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54714948 No.54714948 [Reply] [Original]

DIDs and Verifiable IDs saved privacy

>> No.54715012

blockchain not needed

>> No.54715116

No retard, physical IDs save privacy. This digital crap just uses 1s and 0s to build a chain around your neck.

>> No.54715264

Does it? i've seen the theory around it and it's pretty solid, seems like and actual problem that crypto can solve for the first time

>> No.54715289
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No lol. Have you seen what CHEQD is doing with Verifiable IDs? You basically put your info there and from now on have a digital ID to show and register everywhere without having to put your data or do stupid shit like KYC. It's anti hacks and since the companies don't store your data, they can't sell it. How is this not saving privacy?

>> No.54715299

On the contrary this is exactly the first time the convoluted code of crypto has the chance to be useful and solve a very real issue we're having right now and will be worse in the future

>> No.54715308

Enjoy deepthroating xi jiping fucking moron

>> No.54715320

Cheqd are the most tuned in tech team in crypto. They are at the forefront of setting standards in this industry as can be seen from the recent IIW session.

>> No.54715331
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"Every day i tell myself biz can't get more retarded, there's still smart people lurking"

And then i see you, yes you. You know who you are. You post the most intelligence deprived shit, so badly written and so devoid of logic that you actually make everyone else on the threads look smarter.

Kindly throw yourself under a bus

>> No.54715346

T-that's not how it works. It's literally the opposite
get ready people, this is the LINK of 2023

>> No.54715361
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>> No.54715372

that's a stretch, i think the future holds some hope for interoperability between oracles and DID providers, even more so after LINK's recent updates

>> No.54715380
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>> No.54715480 [DELETED] 

Centralized shit no privacy I want anony

>> No.54715511

Centralized shit no privacy I want anonymity

>> No.54715706

Go live in the dessert then asshole. Bottom line in the future you'll have to prove you're not a bot and the only way is by putting your data. What better way to do it than this? where the only thing people will know is your name and nothing more? You're literally ensuring that companies won't sell your data

>> No.54715722

You will never be a real identity provider. You have no biometrics, you have no regulatory approval, you have no ongoing monitoring. You are a credential sharing platform glorified by buzzwords about blockchain into a crude mockery of true identity.
All the “validation” you get is misunderstanding and non-compliant. Behind your back people mock you. Your peers are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “users” implement actual solutions behind closed doors.
Institutions are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of KYC and AML have allowed institutions to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even DIDs who “verify” through soul bound tokens and ZKP won’t be accepted. Your lack of biometry at the base level is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a green check mark NFT, any serious clients will turn tail and bolt the second they get a whiff of your failure to acquire a license.
You will never be compliant. You wrench out a fake verification every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the regulation creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy $ID, run a VNO, stake your tokens, and comply with regulations. Your clients will find you, relieved that they no longer have to risk dealing with the authorities. They’ll delegate their tokens to a VNO with a better reputation than yours, and every Everchain observer for the rest of eternity will know a superior solution is used. Your project will decay and go back to the dust, or you will be sent to prison and get butt raped daily by Tyrone and his gang.
This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.54715734
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Anyone actually read the DID proposal? There's nothing of consequence in there.

As is typical from MSFT, unless it comes from purchasing a startup, the contrubtions of insider microsofties dont come from real world experiences and are based in imaginary minecraft clownworld.

This is all just vaporware nonsense and is destined to be a complete faiulure.

>> No.54716688

no ID is coming you just don't realise it yet, MSFT are just trying to appear as innovators but digital identity is so old now you have EU regulation coming out this year about it. Every EU citizen will have access to an EBSI wallet with their credentials on it. Many will use Walt.ID, a partner of $CHEQ, who are completely built into Walt's infrastructure.

>> No.54717268

Bots and viruses were created by the same people selling and telling you you need ids. Same old scam. All scum create the problem then sell the solution. Fuck off!!!

>> No.54719149

Walt ID is cool, but I think if the mother fucking governments are smart, they can as well employ the use of decentralized ID management like ENS & Oreprotocol