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54691905 No.54691905 [Reply] [Original]

We had months to accumulate sub 20k

>> No.54691923

Bears looked at Bitcoin's code and found that it was programmed to go to 10k

>> No.54691982

The bottom will be at 4 digits nigger, BTC can only go up once every bullgroid capitulates

>> No.54692011

will we see 4 digits as we come closer to halvening?

>> No.54692047

Stahp i can only get so hard

>> No.54692094

Bears remind me of old people who do debilitatingly frugal. They never want to buy anything because in the back of their mind they think they can get a better deal. Even if we get to 10k they’ll think “okay what if it goes down to 5k then 10k would be a rip off”. So they end up never buying and ultimately missing out. Me a buy chad bought Chainlink at $0.50 when just two months prior it was $0.20 whereas people with bobo psychology wouldn’t buy because they always feel like they are being ripped off unless they buy the absolute bottom, but there is absolutely no way to know for sure what the absolute bottom is so they never buy

>> No.54692097


>> No.54692961

Very true. I have this mindset and am trying to shake it.

>> No.54692995

kek this. my brother refused to buy eth at 50 because it was at 12 a month earlier. he completely missed out and is still seething to this very day

>> No.54693015

Kind of like people who refuse to buy a suit or a laptop and then never get hired anywhere, kek

>> No.54694571

Because everyone is predicting a recession, even the top economists but no one knows how bad it will be, so pricing risky assets are a literal crap shoot. No one knows what Q2 and Q3 will bring, when most expect the recession to be the worst.

>> No.54694584

>greed is when price is low

Now, prices actually dictate what something is worth

>> No.54694682
File: 758 KB, 2434x2072, BTC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comparing buying only a 2x from ICO link price to buying btc now is really fucking stupid. Btc is a 13 year old bag that has already passed every phase of media attention and has gone up many thousands of x and by many millions of %. Being prudent about your entry price to an asset this fucking old into the S adoption curve isn't "frugal", but I'm sure to a baggie anyone who doesn't buy is your emotional enemy for showing signs of skepticism.

>> No.54694711


Cause they want 3k cme gap to be filled anon.

>> No.54695986

So how high do you think it will go in your honest opinion?

>> No.54696090

Actually, and I say this as a bobo, I found in Bitcoin's redpaper that it was programmed to go back to 10K

>> No.54696155

why are bulls so greedy? they had years to sell at 5 digits

>> No.54697754

I didn't have money to buy significantly $16 (hodling 6figs in crypto), this week I boughted 4k worth if L1s I believe in, trying to avoid that "well it could go lower" mentality.
It's simple. if the drops and recovers, I'm where I am now
If the price drops and stays down, I can buy more for cheaper.
If the price goes up, which it inevitably will, I win.

>> No.54697760
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>> No.54697813

they actually buy later sell first

>> No.54697882

I told somebody that made like 150k a year to buy a bitcoin when it crashed to 3200 and they laughed it off and said it was stupid. They then proceeded to spend way more than that on a fucking vacation in Mexico.