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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54717012 No.54717012 [Reply] [Original]

>got a wfh job
>moved back in with parents to save on rent (prefer it this way)
>start job
>3 days in
>it's fucking pointless
>not as senior as I was expecting
>in a huge 10 person team with multiple people having similar responsibilities to me
>job is to decide what team's upcoming priorities should be but it's clear that things are dropped from top down
>no governance above my team and no process for deciding what to do next so it'll be decided by one of the people with similar job responsibilities

It's early but this isn't looking good. I am not enough of a normie to survive by doing nothing.

My job is so fucking pointless. I don't know why I was hired. My current plan is to make some PowerPoint slides that look useful but won't be used.

The team I'm in works in some large area of work where huge concrete steps towards progress are mostly not possible, apart from the upcoming few months. The work will likely be low impact.

The company is fucking huge and talking to people outside my division to find out more isn't encouraged because that's someone else's job.

This is the highest paying job I've ever had and I'm so unhappy with it.

The org chart of my division is broken.

>> No.54717384


>> No.54717416

Who cares man, just collect that paycheck and save as much as you possibly can until something better comes along.

>> No.54717420

When you are significantly red pilled you'll realize 90pct of jobs are pointless

>> No.54717535

That is common.
Its WAY worse to be mismanaged and overworked. This was mostly my career, believe me you dread waking up, knowing that you did not finish x because you had to go to sleep and client just changes demands on a whim and managers just let them. And then you don't get a raise after you saved the project and inflation ate your fucking salary

Last year, as soon as I came to the company it was all hands on deck for a year. There were days I worked non stop and I mean 24hnin one piece and it's Angular and shit. Everything was written wrong, one component had 4800 lines (rule of thumb is like 200) of Typescript with hundreds of for controls written, every form fucks other form in different combinations, no state management, fucking html of that component was 2500 lines. This year, it's ez pz and I'm prepping for a biiiig project for 4 months now because partners are taking their sweet fucking time postponing for some reason. Problem being I can't prepare anything specific because we need to talk in detail with them and I bet they will try to hurry us up when we start

Learn processes, technologies, optimize your documentation skills and just try to make it intuitive to the reader and the bosses. Beats reading 4chan

>> No.54717594

> Code monkey

>> No.54717628

Fuck off.
I didn't have hot water till I was 14, good thing I pulled myself by my bootstraps out of deep poverty. I did not have internet till I was 18 in 2008
Now I'm middle class

>> No.54717663

I've been in a similar situation for the last 22 years, same company, working approximately one hour a day, except I have to go to the office.
Sitting here now trading futures and posting this.
Life could be worse.

>> No.54717691

Similar situation but I'm in the field most days. Today my job is to watch a few crews install rebar, I bill at $115/hr for this project. I mostly listen to audio books while pacing and have maybe an hour of actual work documenting everything throughout the day.

>> No.54717694

22 years, fuck. I change my jobs every 18 months. You must be 10 younger than guys your age, peers.
No work related stress, and you have time for stuff

>> No.54717780

you have the ideal situation. next step is getting another job that requires just as little. need to come up with some reason why you cant have team calls close to the same time.

repeat this until you have as many of these do-nothing wfh jobs as possible

>> No.54717964

you need to learn to exist inside the machine, big corpos dont expect much. nails that pop up get hammered down.

>> No.54718457
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>My job is easy and low pressure
>I'm getting paid more than ever before
I can't tell if these sorts of posts are a form of bragging, or actual leddit-tier whining, but I'm getting sick of seeing it. You've got a low effort job that pays well, count your blessings.

>> No.54718496


>> No.54718504


I (OP) maybe didn't detail this enough but if my job is pointless, I don't think I'm normie enough to get away with it for months, so I'm not safe.

>> No.54718523

Just ChatGPT some docs and say you did shit if they ask what have you been doing all this time

>> No.54718536

yep. if anything these posts are a top signal and alot of wfh wagies and dead weight office workers are gonna be out of a job soon. they will want to kms themselves when they realize how good they had it

>> No.54718785

i agree, it sounds like you're too proud to go along and play the game and be outgoing/energetic enough to get out in front of these people and eventually you will be crowded out (not a criticism , it's just like you said, you're not normie enough to be this kind of cog in a team).

just take the money as you can and use your spare time to look for something less stupid

>> No.54718901

what kind of audiobooks anonymous buddy

>> No.54719108


This is the whole point, the feeling of dread makes it pretty unenjoyable. The problem for me is that i am so "Le Based and Redpilled" that i think every business is doomed, which it is, but only in the same way we're all doomed and will die within 100 years.

Everything is pretty pointless on a long enough timeline so shutting the brain off is pretty essential these days.

>> No.54720508

Lately I've been on the drizzt books. I stopped around 12 when I was reading them as a kid and didn't realize he's still fucking going with em. Now I'm on book 6 on the audio books and getting through like 2 a week with how works been.

>> No.54720595

This precisely.

>> No.54722168

>got a wfh job
>it's fucking pointless
All that was needed to be said.

Just chatgpt it, and stack some more wfh jobs. If a company is still entertaining WFH in 2023 they're not paying attention and should just be exploited

>> No.54722327

>have comfy easy wfh job for several years
>nobody knows what I do or how I do it because my old manager quit and was never replaced so I get left alone all day
>company gets acquired
>new owners start digging to figure out what the fuck I do
>BS them as best I can to get them to leave me alone
>they instead give me a promotion that I don't want because it comes with a shitload of extra responsibilities
>automate as much as I can in the space of a few months, motivated solely by my desire to escape the immense stress I'm under so that I can go back to slacking off
>they find out about my "process improvements" and are so impressed that they promote me again and give me actual managerial oversight over an entire department
>my job now is just endless writing to give status reports to management, feedback to underlings, reassurances to clients, and requirements to project managers
>I am bad at this, the stress is killing me, and I can tell that the executives are starting to think they might have been wrong about me

Enjoy it while you can. That's my advice.

>> No.54722499

>seething bucket crab who talks about being redpilled
Go back to /pol/ you fucking loser. Give your head a shake.

>> No.54722650

I was just in your exact position OP
>95K WFH to do absolutely nothing 80% of the time and the most retarded menial bullshit imaginable 20%
>Feel like I'm wasting my existence even when I take walks and work out and read during the day
>Somehow dodge wave of layoffs
>On edge knowing I'm in a fuckall useless job in a time of cutbacks
>Upper management starting to catch on to how useless my team is
>Decide its time to gtfo
>Can only embellish absolute bullshit experience so much on resume, only getting bites from less prestigious companies than current one
>Realize skills have rusted when I'm failing technical interviews
>Unironically feel like I've lost 4-5 IQ points, don't feel as sharp and can't focus the same after so much time spent doing bullshit
>Don't feel qualified for jobs that I should be on paper based on years of experience
>Eventually land comparable job that pays more but at significantly less well known firm
Some anons may say that this is a dream scenario for you OP but I strongly disagree, the other shoe will eventually drop and you will be in a worse spot if you don't try to get out. Plus fuck what the NEETS say, we're supposed to chase achievement and grow, wasting 40 hours a week is going to gradually kill your soul.