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5470346 No.5470346 [Reply] [Original]

Exit all alts now, you've been warned

>> No.5470392
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I missed like 30 moon missions because of family so this brings me GREAT joy

>> No.5470416

Oh this thread again. Shut the fuck up weak hand faggot cuck.

>> No.5470444


>> No.5470449

on what precisely? It still has all the issues it always had, and the only reason it isn't moving down is fucking obvious manipulation

>> No.5470684

oh yeah, im going to exit alts whove Nope enough cash for 2 year burns. , holding for 12 months. i only have yo win on one.

>> No.5470703

You'll see real soon

>> No.5470797

please I am really desperate for the ride
cannot stand how useless shitcoins are crushing the king even temporarily now

>> No.5470826

>exit all alts guys
>I'm not going to give you guys any reasons to
>but you should do what I say for no reason
go fuck yourself

>> No.5470850
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>They dont know that Segwit2x is forking in 3 days

>> No.5470852



>> No.5470909


BTC moon = alts dump


>> No.5470939

>we can now fit more transactions in our blocks
>so we only have 160k unconfirmed transactions instead of 200k
wow sounds amazing

>> No.5470961

Fucking idiot. Even if it did go up a tiny bit its still not breaking the massive downtrend. BTC wont recover. The only recovery it will have is when it flattens out.

>> No.5470985

Thanks. Good call. Dumped the lot.

>> No.5471018


>> No.5471038


So you are trying to say that no one wants in on the upcoming fork? Or that Wallstreet is going to continue to short after they sold all their shit?


>> No.5471063
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The post that killed /biz/

>> No.5471068

that circular logic
>exit all alts because BTC will moon
>alts dump when BTC moons
nobody in this thread has said anything of substance

>> No.5471104

Your coin sucks so fucking hard and you are so fucking desperate that you are hoping that people drop alts that for a chance of tiny gains from a fork.

Fucking no.. And you suggested this AS BTC is takinga shit for good measure.

>> No.5471111

how can you say this to somebody trying to save you from taking a huge financial loss?

bad karma

>> No.5471150


I can tell you are a newfag cause you have never been in an alt when BTC moons.

>> No.5471189
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>> No.5471203

Ur a fucking retard. His point is that you have given no reason why BTC will moon

>> No.5471236

>I can tell you are a newfag cause you have never been in an alt when BTC moons.

You mean like in 2017 when nearly every alt coin destroyed Bitcoin in percentage gains so fucking hard it was a joke to hold BTC?

>> No.5471302

lol what, are you guys literally brand new? only got here after the last jump? jesus christ

>> No.5471327

>you're full of shit
yeah kys

>> No.5471349

Are you a fucking shill hoping that you can cut your loses on someone else cuz you bought in at 15k?

I am patiently waiting for this fucking moon mission right now though.

>> No.5471402


Read the thread you cuck I gave two reasons

>> No.5471428

you're not fooling me. i've got 5 mil in mooncoin. the 1 sat buy wall was cut in half overnight

>> No.5471750

Banks and coinbase deposits opening after Christmas weekend, plus everyone with their Christmas money from mummy and daddy buying in.

>> No.5471965

>Stealing satoshis coins.

>> No.5472099


I also predict this will happen, but we'll see!

>> No.5472176

>Bitcoin is gonna moon
>I can't say exactly, but it will happen soon
>yeah kys
Two can play that game, bitter nocoiner

>> No.5472238

>I know that something will happen soon but I don't know why it will happen
are you retarded, high, or both?

>> No.5472443

Ever heard of a gut feeling? It's what dictates stocks and coin markets

>> No.5472482

you could just have said you're retarded like a normal pers..... nevermind

buy as much as you can. to the moon, anon

>> No.5472754

Fucking moon mission right now goys. This shit will go up like 50 bucks maybe. Make sure to sell off at the top alright.

>> No.5472783

>thinks bitcoin isnt actually gonna go up in price again
how about you tell my why bitcoin is suddenly just gonna sit there after 7 years. go ahead. im listening.

>> No.5472830

>tell my why bitcoin is suddenly just gonna sit there after 7 years
170000 unconfirmed transactions, full blocks, 200$ fees, futures on regular exchanges, better coins being available

take your pick

>> No.5472851

whats the 40 year Tbill homie. I want one

>> No.5472907

People follow incentives and right now there are bigger incentives to stagnant BTC. ALTS moon a lot more and you can gain big time on BCH had you traded your BTC for at least 9 BCH.

Also the lightning network is fucking cancer. Anyone who thinks that shit is better than just having a debit card or something similar is an obvious shill or moron.

There is no fucking reason for BTC to have a big upward movement again until shit changes.

>> No.5472971


>Lightning Network

You know for a fact that one day you'll wake up and LN is activated and BTC runs up to 35k while BCH, BTG, LTC, Dash, all fall 50-60%.

It's not FUD, it's inevitable.

>> No.5472979

BTC is shit, I'm not buying your retarded coin. Satoshi would be ashamed of you (assuming he's dead).

>> No.5472999
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>gut feeling

>> No.5473068
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BTC will moon but not right now. It just finished correction after insane $20k moon mission. Refueling now, $25k next mission with $20k as our new floor.

>> No.5473177


>> No.5473395


Lol people are not turning back to bitcoin anon

>> No.5473459
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>20k floor
bitcoin is dead pajeet we have moved on

>> No.5473636

just had the pleasure of waiting over an hour for 3 confirmations to transfer bitcoins, never using it again lmao what a fucking steaming pile of shit

>> No.5473659

don't get caught in the bull pen, wait for this to level and buy back in

>> No.5474041

I understand that bitcoin is king but aside from the coming fork, is it really a good idea to hold any crypto at the moment?

>> No.5474609

its also a way to defuse a time bomb nobody knows when to explode

>> No.5474643

it explodes in 2020 when the Tulip Trust is released

>> No.5474671
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