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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 66 KB, 686x518, Capture d’écran 2023-04-22 à 23.22.50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54694520 No.54694520 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54694523

Use log scale

>> No.54694533

i hate mumu niggers so much it is unreal

>> No.54694539

based retard

>> No.54694543


>> No.54694615

>the US tech sector will just die off over 15 years
>because it will okay!

>> No.54694619


>> No.54694644
File: 46 KB, 1043x519, Capture d’écran 2023-04-22 à 23.41.47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54694646

Okay have fun sitting in cash for 15 years
I'm sure inflation will get back to 2% any day now

>> No.54694654

Basically, yeah. The entire industry is unprofitable and just ran off of Fed stimulus dollars.

>> No.54694657

Not yet. Still another 5-10 years left in the Nasdaq bull market. It's not over until we stop bouncing off the 200 week and enter free fall, as in 2000-2003.

>> No.54694681

>he thinks QE will come back after 2 weeks

you guys are euphoric, your house is not worth 500K, your bitcoin is not worth 27K, your work is not worth 100K per year

kys deluded mumu

>> No.54694689

It's the debt ceiling crisis all over again
The us govt is not going to let itself collapse
Not when national security is threatened by technology

>> No.54694718

>"please miss yellen save my bags"


>> No.54694719

All redditors have terminal levels of normalcy bias.

>> No.54694735
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>p-property WILL come down!
>I am NOT priced out!
Lmfaooooo what idiot didn't buy land in the past 5 years
Utter retard

>> No.54694753

>t. "what? you didn't buy dogecoin? lmao cracka"

this is how you sound
also I inherited my house

>> No.54694760
File: 83 KB, 1436x681, Capture d’écran 2023-04-21 à 00.34.02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now kys

>> No.54694778

>no more free helicopter money
>boomers retiring and moving money out of equities and into consumption
>millennials forming families, buying homes, etc and not investing yet
yes? tech is already starting to die back, look at the layoffs across the industry. It's not going to get better. The majority of silicon valley companies never made money and had no business model, and the ones that do have a business model are mostly far less profitable than traditional business.
Most of the industry is/was a meme bubble.

>> No.54694858

>make products out of thin air
Tech companies have profit margins of 80-90%

>> No.54694901
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Tech can drastically cut costs due AI. Which will allow them to have better P/E ratio's. Your missing out if you don't the impact of large language models on the average enterprise. You talked about the fourth industrial revolution for ages, here you have it. A new catalysator for economic growth. Yes a lot of people will loose their job but a lot of companies will make a shitload of money in the process.

>> No.54695065

to who will they sell their services?

industrialisation had a viable economic future, AI doesn't

we are falling into eternal deflation

>> No.54695095
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>these are the bears we have to contend with

bulls will always win because bobos are financially illiterate, poor and inexperienced. you dont know enough about markets. your 19 year old tiktok take show this.

>> No.54695106

this number either needs to go keep going way down or wages need to go way up or life will be shit forever. We can't have the latter happen because globalism so im hoping it keeps going down. Don't want to end up like China where it's 50 years wage to buy a house.

>> No.54695195

>life will be shit forever
Get used to it. If you won't fight for a better life you get what others give you, and they hate you and want you to give them everything before you die.

>> No.54695208

>t. "please buy my bags otherwise my kids will know i bought the top of the century"

>> No.54695325

nasdaq and stonks have at least one last hurrah and it's gonna start next week

>> No.54695358

It's even worse. Look at the sp500, we've been in a bull run since 1929.

>> No.54695383
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>> No.54695508
File: 555 KB, 3701x1898, 1670352445317571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's truly over

>> No.54695518

Exactly. We have a lot of inexperienced boboso in the space who just jump in without a proper understanding of how the market works. It's best they deal with equity, bonds, or, alternatively, MNI Corp. if they want to deal with a decentralized sustainable yield system that's backed by fiat. Nevertheless, we need those retards to keep the system going.


>> No.54695570

>puts long time frame on the left
sick guy!

>> No.54695580

>15 year accumulation period
well at least my kids will have a shot
where we droppin our paycheck boys? nuclear energy stocks? cuz we know that (((green energy))) bullshit ain't getting nowhere

>> No.54695591

lol clearly you haven't looked at charts for a day in your life

>> No.54695685
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>> No.54695807

I always love how no one acknowledges the literal 13 year Depression between 2000 and 2013.

>> No.54695947

If you bought in 2003 then it's all bullrun.

>> No.54696891

Except for that spat in 2008. I am not saying it wasn't a buing opportunity but it was a Depression.

Have mercy imagine getting started in 2001 and just buying indexes through all that shot and then laughing at dormers in 2019 aka every single asshole you bought through recessions and depressions in the US exchange.

>> No.54697235

Hahahaha yeah any day houses will be 50k again!
Don't worry about timber or any of the other costs they don't matter

>> No.54697475
File: 1.18 MB, 944x1300, believer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually, it's worth $27k because that's what the market value is.
You do own 1, right bobo?

>> No.54699252
File: 118 KB, 1836x897, zoomerretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why can't zoomers distinguish between real and nominal? are broccoli heads literally retarded?

>> No.54699268

It won't die but it is overpriced.

>> No.54699272

Most of the NASDAQ runs at a loss. Amazon makes little to no profit since they spend all their profit on growing the company.

>> No.54699277
File: 117 KB, 1667x1080, C87BB0A4-A02F-440B-ACE7-09BF4E595839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bobos WILL get to cum

>> No.54699282
File: 54 KB, 444x800, wewuz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it won't okay !
Mandatory inclusion in very tech company,
Maybe in 50 years, you will have to employ mandatory 50% monkeys in every company
Amerimutt, whom do you serve
what is your greatest strength

>> No.54699316
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>> No.54699397

We are clearly returning to normal, silly bobo.