start the folder name with YYYY-MM-DD and you can even add HHMM+timezone. ISO 8601 basically.

>> No.54741072

Forgot to add, another advantage of folders is the system is such you just cut and paste stuff around as it gets done. So if you finished something in the schedule you just move it to the journal instead of spending effort writing a journal separately. Maybe write a postmortem.txt as needed and that's it.

>> No.54741413

>diagnosed using a 3 minute multiple choice questionnaire by a 'doctor' in a strip mall
Too accurate. People will worship these professions until they experience for themselves what a joke they really are.

>> No.54741498

>just take amphetamines bro
>just take meth bro
Give anyone meth and they'll concentrate lmao.
ADHD isn't real. Fix Ur dopamine fucked up brain, first get off the internet u stupid dumb faggot

>> No.54741550
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>> No.54742200

You're a retard if you think weed isn't part of the problem here. Don't listen to this faggot moron.

>> No.54742441

Track and cross country might actually be why my inattentive ADHD wasn't bad in high school, but in college it got so much fucking worse. Me being able to set my own flexible schedule in college vs high school's strict 7:30am - 4:30pm everyday probably didn't help either.

>> No.54742477
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The truth is they shouldn't be walled behind dumb ass regulations at all. They're objectively better than caffeine, and we're all hooked on that garbage. I don't care if junkie personalities abuse them. They elevate life.

>> No.54742509

Nigger, coffeine makes me sleepy

>> No.54743341

Got me good. Feds trying to figure us out

>> No.54743484

Every time someone on the Internet proclaims he has ADHD, I sit mildly incredulous that the guy can type coherent sentences at all.
Jests aside, drugs are a mere crutch. You're gonna need a lot of determination and perhaps someone close and willing to bitchslap you whenever your hands, feet and mouth decide to fuck around. Only