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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5469661 No.5469661 [Reply] [Original]

Join in now, small dip

>> No.5469754

Just bought 20k. How high are we going?

>> No.5469784

top 20 on CMC

>> No.5469831

Unironically this

>> No.5469868

Strong hands senpai, we gonna make it

>> No.5469883

Someone shill me on this

>> No.5470441

should i be selling beyond the current wall under 600 sats? there are literally two orders above that price right now

>> No.5470518

>selling at only 600 sats

>> No.5470573

The only shill I'll give is this: The guy who tipped us off to Verge a week ago tipped us off to this 3 days ago. I'm holding, with the gains I made from listening to his call on Verge

>> No.5470576


>> No.5470976

Announcement is supposed to be tomorrow though right?

>> No.5471044

I have very little (sorry poor fag) but strong hands!!!

>> No.5471074

Announcement tomorrow.
There will be a slight dip after as people sell the news. After that the price will rebound and continue to be pumped upward before dying a horrible death in February.

>> No.5471078

It was at 598 two days ago.

>> No.5471133

wow nice shill faggot
can someone else actually shill me on this
t.eth, somn, fun, xlm, soon to be music hodlr

>> No.5471138

whats happening in february?

>> No.5471175

coin name pls ?

>> No.5471217

Not a shill faggot. Fuck off for anon trying to help you and you rejecting it.

>> No.5471224

The pump n dump group will be dumping I assume.

I bought at 200 sats when he first posted on /biz/ I'm happy here. Going to wait till after the announcement and see.

>> No.5471246

That still gets me. The OP has the date wrong. First announcement is tomorrow and apparently another one on the 27th

>> No.5471296

Thanks, but I'm not shilling shit and especially not to some entitled cuck like you. DYOR, don't be such a fucking loser. If you're too stupid to know good advice when you see it then suck a fat cock in hell pajeet. STAY POOR

>> No.5471486

another Mccaffcuck shill
you cucks are gonna get dumped on just like those vergins
no thanks

>> No.5471576

My verification on poloniex is pending, how can i get this stuff?

>> No.5471633

thanks op, just picked up 10k tokens. 50c when

>> No.5471636
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Who else is a baby whale?

>> No.5471681

yall are unironically pajeets which makes this even more stupid, either shill me with 3 lines of facts or back to the streets on which you shit niggers
t.a man who gladly shilled sonm fun and multiple other coins, actually now that we are on topic of shilling and pajeets id like to claim responsibility for shilling the shit out of fun to the point where indians in my own city were talking about fun after i had spewed it out my non japeet ass, you dont have to say thank you jeeter

>> No.5471706


you're going to enter 2018 a very, very rich man

>> No.5471709

>either do my work for me or you are a pajeet


>> No.5471740

this bread unironically reeks of curry, no steph

fact: the first computer virus came from pajeet street shitters

>> No.5471743

I got 1.6m bursts and ready to burst

>> No.5471744
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The coin itself is 10x better than verge. There is no way you can lose money if you get in now.


>> No.5471772

Mine was less than 24hrs, you've got time to get in about at about 500 sat dip

>> No.5471805

What will this realistically hit eoy 2017?

>> No.5471833

30-40 cents maybe. 50 cents maximum.

>> No.5471834

130k here

>> No.5471841

why not use hard drives, ram, processors, video cards, like sonm
this is why everyone else is worthless, pajeets are so shitty

>> No.5471994

nah. BURST is a winner. only up from here and its not stopping in february.

>> No.5472021

That dude was a bro. If we had all listened harder, we would have made it into burst before McAfee too. If this move comes through, he's the man.

>> No.5472063

If this hits 40 cents i will be a millionaire. Bought the dip at .055, Picking my lambo color right now

>> No.5472095

bit unrealistic

>> No.5472168

People are project 1$ dollar next year. Verge got pumped up to .20$ and that's just a doge fork.

>> No.5472285

if it gets to 50 c EOY ill suck your dick

>> No.5472354

No homo but I'll screenshot. Just go buy yourself a toilet and poo in the loo.

>> No.5472407

This is a safe 20 c EOY. Wouldn't be surprised if it hit 1$ next year. Way less circulating supply than verge.

>> No.5472411

Idk if I should just sell before the news, or hodl this till at least eoy

>> No.5472413

please no dumpy mr whale.

>> No.5472464
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>> No.5472504

Has link already had its news for thyue year

>> No.5472590

What’s the sell target in terms of satoshi?

>> No.5472608

If doge can hit 1c then BURST can hit 50c easily.

>> No.5472623

In sat my dude not fiat

>> No.5472881

ima suck you dry daddy

>> No.5472901

buy ropecoin its on a dip

>> No.5472938
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this board needs flags