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54699712 No.54699712 [Reply] [Original]

>Videogames are not fun anymore

>> No.54699725

playing dust2 while drunk is still fun

>> No.54699739

welcome to adulthood

>> No.54699750
File: 987 KB, 720x1280, what i like most about being in my 30's.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you just have depression.

>> No.54699769

this made mecringe

>> No.54699773

get an ADHD diagnosis

>> No.54699790

Just boughted VR and it's too fun. So fun I want to puke. Although that's mostly motion sickness. So fun reality feels not real enough

>> No.54699826

Play gacha games

>> No.54699829


>> No.54699878

>>Videogames are not fun anymore
That's one of the last purgatories before you break the addiction (ya you probably have one)
Just keep going.
For a while you'll try to recapture the interest.
Boot up a game, lose interest with in 5-15min, spend a while just browsing your library up and down hoping something stands out.
You know that library has just been holding you back from doing what you should actually be pursuing.
Uninstall everything and get a new hobby.
That's roughly how it went for me

>> No.54699889
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>spend 3 hours trying to decide what to play because you are bored
>play for 30 mins
>get owned by 13 year old autistic kids who play 16 hours per day and scream in the mic
>ah this is why i don't play anymore

>> No.54699890

It's called anhedonia and it's a symptom of a downregulated dopamine system, probably from too much porn, but can also be from shitty diet, health issues, or drug use.

>> No.54699894

You'll come back, I've been through this phase.
>holding you back from doing what you should actually be pursuing
That's the key to your post, you have IRL shit that needs to be done, that's why you can't enjoy games. RL shit keeps eating at you, but it'll stop once you solve your problems and reach inner peace. I don't need to do shit IRL, enjoying myself is my full time job now, I'm retired.

>> No.54699895

find a less onions hobby bro
>drinking cringe

>> No.54699912
File: 126 KB, 1288x1913, Alone In The Dark 4 settings NTSC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just play old games. Go play Alone in the Dark 4 for PSX. Use RetroArch with Beetle core with PGXP on. Make sure you use a PlayStation controller that has analog sticks (like a DualShock 2 or similar) because you need the left stick to aim the flashlight. Use these exact settings to get the best graphics. Gives it a grainy look (like Silent Hill 2 and 3) and makes it much darker so the flashlight actually becomes necessary.

>> No.54699927

the video is cringe but rediscovering interests from teenage years in their 30s is pretty based and I do that too.

>> No.54699939

for me, it's deus ex

>> No.54699944

If you are into multiplayers, play boomer games. Im into hell let loose with my friends and the average age is >35yo because you need coordination, communication and matches are 1 hour and that filter zoomers.
Recently Im playing hunt showdown and its enjoyable, a mix of pve + pvp too

>> No.54699949

it's cringe because she's a childless w*man prioritizing playing zelda at age 30.

>> No.54699952
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These are frogs.

>> No.54699962
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>> No.54699971
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Monster Hunter is still alot fun you're just a faggot

>> No.54699972

This, 30s is when you start to rewatch and replay shit from your teens. Not because you're having a midlife crisis but simply because you have now forgotten those movies, shows and games completely and can experience them as if they're brand new to you. And why the hell wouldn't you, they're still good.

>> No.54700026
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I've uninstalled and reinstalled steam about 10 times in the past 4 months. I've been using vidya to cope with a breakup, which I don't even enjoy playing, but can still dump 4+hrs into. It's just cheap and shit dopamine which I'm sick of. At least I'm now hitting critical mass of how pathetic I feel and am consciously aware of how much of a waste of time this goyslop is.

Ya'll got any good sources or motivational vids on quitting this shit for good?

>> No.54700041

It's not games that are bad it's that you can't enjoy them because you're using them to run from your problems rather than for fun. Kind of like when fatties stuff their fat faces with food to feel better about themselves. Doesn't mean food is bad and you should stop enjoying it, just means face your fucking problems, and then also enjoy some food, games, movies, everything really

>> No.54700042

Just allow yourself 1hr of gaming per day, it makes it special, fun, and you cut down a lot.

If you really wanna quit flat-out then just do it.

>> No.54700064

haha faggot you'll never reach lvl 10 faceit with that attitude stupid nigger git gud queer

>> No.54700080
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>look up dopamine downregulation
>according to the top links, upregulation markers only begin to occur at 3 weeks and can take 4 months + to fully acclimate
Absolutely brutal when you realize you'd need to do picrel but for months. I'd like to believe 7 days is fast enough, but it probably takes a while longer to rewire our brains.
Yeah I'm just gonna modify my host file to block out access to everything and throw away the keys to file access. Scorched earth, fuck it.

>> No.54700095

Unironically this

>> No.54700129

Anecdotally I feel much better even just going 1 week without PMO (porn, masturbation)

The brain is weird, it hops around all over the place in the beginning and a number of different downstream neurotransmitters are involved, for example endorphins, and hormones like testosterone

I wouldn't let that discourage you, you will have "good days" and "bad days" from quite early on.

>> No.54700138
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I've been on a vidya nostalgia binge lately and it's making me sad. I like roaming around maps I used to play as a kid. But now they just feel small and empty. I hope my old LAN party friends are around when I've made it, so we can nostalgia together again.

>> No.54700140

find a friend or girlfriend who's genuinely enjoys games. playstation has a lot of couch coop

>> No.54700170

bro I'm 22 and I still enjoy playing GTA SA

>> No.54700203

I tried playing a JRPG recently and it felt like some sort of spreadsheet dragger with some cutscenes inbetween. It had the feeling of dragging an Excel formula down to the bottom of the page and then starting on the next column.

>> No.54700236

>has friends who play games
>has time to play 1h matches
Tell you're a zoomer without telling me

>> No.54700261

The older I got, the less stimulating I found them. I like to have no-commentary walkthroughs of Final Fantasy games on in the background, but I could never really bring myself to play videogames much anymore though.

I have a game called Bannerlord that I sometimes have a go at but I can't play for more than 30 minutes at most, but I used to spend hours on Civ 5 and Cities: Skylines some years back.

>> No.54700273

>duuuude I'm so busy
Why? Your 35 and you still have to wage doesn't sound to me like you're very smart. Did you miss out on every pump

>> No.54700470

You still live with your parents and play with minors don't you?

>> No.54700622

Yes games are bad. Particularly main stream ones. Games were better in the late 90s and early 00s. I would play quake for hours now if there was a player base, but there's not so I don't. Jews killed them all, first the gameplay then with woke shit

>> No.54700708
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>saved vidya and reignites your childhood love for them

>> No.54700724

Video games used to be developed by enthusiasts for enthusiasts. Now they are 100% corporate products for dumb 11 year olds. They are not fun, but they could be.

>> No.54700765

pathetic, cope, and self-delusion

you know playing video games all day is not a good use of a life and no one respects it regardless of how much money you have made or whether you're 'retired'. Stop self-deceiving and coping, and set new goals and get proper hobbies. This goes for everyone in this thread who defends playing video games as an adult for any serious amount of time.


>> No.54700824

How do i profit from this?

>> No.54701247

I don't give a single fuck whether hylics respect me or not.

>> No.54701270

this is what lead me to quitting video games. the only games i might consider playing in the future are new elder scrolls and new fallout. other than that, i couldn't care less.

>> No.54701453

Modern videogames all look like hyperrealistic films and utterly soulless

Peak gaming was 2005-2007 with RuneScape. Nothing will ever match that experience of being part of a fantasy world. A living breathing ecomony and player base with the future ahead of it

Every other experience is boring in comparison. Sex drugs money irl all pale in comparison to peak 2006 RuneScape

That is why I'm depressed now

>> No.54701475

Every real human bean wants to be rich so they can play games all day

You are an NPC who wants to virtue signal to other NPC's. Begone with you

>> No.54701479

quake live has an active playerbase1

>> No.54701487

unironically this but for original WoW before the expansions back in 2005

>> No.54701490

>quake live
played it like 5 years ago. it's nothing but 30 year old boomers who destroy you because they've been playing quake since the summer of 96.

>> No.54701615
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>> No.54701637

I play half life 1 once every 2 months

>> No.54701645

don't you get bored of it

>> No.54701651

half life 1 and 2 have insanely good gameplay
could play those games forever

>> No.54701679

Holy fuck are you me?

>> No.54701750

yeah but completing it every 2 months

it's a good game but there's other ones to play too

>> No.54701806

I went all in with all my energy and free time to reach freedom in order to finally have time to play games, and after reaching this goal I became unable to do it because of a never ending to do list of tasks for self improvement...

>> No.54701830

That's a good thing anon, you have the motivation and burning desire to achieve your goals...

>> No.54701856

vidya is pretty boring. i'm getting back into anime and manga though.

>> No.54701879

inb4 macs r gay
its what i have available, but apple fucked TF2. my only fucking game. whatever

>> No.54701881

Theyre major timesinks. I start one up then realize Im going to be sitting my room clicking away in a pretend world for the purpose of dopamine hits. I dont really gain anything from it so I stopped playing them mostly. I only play games with friends once a week or so or a little multiplayer stuff that is quick. Other than that Id rather be working on improving my skills

>> No.54701911

tf2 is gud

>> No.54701917
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Star being with women. They are even more fun than video games were.

>> No.54701940
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>it's just videogames for him
It's EVERYTHING for me, OP. Got bored of vidya, got into anime (like obsessed weeb for 4 years), got bored of it completely (haven't finished an anime in years), started becoming an alcoholic for a couple years, getting blasted and watching anime/playing vidya and then reflecting on life while hungover would be the highlight of me week and I always looked forward to it. Until about half a year ago when I learned I don't even enjoy drinking anymore.

I never got the people who say "ohhh you like booze? check that alcoholism." Fuck off, I grew out of it naturally. I WISH I could become an alcoholic, it was the only thing I loved besides masturbating, and now it just sucks. I just don't even get any dopamine from alcohol at all anymore, it puts me straight to sleep.

Fuck, I wish anything were fun anymore. I still enjoy being a coomer but perhaps I will get bored of masturbation soon, too. I love my job but I need outside inspiration and I'm losing all my external sources.

>> No.54701949

I played runescape then and it was just one fad game during the peak era of gaming fads. In no matter comperable to having sex with a good girl while on drugs lmao. Or good sex without the drugs for that matter. Or just partying while on the drugs. How autistic are you?

>> No.54701950
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>only interest in games is pseudojob MMOs that require >20h weekly
>i'm not even WFH or have an office job

>> No.54701983


>> No.54701985

It’s called growing up anon.

You can’t sit on the dopamine treadmill forever. Unironically start lifting.

>> No.54701990

>every real human wants to be in a poor simulation of life 24/7

You're quite the retard, aren't you?

>> No.54701994

try VR games, i only play vr games now its much more fun. I even made some vr environments that got popular for a while.

>> No.54702010

>not mentioning being with IRL women or having a family once in this post

Are you all complete freaks or what?

>> No.54702012

You're supposed to wait and do that with your kids lmao

>> No.54702043

In the course of all of those happenings I did bang more than a few hookers in a few different countries. I love my family but they're quite annoying to live around (they're recently divorced). I would like to get rich someday so I can buy them all houses and stop worrying about them, and maybe they'll be less annoying. But I certainly don't derive much meaning from them as of right now.

>> No.54702060

Niggas who weren’t there for vanilla wow and TBC will never ever know the magic

>> No.54702132


play paradox games anon. That will keep you company.

>> No.54702134

Vidya all day? That is absolutely a waste of your retirement. You could be hiking, going to the gym, doing something passive like running a shop dedicated to something you actually enjoy, starting a local community charity of some sort, you name it. There’s nothing wrong with an 2 or 3 hours for entertainment as an alternative to the televised jew, but all day is just as fucked as the 40+ year old wine roastie watching ellen and the view all day.

>> No.54702146

dota2 turned dota3 and not even playable anymore.. fmd there goes 10k hours wasted

>> No.54702177

Videogames are still fun but I'm broke so I can't sit there and play them. If I was rich I'd play them all the time.kanwsy

>> No.54702183

>ou could be hiking, going to the gym, doing something passive like running a shop

Look at this clown. Don't waste your energy that way, Waste it this way.

Your average person is not a world-changer so it doesn't matter what they do.

>> No.54702191

That's because you're posting on 4chAN instead of gaming rn

>> No.54702196

running your little shop wil change the world someday I'm sure bbby

>> No.54702204

Gaming is actual fun tho I'm gonna go do it enjoy the view lmao

>> No.54702208

Vidya is a winter thing for me. Now is fishing, kayaking and mountain biking time. I'm getting ready. In my living room because I am single and ain't got no bitch to tell me I can't build mtbs in my living room.

>> No.54702217
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Forgot pic

>> No.54702249

Not all day obviously, the key to having a fun life is switching your hobbies up. Everything you listed is fucking gay though. Walking and lifting things are not my ideas of fun. Neither is running a fucking shop Jesus Christ man do you even know what fun is? If you insist on creating something, create art, that's what you create for fun. 3D, 2D, music, that's fun. Hell even cooking is fun. Won't make money with it though, or "contribute to society". But I don't have to that's kind of the point of retiring, you just do things for yourself

>> No.54702253
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>dota2 turned dota3 and not even playable anymore.. fmd there goes 10k hours wasted
addicts hate it when their drug of choice is taken away

>> No.54702262

Modern games are garbage just like music and movies.

>> No.54702278

How do you fish as a single man then? Just go to a lake alone? Or did you find fishing buddies? I want to fish too but I only did it with my dad as a kid and now I've got nobody to fish with

>> No.54702282

What are you, 12 years old? Get your shit together, loser.

>> No.54702286
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You were told
You didn't listen

>> No.54702321

This is so true. Videogames are repetitive and keep following the same cookie cutter process. Share holders demand profit so now the game devs become sissified and can't take any risk.
Videogames wont be good again until AI makes videogame development so easy that anyone can do it.

>> No.54702338

>Absolutely brutal when you realize you'd need to do picrel but for months.
one of the experts in the field suggests one month abstention from that which you are addicted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3JLaF_4Tz8

>> No.54702341
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I bought a small piece of land and 3 chickens. Im also growing some veggies. It really helped me to get in touch with nature more and appreciate the small things in life. Maybe it'll help you too.

>> No.54702373

Eventually you'll become a straight up drug addict. That's what's happening to me. Some people are just broken.

>> No.54702398

When I had no money and time, I loved videogames to death. Now when I have both, video games don't pull me anymore...

>> No.54702409

>doesn't know how to mod
>missing out on Tale of Two Wastelands, Men of War Assault Squad 2 treasure trove
all for free

>> No.54702411

Appreciate the tip anon, I should only be a few years away from being able to afford cheap land so we'll see how things go.
Doubt that will happen, I've heard to much shit about everything being laced with fentanyl to even consider taking anything that anyone gives me unless I really trust them. I don't have many friends anyway so this is a bit of a non-issue.

>> No.54702489

no, new video games just suck now
i dont dislike playing video games just because i aged 10 years

>> No.54702625

Yes they are you are just depressed anon. Trust me, I used to be depressed to but since I have been healed video games are fun again

>> No.54702655

I haven't had friends since I was a child. I buy all my drugs off of darknet markets. I only like stimulants, so fentanyl isn't an issue, though it wouldn't be anyway since fentanyl isn't an issue outside of the US.

>> No.54702735

i got 1,000 hours out of rdr2.
before that, was years of 0 vidya.
even counter-strike wore off.

women replaced videogames for me.
but now i am replacing women with 4chan.

and soon i will replace 4chan
with taftaj.

>> No.54702866

i just play trackmania for like 30 min a day lol

>> No.54702966

I go on my kayak or boat. I throw lures with expensive Japanese rod and reels because they are cool. Its not a social activity. I'll only bring a buddy when using the bass boat because it's a fiberglass barge and difficult to get on and off the trailer.

>> No.54702969

Yes, video games decades ago were much worse, there were 100 shitty ones for each mega man but you were young, had imagination and only remember the good ones. Now ur grown up hormones are making u repulse new stuff and stick to old ways and protect the children u dont have.

>> No.54703026

I think it's like a natural progression from being a "halfpro" gamer playing CS or BW then going into crypto or poker when above 30

then sometimes you are like "well, i make 150k coding and today I just wanna play scout on tf 2 and slam a cold one"

but then you realize, no fuck this crap

>> No.54703068

cool story brah

>> No.54703085

you just hate her because you're 30 yo khhv loser

>> No.54703178
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>> No.54703265

>Every other experience is boring in comparison. Sex drugs money irl all pale in comparison to peak 2006 RuneScape

You've either done none of those things or you have a very special type of autism

>> No.54703275

god I miss brood war. it's just not the same anymore.

>> No.54703294

4v4 BGH infinite crystals and gas memories will never come back bros...

>> No.54703298
File: 561 KB, 828x455, IMG_7079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ ‘tards are going to spit on me for this, but Elden Ring with the seamless coop mod was probably the best video game experience i ever had. just finished yesterday, including beating Malenia, with minimal cheesing.
Wandering the Lands Between and taking about poo and pee with friends enriched my life in ways clubbing never could

>> No.54703299

This is why i dont play any type of competitive multiplayer games anymore

>> No.54703310

It feels like I have forgotten why I started doing it, and am stuck inside a perpetual machine with no final goal to serve as a limit.
Even if I feel regret when I am not doing something to improve, I should at least fulfill my original promise to my past self.

>> No.54703314

I went through this for about 10 years but now I like them more than ever. You are in a nest//$$ phase. theres many different phases in life.

>> No.54703325

What is nest/money phase

>> No.54703335
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the memories persist, but the experience is gone forever. I'm happy it happened, at least.

apparently the UMS community is pretty active these days but I haven't looked into it.

my cursor is still the brood war one.

>> No.54703360

this is something I needed to hear. been looking into the seamless co-op mod for a while now. ty anon

>> No.54703416

yeah but.. how much you bench? that's gotta count for something, no?

>> No.54703431

i've been benching 50kg x 10 reps for months now
whenever i increase the weight i feel like im not ready yet

>> No.54703445

You are peak NPC. Nothing matches the innocence and wonder of early RuneScape. Truly captivating

I've done all those other things and I yearn for 2006 RuneScape, not the other stuff

>> No.54703451

All the other stuff relies on interacting in NPC meatspace so it sucks already. Sex is okay

>> No.54703458

money, career, sex, raising a family, becomes the videogame instead. Making a dent in actual reality is a way bigger high than the simulated videogame ones. It becomes a gigantic waste of time.

However, I came back to it, because I don't care about all that alpha male dominance shit anymore. But for about a decade period it was a fever. Happened to all my friends too.

>> No.54703468

the best runescape was runescape classic. the original one. either way, you're not wrong.
might need to increase with smaller jumps. try using 1.25lb plates on either side. you need to overload, no matter how small the difference is.

>> No.54703474

could be related to testosterone levels peaking, and declining with age.

>> No.54703492

Literally a cookie clicker with puzzles.

>> No.54703602
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>no loving gf
I’m so tired bros.

>> No.54703852

>He didn't play it in 2005


>> No.54703871
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>phantom brigade is cool but its hard

>> No.54703883

The ironic part is that when you get older, the less you give a fuck about what others think. Especially if you’re financially independent, then who cares what you do?

>> No.54704064

Nanomachines, son!

>> No.54704125
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for the younglings itt

>> No.54704139

How so? Old valve games don't work on the new hardware/os?
That's pretty retarded. Can you install Linux? Or run it in a VM even? Valves Linux support is better these days and Linux is free of apple's handcuffs/treating you like a retarded child.

>> No.54705126

Lol get shit on kid you're my personal toilet

>> No.54705196

im unemployed, i live alone, and most of my days are spent playing videogames. How can i afford this? Easy. Ive bought pepl.

>> No.54705213


... until you cum.

>> No.54705284


>> No.54705318

Literally need a "Batman Begins" style retreat for 3 months.

>> No.54705326

Yeah they arent the only game I play now is clash of clans and i dont really like it...

>> No.54705331

>gaming since i was 4
>playing world of warships right now
>not fun

OP you need to stop being a bitch and find a game you actually like.

>> No.54705374

This thread really hits home, I haven't played a videogame in months and I can't even enjoy movies or anime anymore like I used to. Some anons are saying it's part of adulthood, but this 34 year old nigga still enjoys games so who is right? Am I just depressed? How can I enjoy life again, the things I used to enjoy?

I believe its called adenhonia or some shit but i have no idea why its happening

>> No.54705430

Why theory on why video games are getting worse now is the silver tsunami. All the experienced boomer devs are retiring with no one to replace them so video games are being made by increasingly incompetent people. This is a huge problem in tons of other American economic sectors.

>> No.54705450

who is buying this crap? as long as people buy this shit and make money for these autocratic conglomerates we are going down the snowcrash route instead of the open-source-everything route.

>> No.54705462

Yes, they do suck, but the main reason a lot of us played video games when we were kids is because being a kid sucks and there's nothing else to do except ride your bike, jack off, and play video games. Once you start driving and going out to parties with friends, it opens up so many new things to you that make you realize what a waste of time video games were. If you didnt grow out of video games by like 18 then you're probably some fucking incel chud nigger.

>> No.54705534

>why don't i enjoy these masturbatory distractions anymore while life is passing me by sitting here doing nothing? i must be mentally unwell!
it's not anhedonia, it's your subconscious trying to wake you up and tell you to find purpose and overcome your fear of death so you can risk everything and conquer new frontiers for your tribe and manifest daring ideas into reality. vidya (and all games in general) are just playful training for real life. some day you gave to take the lessons learned and apply them.

>> No.54705685

Get fucked pussy

>> No.54705716

>take the happy goy pills instead of actually improving your life
nice try, schlomo

>> No.54705749

i don't get excited for anything anymore.. wtf

i don't care about vidya, new movies, new music, nothing. wat do

>> No.54705804

go outside during the day and get amazed by the sky and the light

>> No.54705906

tf2 used to be my favorite game and I've stopped playing it because pubs are either tryharding to the max or getting rolled. I just want some casual fragging.

>> No.54705946

Because it's impossible to download and play 20 year old games. New games are fine if you like single player.

>> No.54705950
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you're just depressed, simple as. alpha guru tatetards will tell you to it's because you need to grow up, be a man, etc. but they are depressed too. i'm never depressed and can enjoy things perfectly well

>> No.54705965

>overcome your fear of death so you can risk everything and conquer new frontiers for your tribe and manifest daring ideas into reality.

What fucking planet do you live on? We are going to be chipped slaves living in pods and forced to eat insects by the end of the decade

>> No.54705966

build a camping pack and see how long you can last in the wild

>> No.54705983

would find testicles

>> No.54706003

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.54706042

Diversify life like a portfolio and you'll never get bored. Fight that depression and vidya will be fun again. Don't forget to hate niggers and jews (and jeets)

>> No.54706129
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I do miss being able to immerse myself in games like I could when I was younger, but even in current year I can find games to sink some hours in
not to mention a huge growing backlog of old stuff I've yet to play

>> No.54706157
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Just change your vidya to a foreign language and never play in English again… You’ll either learn a new language for your time invested, or get frustrated and quit, so it’s a win-win. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1yJZP1nLckU

>> No.54706168
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RE4 remake is awesome and there are a ton of great games coming out this year

>> No.54706201

Damn - is it really that easy to retire in my country? I was really not aware of this fact - I should really push for this

>> No.54706202

cheers fren, thanks

>> No.54706213

Get your test checked fren. Seriously I don't even mean it as an insult because I was a lot like yourself before. If you're in the US go to a men's health clinic, it'll take like an hour and $100 to see if you're low test

>> No.54706234

Yeah, we play some weekends instead of watching the current netflix bullshit. What is so strange about it?

>> No.54706237

9/10 depression is caused by poor diet and lack of exercise, make sure you arent consuming too much goyslop (seed oils, HFCS, etc) and work out at least 20 mins a day

>> No.54706401

Double those numbers in non shithole countries, who came up with this shit?

>> No.54706460

i would double them in every country desu

>> No.54707324
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I masturbate while gaming (which limits me to games where you can manage with one hand).

>> No.54707335

Earthbound chads stay winning. The only RPG you can fap while playing the entire thing.

>> No.54709380

They have been replaced with vR games anon. Dyor

>> No.54709391

As it should be bizfag

>> No.54709417

Well a few video games are still banging Chad. But gaming has evolved to new and interesting sectors, just like innovation I came across on a platform that brings metaverse and VR gaming to automobiles for backseat entertainment.

>> No.54709429
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That sucks OP.
Last night I hunted elk for 3 hours.

>> No.54709446

this would be based if she wasn't just another feminist where

>> No.54709456
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>> No.54709946

I watched this clip a few months ago of Klaus Schwab's advisor directly telling us that drugs and vidya are tools of control, and instantaneously uninstalled everything and deleted steam without a second's thought. I had struggled to quit a few times, but something about this WEF giga jew directly telling me to my face that video games are poison gave me all the motivation I needed to quit. Haven't looked back since.
Drugs are just a more extreme example of vidya. Meaningless sex, drugs, and vidya all share one thing in common - dopamine. This is coming from someone with a fair share in all 3

>> No.54709984

Unironically. You need to go on a 3 month + dopamine detox where you starve your brain of any entertainment whatsoever.
That's it. Keep your phone on ultra battery saving mode so it only can be used for phonecalls. Hit ctrl + win + c on your PC right now to turn on grayscale and stop flooding your brain with quick dopamine hits. This shit gets easier when your dope receptors start to unfuck themselves and the small things in life become enjoyable again, but you have to endure a month of painful readjustment

Vidya is poison. Drugs are poison. The internet was invented by the military and is mostly a poison. Even 5chinz. Get off everything for at least 6 months of your life and return only once you've made serious strides in life. I wouldn't even fuck pussy if you're far from where you wanna be in life.

>> No.54710004

Name a proper hobby that doesn't get boring

>> No.54710018

do 5x5 with more weight

>> No.54710038

How is it impossible?

>> No.54710045

Maybe for PC you can just use GNU/Linux but don't install any desktop environment, all you can do is use the terminal.

>> No.54710065

Sounds like fasting in order to enjoy everyday food again

>> No.54710152

This game is a nice b tier survival horror. Impressive amount of reading in it as well lol

>> No.54710256

I was going to say this, he needs to see a therapist to guide him
True, planet Ride lightens up my world while returning home after a hella day at work

>> No.54710303

I was jaded on vidya then last year I played V Rising, was playing solo then joined PVP server and met lots of bros. Ended up playing all day every day for a month or 2, hanging out in discord etc. Spent like $30 to play 750 hours, and will probably sink in another 500 hours with the upcoming update this month.

Felt like when I first discovered WoW and played with high school friends.

So I can say it really depends on the game. A lot of recent games are just corporate trash.

>> No.54710387

I really can't wait to add more games to my collections
Video games is the reason most of us aren't depressed with the rate of inflation in the States, and grounded has been favorite, with tons of interactive things to do there, I swear I spend more time on this than in any other games. Another century episode, fort triumph, little racer, girls with guts, journey to jaburo, cookie ride, no man's sky are a few of my other go-to video/VR games.

>> No.54710583

This game was released for PSX (first), PS2, Dreamcast and PC. The PSX version is the best version. One reason is that it has the best soundtrack; the other versions have different and inferior quality music. Also in some ways the graphics for the PSX version is better even though it's in lower resolution. Some very nice (and spooky) graphical effects are missing from the other versions. The low res sucks as the game consists of pre-rendered backgrounds, but it can be fixed somewhat with shaders like in that pic or sitting further from the screen. Of course the low res isn't a problem if you're playing on a CRT TV.

>open that one document in library
>49 pages

>> No.54710598

That's because corporations have data they can fall back on to get easy money now. The experimental phase of games is over. It's up to you now, once AI gets good enough to make entire games I suppose

>> No.54710684

Jews ruined vidya

>> No.54711198

this, every single time
I don't even bother going out to play the chase anymore, just rub one out and make music, edit videos, watch a movie, it's much more fun and rewarding

>> No.54711223

Congratulations bro you grew up

>> No.54711273

Start doing cocaine

>> No.54711284

Thinking back to WoW at it's peak you realize it's just in a different category. It doesn't seem like it was just another video game that you played but more like another life in another world that you lived.

It's sad to think that zoomers will probably never know "the magic". Blizzard just isn't the same anymore since most of the old boomers that made it great probably quit a looong time ago and there probably just isn't any other company that can make an mmorpg THAT good ever again.

>> No.54711318

Exactly this but I hate my job as well lol.
Life is just pure misery maybe ketamine infusion works for depression maybe not.

>> No.54711334

PvP is mostly the same.

PvE is easier.

Storyline is... what it is.

I think it still has validity given that the game simply works and is easy to play. There are innovating bringing more people into the game rather than pleasing the current playerbase and as much as I have to admit it that is useful to all of us.

Then again I just want to play classic WoW with bots and with openAI advancing that field pretty quickly I may get what I'm looking for.

I tried the private server choices with bots but they were no longer supported on mac by the time I got to it. Pretty sure I downloaded some viruses doing it too so I do not recommend.

>> No.54711337

>I love my job
You have no idea how lucky you are lmao

>> No.54712039
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Alone In The Dark 4 features a jewish demon.

>> No.54712065

There are still many good ones, but it's maybe 1 in 10 that's playable. Too many generic unity assets and gacha waifushit has killed the industry.

>> No.54712846

Counter Strike is alpha male behavior. Its the equivalent of Chess at this point. You wouldnt get it. Plus the investment side which has netted me tens of thousands.

>> No.54712860

No one using 4chan is doing a "dopamine detox". 4chan is absolutely a negative feedback dopamine trap. Anyone postung this shit is larping.

>> No.54712881

>I WISH I could become an alcoholic
This to be honest becoming an alcoholic was my lifelong quest and it just never happened for me. The hangover is always strong enough to deter me from drinking right the next day and you can't become an alcoholic without that

>> No.54712934

>I just don't even get any dopamine from alcohol at all anymore, it puts me straight to sleep.
did you get double pfizer shots as well?
I think the mrna technology might've fucked up our ability to be alcoholics.

>> No.54712957

Try Subnautica hard-core mode. Anno 1800. Grim Dawn.

>> No.54713000
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Hardcore single player pve is the only thing that interests me anymore. Games like Cuphead and Sekiro scratch the itch.
I quit watching sports and tv. I just can't help myself from some vidya now and then.

>> No.54713067
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play GTA V
>I can't because I've cheap potato

>> No.54713085

> t. fried dopamine receptors

>> No.54713118

GTA stopped being good after GTA3. Yes, Vice City is bad. But of course not as bad as the stinking turd that is San Andreas.

>> No.54713185

San Andreas isn't bad desu

>> No.54713423


Vanilla was the best time. Classic relaunch tried to recreate it, but it couldn't. The sense of discovery was gone, everyone knew the fights and it was same ol' same ol'. The magic was there but the unknown wasn't. Classic+ would have been better.

Based. I'm still svencooping frequently. The player base is.. interesting. Which is what keeps me coming back. I'm still surprised people are constantly making good maps and models.

>> No.54713724
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I didn't enjoy GTA V. However, GTA IV is a fucking great game with this mod:

I did some my own tweaks and running it through Vulkan with pic related for 60 fps. But GTA IV is so much better in terms of car physics, handling, mechanics and gameplay. It takes some time and you need to downgrade the game to previous version or older for some mods like ENB, but it makes it worth it and you get the game looking as good as something like vanilla GTA V. But it's actually playable

>> No.54713754

>But it's actually playable
not for me :(

>> No.54713763
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ReShade is very easy to use and even though GTA IV was released in 2008 and is 15 years old this year, you can "modernize" it very well and it literally has almost as much detail as something like GTA V


>> No.54713886


>> No.54713916
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Just find different games
Get out of your comfort zone. Have you played Disco Elysium yet? That was a new kind of experience for me.

>> No.54713926


>> No.54713967

Business & Finance?

>> No.54713990


DLC and microtransactions are so hot right now

>> No.54714028

It's worth considering that our near term ancestors, medieval people, probably ate once a day and only had one large meal a week. The only music they heard had to be played or sung in person. If they saw a play, they probably saw that story ONCE and then never again. They could probably count on one hand how many naked women they saw in their lives, most of them walked with a limp, and none of those women had all of their teeth.
The more you think about this the more you realize how comparatively oversaturated we are with entertainment and stimulation. Our brains aren't built for this.

>> No.54714078

what's that?

>> No.54714131

>How do i profit from this?
short dopamine

>> No.54714277

the only game i liked was FFIX

>> No.54715094

This is why Islam is right.

>> No.54715207

I've decided to not play a single video game until street fighter 6 comes out. Feels good so far.

>> No.54715621
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Based Counter Strike chads.

Thanks for the motivation bro, one of my goals this year is hit GE

>> No.54715667
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>Get sick of one game
>Boot up another that I haven't touched in months
>No need to buy anything new since I can keep myself busy with what I already have
It also helps that I live in the desert and can't go outside for a few months out of the year anyway.

>> No.54715751


>> No.54715986


>> No.54716016

I’m someone who used to play obscene hours of video games. I recommend picking up an instrument, specifically guitar. When I’m playing I feel myself using the same hand-eye coordination skills I developed with video games. Finally nailing a song you’ve struggled to play gives me the same rush as finally taking down that boss in Elden Ring. Most people find it interesting and will want to talk to you about it once you get good, and I’ve had women that are into me find out I play and completely swoon when they watch me play for themselves. You get good enough you can also make money with it busking or playing in venues.

>> No.54716506

Such a nice game back then, Final Fantasy IX game gained glowing reviews, with many booing its thrilling storyline and well-developed characters, i had to admit i had a great time playing it, but the VR version of cloudbreaker leaving haven has taken over.

>> No.54716950

>to cope with a breakup
weed is effective in that

>> No.54717023

Except that one looks like a literal cow, and I don't even just mean the body. Like her face reminds me of a cow for some reason.

>> No.54717062

Just keep telling yourself that. I'm such an NPC because I don't enjoy boring repetitive tasks for digital "rewards" that are garbage. You're such a based unique snowflake though because you like a retarded game. Enjoy spending 4000 hours of your life for the number "90" on a screen. Kek, fucking sped.

>> No.54717348

VR games is really cool no doubt with serene graphics especially now that we have protocols like ORE which simplify access to gaming and players.