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File: 29 KB, 550x550, Ian_14_fn-550x550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5471493 No.5471493 [Reply] [Original]


Go kys neckbeards. You will never be as successful, rich and sexy as this man.

>> No.5471510

yeah but how do we know this numbers are real

>> No.5471917

>make up fake numbers
>gain a following
>"advise" your twitter followers on what coin to buy - AFTER you have stocked up
>watch it pump
>sell your stack

There is no "???" stage here.

Shit, if I were still at university I'd be doing this. Fuck having a full time job

>> No.5471967
File: 237 KB, 800x545, justbought100k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute madman

>> No.5472032

he may be rich
but hes still a nigger

>> No.5472270

Where's my money on BRD Ian you goofy ass nigger???

>> No.5473030

He can dump his mill.. err billion sorry I meant tri- oh god really? Ok Quintillions into DNA modification.

>> No.5473071

He put in 100k, not 20k. Also he's a pump and dumper. If the average person used his methodology for investing in ICOs and invested in the best ones, they wouldn't have made nearly the same amount of gains.

I dont get how he can review something like ICON and it be way down his list, yet he still invests in it over the top ones. Somethings fishy about this guy.

>> No.5473091

So far I turned 150€ into 86k€ in about 6 months and I'm not going to stop anytime soon.

>> No.5473250



>> No.5473445

Nah, I trade full time. I buy dips after support lines break and sell on the bounce after 5%. I have a success rate of 95%+. Right now my gains are pretty much exploding. Took me about 2 months to make it to 5k, and now I make about 5k per day.

>> No.5473483


>> No.5473488

Give it back, Jamal.

>> No.5473518

You may be poor, but you're stilly a pasty khv manlet :)

>> No.5473539

aspiring trader here, how many of your trades in the first 2 months were "all in". ie, you'd put all your money into one order.

>> No.5473631

Actual stocks or crypto?

>> No.5473698

hi nigger did u rob a store today? :)
oooga booga we wuz kangz

>> No.5473731

From 150 to ~20k was pretty much all-in only. Most people will probably tell you that's retarded, but I think it's fine. It's important to cut your losses asap if you fucked up. On average one fuck-up sets you back about 1,5 good trades, so you just have to keep working. Also don't get greedy, you don't want to be the guy who buys the dip and misses the bounce.
Crypto. You can't get into stocks with a few bucks, the transaction costs will prevent you from ever making gains.

>> No.5473740


>> No.5473775

on binance?

>> No.5473845

how did you learn? what's wrong with missing the bounce, can't you hold through a dip and aim for the best bounce? how do you pick coin you trade? how much to you spend per day?

>> No.5474146

Started out on kraken and moved to bitstamp. I think you should always use platforms with a userbase that is the most active when you want to make your trades. Also being able to trade in € is nice for a yurofag such as myself.
I've studied economics and read a ton about trading and technical analysis but in the end I'm mostly going by my feeling (while having an eye on trade volume and the RSI).

No, you don't hold the dip if you want to be a trader. You want to make small predictable trades, not gamble and speculate. Also, by the time you waited for your next bounce which might take days to just set you even you could have made a whole bunch of new trades with that money.

Don't trade coins with a cap of less than 1b, easy as that. You need a good volume of trades to be able to instantly sell on the bounces.

Do you mean how much time I spend? About 8 hours, but it's pretty chilled in the first two hours I read news and check the market and then set up alters for all the coins that are interesting to me and then I just play Starcraft or shitpost on 4chan until an altert goes off.

>> No.5474250

youre a pathetic poor fag

>> No.5474253


How the fuck do you set up alerts?

>> No.5474271

as a lady (white) 4channer, i can safely say that that black man got my vajay jay all nice n wet :^)

stay poor, dumb white boys

>> No.5474302

GTFO you worthless hole

>> No.5474339

I use tradingview, if that's what you mean.

>> No.5474409

>liking mongrels
If you’re going to lie at least make it believable

>> No.5474485

heidi klum tho

>> No.5474529

Thanks bro, hope you hit 1m in 2018

>> No.5474659

That's only his ICON earnings.

>> No.5474700

We'll all make it, bro. One last tip, do NOT listen to people/sites/videos who want to tell you how you can make easy gains if you follow trends or buy on breakouts. That's how the whales make money, they trick people into buying high and buy it back during the next big panic dip. Buy low and sell slightly higher, that's it.

>> No.5474723


>> No.5474724


can you plebbit and normalfags leave already?

>> No.5474754

My 22 year old NEET friend started with 3k in September and now has 1.6m

meanwhile I started with 2k in March and have 110k. Fuck me

>> No.5474769

more like your larper friend

>> No.5474788

Before or after taxes?

>> No.5474808


>> No.5474989


nah he timed every moon mission perfect. 10x'd on DNT. 4x'd on LINK. 3x'd on metaverse ETP. 5x'd on IOTA. He had 800k sitting on bitfinex the other day. Then he threw 60k at PRL when it was like 4 cents. It's now just under a dollar. I've seen all his accounts. We'd be in the same place but I fell for the LINK memes and decided to baghold for 3 months.


before. He lives in belgium I don't even know if he has to pay.

>> No.5475204

>and back down to 500k after taxes
Fuck this gay earth

>> No.5475287

>before. He lives in belgium I don't even know if he has to pay.
Of course he does. Hope he filed a report. The year is over in 5 days.

>> No.5475376

haha sorry buddy shouldn't signed that social contract! But just think of all the section 8 housing you'll be funding with that.

>> No.5475403

wahh wahh why don't women want to fuck me waaahhh

>> No.5475435

Dude, I only had 1k and turned it to 5k. Why are you still angry that you made 100k in profit?

>> No.5475460


He lives in Germany, he doesn't have to pay crypto tax retard

>> No.5475609

personally id say its an acceptable emotion as long as he doesnt kill and kitten or something.

he probably just has high standards.

>> No.5475628

Nah i just plowed your future wife. Enjoy my fucking cumstains you khv ;)

Btw, when you're married ill come back, you know she always has a sweet spot for tyrone ;)

>> No.5475697

do you know what his investments were?

>> No.5475705

did he time those on purpose or was he just lucky?

>> No.5475730

doesnt this dude get huge presale bonuses and shit?

>> No.5475829



>> No.5476046


gib more tips

>> No.5476207

How did you know when to go all in?

>> No.5476475
File: 146 KB, 1560x1187, confusino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you buy after a support line breaks? Doesn't that mean there's even more bearish sentiment? Shouldn't it be the opposite?
(buy on the dip if it holds support)

>> No.5476639

hes referring to dead cat bounce. he buys after the support line breaks, it goes up by about 5%, so not much but something, and then sells on the dead cat bounce before it actually plummits.

or at least thats what i imagine he does.

>> No.5476690

if a support line breaks usually it would go even lower until it hits an actual dead-cat bounce (on a lower support line). At least this is what I think happens.

>> No.5476915


Nice going, anon. Inspiring to read your story.

>> No.5477704

>implying niggers get women that any white man would be interested in

kek, and good trading btw

>> No.5477867
File: 35 KB, 277x324, confusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone please HELP I WANT TO DO THIS

>> No.5478584

hey man, good for you, I try and stick to a similar strategy with my active trading.
I you probably already know this but just incase:
it sounds like you sell the entirety of the trade at +5% however I would recommend only selling partial amounts it you have confidence in relative bull market of the coin. that way you can take some profit, and can continue to ride it up if it continues to go up. I stick to selling 1/3rd at a time. not 1/3 of initial, but 1/3rd of current holdings. so if I have 6k Ill sell 2k and then be at 4k, then sell 1.3k (13rd of 4k) and so on like a half life. that way I can always profit from the coin moving higher than I anticipated.

also, do you know of Quickfingers Luc on youtube?
he's where I first learned about how you're trading and it matches what he does pretty exactly

>> No.5478765

break in support line indicates trend will move downward for some period of time.
what you need to do is look back at the history of the chart and see if there are support lines that are respected in many cases. that will show you the general area of the next big low. one a base breaks, and you have evidence of the coin respecting other lower support levels, you are then in a zone where it is safe to buy because the odds are stacked in your favor. the odds of it continuing to just keep dropping are low because of further support, so you can reliably expect to be catching the downswing, and assuming the market isn't completely bearish, this will ultimately net you profit. of course you also need to stack larger buy orders at lower levels so that you can properly average down your buy in cost if bases continue to crack without giving you adequate room to take profit.

this strategy is almost guaranteed to work that hard part is dealing with fomo and your emotions when you see a dips.

for more info and good explanations check out https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbcxHiowf0TSNKn3xVpGTiQ
he uses this strategy and trades full time with a ridiculous win record that you can see every so often when he shows you charts. his videos are longer but very valuable

>> No.5478995

awesome dude, now that makes sense.

I'll check out the vids

>> No.5479343

he traded crypto to crypto under a year of hodling
that makes at least 47% tax