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File: 234 KB, 443x630, fxanon2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54708634 No.54708634 [Reply] [Original]


PREVIOUS BREAD: >>54701819


>> No.54708650

safe to go to sleep with TP? lol

>> No.54708661

yah of course

>> No.54708692

In actuality: "drawdown" = the percentage difference between an asset's peak price and trough price within a given time frame. But keep humiliating yourself, champ.

>> No.54708723

HAHAHAH HE POSTED THIS IN BOTH THREADS and now gets dunked on in both threads

A drawdown refers to how much an account has fallen from its peak to its trough in terms of capital or investment amount.

Your account balance can't drawdown while in a trade you fucking donkey. Stay poor amigo, it has worked out well for you this far in life

>> No.54708814

>A drawdown refers to how much an account has fallen
Well done outing yourself as a retail-side mongoloid.

>Your account balance can't drawdown while in a trade
What does it even mean to be "in a trade"? You think your broker discounts the value of the mark-to-market securities you hold? Like, if you bought Lebanese Pounds and the currency shit the bed, you were given a pass? As long as it was "in a trade"? Nigga please.

>> No.54708837
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Do you work at a hedgefund gambling with their money? We are all retail you mouth breathing fucktard

lol poor noises

>> No.54708908

with how much leverage is it safe to long?

>> No.54708909

Anon you have too good a grasp on these things.

Liquid net worth is all that matters. You don't lose net worth until you sell. Everyone that got fucked holding Luna and other scam crypto so long as they haven't sold they haven't experienced a drawdown.

>> No.54708946

depends on your entry point, get in right now and you can max pretty heavy

>> No.54709006
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Awfully quiet, Where did the armchair-analysts and TAcels go?

>Checking in on this blessed FXanon thread.

>> No.54709044
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>> No.54709046

we need more threads like this with insidooors about wich crypto to buy or long/short
but impossible with so many jeet scammers

>> No.54709141

They don't even know about the esoteric Egyptian occult knowledge.

>Literal peasants.


>> No.54709162


>> No.54709174

Meant to reply to this and replied to myself on accident.

>> No.54709203
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>> No.54709240

Instead of having conversations with yourself (or selves), consider developing either finance or sales skills. You seem to be relying on the latter but your attitude to criticism tells any observers exactly what they need to know.

>> No.54709241
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We know.

>> No.54709384

the fuck are you on about schizo?

>> No.54709405


>> No.54709421

Can you set up telegram or something Forex anon?

>> No.54709460


>> No.54709483

It is crazy the way FX opens ones mind to how expansive and intricate the playing field encompasses.

>> No.54709487
File: 507 KB, 500x208, armbreak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks it double topped on the hourly chart. Uhoh

>> No.54709493

quick short it

>> No.54709507

Reminder that OP admitted to being a NAFO tranny shill. Inverse everything he suggests.


>> No.54709513
File: 7 KB, 236x250, 1602087403461s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no dick riding but these are some of the most useful threads I've seen lately on biz

going to bed happy with my +50% profit thanks forex anon

>> No.54709544
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>> No.54709569



>> No.54709590

Nice one schizo.

>> No.54709602

Reminder this is the same schizo from the other thread doing the play who abandoned the thread when the price started pumping and would show up in the next thread like it never happened, just as I said he would

>> No.54709607

damn anon you always make new threads when I'm either away or broke. post more often please

>> No.54709611

*play by play

>> No.54709635

I have 300 bucks. Should I?

>> No.54711555

thankyou forex anon

>> No.54711784

Reporting back in this morning. Right now I'm up 57 pips on USD/JPY. Good times.

>> No.54711821 [DELETED] 

Ooh Mr Kitty Music thread.

Too long didn't read.

>> No.54712336

yw anon

>> No.54712350

we poomping

>> No.54712694

Whoever that is that thread is not me schizo tranny

>> No.54712720

Thank you Forex anon. Have seen you post for months now, but this is the first time I made the push.

>> No.54712747

I can show you all how to double your pips on this play if you hang out in the thread and close when I tell you and get back in at a lower price back into the same play

>> No.54713053

I'll stick around

>> No.54713589

Thanks for posting. I dont know shit about forex, but your cover art from mr kitty has me hooked on his music now.

>> No.54714035

do an add on right here

>> No.54714388

How long are you expecting it to take to reach 135,8 ?

>> No.54714506

24-48 hours most likely

>> No.54714741

reminder to short VISL

>> No.54714779
File: 97 KB, 1808x821, 123456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tradebros.. not like this...

>> No.54715629

you arent a treadebro, you are a butt pirate

>> No.54716875

Still adding ?

>> No.54716908

>samefagging to bump his thread
Mods you gotta fucking range this nigger and all his alt ID's I can't do your fucking job for you but you're absolutely not doing your fucking job.
OP is a scammer period.

>> No.54716940

yes, why wouldnt I? We have a lot more to go in this trade and we are getting a huge discount here

>> No.54716975

how long do i hold this

>> No.54718377

til you get rich or die trying

>> No.54718792
File: 541 KB, 1080x1883, Screenshot_20230424-215552_MetaTrader 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck would you add to a long position here lmao are you brown?

>> No.54719042


i dont feel so good

>> No.54719212

Just be careful if usdjpy breaks 133.60, as it'll confirm this is still in a correction.

>> No.54719413
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>> No.54719673
File: 533 KB, 1080x1906, Screenshot_20230424-230206_MetaTrader 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dollar is in decline and dropped hard today so you have to be a mega brainlet to be long on USDxxx

>> No.54719707

It's difficult to get it right all the time. It's particularly hard when you get caught in the churn of corrective moves, as you can only really tell in hindsight (unless you're really experienced, and very few people get the time to become that experienced). Buy signal mid-correction correction is what this is starting to look like.

>> No.54719776

Well that's the run of forex right? It doesn't matter what an individual currency is doing against the world. It matters what it's going to do against another currency. Forexanon is an autist worthy of our respect, not because his calls are good, but because most of us read too much Doomer news and would fuck up every trade kek.

>> No.54719816

Yah, yah, yah poor faggots like you love to come in every thread and larp as experts when you cant make a two dimes to rub together in the markets. This is a good spot to long and whoever does will make a tidy profit a you will still be poor and melt back into the rest of the retards on this board while we are all counting our stacks

>> No.54719821

Just give it to me, should I eat the loss or wait ?

>> No.54719840
File: 195 KB, 1801x851, 123456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arrogant boomer swine you will KNEEL

>> No.54719875

anyone who's charts look like that has no clue what they are talking about

>> No.54719884

you should be doing an add on here

>> No.54719925

i dunno what they are doing but guys dont yolo hold, adjust your SL... i made profit on the last one, and just got back in on this. let's see how it goes

>> No.54719969

They dont understand anything .... they arent traders. They see one candle go against them, shit their pants and sell at a loss. The market doesnt beeline, it goes both up and down. If you want to make big 100+ pip plays you are going to get some large corrections as well where you loser half the pips you gained. This is why I made this post >>54712747

To show people where local tops are at to take profit then hop back in at the bottom of the correction. Unfortunately the current one was already in process before I made that post.

>> No.54719986
File: 93 KB, 850x723, 7453456345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your long positions then

>> No.54720001

Liars tend not to use contractions.
They subconsciously think it makes them sound more credible to say "I did not" rather than "I didn't." But the truth is, most people speak with contractions. President Clinton so famously said, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."

>> No.54720012
File: 4 KB, 242x208, 8545625476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much for the 135.8 exit then >>54701962

>> No.54720015

Clinton is a kike cocksucking pedo

>> No.54720022

samefag schizo got rekt and ran off with his tail between his legs and now wants to come back and get dunked on some more TOP KEK. How did you penny trades do schizo? Did you make a couple bucks?

>> No.54720032

If those are relative strength or spread indicators, those don't help stopping you from getting caught in choppy markets, it just reinforces what's already there for you to see.

>> No.54720045

That's mainly because of EUR strengthening.

>> No.54720099
File: 36 KB, 1533x875, NznQbiCJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know who you're talking about nor do i care

for the retards who copied OPs trade pic related is JPY strength, it is bouncing off support and as >>54719673 pointed out dollar is doing down so good luck adding more long positions for the next few days

>> No.54720120

How much did you make when I made over 50k last night on this trade? Exactly, stfu poor faggot. If you want to act like hot shit find a trade and make your own thread

>> No.54720140

>i don't know who you're talking about
Yet you linked to the thread it happened in. kys schizo

>> No.54720146

Reduce on whatever pullbacks upward that come. Be out entirely by around 133.60.

>> No.54720177

What I will say though is that this is a corrective move, even on breaks below 133.60, depending on how the other majors and gold/crude oil are looking, you could consider jumping back in.

>> No.54720181
File: 38 KB, 415x470, 54645657456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I made over 50k last night on this trade
sure you did buddy

>> No.54720206

you linked to the previous thread in the OP so i had a quick look through to see what the big brained trade was lmao you need to get back on the meds bro

>> No.54720212

>he doesn't know
The screenshot of my entry and the 22 million dollar position I took was the OP of the thread you linked too IQlet. It isnt hard to calculate how much I made

>> No.54720214

people claim to make money with forex but then will never, EVER post a P/L or account size. really makes you think

>> No.54720234


>> No.54720242

I have posted mine many times. No one on this board trying to help you make free money owes you anything. Make the trade or don't

>> No.54720271

close the second add on here, just made 15 pips

>> No.54720287

at the double bottom buy it back

>> No.54720458

Post your hand jeet scammer.
Three years I've asked you to show a position or your hand, instead you just grift and spam.
Mods this thread is advertising his name bodhi and FOREX ANON need to be ranged,

>> No.54720499

add it back on again here

>> No.54720542

this nigger’s still spamming /biz/?

>> No.54720562

Target price to exit ?

>> No.54720572


>> No.54720669

Yeah, eurusd is about to explode, but I think that'll it be it for us dollar weakness.

>> No.54720793

I was up more this morning, but still up now. OP, is your target exit still 135.80?

>> No.54721203


>> No.54721209

as of right now, yes

>> No.54721223

yw, we are getting a hard pump here but hey you made a free buyin. 30 pips in just those 2 plays

>> No.54721287


That last 4H candle looks pretty promising. I'll keep hanging on and see what comes about, m8.

>> No.54721321

you can take profit here if you want and see what happens at 134.34. Get a better price off the bounce

>> No.54721400

Where did you go? Melt away already? >>54719816

Wanna guess how I just made there on that long?

>> No.54721416

Who is the retard again? Fairly certain it isn't me

>> No.54721447

No, I don't think I will. I think I will just take the 25 grand I made right there and dunk on then tea bag you

>> No.54721470
File: 84 KB, 1808x848, 123456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>22 million dollar position

>> No.54721493

22 million dollar postion only costs 440,000 in capital but you are a pleb retard so of course you don't know this

>> No.54721506

if you were for real you'd be talking about a 0 but since you didn't actually enter the trade you don't notice

>> No.54721538
File: 63 KB, 822x311, play.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever you need to tell yourself get out of bed every morning I guess.

>> No.54721539

got a brokerage account setup and I'm counter trading this retard shorted at 134.5 earlier today

>> No.54721735

Be careful, as the usdjpy could break previous sessions' high, before going down again.

>> No.54721750

I'm only using 50x leverage so my liquidation is pretty safe. I'll close it if OP closes their long though

>> No.54721778

If you werent retarded and you could read you would see I already said to close above and right here -> >>54721538 I opened a short myself to scalp this correction. You are stupid like most people on this board however so such things elude your tiny little brain

>> No.54721907

Well shit now it's going to pump and I'm stuck in this trade until tomorrow morning

>> No.54721924

You are stuck being you, instead of me, forever, you should be much more upset about that

>> No.54722180

tick tock :^)

>> No.54722448

ok you can jump back in long now

yah w/e that means, you are still poor though

>> No.54722477

my god lollll

>> No.54722551
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>> No.54722597

Ok I was retarded and used a 500x long. I only lost 3 bucks.

What's the recommended x?

>> No.54722690
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>> No.54722706
File: 29 KB, 546x483, anubis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ejaculated into your mom to release my yogic sex magic powers to RISE