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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.32 MB, 2048x1282, glepuborpava1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54692662 No.54692662 [Reply] [Original]

So, what currency are they going to use to replace the dollar?

>> No.54692691

Iraqi Dinars. Buy them up before it's too late!

>> No.54692692

OSRS gold

>> No.54692697

indian rupee

>> No.54692704


>> No.54692721

>India not dark enough
>China is tall and busty
>Africa has white features

>> No.54692741
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Silver and Gold

>> No.54692840

pregnant butt, obviously

>> No.54692852

I’d but B before C but otherwise decent list.

>> No.54693000

I think I and S can go. B is touch and go.

Together they form the acronym IBS. How interesting.

>> No.54693013

These memes were literally memed by family guy when stewie was complaining about standard Liberal newspaper jokes and how they have to explain the joke within the joke.

>> No.54693035
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Unvaxxed semen

>> No.54693039
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>> No.54693052

an all new one world government digital currency backed not by gold but by Satan

>> No.54693061
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>> No.54693340

There won't be a single reserve currency.
More international trade will be done in currencies other than the dollar, and maybe some with gold. It will be more diversified, as it's not an acceptable risk any more to have a significant amount of dollars with an unstable US throwing out sanctions and devaluing the dollar.
If BRICS make their own currency people won't be flooding to it, it will have a long journey to prove its stability.

>> No.54693380

>balding incel taking a picture of his next companion

>> No.54693512

Seems like a crypto vs China paradigm to me. RMB is expected to take the 3rd highest volume FX spot on Swift once the Arabs come to an agreement on oil futures. They’ve really fleshed out their financial architecture, however much of the belt and road countries also appear to have their eye on Crypto right now.

>> No.54693517



>> No.54693922


>> No.54695324

For me it's Brazil

>> No.54695853

>South Africa
ayy lmao

>> No.54695857

what's S? Sweden?

>> No.54695864

russians are not white

>> No.54695873

The Yuan, pegged to ticker USD.

>> No.54695877

San Francisco

>> No.54695880

They have white skin how are they not white?

>> No.54695883

Saudi Arabia

>> No.54695902
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they are mongoloids

>> No.54695909

Slavs do, about 25% of their population is a minority ethnicity with Turkic groups being the largest (and individual largest ethnic group being the Tatars).

>> No.54695940
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They want to, but they can't. West rules the world and their "know how". They "BRICS" and rest can only watch. Sorry for facing you the truth

>> No.54695978

South Africa is like 10 percent white and 10 percent mixed/asian so that actually fits.

>> No.54696402
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south africa, which should be White as the only people in that country that produce anything of value are Euro's

>> No.54696421
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Brazil needs so much more of a dumptruck ass tf

>> No.54696431
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Operation sand man

>> No.54696436


>> No.54696495
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The world is finished with the (((Anglo-empire)))

>> No.54696506
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Maybe it would be a better investment to have drinkable tap water, or being pleasant countries to live in in general?

>> No.54696514

kek I remember that one

>> No.54696517

None of these people are white

>> No.54696654
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Bitcoin. It will be commonly traded in the form of ckBTC.

>> No.54696669 [DELETED] 
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They could just make a separate BRICS currency specifically made for settling international trade. Make it an over-collateralized stable coin like DIA. They could use gold, oil, diamonds, native currency, etc. as collateral.

>> No.54696740

>doesnt have free healthcare
>doesnt have free education nor universities
>yet he trust his govt about the water

>> No.54696753


>> No.54696859

Can someone tell me when South Africa is getting dropped from this group? It's a failed state and economically declining

>> No.54696867

>It's a failed state and economically declining
That's precisely why it's in the group

>> No.54696964
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>> No.54697186

I can give bric my bric if you know what I'm saying lol

>> No.54697241

No idea, my father was also genuinely curious to know why they are in the brics since we gain nothing from having them, even Rwanda would be a better African country to choose from lmao

>> No.54698777

Yes? And?
I'd be considered if they were white.

>> No.54698809

south africa should not be a nigger

>> No.54698820

russians are white
whitest city in the world is probably st. petersburg
how about you stfu

>> No.54698900

The portuguese real, which will be reintroduced after the euro goes bust and Brazil bails it's economy out.

>> No.54698905

You mean the brazillian real? (or the portuguese escudo idk what country you were referring to)

>> No.54698920
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No one trusts these trash currencies.

>> No.54698982


>> No.54699269

Yes, St Petersburg is as white as Poland but most of the rest of the country is filled with la creaturas. Chechens, Tuvans, Muslims, Tatars, Jews, Bashkirs, Ingush... its a real melting pot

>> No.54699329

China is the hottest one. I hope she wears heels and doms me. uwu

>> No.54699396

>boat hits pmg berg
>rips through unharmed because the inside was made of chocolate

>> No.54699401

C = Brazilian

Rio de Janeiro

>> No.54699402

for me it's R>B>I>>SC

>> No.54699462


>> No.54699510


>> No.54699782

Putin is from some finnic tribe around Karelia. If he's not white Sweden, Finland and Norway aren't either because they're full of those types. See Madds Mikkelsen.

>> No.54699842

>4 europeans with arbitrary skin and hair colors
funny how nobody wants to draw non-european features

>> No.54699887

CRIBS is the only answer

>> No.54700360

R> C> B > I> S

>> No.54700396

He's from St Petersburg, which is Slavic and not in Karelia.

>> No.54700423

BRICS? more like CRIBS amirite

>> No.54700429


>> No.54700448


>> No.54700964
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wtf is with all the chinoid lovers?

flat chest and ass, flat face, ugly
is it because of the submissiveness? Is 90% of biz beta males?

>> No.54700972

also why do they all have a white people face? very bizarre

>> No.54701123

>He doesn't find any other advertising regarding this topic bizzare

>> No.54701128


>> No.54701266
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I find your response very bizarre

>> No.54701314

>Africa should be white

>> No.54701333

White is a skin color

>> No.54701351

the only sane choice
Honorable mention: CRIBS

>> No.54701354

India's shortness and saucy countenance makes me want to breed her

>> No.54701398

your mom is a skin color (and not a good one)

>> No.54701407

Dog shit. Get it before it’s too late.

>> No.54701421


>> No.54701431

Pakistan should join PRICKS

>> No.54701457

All except South Africa have that.
>inb4 they don't
Then we don't either you stupid nigger
t. Leaf
Not all of continental North America or Europe has first world amenities

>> No.54701484

bigoted chuds

>> No.54701581

there are no white people in russia
only caucasians, armenians, turks and mongoloids
kys ivan before ukrainian come to rape your family

>> No.54701589

Yes. So?

>> No.54701590

Russia is white screw you Ukrainian kike

>> No.54701591


>> No.54701612
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>> No.54701635

B girl is fair enough. Only half of Brazil's population is black/mulatto, the rest ranging from spicoids to whites and of the negro half, a good chunk of them have whitoid features.

>> No.54701683

Just lol...

>> No.54701695


My penis is an equal opportunity employer. You fags who discriminate by race are eliminating yourselves from the world of women who might be willing to sleep with you.

>t.not a fag, I've had sex with women of most races, AMA

>> No.54703447

It could be any crypto asset but I am pretty sure it can't be gold, this shit lacks the liquidity to serve as that.

>> No.54703594

Considering adoption is growing at an impressive rate then i would say we should be close seeing retailers

>> No.54703603

Nah, I'm going straight down the line B>R>I>C>S

>> No.54703723
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>Only 99% of people have drinkable tap water
>Therefore, we are the same as places where 99% don't
What leads a person living in the first world to side with niggers? Unless you are one yourself of course.

>> No.54703772


BRICS is an economic trade agreement bloc, like the EU. It's not a military organization like NATO.

I could easily ask, why is Greece in the EU? It's a failed state and in an economic decline.

>> No.54704033

Platforms like CryptMi, WireX are making this inevitable by the day as they provide an impressive opportunity to shop, pay bills and services with Crypto.

>> No.54704083


Such memes, much funny!

>> No.54704096


>> No.54704270
