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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54723176 No.54723176 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54723190

I had to practically start over at 28 as well. Now 30 and I think of roping almost daily.

>> No.54723231

It’s ok, unless you have $10M in the bank you’re going to wage or NEET the rest of your life anyway, without being able to afford a house or family, so what’s the point in being financially “responsible” anyway?

>> No.54723237

Im 27 and only 42k net. I come in here and see a bunch of complete losers with more money and I read posts like this and I feel like I fucked up forever and I will be spending the remainder of my 20s youth trying to do something so I don’t rope at 40
Not even sure how I’ll be buying a house, even if I we go back to peak prices I’d only have 120k and I’m married to my bags so I don’t see me selling anything in the first place

>> No.54723285

I had no money in 2019. $0 in my account and owed parents money. I got a job and invested in crypto after covid crash and had 100k in less than a year. It's possible.. we are basically the same point in the cycle when I started.

>> No.54723302

If he had 160k at 26 im sure he will be fine

>> No.54723303

Not a bad way to look at things honestly. I’m lucky to have a good job, so I’m slowly coming back. It’s just hard to let go of how different my life would be hadn’t I made some terrible mistakes.

>> No.54723494

>liquidating portfolio for a down payment

>> No.54723527

that's honestly not a bad loss all things considered. dude is just a short sighted no skill pussy

>> No.54723537

Getting married in this day and age is the worst possible thing you could do.

>> No.54725559

imagine thinking this is a bad situation if she isn't making any claim on the house
just live in it rent free bro
or rent it out
real eststate is a prime asset if you dont own any already

>> No.54725614

The problem with guys like you is ego.
You could literally do just fine with $100,000 but you'd have to live and look kinda poor and you can't stand it so you work and work and work and work.
Sad. Many such cases.

>> No.54725615

He likely made the mistake of buying a $1m+ house he cant afford or some shit instead of just buying a $200k house

>> No.54725661

Just from reading that I can tell he would have rekt his "stock portfolio" (couple ETFs and some hyped up crap) had he kept his money there. He should be thankful.

>> No.54726165
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This is bullshit demoralization.
>retired at 36, currently worth 800k
>trailer-pilled on 1 acre of land, paid for in cash
>live off of dividends, rent, and capital gains
>no income tax up to $50k
>no payroll tax
>no mortgage
>no car payment, drive 2005 truck
>Uncle Sam pays for my health insurance, since I’m “poor”
>two international vacations per year
>never cheap with my friends
If people would just stop trying to look rich, they would see how easy it is to check out of the slave grind.

>> No.54726190

>for my mental health
the mental health meme really has been the downfall of normies. every bad decision is justified with "but it's for my mental health" and other normies will understand and reaffirm the retarded decision -- whether it's justifying a massive financial loss or feeding estrogen pills to your 8 year old son.

>> No.54726688

You can’t do anything with $100k. The return on that amount isn’t enough to pay rent in the Midwest, let alone buy a home or afford other necessities while doing so.

>> No.54726750

agreed richard. now take a shower.

>> No.54726851

I'm 35 and still don't have this guy's net worth and I'm finding plenty of reasons to be happy and enjoy myself. He's just a dramatic faggot and needs to get over the roastie.

>> No.54726960

>listening to woman
i am literally in the same boat except, i wear the pants and told the bitch No house, still have 6 figs.
Now i laugh at my gf’s friends who bought a houses that can’t afford it.
the best is the couple who bought a shitty row house because they thought they would be priced out and needed to get in the market. hahahahaha they hate where they live and are stuck

>> No.54727052

lol, how fucking insanely expensive of a house did this retard buy?
Hes making it sound like he had to do a $250-300k down.