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File: 624 KB, 960x788, migration by county.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54718976 No.54718976 [Reply] [Original]

And who is the next Detroit?

>> No.54719022
File: 7 KB, 290x141, wendys logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no I live in a high crime city I just realized. I'm shitting myself aaaaaah

>> No.54719027
File: 146 KB, 1229x719, home price peak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we seeing the end of California?

>> No.54719030

There will be no "next Detroit" as there's no overpaid manufacturing powerhouses to outsource. San Fransisco is getting BTFO right now but there aren't enough niggers there to accelerate the collapse and foreign real estate buyers and funds and yuppies are too numerous in this century. Something will have to radically change before we can see that happen again.

>> No.54719032
File: 86 KB, 1280x936, 1673107293259913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Live in idaho and immediately priced out by all the faggots running from the coast
>decided to pull a fast one and move to the weeping anus that is Portland to sit and wait for cheapies instead of running to some shithole in the midwest or texas
Im a fucking genius

>> No.54719089

LMAO you think "outsourcing manufacturing powerhouse" is to blame.

Hell no...

This is a very simple question. Google "fastest growing black city"...blacks are literally socioeconomic nukes. They have never created anything that resembles a boomtown or even anything resembling a functioning society.

They exist only in the american economy to consume more than they produce to keep the dollar ponzi scheme afloat.

>> No.54719371
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So we should short the south?

>> No.54719491

>next Detroit
>next boomtown
lol, lmao even

>> No.54719749

Texas is booming. Next Detroit is Austin in 15 years

>> No.54719804

fuck YEAH
out out shoo shoo

>> No.54719807

Chicago has the most construction projects this year than any other metro area in the country

>> No.54719813

I'm surprised nyc is negative desu. It doesn't feel like it.

>> No.54719887

Have you been living under a rock perchance?

>> No.54719904

I live in nyc and most people I met moved here during the pandemic. I guess it's the people 30+ that moved.

>> No.54719970

college towns with good demos. madison WI, bozeman MT, boulder CO, lincoln NE, charlottesville VA, bloomington IN, SLO CA, palo alto CA, duluth MN...list goes on

large cities with dwindling reasons to exist. minneapolis MN, phoenix AZ, portland OR, SLC UT, denver CO, miami FL. some like chicago, nyc, sf bay area, LA, DC are "too big to fails" and will get propped up. bad times ahead for the others.

what if I told you could get all the big city amenities in a smaller town setting with higher education and very little crime? oh and its usually cheaper.

>> No.54719983


>> No.54719985

>my heckin nyc

>> No.54720028

You silly, silly little man. There are no boom cities in the current century because everything is already overpriced and claimed by corporations. There will be no nigger migration to chase the trend. The wild west is over in North America.

>> No.54720030

Nashville sadly will be a boom town

>> No.54720104

Columbus, Ohio is going to be a northern boomtown because of Intel moving in.
They're also a logistics hub and the geography is one of the rare examples of a city that can expand in every direction

The other Intel plant is in Chandler, AZ, so that could also be another boomtown
When you add the potential of solar power in that area, you could see a lot of economic activity.

>> No.54720276

>entirety of Dallas county is brown
Why am I not surprised that no one wants to live in a city without a functional police department?

>> No.54720304

midwest and the south when manufacturing eventually returns to onshoring in the US

>> No.54720342

>And who is the next Detroit?
I think people are sleeping on Atlanta for this title. It's going to be the core of the new "Black America" religion/culture that is being schemed and promoted in NY and DC as we speak.
Sorry, Georgiabros

>> No.54720351

Boom town is easy, San Antonio Texas
Already booming
Buy now
Next Detroit is trickier, Seattle and Portland are in decline bigly already

>> No.54720410

I hope more people leave california. We need a huge earthquake to scare more people.

I just want to WFH, surf every morning, and bang my hot gf. Is that too much to ask for?

>> No.54720441

>check map
>Check nc
>Not surprised

Wife and I are getting the fuck out. It's too expensive to live here. Been here my whole life. Going to Nevada

>> No.54721239

>Going to Nevada
You and all the rest of the California transplants?

>> No.54721299

What do we think about Florida? It seems to be trending upward but remember desantis only won by a cunt hair his first term and all it takes is a dem getting into office and immediately turning the place into the eastern california.

>> No.54721305

None of those citys ate collapsing except Pheonix. Phoenix is only at risk of a bust because it lacj. water.

>> No.54721308

>What do we think about Florida?
not white enough

>> No.54721312

Nowhere is white enough.

>> No.54721317

Somewhere in Puerto Rico.

>> No.54721334

Chicago peaked in population a century ago kek

>> No.54721434

Doesn't mean its collapsing. I agree its probably the worst on that list. It'll never be Detroit and neither will any of the others. There is plenty of business, wealth and reason for populace to stay in the cities. For example no matter how shitty Portland, Salt Lake City or Denver get those towns will never be Detroit level failures. Its simply too beuatiful and close to outdoor recreation in those cities for mass exodous of the populace. More people will simply move in if current residents up and leave.

>> No.54721458

The current boomtowns are Charlotte, Austin, and Nashville. With that in mind the next ones I believe are Columbus, Kansas City, and San Antonio.
>t. shitstain St. Louis native whose city has a very long road to recovery

>> No.54721661

Faggots can you stop mentioning Columbus thanks I don’t need this place to become an unaffordable hell hole

>> No.54721897

florida booms and busts every 10 years

>> No.54721980

charlotte is the next detroit. if/when the banking industry collapses, the tax base will evaporate seeking greener pastures and only nogs will remain. I think that louisville/lexington/cincinati triangle is ripe for development even though the map indicates otherwise

>> No.54722179

>palo alto CA
are you retarded
who is going to move into the NIMBY capital of America

>> No.54722187

This map can't be right. South Florida experience an unprecedented population boom because of the hoaxdemic.

>> No.54722205

Barring Florida, which will continue to boom, the next state is Tennessee. But don't tell anyone.

>> No.54722207

Next boomtown will be Pecos, Texas

>> No.54722226

I wonder how many more niggers need to leave Chicago before the population stops declining. Truly unprecedented times we find ourselves in - negronomics

>> No.54722354

Fargo has trippled in size since the 90s and wont stop growing

>> No.54723162
File: 99 KB, 921x640, 1682119040588929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends. Manhattan is a ghost town, and most young ppl (under 35) don't really hangout there, comparing to pre-pandemic. Most of the outer boroughs are growing ( BK; Bushwick, Williamsburg, Bed-Stuy, Queens; Ridgewood, Astoria, LiC.)

>> No.54723270

This is basically just a cost of living map, and how the corrupt housing market is failing us

>> No.54724313

Just get more Cubans, they will be easy red vote

>> No.54725409

is the north west front still a thing ?

>> No.54725425
File: 52 KB, 602x481, main-qimg-a0cc682173e83e6f1d6a2f01ae3f80a0-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54726303
File: 309 KB, 1221x546, based wv pioneer chad life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

west virginia you stupid fucks

it's literally the ideal scenario to gentrify

>> No.54726499
File: 548 KB, 945x745, 1653485100687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Next boomtown
It will be Detroit. Crime against the corporations will be the future. It will be the cyberpunk dystopia of monero where militias run by monerochads will be in constant war against a decaying and obsolete central government in Detroit. Computer wizards will be the shamen of the cold Michigan land.

>> No.54726842


Very poor areas. Low manufacturing capabilities. Difficult and obstructive terrain. White murder crime out in the sticks.

You don’t know what yer gettin into there bub

>> No.54726954
File: 15 KB, 730x228, dual wield shotguns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first 3 are the whole reason to gentrify

last one doesn't exist

>> No.54727133

Florida and Texas are going to be severely overpriced and overpopulated lawless jungle shitholes 1-2 generations from now, same with that giant blob of lower Appalachia in the South East. Move away from where the heard is going.

>> No.54727167

do you actually live in WV or are you another suburban mulattoe teenager fantasizing about le ebin baste und retpillt /pol/ rural life?

>> No.54727183


Do you have a higher res version of this? If so it really looks like people are fleeing urban areas for surrounding suburbs/country towns.

>> No.54727184

I'm going to buy the dip on Cali so hard if they ever elect a republican.

>> No.54727208

How the hell is new york only down 1.4%? The city is a shithole now

>> No.54727220

I live in a liberal state where the laws are gay, and one major city controls the state policy, you can guess which one that is

also most of the state is corn, so it is basically impossible to get a hunting property with 10 acres that isn't like 800k

so basically, wv is a direct upgrade to the current place I live for what I'm looking for in a property

also taxes are high as fuck here, and wv seems pretty chill, I'm libertarian and nat soc

>> No.54727242


Florida is quite literally on the exact same timeline that California once was. Free market good weather beacon of the country drawing in hordes of people. Eventually the rats flood in and turn it into a statist hole.

>> No.54727256
File: 1.04 MB, 1097x801, FL_suburbanization.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


VGHHHH.... GRAN FLORIDA. Their own separatist boomerhickspic state once they reach 60 million people on that small beach peninsula.

>> No.54727262

states like west virginia are massive shitholes but for the opposite reason. i'm from rural northeastern pennsylvania and it has some negatives, while being a hell of a lot nicer and more civilized than west virginia.

>> No.54727261

pretty sure they just signed into law anti free speech measures to basically stop handsome truth from distributing flyers

>> No.54727279

West Virginia is intriguing, cheap land, outdoor recreation activities, but not too many DC fags have moved there. The population is so poor that it filters out Tesla driving DNC cocksuckers; it's not like living in the rural west where there are higher IQ whites. I really think that it's not "trendy" like Asheville keeps people out along with bad schools/hospitals.

>> No.54727301

but it probably costs over 5x as much

so if a shithole means 95 percent white, I can get a house with 10 acres after working and saving for 5 years, then that mogs working for 30 years to get a slightly "higher class" area

all drugs should be legal, I don't really give a shit if people in the general area that won't be able to reach my homestead do drugs

>> No.54727327
File: 567 KB, 519x650, 1665763665376393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the next Boomtown
It's a toss-up between Tijuana, Ensenada, or an entirely new metro zone appearing near Puerto Nuevo. Chinese manufacturing will be repatriated to the New World, but not to the States.

>> No.54727343

also filters out liberals and women because muh hospitals are closing, (where women work), etc

there are really no downsides that I can see, just avoid the junkies and pretend they're just taking a nap or something

it's the cheapest state to build an eagles nest in and that's my goal anyways, hh

>> No.54727347

>it costs
anything desirable costs money but no, northeastern pennsylvania is reasonably cheap in that you can buy a tolerable home for $130-160k. you're stuck in a poorfag mindset. your concern should be learning skills or getting education to make more money, not condemning yourself to poorfaggotry and degrading your standard of living until you're living in a white nigger.

>> No.54727380
File: 513 KB, 1460x800, eagle's nest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess what, for me it is desirable to pay the lowest amount of money for the highest amount of liberty, so basically the 2 options for that are alaska and wv, and wv costs less because it's in the mainland

>> No.54727398


>putting your money on a backwards groanworthy LatAm crony statist shithole

kek. Anything the US does badly they do it twice as badly.

>> No.54727411


19 acres with a 2300 Sq house for $240k. An hour from two ski resorts, state wilderness even closer.

>> No.54727416

absolute delusional. if that's your benchmark then go live in a tent on national game lands for free.

>> No.54727422

Chicago is the next Detroit
NYC is the next Chicago
Bay Area and SoCal are the new Rio De Janeiro

>> No.54727435

that wouldn't give me the most liberty because I couldn't shoot people that open my tent

>> No.54727444

What is the reason for Florida goldrush?

>> No.54727464

conservative policy, but deshabos is sneaking in zionist shit

>> No.54727473

choosing to put yourself in a situation where you need to defend your life with lethal force isn't liberty, it's an anti-social symptom of feeling inadequate and powerless, much like niggers blasting music on speaker phones in public.

>> No.54727486

you cannot avoid needing to defend your life no matter where you go

I choose the mountains of wv or alaska as my ideal, because they are

I have to do the least amount of work for the most amount of freedom

>> No.54727515

Absolutely disgusting, imagine living on a disaster prone peninsula with that many millions of people between you and the rest of the continent.

>> No.54727517

Texas (39% white) is a non white majority shithole

>> No.54727535
File: 306 KB, 1222x557, affordable housing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54727553

very cool, but out of my price range for the time being

I don't understand why city wagies don't work like 10 years at their fag engineer job and then move here

>> No.54727568

I'm not saying it's a good idea, I'm just saying they're going to do it. However long it lasts is another question.

>> No.54727642

I'm sure it'll tick back up to 40 or 41% with so many coastal white families moving into the DFW or Austin suburban sprawl kek

>> No.54727665

are you on any psychiatric medications?

>> No.54727709


It is one of the only truly tropical and simultaneously 1st world standard of living zones on the entire planet. No joke. And yet it's still affordable, for now (rapidly not becoming the case). Everyone already vacations there, more and more people are asking "why not just move there?" It's logical. I don't see how they can sustain it though, it's the proverbial foundation of sand: the state.

>> No.54727748

My city, and I wish it wasn't.
Eastern Washington.
At least I bought a house before it started to happen. I'd only be able to afford the really shitty parts of my home town anymore.

>> No.54727852

no, why would I be, only slaves agree to that

>> No.54728137

WV is full of "white" people who are actually melungeon. For those that dont know, that means they are mixed-race and resemble white people, ut they sure as hell don't act like whites or have the IQ of normal white people.

>> No.54728267

I see 0 proof of this

>> No.54728287

Link for anyone wanting to learn more about the Melungeons:

The city with the highest concentration of Melungeons is Sneedville, I'm not even joking.

>> No.54728348

There is a literal wikipedia page dedicated to this. Go to Logan, WV and look at the faces of the people. You can tell they are mixed. Same with Bluefield, or Beckley to a lesser degree. As you head to Charleston, you see fewer Melungeons, but they are still at least 25% of the population there. They also have a ton of feral blacks on the West side of Charleston.

>> No.54728382
File: 14 KB, 474x201, 1628735712239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I love NC, I am concerned with how its such a fucking boom state. I've been thinking of going down to Mississippi. I think Mississippi is not only great for it being cheap, but it does have the potential to become a state with a sizeable economy within the next decade or so. Agriculture, manufacturing and general businesses would be incentivized with cheap land and tax breaks, thus causing a lot of the negatives to wash away. Either that or just move into the mountains and just try to homestead and live off of selling produce and meat birds.

>> No.54728395

fyi the guy you're responding to is likely an unemployed poorfag NEET loser. he isn't smart enough to work from home, yet he posts these shit threads multiple times a day and responds to them all day long. yet another case of a mentally ill retard who thinks all of his problems could be solved if he just lived in a HECKIN BASTE RURAL RED STATE.

>> No.54728436

literally a nothingburger

you faggots realize chicago is 25 percent black 25 percent hispanic right

>> No.54728451

west virginia would be a vast improvement over living in illinois, this state is gay as fuck

if you care about muh "jobs" you are a slave, I care about liberty and spending as little time working for another man as possible

maybe you're a fag possibly

>> No.54728480
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>bozeman MT
its a small town, it wont boom, itll stick with being a small college town. Boulder on the other hand is a couple of miles away from Denver,. so you got big city + college town.
I agree, im living in columbus, and the way its going, it will be the next portland or austin before it all got rekt.
my eyes are on the Carolinas, also i believe Fentanyl is rampant as a solution for the homeless epidemic, when you got homeless people moving all west for drug criminalization, the east coat will boom

>> No.54728500

Columbia SC. Affordable city between Atlanta and Charlotte.

>> No.54728508

Maps like these are a little misguiding. Many of these areas that are experiencing migration decline is from the rising cost of living. Meaning the poors are moving out of the good cities because they can't afford it anymore. The ones staying in the cities are the wealthy ones, so even if these cities are experiencing population decline, net business revenue is increasing because wealthier demographic. The ones who are migrating to your "safe havens outside the city" well, great news, you're getting our worst of the worst.

>> No.54728528

you're never going to own a home
you're never going to move to WV
you're never going to achieve what you perceive as liberty
you're just going to bitch and cry and moan and fantasize about how your life will improve if you could do all of this, but you'll never do any of it.

>> No.54728535

whatever city comes up with a clever way to keep out browns and homeless with a high degree of plausible deniability that they're targeting browns and homeless, everything else is on the way down because of the aforementioned problem

imo the best way to accomplish it is with strong pro gun/pro self defense/pro vigilante laws

>> No.54728560

Tulsa massacre

>> No.54728562

Same story is happening here in Chicago. A lot of wealthier transplants are moving in but not for downtown, more for the greater metropolitan area. A lot of the smaller neighborhoods are booming while downtown has been stagnant, still only about 1/2 to 2/3rd that of prepandemic pedestrian traffic.

>> No.54728567

I'll work here in illinois for a few years, based on the situation, of which I'm in a good one, I will either run my business for 10 years, or run my business for 3-5 years, and build the eagles nest in wv and retire

>> No.54728761

Why would you want to go to Ohio after all those chemicals got dumped there from the train??

>> No.54728788

Your worst of the worst can't afford to move. They live on welfare and all they know are their little ghettos. Hence why Detroit still has so many black people, and the south in general

>> No.54728833

Some of them have family out there to fall back on, they're not moving out of here by choice, either eviction or running or just broke. There's a reason those ghettos are growing, our ghettos in the city are too but instead of size, density.

>> No.54728858
File: 272 KB, 1400x1547, chicago change in population by neighborhood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you can see it in the demographic change.

Wealthier, white residents pouring into the gleaming downtown highrises (net taxbase gain) while poorer, black residents are leaving the S/W sides (also a net tax base gain).

And it looks like Kim Foxx is either resigning or not seeking re-election as of today, which despite Vallas losing might actually be even bigger news than the mayoral race.

>> No.54728879

Now overlay that with the map of what Florida will look like with all the projected sea level rise

>> No.54728928

It's actually 30% each. Other 10% is asians and mutts. So basically Chicago is destroyed non White shithole.

>> No.54728947
File: 38 KB, 769x837, USA Demo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demographics are terrible for college towns. The incoming classes will get smaller and smaller for the next 20 years. In addition to most zoomers realizing college is a scam. A good number of colleges in this country are going to go out of business.

>> No.54728972

The question now is which is the next neighborhood to see massive gentrification - only so many wealthy transplants can be supported in West Loop highrises.

The neighborhoods that have largely already gentrified are:
>lincoln park obviously
>ravenswood/north center
>Downtown/downtown adjacent with a major exception being the loop itself (where housing is concerned)

The current spots are:
>logan square
>west town (ukrainian village etc)
From everything we've seen it always looks like development will occur in the "next stop up the _____ line" which leads me to believe:
>portage park
>bridgeport and mckinely park maybe?
Are all next. Where do we go after that? Not sure. I'm really confident in Edgewater/Andersonville for sure. All of those parking lots along Broadway are going to be filled in with high-density mixed use housing over the next decade especially as the RPM project starts to come to fruition. That's where I'd invest if I were you.
>majority white and getting whiter
>median income up significantly in recent years
>lots of developable land along a transit corridor
>decent CPS schools for the most part (good for families that want to stay in the city)
>well removed from the crime centers

Im actually really confident in the long-term viability of the city. What Im more concerned about are short term issues like rising crime and if those can be addressed properly. Hopefully Johnson is another 1-term mayor and he is our rock bottom.

>> No.54728991

I live in one of the blue areas that surrounds a brown one. I've been here for a decade, and crime just keeps getting worse and worse. Joggers are up here now stealing shit and causing jogger problems regularly now. It was paradise 10 years ago.

>> No.54729031


>> No.54729079


Money runs out faster than you can guess in retirement, idk why you’d just give up a good business in Illinois for nothing. Crime in WV is rampant. Single motherhood, teenage pregnancy, drug devastation are all terrible for those people. Nature is coming back, which is nice tho. But don’t forget. The average West Virginian will never accept you as being one of them. They will tolerate you, but you’ll always be an outsider. Even your children, should they be born there, will face that. You speak like you’ve never been there, or met the people there. They are an incredible bunch, let me tell ya.

You should grow up man. Most WV residents I’ve met wanted to leave, and ended up doing so. There’s not much economy there. (I’m a wignat btw, so no, I’m not scorning your efforts to go to one of the last white states. But you should learn more about what it’s actually like to live there.)

>> No.54729179

I know you're agreeing with me but those numbers are up until 2020, which makes me curious about the changes the pandemic brought. I don't think it'll be too different though
Lakeview and Lincoln Park are definitely already gentrified but there's still a lot of room for growth, they still haven't gone through getting River North'd yet, just like what West Loop is going through right now. Logan Square is pretty much at the trail end of this development chapter just a few years behind Wicker Park, the next step is Lakeview-ification. It took about a decade to saturate Wicker Park. I feel West Town is in the same spot as Old Town and Lakeview and Lincoln Park, a period of long stagnation before sudden River Northification and high rises being propped. Probably the same time as the Lincoln Yards development matures but we're talking like two decades maybe.

Now for the next Wicker Park, I think you're right about following the next ____ line from the L and working up that. End of the line at Kimball Brown is still largely undeveloped, at least compared to the more gentrified areas. Andersonville is booming already, about what Wicker Park was 10 years ago. It's real hot right now

>> No.54729208

Portland is Detroit. Cops don't do anything anymore. Filth and crime everywhere. Awful traffic. Progressives everywhere. It's a pure shithole.

t. Oregonian

>> No.54729228

Philly's growing like crazy in the tech sector right now

>> No.54729231

your mother's uterus

>> No.54729240
File: 61 KB, 340x386, bowiebund969.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that the 2008 housing crisis really only cucked places where housing prices and rent prices had no correlation.

The next boomtowns are in Pheonix Arizona where the CHIPS act is centered, various places in Texas, some Midwest areas, Phillipsburg in NJ and Pennsylvanian cities around Lehigh Valley.

New Jersey is always expanding into Pennsylvania. It is the biggest missed opportunity for investors.

>> No.54729256

Dude Portland is like a HQ of mentally ill and drug addicted white trash subhumans.

>> No.54729311

> Philly
Too many niggers, also the drug problem there is huge. Have you seen that kensington Ave vid?

>> No.54729412

Living in Oregon, I've only ever met a few niggers. Every time I go to Portland there's at least 20 niggers begging at drive throughs or in the middle of the road, pretending to rap on the sidewalk, or sitting at a bus station talking to crackhead white people. It's a shitshow.

>> No.54729417

>those numbers are up until 2020
That's a good point. If anything, those trends have all but increased. Guess we'll have to wait for new numbers.

>west town
>river northfication
You think? I don't think we're going to get highrises over there. I'd expect more high-rise growth occurring west of West Loop, kind of the direction it's already going. That area is largely industrial and the zoning allows for much higher density to be built. Theoretically, you could see highrises go all the way from WL to Oak Park at some point bounded by the Green line on the north and blue line/ike . That would be really cool to see

>End of the brown line
Albany park is also very interesting. Especially if we ever get to see a brown line extension to Jefferson Park/Montrose, which IMO I see as the most slam-dunk CTA expansion project with the exception of a circle line

Overall though I'm hopeful. We're in dark days right now but soon we'll see that we are super fucking early.

>> No.54729442

Now show how many of these new developments are nonwhite

>> No.54729460

Actually most of those people are older white conservatives from the Midwest and northeast.

And that is not a good thing

>> No.54729475

Unironically DE-TROIT, The Troit
>Rich African American culture
>GM electric cars
>Dat motown jazz

>> No.54729509

Wow I did not realize this phenomenon was going on. Bodes really poorly for the south. They're going to drag down all the economics and increase crime. The schools are gonna be shit.

>> No.54729537
File: 853 KB, 1536x864, LincolnYardsMasterPlan_0119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You make a great case for the west side, the same can be said for the south side, A LOT of developable land if you can fix the ghetto. I'm personally not too familiar with those areas, I work the streets so I'm fairly familiar with the land but I'm a north side native and I stick to the north sides.

Now for West Town and the surrounding areas like Wicker Park, Lincoln Park, Old Town, Lakeview, etc. It's going to take a long while but really the gamble is down to whether Sterling Bay succeeds in their Lincoln Yards plan, if so then the whole surrounding area will get River North'd.
>We're in dark days right now but soon we'll see that we are super fucking early.
Absolutely agree, there's been long stagnation but the value of this city is finally being realized and developers are salivating at the thought of turning the ghettos into a gold mine like they did with West Loop.

>> No.54729549

Syracuse, NY. It's the city major closest to the Micron chip plant being developed.

>> No.54729580

>Albany park is also very interesting
Speaking of Albany Park btw, we're getting the midrise treatment. A lot of old dilapidated were town down and zoning reconfigured so now we have more than a handful of 5-story 30+ unit high density apartments and condos being built. After another period of stagnation to fill in density and I'm sure they'll rezone the building codes for taller buildings once more old buildings are torn down.

>> No.54729586

Ok buddy

>> No.54729590

>A lot of old dilapidated buildings were torn down

>> No.54729604
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>> No.54729615

the money isn't running out in wv, not a chance

who cares about all of that, I'll find an orphan girl, build the eagles nest, literally making it sound like I'm moving to israel or afghanistan

>> No.54729619

>there's been long stagnation but the value of this city is finally being realized and developers are salivating at the thought of turning the ghettos into a gold mine like they did with West Loop.
This right here. And all the talk of urbanism and walkability in the US is really pushing us in the right direction. Few people realize that the South lakefront used to be the "nice" part of Chicago back in the 20s (from bronzeville to woodlawn) and those neighborhoods are really starting to turn around now that the public housing towers have come down.

Florida, my home state, is going in the exact opposite direction and sprawling EVERYWHERE. It's really bad and utterly unsustainable.

>> No.54729626

it is? also unless something has changed, all of the good jobs are in the suburbs, not in the city itself.

>> No.54729720

Big cities won't exist outside of Chicago, LA, and the East Coast. Labor force demands SAH jobs, even though Boomers will protest and throw tantrums over it, they'll ultimately lose the battle because there's no good reason against it. So the next frontier will be suburbs and small rural towns. Everything will spread out. Buy a house.

>> No.54729725

The urbanism and anti-car dependence movement has been really healthy for Chicago but make no mistake, the sprawl problem like you've seen in Florida is happening to our suburbs here too more or less

>> No.54729749

Midsized cities are objectively the best.

>> No.54729774

Depends on the alderman. The next wave of growth is going to be in YIMBY wards, which is why Im much more confident in Andersonville/Edgewater as opposed to Uptown. Angela clay is a fucking moron. Look into her Weiss Memorial Hospital protest.

>> No.54729797

Oh I'm well aware. I see it every time I visit my fiancee's parents in mundelein

Kim foxx is live at the city club either resigning or not running for re-election btw. right this second. Huge fucking news for the city

>> No.54729836


Nope. The very poorest always cluster around the city. The situation in cities has not been improving anon if anything it's going the other way. The people leaving the city center can feel it.

t. just left a city center for a smaller town on the periphery


This was already my suspicion. Remote work, hybrid work, and faster cars are only going to lead to decentralization. People only piled into cities out of economic necessity. No one really wants an overpriced cuck shack and to have to rub shoulders with junkies, gangbangers, and crackheads every day. The OP pic is only confirming it now.

>> No.54729864

Its NOT Kansas City, fuck off we're full

>> No.54729916

Truth, our alderman do have a lot of power in swaying developments
holy shit about fucking time

>> No.54729975

>They exist only in the american economy to consume more than they produce to keep the dollar ponzi scheme afloat.

I never looked at it this way, but holly smokes does this make so much sense!
It also plays on to why they are pondered too so much.

>> No.54730029

Early retirement from covid.

>> No.54730040

>The very poorest always cluster around the city
Exactly, around the city but not in it. Why do you think the areas around the city are experiencing migration?
Don't forget, votes too. Dollar growth ponzi and votes, without those two, the hegemony dies.

>> No.54730059

Go down the aldermanic perogative rabbit hole. It's grim.

But on the other hand, you could get a great alderman like Brendan Reilly and you see the growth that River North and West Loop has seen.

>> No.54730063

go kill yourself edgelord demoralizer

>> No.54730069


Dude, have you ever been through any major city? Half of it is some of the poorest slummiest projects and slumlord town you could think of. Suburbs are not it. People can wfh now, no need to crowd around downtown.

>> No.54730087

Truthfully, I happen to luckily live in a city that's experiencing economic growth more than population growth, so no, I'm not sure what it's like in failing cities.

>> No.54730120

>idk why you’d just give up a good business in Illinois for nothing
He just hates people and he thinks getting away from them will solve his problems. But he doesn't realize that even when he's away from them, he'll still hate something (maybe himself) because a leopard can't change his spots. He's not solving his real problems.

>> No.54730140

Liberal retards have destroyed my life, I'm very opposed to it happening again

>> No.54730143

The gigantic state tax funded flagship colleges are not "going out of business" lmao. Maybe the small retard private colleges will but no loss there and they don't generate a "college town" like 40k students do.

>> No.54730150

Unless the growth ponzi scheme of suburbanization continues, that growth pattern will eventually fall flat. Suburbs in proximity to cities may do well, but further sprawl is going to get hammered once those structures start to become dated.

Urban infill is going to be the primary upward mobility creator for younger people to generate the same kind of wealth their parents did.

>> No.54730198

>Suburbs in proximity to cities may do well
Only because suburbs close to the city are next in line for urbanization lol, in a few decades it won't be surprising to see high rise developments creep toward those areas when urban infill is saturated

>> No.54730242

Yeah but the real estate prices will go down with any decline in population.

>> No.54730299

That'd be nice but we have plenty of land in the city to develop first. And frankly I feel that'll happen before it does in the burbs

>> No.54730345

With WFH, I only see sprawl increasing. Urban concentration will decline.

>> No.54730783

>Urban infill is going to be the primary upward mobility creator for younger people to generate the same kind of wealth their parents did.
The math on this just doesn't add up tbdesu. Getting whatever salary increase you gain in the city gobbled up - and then some - by urban COL is not a great strategy for building wealth. Kids who go to the cities to start a career usually leave right around the time they're pushing 30 specifically because they realize (1) They realize that they're not on the Partner/C-suite track of whatever industry they're in and can't expect an astronomical salary gain in the future and (2) are now more serious about keeping money in their pockets than they are about the "fun" of city life, so losing whatever salary bump they gained and then some to urban landlords stops feeling like a good idea.

>> No.54731286

>and (2) are now more serious about keeping money in their pockets than they are about the "fun" of city life, so losing whatever salary bump they gained and then some to urban landlords stops feeling like a good idea.
Curious to see if this occurs, especially moving forward. Less people are having children, the family unit is declining in popularity, most young households are largely dual-income.

Morally, it's sad. But we're on /biz/, and speaking purely from an investment standpoint I'm seeing a lot more people stay in cities longer than their parents. Sure there is some attrition, as always, but at least in my market, the usual trend of
>cheap apartment
>nicer apartment
>nicer apartment
>maybe buy a condo
>move to burbs
>stay in burbs
>retire in florida or move back to the city in retirement

Has morphed a bit into:
>cheaper apartment
>nicer apartment
>buy a condo
>buy a slightly larger city townhome
>buy a duplex or larger townhome (in city)
But that's anecdotal. I see the trend of proximity staying a bit longer. And not necessarily in the heart of a city, either, more so in medium-density neighborhoods.

>> No.54731503

>west virginia
>ideal scenario to gentrify
Ideal outside of having ANY momentum with young professionals
If I bought that house, who would I meet within 50 miles?
I'd love to be wrong on WV

>> No.54731571

>What is the reason for Florida goldrush?
>It is one of the only truly tropical and simultaneously 1st world standard of living zones on the entire planet. No joke.
Yep! Unfortunate that it's also one of the flattest.
My cope has been living in a 3rd world tropical place, but I just homebase in the nice parts

>> No.54731834

By looking at the map I'm guessing he's referring to somewhere in Texas.

>> No.54732226

Why I unironically live in a nice inner suburb of Portland. Sentiment has turned massively against the homeless junkies, so I am optimistic they will be corralled.

>> No.54732363

>Curious to see if this occurs
It's not a "it might happen", it's a "they're already doing this, and have been for a long time."

They're not just leaving for families. I've personally met even reddit-tier "child free" couples who followed the same route. Because the reality is that most kids who do so don't go to the city to build wealth - they go there to build a resume. Once they've gotten some bigcorp years under their belt, they have two routes to actually start building wealth: Promote up on the partner/executive track (obviously, rare), or get the fuck out of dodge so that they can start building some savings/equity without living in a literal crackhouse. The cities are crowded with too many rent-seekers - the COL drops off faster than the average salaries do when you leave for the 'burbs, and with remote/flexible work now established as common this is only becoming more and more true, not less.

>> No.54732372

Next boomtown = cheap safe areas with decent schools and you can afford a house. I’d look to top tier flyover cities like Oklahoma City, Omaha, Des Moines, etc. really only areas left that are affordable, somewhat population dense, and not crime ridden shit holes like a Memphis

Next Detroit? Chicago lmao too e-z

>> No.54732393

Quantified by dollar amount spent aka corrupt inflated govt contracting

>> No.54732436

Louisville downtown has been conquered by BLM and isn’t improving anytime soon

Lexington I think is in a class that actually will boom. That is affordable college towns (Raleigh, Madison, Ann Arbor, etc)

Cincinnati probably will be ok because fly over states are only area where you can afford a house these days

>> No.54732548

Total nigger death

>> No.54732689

>What is the next Boomtown?
>And who is the next Detroit?

>> No.54732717

grimes iowa is at the beginning stages of a boom
you can tell because it feels soulless compared to the rest of iowa

>> No.54732865

West omaha/papilion. North is full of nogs and south omaha and bellevue is full of spics. Its amazing watching bellevue turn into a shithole the more spics appear there like they are a plague or something and seeing the white west prosper and grow.

>> No.54733069

ok, say you find a cheapie. you're still in fucking portland.

>> No.54733110

>That is affordable college towns (Raleigh, Madison, Ann Arbor, etc)
Sans Tallahassee. It's way too far from the rest of Florida for any meaningful growth. Not to say student housing there isn't a good investment

>> No.54733138

This, every conman grifter, nigger, Jew and thot is moving to Texas. They will wreak it within 20 years

>> No.54733161

Yeah I can get behind that. Austin is growing the absolute wrong way (out) when it should be growing up. I know there are a lot of condo towers but that's not going to meaningfully stop sprawl from wrecking it, like literally every other sunbelt city.

>> No.54733207

you'll turn around and rant about work from home, but you'll shun a 95 percent white area, with the lowest housing in the country and energy independence

are you fucking retarded

>> No.54733235

also, muh buy high sell low moment

the whole point is you buy when it's low because it has great qualities, and when "young professionals", which just means uninformed college grads who are fucking morons, maybe decide to move there, then it's good

I think our definition of good means completely different things

but even if we are to go with your retarded defintion of good, west virginia is surrounded on atleast 3 sides by major metro areas, with the work from home meme expanding it's a logical choice to pay 50k for a home over 500k

>> No.54733687

you are proving him right

>> No.54733888

I didn't read half his post, but, yes I would prefer to have rights, and live in a red state instead of surrounded by niggers mexicans faggots and women

>> No.54733903

>whites build up north
>post-WW1 blacks move to the north
>whites move to the south

>> No.54733911

the south has more nigs so they failed in their research, west virginia and alaska are the best options

>> No.54734070

If you build it they will come.

>> No.54734241

You forgot to mention that northern companies wanted to drive down wages so they imported the blacks from the sun belt to the north, to work in factories

>> No.54734279

Righteous slaugther