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54721915 No.54721915 [Reply] [Original]

by their own community. I have yet to see another crypto get shit all over every post they make, but then again its obviously well deserves when you are stealing from people

>> No.54721968

oof, absolutely brutal man. What does it take for someone to go through the emotional process of "I didn't get enough engagement on my twitter post so i'll post it again on /biz/ and hopefully get some engagement there". Extremely rough, almost burns with cringe.

>> No.54721978

>brown spic goblin
into the trash it goes

>> No.54722011

Francisco Gonzalez literally just ended LINK, holy shit. It's finally over. Where would crypto be without Francisco Gonzalez?

>> No.54722031

The new Chris Belc! Instead of doordash, he Taco Bells.

>> No.54722044

That guy is mentally ill or a literal psychopath. Some anon showed his post history. It seems he was really excited about LINK till around spring 2019, when he started shilling other oracle projects like tellor. Then he switched to seethe and anger slowly till late 2021 when he ramped it up to daily essays like that.

So it seems he held LINK in 2018, sold it all or most for other oracle projects then Link went on a mega bullrun from $0.50 to $50 and he has been unable to let go since and found “vindication” since it started its correction from that run.

>> No.54722055

The world is full of high time preference narcissist midwits who blame the world for their own shortcomings. Full of them. The Eliot Rodger brigade.

>> No.54722158

Dude looks like a faggot

>> No.54722225

I understand people hating LINK because they lost money on it or missed out, but why causes them to obsess so hard on it? I don't think any other crypto has people like this who dedicate their lives to fudding despite most other cryptos performing much worse and delivering much less.

>> No.54722245

You're focussing on the wrong thing. They act that way for attention, and they know that LINKies are always here, so they're always guaranteed attention.
If everyone started paying attention to another crypto then they would fud that instead. It's nothing intrinsic to Chainlink, they just want people to pay attention to them.

>> No.54722255

>literal who parrots the same tired line
Thanks just sold all my linkies

>> No.54722466

It's a bit like r/buttcoin I guess

>> No.54722507
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Anything can be a meme coin/token, at least they are at your home computer or raspberry pies.

>> No.54722586
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a twitter poster shits on chainlink saying nothing but facts

broken clu and linktwitter cuckolds that won't stay in their containment safe spaces cry about it for the rest of the night

>> No.54722624

basedo chainlinkgod this one's for you thanks king

>> No.54722773

>>I understand people hating LINK because they lost money on it or missed out, but why causes them to obsess so hard on it?
cos you get one chance at life and this is the diff between making it and be a bum.

>> No.54723575
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i used to stack that shit on DexTools but it got a lil bit sussy and exchanged it for DEXT coins, waiting for a new big gem to exploit on DexTools

>> No.54723974

Because price is not reflecting reality and OG's are getting pissed of

>> No.54724183
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life is tough, basically
i actually didn't realize the level of seethe until there was a req thread here recently. there were STILL people ruminating over their decision back in 2018 to go all in req over link. there are bat threads too where you see similar
link has been rough over last 3 years but we know what we have and made a lot of money from all this. all those with 10k+ will make it in 2025 bullrun
but as to the level of seethe: it was discussed here for two years. this is still a link board, but in 2018 and 2019 it was everywhere, nearly everyone had 1k at a minimum. those who didn't, those who fumbled their bag, have that playing on their mind bad

>> No.54724369
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Why are you posting your own Twitter posts lmao

>> No.54724634

the shilling on this board and the victory lap when link went to 20 usd as the first major moon of the cycle made many people buy in in the summer of defi
to then only get mega rekt and miss out pretty much all the run, its these people that are seething to no end and want vengeance on this board for giving them bad advice
the joke is if they werent so shortsighted and hodled it they will be fine, but alas

>> No.54724671

Strangest part is the fud and seething was exactly the same back when Link was beating the shit out of the entire market.

>> No.54724792

it wasnt as viscious back then
it was finely made fud being critical of the project with some fake shit thrown in the real arguments
look at what we have today all the cuck posting and all the very weird fud like the paying electrical bills and 15 minute city posters
i dont even get who they think they reach with that here

back then it was jason parser, sergay fat and philosophy degree, thats quite another level isnt it now

>> No.54724833

>it wasnt as viscious back then
you weren't here lol

>> No.54724845

you are an inbred cuckold and I will prolapse your boipussi like the high estrogen faggot you are

>> No.54724855

I’m convinced that when it was fake pumped to $52 and the air let out of it never to recover serg knew he was creating lifelong link idiots who would stare at the clouds waiting on its return indefinitely. It’s a cruel world

>> No.54724857

two man team working out of a nail salon literally blew the minds of 2017/2018 /biz/ you absolute nigger most people are still MINDFUCKED from that level of FUD
rumor has it glow niggers study LINK fud threads to psyop the general public

>> No.54724865

dead shitcoin with an army of jaded bagholders shilling and fudding at the same time
stay the fuck away

>> No.54724868

Actually around that time one of the actual fuds was "sources will just sign their own data, no oracle needed".
Every other Link thread had huge hours-long fud sprees around that little nugget.

>> No.54724880

All crypto goes down when BTC goes down unless some whale pops in somewhere and does a sneaky like on BTT some months ago. From 6 zeroes to 4 zeroes in 1 day then back to 6 zeroes. If you had 2 billion BTT, you'd make it pretty fast. BitTorrent.. the new one.

Check the charts.

>> No.54724909

Funnily enough exchanges kind of did this instead of using PoR.

how does this make you feel?

>> No.54724917

Nolinker syndrome, we meme magicked it into reality

They will end up roping

>> No.54724920
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>Funnily enough exchanges kind of did this
they sure did lol

>> No.54724922

Like the exchanges are running out of time.

>> No.54724925

I did check them and btc chart looks nothing like link’s chart. Dev 20 btc was 16.8k and link was 6 dollars fast forward btc is at 27.3k and link is 7 dollars. Btc grows 40% while link grows 14%. Quit blaming btc on your problems.

>> No.54724937

>Btc grows 40%
Only because Link didn't pump during that time.
If Link had pumped, BTC would've nosedived.

>> No.54724945

>1 out of 100

>> No.54724953

>source: my ass
jesus christ the bagholders are getting more deranged with each passing day

>> No.54724963

Why are you talking about "proof of reserves"?
This was about sources signing their own data.

Btw, Kraken has had merkle tree PoR for years now, but they still "sign their own data" via their Chainlink node.

>>source: my ass
Chainlink never tried to break $9 while Bitcoin went from $20k to $30k.
If it had, Bitcoin would've dumped.

>> No.54724971

>Funnily enough exchanges kind of did this instead of using PoR.
>dddurrrr what does that got to do with this irrelevant example I brought up???
>huurrrrrr if LINK pumped btc would have dumped bro just trust me on this

>> No.54724977

I was talking about "signing one's own data", so when you said "exchanges did this" I made it about that.
PoR has nothing to do with this.

>> No.54724987
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>>huurrrrrr if LINK pumped btc would have dumped bro just trust me on this
No need to trust, see for yourself.

>> No.54724988

and anon told you that they did something similar when it comes to PoR instead of leaving it up to Chainlink
get rekt

>> No.54724995

>they did something similar when it comes to PoR
PoR has nothing to do with the "sources will sign their own data" fud.

Kraken signing their own data using their Chainlink node does.

>> No.54725004

this cherry picked chart proves absolutely nothing
what about the rise to $5, $20, $50, paired along with constant rise against BTC and ETH
BTC dumps didn't affect shit back then, you're absolutely coping hard
>hhhhurrrrr I'm a retard and I'll keep moving the goalposts every time I get btfo
anon was referring to PoR, get fucked

>> No.54725008

>cherry picked chart
lol that's nearly a year of Link and BTC price action compared as is.

>I'll keep moving the goalposts
The goalposts were moved when PoR was brought up in response to a post about "sources signing their own data".

>> No.54725015

>that's a year
out of 5 years in total, do that for LINK's rise and not when LINK is in an almost 3 year downtrend you retard
>n-n-no he changed the goalposts, not me!
he said "something similar happened to PoR" you dense fuck, get rekt

>> No.54725025

>out of 5 years in total
lmao cope
A full year of price action is an eternity, quite the opposite of cherrypicking.
And it happened a lot before as well.

>he said "something similar happened to PoR"
Which is a goalpost move from "sources will sign their own data".

>> No.54725031

>lmao coope
ironic coming from the biggest coping brainlet itt

>> No.54725039

>The goalposts were moved when PoR was brought up in response to a post about "sources signing their own data".
Chinknance publishing the hashes for their reserves is a datum targeted towards users (humans), not contracts. Its use is to calm down users. It can't be used in a smart contract.

Exchanges publishing and signing their own data is something used in contracts.
Using self-PoR by exchanges as a point against LINK is dumb.

>> No.54725044

tell me more about how a full year of raw price action is "cherry picking" lmao


>> No.54725050

>sources signing their own data is ACKually a new Chainlink Product
look at those goal posts fly LMAO

>> No.54725054

>Chainlink oracles are a new Chainlink product
haha what?

>> No.54725056

>Chainlink is the next Chainlink
LMAO deez wut?

>> No.54725059

>exchanges not using LINK products is not a point against LINK!
the absolute state

>> No.54725068

>muh raw price action
where's the volume indicator brainlet? why do you always post these shitty cropped charts without any volume? is it because it will become immediately apparent how illiquid this shitcoin really is?

>> No.54725075

>haha sources will sign their own data, oracles not needed

>sources use Chainlink to sign their own data


Textbook cope-infused goalpost move.

On Tradingview the volume bars get in the way.
And they have nothing to do with the basic event of Bitcoin dumping when Link pumps.

>> No.54725082

>v-v-volume gets in teh way!
>hurr it's not important anyways lolz
>I'm talking about ORACLES not POR!!11111
keep digging that hole brainlet

>> No.54725085

PRQ has such a schizo despite being unknown to anyone but a handful of people here

>> No.54725088

>>I'm talking about ORACLES not POR

>> No.54725089

and he's talking about PoR and you desperately try to downplay the fact that exchanges don't give a shit about LINK's solution, instead you cling on to muh 2019 price feeds

>> No.54725098

>and he's talking about PoR
Which has nothing to do with "sources signing their own data".
Hence it's a goalpost move.

>> No.54725105

it essentially means that sources verify their own data (reserves and liabilities)
which is "something similar to what happened to PoR"
but you know that, you're just pretending to be retarded with your textbook circular arguments

>> No.54725117

I think “don’t give a shit” is misleading. “Are absolutely terrified of Chainlink forcing them to be honest, when they run a dishonest business” is probably more accurate.

>> No.54725125

>you weren't here lol
i was it really wasnt as nasty as today
just compare the standard images/memes being thrown around
back then the special ones targetted sergay, right now most of the vicious fud has moved from sergay to the holders that are still here
price action should be blamed on the team, there is absolutely no reason to target or at least try to target the holders as is happening here
unless the fudders are in fact ex holders who lsot their stacks on cefi scams as has been said so many times

just look at the rest of the thread one anon plainly denying a graph and doing so while insulting the anon that posted it, its a recurring theme: endless seethe against holders

>> No.54725126

>silently concedes once he realized there's no way out
good for you brainlet
>Are absolutely terrified of Chainlink forcing them to be honest
nice head canon LMAO
you're pathetic and embarrassing

>> No.54725129

>5 “h”s ID
Kek what are you trying to tell me z

>> No.54725132
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optimism chuds seething

>> No.54725133

I think you have me confused with someone else, friend.

>> No.54725371

>it essentially means that sources verify their own data (reserves and liabilities)
In the case of oracles, "the sources' own data" refers to the data they produce for consumption; not their own internal affairs.

Sources are in fact "signing their own data", but they're using Chainlink to do it.

>i was it really wasnt as nasty as today
It absolutely was.