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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54702990 No.54702990 [Reply] [Original]

Made 2mil in last bull and have no clue what the fuck to do next. Every method I used to money online for the past 10 years stopped working, no career, no side income, no gf nothing. I have tried to trade, unsuccessfully and that isn't going well either. I still live with my mom and dad and occasionally spend money on vacations. Zero meaningful expenses besides that. My life has not changed since before crypto, still the same loser who's akes up and spends his whole day in front of the screen jerking off. What the fuck do I do next?

>> No.54702999

Stick it in treasuries and relax

>> No.54703011

5% yield on bonds on 2 mil = 100k a year passive income

>> No.54703052

Only 25% of it is cashed out and stuck in bank paying me 2% per annum. I want to cash out the whole sum but I'm scared of being fucked over by banks
How does a non American get access to bonds and tbills

>> No.54703055
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Keep a 10-15% cash buffer (money-market) and put the rest in a high-dividend ETF, stop trying to trade.
Start exercising daily, ideally lifting weights but you don't feel like that then whatever kind of cardio you feel like, or even just yoga and stretching.
Then try and find something you can derive meaning out of and follow it. Clearly sitting in a chair living hedonistically isn't making you happy.

>> No.54703074

>How does a non American get access to bonds and tbills
What country? You can only buy bills directly from the US treasury if you have a social security number, but you should be able to buy then on the secondary market through a brokerage in other countries.

>> No.54703160


>> No.54703162
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>Made 2mil in last bull

You gambled and won... you did not MAKE any money... gambling is luck.
You have no skills and no talents.

>> No.54703203

Money will never make you happy. Relationships will. Self actualization will. Get creative with something. Learn a new skill. Do something that makes you feel good about yourself instead of doing things that you know cause self loathing but do them anyway.

>> No.54703234

you ever tried growing the fuck up? jesus christ you sound pathetic. all the money to do whatever you want with and you can't figure out a path? genuinely embarrassing, anon. I'd give you advice but it's clear you'd never follow it. you can't help somebody who won't help themselves.

>> No.54703243

Dividend stocks are still vulnerable to the movements of the markets like anything else. Dividend investing is kind of stupid desu. You're exposing your portfolio to volatility just so you can collect a measley fifty cents per share every quarter.

>> No.54703249
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go to your local tax lawyer(very important: it's need to be from merchant guild) and pay him for helping you to cash out.

>> No.54703341

fit lit u nigger tier retard
make your ancestors pround
and then learn to play music

>> No.54703734

In 2018-21, I made a substantial profit of $1.3 million in cryptocurrency. However, I encountered a problem when it came to withdrawing my earnings. Despite seeking advice from multiple accountants, I found myself in a financial grey area due to having mined the cryptocurrency during the roll-out of new tax regulations in my country. This put me in a precarious situation where I was at risk of losing everything, especially as my gains hit $4.75 million.

I felt a great deal of fear and uncertainty until a family friend's accountant suggested that I move my funds to a tax haven. This involved setting up a few businesses to increase cash flow and make it easier to withdraw my earnings from the cryptocurrency market. While it may seem like a daunting task to set up a new business, it is a perfectly legal and widely-used practice in many countries. Moreover, many financial grey areas exist around the world, and with the right advice and guidance, it can be a wise decision to take advantage of these opportunities.

It is worth noting that I did not engage in any illegal activity, and I took the necessary steps to ensure that my actions were above board. By moving my funds to a tax haven and setting up businesses to manage my finances, I was able to secure my earnings and continue to make profitable investments. Therefore, I would highly recommend seeking professional advice and exploring all available options when dealing with cryptocurrency investments and tax regulations. In the end, it is essential to make informed decisions that align with your financial goals and comply with all legal requirements of the law.

>> No.54703859

Go to the gym, stop coooooooming, go out and enjoy what God have gifted you.

>> No.54704058

Youtube comment section on any finance video, is that you?

>> No.54704485

buy a nice house, invest the rest in a safe portfollio mix, work an easy-ish but fun job that allows you to meet people and give you some spending cash each week.

You're literally set for life on ez mode, stop being a retard and just set yourself up for cruising.

>> No.54704610

Get some bags in on some real cryptos with assets, rights, and identities decentralization and watch.

>> No.54704716

Haha wouldn't it be funny if you gave random anons on this board gifts of 10-100k just for fun?

>> No.54705322

Buy some based narratives like DiDs

>> No.54705732

Crypto ecosystems that shield transaction histories and assets from outside view look okay to me.

>> No.54705762

Or just buy privacy cryptos and relax.

>> No.54706147

>You're exposing your portfolio to volatility just so you can collect a measley fifty cents per share every quarter.
What do you mean? Your portfolio is always exposed to volatility. Dividends are just a different approach, if you buy quality dividend stocks then you know the company is going to keep paying you out every quarter. It's a cash flow investment. If you want appreciation then you're probably not looking at dividend stocks, though you might STILL be because sometimes dividend stocks plummet in price and if you think the company isn't actually dying then you buy the stock, and you get an exceptionally cheap dividend that could just keep rising as the company continues existing into the future. That's how you end up with shares that are giving you 20%+ yearly returns on what you paid for them.

But like anything else in the market, nothing is guaranteed. You don't know what those really lucrative dividend stocks are until you have the benefit of hindsight.

>> No.54706162

Just spend the crypto with the binance card and stake on usdt on Binance

>> No.54706937

>Trusting your 2mil on a CEX

>> No.54707216

Unfortunately your parents are autistic otherwise they wouldn’t raise you or rather the lack there of so you end up still living with them in your 30s and them tolerating it

Sorry unfortunately you will never be normal.
Being a normalfag and never knowing about biz is the actual making it